This document discusses non-technical skills that are important for surgeons. It introduces NOTSS (Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons), a framework for defining and assessing non-technical skills in four categories: situation awareness, decision making, communication and teamwork, and leadership. Specific observable behaviors are identified for each category. Surgeons are rated on a scale of 1 to 4 for their non-technical skills based on demonstrations of good and poor behavioral markers. Mastering non-technical skills is important for patient safety and optimal surgical outcomes.
The Obstetric Gynaecologis - 2016 - Jackson - The importance of nontechnic...Amer Raza
- Preventable harm still occurs in operating theatres often due to systems failures related to non-technical errors, distractions, interruptions, and lack of checklists, guidelines, and teamwork training.
- Identifying sources of error through systematic observation and implementing initiatives like checklists, guidelines for distractions, and training in non-technical skills and teamwork can help reduce risks.
- Regular team meetings and use of behavioral marker systems to provide feedback can help build mutual understanding, trust, and effective communication among operating theatre team members.
A Context-aware Patient Safety System for the Operating RoomJakob Bardram
This is the presentation of the paper entitled "A Context-aware Patient Safety System for the Operating Room" by Jakob E. Bardram and Niels N淡rskov. Presented at UbiComp September 2008 in Seoul, Korea.
American Journal of Medical Quality-2016-Cohen-1062860616675230 (2)Albert Boquet
The document discusses exploring the reliability of using the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) framework to classify observational human factors data collected in cardiovascular operating rooms. HFACS has traditionally been used to analyze accident reports but has seen limited use for coding proactive observational data. The study involved three trained analysts independently coding two previously collected observational datasets from a teaching hospital and community hospital using HFACS. The analysts' codings were then compared to assess the interrater reliability of using HFACS to classify observational operating room data. Results found substantial agreement between coders, suggesting HFACS can reliably be applied to observational health care data and has potential as a framework for prospectively collecting such data.
STH 2017_Day 3_Track 1_Session 1_Caralis_Preventing Medical Errors Compatibil...Benghie Hyacinthe
The document discusses medical errors and strategies to reduce them. It defines medical errors and notes that they are common, causing thousands of deaths annually in the US. Root cause analysis seeks to identify underlying factors in the healthcare system that contribute to errors in order to implement fixes. Strategies discussed include improving communication, using checklists, increasing staff supervision, and optimizing workload and resources to reduce risk. The goal is to learn from errors by examining the system failures that led to them, rather than blaming individuals.
Error, stress, and teamwork in medicine and aviation: cross sectional surveysISOB
This document summarizes the results of surveys comparing attitudes about error, stress, and teamwork among healthcare workers and airline pilots.
- Pilots were more likely to acknowledge the effects of fatigue on performance compared to medical staff, especially surgeons. Most medical staff downplayed the effects of stress.
- While most pilots and intensive care staff embraced flat hierarchies, only 55% of consultant surgeons accepted input from junior members.
- Perceptions of teamwork varied between medical roles, with residents and surgeons generally reporting higher quality interactions with each other than other roles such as nurses reported.
- Many medical staff acknowledged barriers to discussing errors such as concerns about reputation, lawsuits, or disciplinary actions.
The document discusses organizational diagnosis (OD) and provides an overview of its key aspects:
1) OD is a process that involves entering an organization, collecting valid data about members' experiences, and sharing that information to promote understanding and determine if change is needed.
2) There are three main models of OD - symptom-specific, system, and statistical. The statistical model uses formal methods to identify factors, form hypotheses, collect data to test hypotheses, and present findings to facilitate discussion of solutions.
3) The phases of OD include entry, data collection, analysis, feedback, and conclusion. Effective feedback is key to increasing organizational self-understanding.
This study developed a survey instrument to segment physicians into groups based on their preferences and opinions regarding information technology. The survey was developed using qualitative research including interviews and focus groups. It presented physicians with statements about IT to rank order.
