Immagini da Colorare di Natale - www.colorareonline.comAuxi Gifmania
Una compilation da scaricare, stampare e dare ai bambini. Una raccolta di immagini di disegni in bianco e nero, con immagini tipici di Natale ai coloranti. Scene tipiche che sono associati a questa vacanza che possono essere stampati sulla stampante di casa per i bambini e vernice a colori. I disegni sono pronti a inviare a stampa e colore. Utile per le madri ai loro figli o insegnanti per i bambini della scuola.
26-28 giugno 2015 | Momento d'estate 2015AskesisSrl
Nella spiritualita? benedettina la dimensione dell¡¯ascolto gioca un ruolo fondamentale perche? e? il momento in cui possiamo comprendere meglio noi stessi, gli altri e le cose, e grazie a cio?, proseguire con consapevolezza il nostro cammino personale e spirituale.
Proprio per questo motivo San Benedetto nella Regola ci esorta ad ascoltare con il ¡°cuore¡± perche? il ¡°cuore¡± e?, nella cultura antica, la parte piu? intima della nostra personalita? e la sede della liberta? e della volonta?. Solo con il ¡°cuore¡±, di conseguenza, e? possibile capire e, solo capendo con il ¡°cuore¡±, e? possibile agire nella vera liberta?.
Da questa riflessione nasce l¡¯incontro di quest¡¯anno che, utilizzando in particolare alcune arti visive come la pittura e il cinema, e non ultimo la bellezza dell¡¯Eremo di Monte Giove, ci puo? aiutare ad esplorare e a comprendere questa dimensione cos¨¬ antica e mai come oggi, cos¨¬ attuale.
I was asked to do a short presentation to the Flick team on the stuff I saw at ETech 2009. I don¡¯t normally take notes at conferences, and I was only there for two days, so this was the best I could do on short notice. There is only one image.
Making Sense of IWOM: How IWOM is generated and disseminatedKantar Media CIC
- 54.1% of consumers surveyed actively generate and disseminate IWOM by posting comments online related to brands and products. Females and those aged 18-35 are most active.
- The top motivations for consumers to post IWOM are interpersonal communication, self-expression, and experience sharing. Younger consumers aged 18-24 are highly motivated by self-expression.
- Active IWOM generators can be segmented into two groups: "disseminators" who actively post opinions, and "opinion leaders" who are influential community members. The document analyzes characteristics of these groups.
Reach Force Marketing Automation Mini Conference - 6/18/2013Steve Susina
Studies show that there is an inverse relationship between number of fields on a registration form and the number of conversions. A famous example provided by Marketo shows that reducing a form from 9 fields to 5 fields increased form completion rate by 45%.
Theoretically, if we have enough information we can we eliminate registration form altogether. Data exists in marketing automation (Name, Company, Job Title, Phone, etc.). Presentation describes results using formless registration
IWOM WATCH COMPILATIONS:Spoof ¨C Brand¡¯s ¡°ending¡± or ¡°chances¡±?Kantar Media CIC
A photo of a knife-wielding man captured by police on a street in Chengdu was spread online. Netizens then began spoofing the photo by photoshopping brand slogans and advertisements onto it, spreading the spoofed photos widely on the internet. This showed netizens' creative spirit and sparked discussion on how brands could leverage such creativity to increase awareness through association with popular culture trends started by netizens. If guided properly from the start, spoofing trends online could help spread brand images and perceptions more widely than traditional marketing.
This document discusses MongoDB and its use by Sunlight Foundation for three open data projects: the National Data Catalog, Real-Time Congress API, and Open State Project. MongoDB allows storing disparate data sources and formats in a schemaless manner. This enables aggregating large amounts of raw data and serving it through lightweight RESTful APIs. The document provides examples of congressional data stored and filtered in MongoDB.
Search-Friendly Web Development @ Ruby|Web Conference 2010Luigi Montanez
This document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) and provides tips for improving a site's ranking in search engines. It recommends focusing on user experience over manipulation, following best practices like using semantic HTML and readable URLs, and using tools from Google, Bing and Yahoo to monitor how search engines interact with your site. The key takeaways are to think like a searcher, optimize page titles, use Google Webmaster Tools, and read the Google Webmaster Blog.
The document discusses Web 2.0 business models and innovation. It defines Web 2.0 and outlines new business models like selling API access, services, data, and advertisements. It also discusses positioning a business through concepts like collective intelligence and driving users through social objects and participation inequality. The document advocates for innovation through a culture of experimentation and outlines where funding opportunities may lie in the emerging area of Enterprise 2.0.
Iwom watch 2nd half year review 2006:¡°You¡±¡ª Time¡¯s Person of the Year - also ...Kantar Media CIC
Time magazine selected "you" as its 2006 Person of the Year because individuals are increasingly influencing society through online participation and content creation. The report discusses how this trend of individuals taking control of information also exists in China, with bloggers and online word-of-mouth playing a larger role. Several examples are given of consumers rallying online to influence brands, including creating crises for companies and becoming their own influencers. The rise of user-generated content and online participation represents the beginning of a new era of consumer engagement and control.
