Operationalize All the Network Things by Lori MacVittieDevOps4Networks
The document discusses how organizations are adopting Agile and DevOps practices to accelerate time to market, but the network is often a bottleneck in the deployment process. It argues that networks need to be "operationalized" like DevOps operationalizes development and operations, through collaboration, programmability, automation, and measurement. This involves applying DevOps principles to network operations by making the network programmable via APIs in order to optimize processes and accelerate application deployments.
The document discusses several branding and marketing projects completed by an advertising agency, including:
1. Covering a washroom wall with over 3,500 post-its for a startup event at LUISS Enlabs, with the message "The place where ideas come from".
2. A Christmas campaign at Italian train stations involving selfies in washroom mirrors.
3. Producing promotional materials for the app startup Qurami to be distributed at universities and post offices.
4. Designing the website and branding for the advertising agency Bulsara Advertising.
The big four record labels (Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment, Warner Music Group, and EMI) previously had complete control over the music industry by determining what music was produced, promoted, and distributed. However, with the rise of digital music platforms like Spotify, YouTube, and SoundCloud, independent artists can now self-produce, distribute, and promote their music without a record label. These online platforms have made it easier for niche artists to be discovered and have given artists more freedom to communicate directly with audiences.
Concurs regional de creaii plastice i literare '15angelica an
Concurs regional de creaii plastice i literare
Viaa 樽n ochi de copil
- Edi釘ia a IV-a, 2015
Aprobat 樽n Calendarul Activitilor Educative Regionale i Interjudeene 2015, nr. 31504/03.03.2015 , pozi釘ia 1161
Elevii cu C.E.S. din colile speciale, clasele I-VIII/ X ;
Elevii cu C.E.S. integrati 樽n colile de mas, clasele I-IV.
I. Desen- pictura (format A4);
II. Colaj (format A5/A4);
III. Pliant (format A4).
TEMA: Tr但mul magic al copilriei -1Iunie
The document discusses how the author would produce their magazine product and which media company would be best to distribute it. The author outlines their process for developing content for the magazine, including collecting ideas, researching topics, finalizing a concept, creating a layout, writing articles, photographing models, and editing. They then analyze potential distributors - IPCMEDIA, Bauer, and Condenast. The author concludes that Condenast would be the best choice as it does not currently distribute any music magazines, so the author's pop music magazine would fill a gap in the market and bring in a new audience. The document also mentions advertising the product on Pinterest and distributing it through shops, online/phone subscriptions, and monthly home delivery
This document analyzes and provides feedback on previous student film projects. For Hannah and Megan's project, the mise en scene, plot, and use of lighting and props were well done, but more varied shots could have been used. For Louise's project, some shots created suspense while others were confusing. The setting and tunnel shots could have been improved. For Marcus and Luke's project, the location, costumes, and music fit well, but the lighting and setting for the killing scene were not realistic. For Ben's project, the music, costumes, setting, and camera work were good, but the camera could have been steadier, props more realistic, and lighting adjusted for the last scene.
The Key Club meeting covered upcoming events and fundraisers including Bingo Night on October 21st to help elders, attending UCLA's college application workshop on October 25th, and the Fall Rally at Six Flags Magic Mountain on November 15th. They also discussed deadlines for Key Club dues in November and December, designing club shirts for $12, and collecting Box Tops, can tabs, and UNICEF donations for community service hours. Members were encouraged to join the Facebook group and check the club website for event details and service hour updates.
tugas ini mengenai ilmu sosial dan budaya tentang manfaat pelajran atau matakuliah dari ilmu sosial dan budaya ini jika diterapkan dikehidupa sehari-hari.
Keynote: DevOps 4 Networks by JR Rivers of Cumulus NetworksDevOps4Networks
The document discusses Cumulus Networks' contributions to advancing DevOps practices for networks. It highlights areas where Cumulus Networks has contributed tools and content, including projects on GitHub, as well as efforts to improve structured input/output for networking packages and develop tooling to leverage structured I/O. The document advocates creating localized truths, adding structured I/O to existing packages, and developing loosely coupled tools that can continually improve.
Impugnazioni straordinarie (Extraordinary appeals under italian criminal proc...Nicola Canestrini
Revisione, rescissione del giudicato, ricorso straordinario: dopo la "flessione del giudicato" in punto legalit della pena, 竪 suonato il requiem anche per il giudicato sull'accertamento del fatto?