The findings identified six distinct preference profiles among physicians: 1) "Full-Range Adopters" who saw many benefits of IT, 2) "Skills-Concerned Adopters" who saw benefits but had skills concerns, 3) "Technology-Critical Adopters" who saw benefits but had strong concerns about privacy, monitoring and skills, 4) "Independently-Minded and Concerned" who emphasized independent research uses of IT but also had strong privacy and skills concerns
Understanding basics of software development and healthcareBharadwaj PV
The document discusses key principles for designing software for healthcare applications. It covers understanding the different layers of software, following a software development life cycle, using object-oriented design principles and use case modeling to define system requirements and functionality. Centralizing electronic health records across different systems and locations is proposed to improve patient care, data availability and information sharing between stakeholders.
International system for total early disease detection (INSTEDD) platformInSTEDD
This paper describes a new platform for early disease detection called InSTEDD. The platform combines data from various sources, both structured and unstructured. It uses machine learning to automatically extract features and detect relationships within and across data. Domain experts can then generate and test hypotheses, provide feedback to refine the system's reliability. The platform synthesizes indicators to detect anomalies, visualize potential disease clusters, and predict outbreak spread. It aims to streamline collaboration between experts and algorithms. The system is currently being piloted in Southeast Asia.
International system for total early disease detection (in stedd) platformInSTEDD
International System for Total Early Disease Detection (InSTEDD) Platform
Taha A. Kass-Hout, M.D., M.S., Nicolas di Tada
InSTEDD, Palo Alto, California
InSTEDD: Integrated Global Early Warning and Response SystemInSTEDD
The document describes an integrated global early warning and response system developed by InSTEDD to streamline collaboration between domain experts and machine learning algorithms for detecting, predicting, and responding to health events. The system synthesizes health indicators from various structured and unstructured sources for analysis and visualization of potential outbreak clusters to aid decision making. It is currently being piloted in Southeast Asia to detect diseases, predict outbreak spread, and provide response tools.
D:\Ob Folder\Abnormal Diagnosis Of Emergency Department Triage Explored Withguest91dee6
This document discusses using data mining techniques to improve the consistency of triage assessments in an emergency department. The study uses patient data from the emergency department to explore correlations between triage levels and diagnoses. Hierarchical and partitioning clustering algorithms are applied to identify clusters of abnormal diagnoses associated with different triage levels. Decision trees are also used to develop quantified and scientific rules for triage assessments aimed at improving consistency and informing future research.
Abnormal Diagnosis Of Emergency Department Triage Explored Withguest91dee6
This document summarizes a study that used data mining techniques to explore abnormal diagnoses in emergency department triage. The study analyzed patient data from an emergency department in Taiwan to identify correlations between triage levels and diagnoses. Hierarchical and partitioning clustering methods were used to establish clusters of abnormal diagnoses. Decision trees were also generated to improve consistency of triage decisions and provide more objective triage guidelines. The goal was to apply data mining theories to triage information systems to better guide frontline triage assessments.
Abnormal Diagnosis Of Emergency Department Triage Explored Withguest91dee6
This document summarizes a study that used data mining techniques to explore abnormal diagnoses in emergency department triage. The study analyzed patient data from an emergency department in Taiwan to identify correlations between triage levels and diagnoses. Using hierarchical and partitioning clustering, the study established clusters of abnormal diagnosis patterns. Decision trees were also used to improve consistency in triage decisions and provide more objective triage guidelines. The goal was to apply data mining theories to triage information systems to better guide frontline triage assessments.
Abnormal Diagnosis Of Emergency Department Triage Explored Withguest91dee6
This document summarizes a study that used data mining techniques to explore abnormal diagnoses in emergency department triage. The study analyzed patient data from an emergency department in Taiwan to identify correlations between triage levels and diagnoses. Using hierarchical and partitioning clustering, the study established clusters of abnormal diagnosis patterns. Decision trees were also used to improve consistency in triage decisions and provide more objective triage guidelines. The goal was to apply data mining to enhance triage accuracy and patient management in emergency situations.