This document provides an overview of the features and tools available on the TweetMeme website. It describes the retweet button that can be used to share content on blogs and websites. It also summarizes the site's search and analytics tools for tracking retweets and influencers. Advertising options are mentioned like banner ads, application ads, and integrating the retweet button into ads. Contact information is provided for sales, support, press, and site maintenance.
Making Sense of IWOM: How IWOM is generated and disseminatedKantar Media CIC
- 54.1% of consumers surveyed actively generate and disseminate IWOM by posting comments online related to brands and products. Females and those aged 18-35 are most active.
- The top motivations for consumers to post IWOM are interpersonal communication, self-expression, and experience sharing. Younger consumers aged 18-24 are highly motivated by self-expression.
- Active IWOM generators can be segmented into two groups: "disseminators" who actively post opinions, and "opinion leaders" who are influential community members. The document analyzes characteristics of these groups.
Reach Force Marketing Automation Mini Conference - 6/18/2013Steve Susina
Studies show that there is an inverse relationship between number of fields on a registration form and the number of conversions. A famous example provided by Marketo shows that reducing a form from 9 fields to 5 fields increased form completion rate by 45%.
Theoretically, if we have enough information we can we eliminate registration form altogether. Data exists in marketing automation (Name, Company, Job Title, Phone, etc.). Presentation describes results using formless registration
IWOM WATCH COMPILATIONS:Spoof ¨C Brand¡¯s ¡°ending¡± or ¡°chances¡±?Kantar Media CIC
A photo of a knife-wielding man captured by police on a street in Chengdu was spread online. Netizens then began spoofing the photo by photoshopping brand slogans and advertisements onto it, spreading the spoofed photos widely on the internet. This showed netizens' creative spirit and sparked discussion on how brands could leverage such creativity to increase awareness through association with popular culture trends started by netizens. If guided properly from the start, spoofing trends online could help spread brand images and perceptions more widely than traditional marketing.
This document discusses MongoDB and its use by Sunlight Foundation for three open data projects: the National Data Catalog, Real-Time Congress API, and Open State Project. MongoDB allows storing disparate data sources and formats in a schemaless manner. This enables aggregating large amounts of raw data and serving it through lightweight RESTful APIs. The document provides examples of congressional data stored and filtered in MongoDB.
Search-Friendly Web Development @ Ruby|Web Conference 2010Luigi Montanez
This document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) and provides tips for improving a site's ranking in search engines. It recommends focusing on user experience over manipulation, following best practices like using semantic HTML and readable URLs, and using tools from Google, Bing and Yahoo to monitor how search engines interact with your site. The key takeaways are to think like a searcher, optimize page titles, use Google Webmaster Tools, and read the Google Webmaster Blog.
The document discusses Web 2.0 business models and innovation. It defines Web 2.0 and outlines new business models like selling API access, services, data, and advertisements. It also discusses positioning a business through concepts like collective intelligence and driving users through social objects and participation inequality. The document advocates for innovation through a culture of experimentation and outlines where funding opportunities may lie in the emerging area of Enterprise 2.0.
Iwom watch 2nd half year review 2006:¡°You¡±¡ª Time¡¯s Person of the Year - also ...Kantar Media CIC
Time magazine selected "you" as its 2006 Person of the Year because individuals are increasingly influencing society through online participation and content creation. The report discusses how this trend of individuals taking control of information also exists in China, with bloggers and online word-of-mouth playing a larger role. Several examples are given of consumers rallying online to influence brands, including creating crises for companies and becoming their own influencers. The rise of user-generated content and online participation represents the beginning of a new era of consumer engagement and control.
This document provides an overview of the features and tools available on the TweetMeme website. It describes the retweet button that can be used to share content on blogs and websites. It also summarizes the site's search and analytics tools for tracking retweets and influencers. Advertising options are mentioned like banner ads, application ads, and integrating the retweet button into ads. Contact information is provided for sales, support, press, and site maintenance.
6. Non vale, non vale dire che se non c¡¯¨¨ l¡¯albero non ¨¨ Natale.
7. Non vale, non vale non fermarsi un attimo a pensare che per qualcuno non ¨¨ mai Natale e ogni giorno resta sempre uguale.
8. E viene gi¨´ dal ciel quel lieve tuo candor neve, neve, neve. Natale, anche senza stelle ¨¨ uguale, anche da soli non si sta male, quella magia del Natale vale.
9. Non vale, dire cosa mi regali per Natale. Non vale, non vale esser pi¨´ buoni solo il giorno di Natale.
10. Non vale, non vale dire a un bimbo che babbo natale non esiste, lascialo sognare, quella magia del Natale vale.
12. Non vale, non vale non far la guerra solo il giorno di Natale.
13. Non vale, non vale non fermarsi un attimo a pensare, che per qualcuno non ¨¨ mai Natale, e ogni giorno resta sempre uguale.
14. E, viene gi¨´ dal ciel, quel lieve tuo candor, neve, neve Natale, anche senza stelle ¨¨ uguale, anche da soli non si sta male, quella magia del Natale vale.
15. Natale, anche senza stelle ¨¨ uguale, anche da soli non si sta male, quella magia del Natale vale.