Jessica is a 24-year-old woman from New York who now lives in Miami, Florida with her family which includes an older brother named Danny, a younger sister named Ashley, parents Michele and Yves who both enjoy running, and a 5-year-old dog named Dasher. She enjoys spending time at the beach with friends and loves her family and city of Miami.
This document is a project report submitted by Aakash Asokan to Rajagiri College of Social Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Master of Business Administration degree. The report examines the impact of microfinance lending on self-help groups with reference to Dhanlaxmi Bank. It includes sections on the history and operations of Dhanlaxmi Bank, an analysis of data collected on microfinance borrowers, and recommendations to improve microfinance programs.
Did planning presentation 14th october Sarah Kirkby
This presentation looks at direct interactive and digital marketing planning in comparison to traditional marketing planning. We introduce what is encompassed in the digital marketing sphere and go on to look at aspects of both digital marketing planning and traditional marketing planning, the similarities and differences that occur, and also whether digital marketing has enhance the marketing process in any way. To aid our insights we have looked at Coca-Colas and Nike marketing strategies and proposed marketing plans to analyse their planning process.
The document describes code that implements and tests a robot arena simulation GUI. It imports Tkinter for the GUI, sets up a canvas with obstacles, defines robot and traffic light objects. It then generates random routes for the robot to follow, moving it around the arena and changing the traffic light colors accordingly. The robot's movement is programmed through functions that adjust its coordinates on the canvas.
Presentasi laporan akhir statistika industri membahas ANOVA satu arah dan dua arah dengan studi kasus perusahaan jaket GO-JACKET. Laporan menjelaskan pengujian apakah rata-rata penjualan antar outlet dan produksi antar ukuran berbeda menggunakan ANOVA. Hasil pengujian digunakan sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan perusahaan.
Laporan akhir ini membahas analisis dan pengukuran waktu perakitan antena oren menggunakan metode MTM-1. Tujuannya adalah mengidentifikasi elemen gerakan dasar dan memperbaiki bagan perakitan, serta mengukur waktu perakitan sebelum dan sesudah perbaikan.
Dokumen ini berisi laporan penelitian tentang pengukuran kinerja dua operator perakitan stopkontak di Laboratorium Teknik Industri Universitas Gunadarma. Dua operator dilatih dan diamati saat merakit stopkontak, kemudian waktu dan jumlah produksi masing-masing operator dicatat untuk dianalisis.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan laporan praktikum mengenai teori probabilitas yang disusun oleh kelompok mahasiswa jurusan teknik industri. Laporan tersebut membahas mengenai konsep-konsep statistika seperti distribusi frekuensi, ukuran pemusatan, dan ukuran penyebaran data beserta studi kasusnya.
Kelompok ini membahas hukum Faraday tentang induksi elektromagnetik, hukum Lenz, transformator, generator, dan induksi diri. Dokumen ini menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip dasar tersebut dengan rumus-rumus matematika dan ilustrasi gambar.
tugas ini mengenai ilmu sosial dan budaya tentang manfaat pelajran atau matakuliah dari ilmu sosial dan budaya ini jika diterapkan dikehidupa sehari-hari.
Keynote: DevOps 4 Networks by JR Rivers of Cumulus NetworksDevOps4Networks
The document discusses Cumulus Networks' contributions to advancing DevOps practices for networks. It highlights areas where Cumulus Networks has contributed tools and content, including projects on GitHub, as well as efforts to improve structured input/output for networking packages and develop tooling to leverage structured I/O. The document advocates creating localized truths, adding structured I/O to existing packages, and developing loosely coupled tools that can continually improve.
Impugnazioni straordinarie (Extraordinary appeals under italian criminal proc...Nicola Canestrini
Revisione, rescissione del giudicato, ricorso straordinario: dopo la "flessione del giudicato" in punto legalit della pena, 竪 suonato il requiem anche per il giudicato sull'accertamento del fatto?
Jessica is a 24-year-old woman from New York who now lives in Miami, Florida with her family which includes an older brother named Danny, a younger sister named Ashley, parents Michele and Yves who both enjoy running, and a 5-year-old dog named Dasher. She enjoys spending time at the beach with friends and loves her family and city of Miami.
This document is a project report submitted by Aakash Asokan to Rajagiri College of Social Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Master of Business Administration degree. The report examines the impact of microfinance lending on self-help groups with reference to Dhanlaxmi Bank. It includes sections on the history and operations of Dhanlaxmi Bank, an analysis of data collected on microfinance borrowers, and recommendations to improve microfinance programs.