Information GovernanceTitleCourse NameTo.docxdirkrplav
Information Governance
Course Name:
Topic Name:
Professors Name:
Student Name:
Technology is also an important factor in health care industry. In health care sector technologies are incorporated into organizations rather rapidly compared to health information systems, presenting us with an infrequent difference (Teich JM & Seger D, 1999). Importantly information technology systems intervene with health care employee customary practice routines. These specific effects were far attractive, from role and structure of health care organizations, the quality working life of health providers within the organization, and finally technology improve the cost and quality of the health services (Teich JM & Seger D, 1999). This research paper will describe the ins and outs of when information technology fails within a health care organization. Also this paper described what the important contributing factors are when the failure occurs, and how this failure impacts the organizations whole operations. In this paper the Author demonstrate teams reaction in the failure with such measures taken by the health care leaders in dealing with the several stakeholders. In this paper discussing about organizations custom application and proprietary systems with view of project metrics and portfolio managements efficiency and effectiveness. Finally the author describes how government intervenes in health care businesses for patients care. In this paper the Author describe information technology failure in a Florida based health organization i.e Martin Health System (MHS). In this organization IT network failure that make organizations $90 million medical record system to fail and this health organization located in Stuart. A study report shows that a hardware failure in this organization that caused an unexpected downtime for the health systems Epic EMR and some other business IT applications.
1. Determine the key factors contributing to the failure in question. Next, analyze how the failure impacted both the organizations operations and patient information protection and privacy.
In hardware the key factor was a failure that mainly affected the EMR, but it was distinguished that the EMR was not the origin of the problem (Teich JM & Seger D, 1999). In a system hardware includes all substantial devices i.e storage, machines, input and output devices that represent a computer system. The CPU is the main core and heart of the computer. In the computer system the primary storage mainly holds program data and instructions directly before or after the providers and registers the CPU with a running storage area for data and program instructions (Ball MJ, Garets DE & Handler TJ, 2003). After that secondary storage complement the main memory by holding such instructions and data in the format of machine-readable outer the computer. In a system entering data and input can be done by a specific number of devices. In the same way for .
This is the presentation given by Dr Charles Pain, Director Health Systems Improvement, Clinical Excellence Commission, at the recent Team Health Consultatin Forum.
This document defines clinical decision support systems (CDSS) and outlines their key components and challenges. It begins by defining CDSS as computer programs that help health professionals make clinical decisions. It then describes the main categories of CDSS, including diagnostic assistance, therapy planning, and image recognition. The document outlines the typical system architecture of CDSS including tools for information management, focusing attention, and patient-specific consultation. It also discusses the need for CDSS, potential applications, disadvantages, and challenges to implementation. Throughout, it provides examples to illustrate different types of CDSS.
The document discusses using systems science and computational social science approaches to improve community resilience for health, from everyday situations to disasters. It proposes moving beyond emergency preparedness to address the full spectrum of health issues through approaches that are scalable, adoptable, and encompassing. Key areas discussed include injury prevention, decision support tools, simulation, sensor networks, and addressing social and behavioral factors.
The document discusses non-technical skills that are important for anesthesiologists, including situation awareness, decision making, teamwork, and stress management. It describes how the Anesthetists' Non-Technical Skills (ANTS) system was developed to identify and rate non-technical skills in four categories (task management, team working, situation awareness, and decision making) based on observational studies. The ANTS system provides a standardized way to assess and provide feedback on anesthesiologists' non-technical performance.
Note This assignment is for油academic research pro油only Thank yo.docxgabriellabre8fr
Note: This assignment is for油
academic research pro
油only Thank you.油Due by 11 Jul @ 11 pm
油I'm looking for a tutor who understanding informatics nursing and healthcare
Please address a 3-4 page 油citing the references below including references page in APA format. Note: Please address it from a nursing view
Design Considerations and Workarounds
When nurse informaticists are tasked with identifying the most appropriate technology to meet a specific need within a health care setting, there are many questions that must be asked.
Consider the following scenario to address assignment
Riverdale Hospital has come under recent scrutiny for their medication procedures. Many times, paper medication records are not up to date or have been misplaced. As a result, patients have increasingly received their medications at the wrong times. Though each nurse is performing to the best of his or her ability, the fast pace of the hospital has caused some to ineffectively manage patient records.
The lead nurse informaticist, Nancy, has decided that a bar code scanner could help streamline the documentation process while also improving patient quality and safety. Nancy knows that when selecting a bar coding system she must not only examine the hardware and software of the system but also consider the various human factors that can positively and/or negatively affect the outcomes of the system implementation. As such, Nancy asked three of the most reputable bar code vendors to bring sample systems to Riverdale Hospital.
In evaluating each system, Nancy role plays the process of scanning a patients bar code. She rolls the coding cart into the room to begin her mock demonstration. First, Nancy scans her identification card to gain access to the medication screen. To scan the patients bar code identifier, Nancy then pulls the medication cart to the patient so that the attached scanner reaches the bar code on the patients wristband. When the scan is complete, the computer displays a screen that houses the patients personal information. By navigating the screens, Nancy finds that she can use the computer to track medication administration. In addition, Nancy is able to view applicable vitals and medication history. As Nancy continues to examine this system, she reflects on the other hardware and software facets she should be sure to consider. She also thinks about how human factors will affect this and other vendor systems.
In this Assignment, you consider how hardware, software, and human factors can impact the implementation of an informatics system.
Review Chapter 30, The Role of Technology in the Medication-Use Process, in the course text,
Essentials of Nursing Informatics
. When examining computerized prescriber order entry (CPOE) systems and bar code-enabled technologies, what hardware, software, and human factors did the authors identify?
Consider how each of these factors can negatively impact patient safety and quality of care.
How might the.
The Need For Uniform Forensic Policies And Procedures In Healthcare walsh1120
The document discusses the need for uniform forensic policies and procedures in healthcare facilities in Massachusetts. It notes that currently there is only one statewide policy to guide evidence collection for sexual assault victims. The study aims to assess whether a lack of uniform policies impacts criminal case outcomes. It will use a retrospective correlational design to examine relationships between evidence collection procedures and case dispositions using surveys and data analysis. The results are pending the execution of the research study.
A clinical information system (CIS) integrates various technologies to provide a centralized repository of patient information to help clinicians make decisions. Key players in choosing, implementing, and revising a CIS include nurses, physicians, pharmacists, hospital administration, support staff, IT personnel, patients/families, and other health professionals. An effective CIS contains components like the electronic health record, order entry, decision support, and communication tools to safely and efficiently deliver patient care.
The document discusses organizational diagnosis (OD) and provides an overview of its key aspects:
1) OD is a process that involves entering an organization, collecting valid data about members' experiences, and sharing that information to promote understanding and determine if change is needed.
2) There are three main models of OD - symptom-specific, system, and statistical. The statistical model uses formal methods to identify factors, form hypotheses, collect data to test hypotheses, and present findings to facilitate discussion of solutions.
3) The phases of OD include entry, data collection, analysis, feedback, and conclusion. Effective feedback is key to increasing organizational self-understanding.
This study developed a survey instrument to segment physicians into groups based on their preferences and opinions regarding information technology. The survey was developed using qualitative research including interviews and focus groups. It presented physicians with statements about IT to rank order.
The findings identified six distinct preference profiles among physicians: 1) "Full-Range Adopters" who saw many benefits of IT, 2) "Skills-Concerned Adopters" who saw benefits but had skills concerns, 3) "Technology-Critical Adopters" who saw benefits but had strong concerns about privacy, monitoring and skills, 4) "Independently-Minded and Concerned" who emphasized independent research uses of IT but also had strong privacy and skills concerns
Understanding basics of software development and healthcareBharadwaj PV
The document discusses key principles for designing software for healthcare applications. It covers understanding the different layers of software, following a software development life cycle, using object-oriented design principles and use case modeling to define system requirements and functionality. Centralizing electronic health records across different systems and locations is proposed to improve patient care, data availability and information sharing between stakeholders.