Did planning presentation 14th october Sarah Kirkby
This presentation looks at direct interactive and digital marketing planning in comparison to traditional marketing planning. We introduce what is encompassed in the digital marketing sphere and go on to look at aspects of both digital marketing planning and traditional marketing planning, the similarities and differences that occur, and also whether digital marketing has enhance the marketing process in any way. To aid our insights we have looked at Coca-Colas and Nike marketing strategies and proposed marketing plans to analyse their planning process.
The document describes code that implements and tests a robot arena simulation GUI. It imports Tkinter for the GUI, sets up a canvas with obstacles, defines robot and traffic light objects. It then generates random routes for the robot to follow, moving it around the arena and changing the traffic light colors accordingly. The robot's movement is programmed through functions that adjust its coordinates on the canvas.
Presentasi laporan akhir statistika industri membahas ANOVA satu arah dan dua arah dengan studi kasus perusahaan jaket GO-JACKET. Laporan menjelaskan pengujian apakah rata-rata penjualan antar outlet dan produksi antar ukuran berbeda menggunakan ANOVA. Hasil pengujian digunakan sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan perusahaan.
Laporan akhir ini membahas analisis dan pengukuran waktu perakitan antena oren menggunakan metode MTM-1. Tujuannya adalah mengidentifikasi elemen gerakan dasar dan memperbaiki bagan perakitan, serta mengukur waktu perakitan sebelum dan sesudah perbaikan.
Dokumen ini berisi laporan penelitian tentang pengukuran kinerja dua operator perakitan stopkontak di Laboratorium Teknik Industri Universitas Gunadarma. Dua operator dilatih dan diamati saat merakit stopkontak, kemudian waktu dan jumlah produksi masing-masing operator dicatat untuk dianalisis.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan laporan praktikum mengenai teori probabilitas yang disusun oleh kelompok mahasiswa jurusan teknik industri. Laporan tersebut membahas mengenai konsep-konsep statistika seperti distribusi frekuensi, ukuran pemusatan, dan ukuran penyebaran data beserta studi kasusnya.
Kelompok ini membahas hukum Faraday tentang induksi elektromagnetik, hukum Lenz, transformator, generator, dan induksi diri. Dokumen ini menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip dasar tersebut dengan rumus-rumus matematika dan ilustrasi gambar.
Disusun Oleh:
Nama / NPM :
1. Fidhini Nurfidiah F / 33413439
2. Helvetica Dama / 34413011
3. Kenny Ivanzaky / 34413799
4. Prihase Kartika Sari / 36413919
5. Rias Laraswati / 37413581
Kelompok : III (Tiga)
Hari / Tanggal : Rabu / 26 November 2014
Shift : 5(Lima)
Asisten Pembimbing : Fathimah Baya
3. Go-Jacket terus melakukan inovasi guna
mempertahankan eksistensinya serta menarik
minat konsumen lebih banyak lagi. Jaket yang
diproduksi kini disesuaikan dengan gaya yang
sedang diminati masyarakat luas yaitu jaket
dua sisi. Jaket tersebut terdiri dari dua motif
yang berbeda sehingga pengguna jaket dapat
menggunakan jaket dua sisi sesuai selera tanpa
mengurangi rasa nyaman saat
mengenakannya. Go-jacket ingin mengetahui
banyaknya penjualan jaket dua sisi dengan
melakukan pengamatan pada 1 outlet milik
Go-Jacket selama 20 hari secara acak. Berikut
merupakan data pengamatan yang telah
Berdasarkan tabel data pengamatan di atas, Go-
Jacket ingin mengetahui ada atau tidaknya
peningkatan penjualan jaket setelah
diterapkannya jaket dua sisi dengan melakukan
pengujian. Pengujian tersebut dilakukan
menggunakan taraf nyata sebesar 5 persen.
5. Go-Jacket telah melakukan
beberapa inovasi seiring dengan
berkembangnya usaha tersebut seperti
menambah varian ukuran jaket dan
jenis jaket. Go-Jacket ingin
mengetahui jumlah penjualan jaket
dengan melakukan pengamatan
berdasarkan model penutup jaket dan
tipe bahan kulit. Berikut data
pengamatan yang diperoleh Go-Jacket.
Berdasarkan tabel data pengamatan di atas, Go-Jacket ingin mengetahui apakah
model penutup jaket bersifat saling bebas atau tidak dengan tipe baha kulit dengan
melakukan pengujian. Pengujian tersebut dilakukan menggunakan taraf nyata sebesar