International system for total early disease detection (INSTEDD) platformInSTEDD
This paper describes a new platform for early disease detection called InSTEDD. The platform combines data from various sources, both structured and unstructured. It uses machine learning to automatically extract features and detect relationships within and across data. Domain experts can then generate and test hypotheses, provide feedback to refine the system's reliability. The platform synthesizes indicators to detect anomalies, visualize potential disease clusters, and predict outbreak spread. It aims to streamline collaboration between experts and algorithms. The system is currently being piloted in Southeast Asia.
International system for total early disease detection (in stedd) platformInSTEDD
International System for Total Early Disease Detection (InSTEDD) Platform
Taha A. Kass-Hout, M.D., M.S., Nicolas di Tada
InSTEDD, Palo Alto, California
InSTEDD: Integrated Global Early Warning and Response SystemInSTEDD
The document describes an integrated global early warning and response system developed by InSTEDD to streamline collaboration between domain experts and machine learning algorithms for detecting, predicting, and responding to health events. The system synthesizes health indicators from various structured and unstructured sources for analysis and visualization of potential outbreak clusters to aid decision making. It is currently being piloted in Southeast Asia to detect diseases, predict outbreak spread, and provide response tools.
D:\Ob Folder\Abnormal Diagnosis Of Emergency Department Triage Explored Withguest91dee6
This document discusses using data mining techniques to improve the consistency of triage assessments in an emergency department. The study uses patient data from the emergency department to explore correlations between triage levels and diagnoses. Hierarchical and partitioning clustering algorithms are applied to identify clusters of abnormal diagnoses associated with different triage levels. Decision trees are also used to develop quantified and scientific rules for triage assessments aimed at improving consistency and informing future research.
Abnormal Diagnosis Of Emergency Department Triage Explored Withguest91dee6
This document summarizes a study that used data mining techniques to explore abnormal diagnoses in emergency department triage. The study analyzed patient data from an emergency department in Taiwan to identify correlations between triage levels and diagnoses. Hierarchical and partitioning clustering methods were used to establish clusters of abnormal diagnoses. Decision trees were also generated to improve consistency of triage decisions and provide more objective triage guidelines. The goal was to apply data mining theories to triage information systems to better guide frontline triage assessments.
Abnormal Diagnosis Of Emergency Department Triage Explored Withguest91dee6
This document summarizes a study that used data mining techniques to explore abnormal diagnoses in emergency department triage. The study analyzed patient data from an emergency department in Taiwan to identify correlations between triage levels and diagnoses. Using hierarchical and partitioning clustering, the study established clusters of abnormal diagnosis patterns. Decision trees were also used to improve consistency in triage decisions and provide more objective triage guidelines. The goal was to apply data mining theories to triage information systems to better guide frontline triage assessments.
Abnormal Diagnosis Of Emergency Department Triage Explored Withguest91dee6
This document summarizes a study that used data mining techniques to explore abnormal diagnoses in emergency department triage. The study analyzed patient data from an emergency department in Taiwan to identify correlations between triage levels and diagnoses. Using hierarchical and partitioning clustering, the study established clusters of abnormal diagnosis patterns. Decision trees were also used to improve consistency in triage decisions and provide more objective triage guidelines. The goal was to apply data mining to enhance triage accuracy and patient management in emergency situations.
Information GovernanceTitleCourse NameTo.docxdirkrplav
Information Governance
Course Name:
Topic Name:
Professors Name:
Student Name:
Technology is also an important factor in health care industry. In health care sector technologies are incorporated into organizations rather rapidly compared to health information systems, presenting us with an infrequent difference (Teich JM & Seger D, 1999). Importantly information technology systems intervene with health care employee customary practice routines. These specific effects were far attractive, from role and structure of health care organizations, the quality working life of health providers within the organization, and finally technology improve the cost and quality of the health services (Teich JM & Seger D, 1999). This research paper will describe the ins and outs of when information technology fails within a health care organization. Also this paper described what the important contributing factors are when the failure occurs, and how this failure impacts the organizations whole operations. In this paper the Author demonstrate teams reaction in the failure with such measures taken by the health care leaders in dealing with the several stakeholders. In this paper discussing about organizations custom application and proprietary systems with view of project metrics and portfolio managements efficiency and effectiveness. Finally the author describes how government intervenes in health care businesses for patients care. In this paper the Author describe information technology failure in a Florida based health organization i.e Martin Health System (MHS). In this organization IT network failure that make organizations $90 million medical record system to fail and this health organization located in Stuart. A study report shows that a hardware failure in this organization that caused an unexpected downtime for the health systems Epic EMR and some other business IT applications.
1. Determine the key factors contributing to the failure in question. Next, analyze how the failure impacted both the organizations operations and patient information protection and privacy.
In hardware the key factor was a failure that mainly affected the EMR, but it was distinguished that the EMR was not the origin of the problem (Teich JM & Seger D, 1999). In a system hardware includes all substantial devices i.e storage, machines, input and output devices that represent a computer system. The CPU is the main core and heart of the computer. In the computer system the primary storage mainly holds program data and instructions directly before or after the providers and registers the CPU with a running storage area for data and program instructions (Ball MJ, Garets DE & Handler TJ, 2003). After that secondary storage complement the main memory by holding such instructions and data in the format of machine-readable outer the computer. In a system entering data and input can be done by a specific number of devices. In the same way for .
This is the presentation given by Dr Charles Pain, Director Health Systems Improvement, Clinical Excellence Commission, at the recent Team Health Consultatin Forum.
This document defines clinical decision support systems (CDSS) and outlines their key components and challenges. It begins by defining CDSS as computer programs that help health professionals make clinical decisions. It then describes the main categories of CDSS, including diagnostic assistance, therapy planning, and image recognition. The document outlines the typical system architecture of CDSS including tools for information management, focusing attention, and patient-specific consultation. It also discusses the need for CDSS, potential applications, disadvantages, and challenges to implementation. Throughout, it provides examples to illustrate different types of CDSS.
The document discusses using systems science and computational social science approaches to improve community resilience for health, from everyday situations to disasters. It proposes moving beyond emergency preparedness to address the full spectrum of health issues through approaches that are scalable, adoptable, and encompassing. Key areas discussed include injury prevention, decision support tools, simulation, sensor networks, and addressing social and behavioral factors.
The document discusses non-technical skills that are important for anesthesiologists, including situation awareness, decision making, teamwork, and stress management. It describes how the Anesthetists' Non-Technical Skills (ANTS) system was developed to identify and rate non-technical skills in four categories (task management, team working, situation awareness, and decision making) based on observational studies. The ANTS system provides a standardized way to assess and provide feedback on anesthesiologists' non-technical performance.
Note This assignment is for油academic research pro油only Thank yo.docxgabriellabre8fr
Note: This assignment is for油
academic research pro
油only Thank you.油Due by 11 Jul @ 11 pm
油I'm looking for a tutor who understanding informatics nursing and healthcare
Please address a 3-4 page 油citing the references below including references page in APA format. Note: Please address it from a nursing view
Design Considerations and Workarounds
When nurse informaticists are tasked with identifying the most appropriate technology to meet a specific need within a health care setting, there are many questions that must be asked.
Consider the following scenario to address assignment
Riverdale Hospital has come under recent scrutiny for their medication procedures. Many times, paper medication records are not up to date or have been misplaced. As a result, patients have increasingly received their medications at the wrong times. Though each nurse is performing to the best of his or her ability, the fast pace of the hospital has caused some to ineffectively manage patient records.
The lead nurse informaticist, Nancy, has decided that a bar code scanner could help streamline the documentation process while also improving patient quality and safety. Nancy knows that when selecting a bar coding system she must not only examine the hardware and software of the system but also consider the various human factors that can positively and/or negatively affect the outcomes of the system implementation. As such, Nancy asked three of the most reputable bar code vendors to bring sample systems to Riverdale Hospital.
In evaluating each system, Nancy role plays the process of scanning a patients bar code. She rolls the coding cart into the room to begin her mock demonstration. First, Nancy scans her identification card to gain access to the medication screen. To scan the patients bar code identifier, Nancy then pulls the medication cart to the patient so that the attached scanner reaches the bar code on the patients wristband. When the scan is complete, the computer displays a screen that houses the patients personal information. By navigating the screens, Nancy finds that she can use the computer to track medication administration. In addition, Nancy is able to view applicable vitals and medication history. As Nancy continues to examine this system, she reflects on the other hardware and software facets she should be sure to consider. She also thinks about how human factors will affect this and other vendor systems.
In this Assignment, you consider how hardware, software, and human factors can impact the implementation of an informatics system.
Review Chapter 30, The Role of Technology in the Medication-Use Process, in the course text,
Essentials of Nursing Informatics
. When examining computerized prescriber order entry (CPOE) systems and bar code-enabled technologies, what hardware, software, and human factors did the authors identify?
Consider how each of these factors can negatively impact patient safety and quality of care.
How might the.
The Need For Uniform Forensic Policies And Procedures In Healthcare walsh1120
The document discusses the need for uniform forensic policies and procedures in healthcare facilities in Massachusetts. It notes that currently there is only one statewide policy to guide evidence collection for sexual assault victims. The study aims to assess whether a lack of uniform policies impacts criminal case outcomes. It will use a retrospective correlational design to examine relationships between evidence collection procedures and case dispositions using surveys and data analysis. The results are pending the execution of the research study.
A clinical information system (CIS) integrates various technologies to provide a centralized repository of patient information to help clinicians make decisions. Key players in choosing, implementing, and revising a CIS include nurses, physicians, pharmacists, hospital administration, support staff, IT personnel, patients/families, and other health professionals. An effective CIS contains components like the electronic health record, order entry, decision support, and communication tools to safely and efficiently deliver patient care.
Local Anesthetic Use in the Vulnerable PatientsReza Aminnejad
Local anesthetics are a cornerstone of pain management, but their use requires special consideration in vulnerable groups such as pediatric, elderly, diabetic, or obese patients. In this presentation, well explore how factors like age and physiology influence local anesthetics' selection, dosing, and safety. By understanding these differences, we can optimize patient care and minimize risks.
Best Sampling Practices Webinar USP <797> Compliance & Environmental Monito...NuAire
Best Sampling Practices Webinar USP <797> Compliance & Environmental Monitoring
Are your cleanroom sampling practices USP <797> compliant? This webinar, hosted by Pharmacy Purchasing & Products (PP&P Magazine) and sponsored by NuAire, features microbiology expert Abby Roth discussing best practices for surface & air sampling, data analysis, and compliance.
Key Topics Covered:
鏝 Viable air & surface sampling best practices
鏝 USP <797> requirements & compliance strategies
鏝 How to analyze & trend viable sample data
鏝 Improving environmental monitoring in cleanrooms
・ Watch Now:
Stay informedfollow Abby Roth on LinkedIn for more cleanroom insights!
Unit 1: Introduction to Histological and Cytological techniques
Differentiate histology and cytology
Overview on tissue types
Function and components of the compound light microscope
Overview on common Histological Techniques:
o Fixation
o Grossing
o Tissue processing
o Microtomy
o Staining
o Mounting
Application of histology and cytology
FAO's Support Rabies Control in Bali_Jul22.pptxWahid Husein
What is FAO doing to support rabies control programmes in Bali, Indonesia, using One Health approach with mass dog vaccination and integrated bite case management as main strategies
The course covers the steps undertaken from tissue collection, reception, fixation,
sectioning, tissue processing and staining. It covers all the general and special
techniques in histo/cytology laboratory. This course will provide the student with the
basic knowledge of the theory and practical aspect in the diagnosis of tumour cells
and non-malignant conditions in body tissues and for cytology focusing on
gynaecological and non-gynaecological samples.
Personality theory is a collection of ideas that explain how a person's personality develops and how it affects their behavior. It also seeks to understand how people react to situations, and how their personality impacts their relationships.
Key aspects of personality theory
Personality traits: The characteristics that make up a person's personality.
Personality development: How a person's personality develops over time.
Personality disorders: How personality theories can be used to study personality disorders.
Personality and environment: How a person's personality is influenced by their environment.
Stability of Dosage Forms as per ICH GuidelinesKHUSHAL CHAVAN
This presentation covers the stability testing of pharmaceutical dosage forms according to ICH guidelines (Q1A-Q1F). It explains the definition of stability, various testing protocols, storage conditions, and evaluation criteria required for regulatory submissions. Key topics include stress testing, container closure systems, stability commitment, and photostability testing. The guidelines ensure that pharmaceutical products maintain their identity, purity, strength, and efficacy throughout their shelf life. This resource is valuable for pharmaceutical professionals, researchers, and regulatory experts.
Chair and Presenters Sara A. Hurvitz, MD, FACP, Carey K. Anders, MD, FASCO, and Vyshak Venur, MD, discuss metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer in this CME/NCPD/CPE/AAPA/IPCE activity titled Fine-Tuning the Selection and Sequencing of HER2-Targeting Therapies in HER2-Positive MBC With and Without CNS Metastases: Expert Guidance on How to Individualize Therapy Based on Latest Evidence, Disease Features, Treatment Characteristics, and Patient Needs and Preferences. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, and complete CME/NCPD/CPE/AAPA/IPCE information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at CME/NCPD/CPE/AAPA/IPCE credit will be available until March 2, 2026.
Rabies Bali 2008-2020_WRD Webinar_WSAVA 2020_Final.pptxWahid Husein
A decade of rabies control programmes in Bali with support from FAO ECTAD Indonesia with Mass Dog Vaccination, Integrated Bite Case Management, Dog Population Management, and Risk Communication as the backbone of the programmes
This presentation provides a detailed exploration of the morphological and microscopic features of pneumonia, covering its histopathology, classification, and clinical significance. Designed for medical students, pathologists, and healthcare professionals, this lecture differentiates bacterial vs. viral pneumonia, explains lobar, bronchopneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia, and discusses diagnostic imaging patterns.
Key Topics Covered:
Normal lung histology vs. pneumonia-affected lung
Morphological changes in lobar, bronchopneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia
Microscopic features: Fibroblastic plugs, alveolar septal thickening, inflammatory cell infiltration
Stages of lobar pneumonia: Congestion, Red hepatization, Gray hepatization, Resolution
Common causative pathogens (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Mycoplasma, etc.)
Clinical case study with diagnostic approach and differentials
Who Should Watch?
This is an essential resource for medical students, pathology trainees, and respiratory health professionals looking to enhance their understanding of pneumonias morphological aspects.
Dr. Anik Roy Chowdhury
MBBS, BCS(Health), DA, MD (Resident)
Department of Anesthesiology, ICU & Pain Medicine
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital (ShSMCH)
NOTSS (1).pptx - Non Technical Skills For Surgeons
2. Non-technical skills are cognitive (e.g. decision
making) and social (e.g. teamwork)
Analyses of adverse events in surgery have
revealed that the underlying causes commonly
originate from behavioural or non- technical
aspects of performance (e.g. communication
failures) rather than a lack of technical
expertise alone
Paying attention to non-technical skills such as
team working, leadership, situation
awareness, decision-making, and
communication will increase the likelihood of
maintaining high levels of performance over
3. The Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS) system is a behavioural rating system
developed by a multi-disciplinary group comprising psychologists, surgeons, and
NOTSS describes the main observable non-technical skills associated with good
surgical practice
The NOTSS system comprises a three-level hierarchy comprising categories (at the
highest level), elements and behaviours. Four skill categories and 12 elements
Developing and maintaining a dynamic awareness of the
situation in theatre based on assembling data from the
environment (patient, team, time, displays, equipment);
understanding what they mean, and thinking ahead
about what may happen next