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Rosy¡¯s Home News
News To Help You Save Time And Money

November 2013

When The Wind Blows
A farmer needed a hired hand. He tried to get help for a month, but the only man who showed up for
the job was a young drifter. He couldn¡¯t drive a tractor, had never milked a cow, and knew little about
planting or harvesting.
¡°What can you do?¡± the farmer asked, exasperated.
¡°I guarantee that I can sleep soundly when the wind blows,¡±
the drifter said.
The farmer didn¡¯t understand what that meant, but he needed
someone, and the young man seemed willing to learn. So he
hired the drifter and began teaching him about taking care of
the farm. He seemed good with the farm animals, and he listened closely to everything the farmer told
him. He did his work when asked, and never complained. The farmer was satisfied, though he kept a
sharp eye on the drifter, in case he decided to make off with something.
After a month, the farmer was asleep one night when a fierce storm hit. The noise woke him and,
worried about his livestock, he pounded on his hired hand¡¯s door to get help rounding up the animals.
He found the drifter sound asleep, and in frustration
resolved to fire the laggard the next day.


When The Wind Blows
When Saying Thanks Is Bad Form
November Quiz Question
How To Pick A Leader
Develop A Cash-Stash
Mysteries Of A Supernova Solved
Stress Is Harder On Younger
Skin Cancer Risk Analysis
Be The Light You Want To Bring
Welcome New Client

He went out into the lashing storm, determined to bring his
herd in. But when he reached the barn to gather ropes, he
found all his animals peacefully inside. The feed bins had
been closed and covered. The shutters were closed over
the loft and no drips or puddles anywhere.
Suddenly the farmer understood what the drifter had meant
by, ¡°I can sleep soundly when the wind blows.¡±
Have you taken care of what you need to so that you¡¯re not
caught out in the storm?


Rosy Law
When Saying Thanks Is Bad Form
A few years ago I attended a women¡¯s business seminar. The lecturer
revealed that in business settings, women say ¡°thank you¡± nearly twice as
often as men. We were not commended for this; we were chastised. Most
of the time, women didn¡¯t say ¡°thank you¡± because they were genuinely
thankful for something. They sometimes said it because it filled an
awkward silence, because they didn¡¯t know what else to say, because it
was a convenient segue, or because it provided closure to a
conversation. They rarely said it because they were actually thankful.
We were warned that when we say ¡°thank you¡± without cause, it¡¯s actually
detrimental to us because it makes us seem disingenuous and
At first I was offended at the stereotype. Certainly not all women were
guilty of this faux pas, I thought. And then I went back to work and
realized maybe all women didn¡¯t fit the stereotype, but I sure did. I said
¡°thank you¡± at the beginning of meetings, in the middle of conversations,
and at the end of e-mails for no particular reason. It just sounded good,
but it was essentially meaningless.
~Sarah Thebarge, exerpted from Relevant Magazine

How To Pick A Leader

November Quiz
Q: What is the largest animal
ever to have lived on
Everyone who texts, emails or
calls in the correct answer by
20th November will be entered
into a drawing for 2 Ticket to
Winter Wonderland at
Universal StudiosCalifornia
October Quiz Question
Q: How big is the world¡¯s
smallest country?
A: Vatican City is the smallest
country in the world at only
.2 square miles.
Congratulations to:

Attillah Sok
According to one story, U.S. General George S. Patton once explained
how he chose leaders among the ranks of troops. He would call a group
of soldiers out and give them a problem¡ªsomething like, ¡°I want you to dig a trench behind that warehouse,
and it must be eight feet long, three feet wide, and six inches deep.¡±
Then Patton would watch from inside the warehouse as the men gathered their
tools and got to work. Usually they would spend some time complaining about the
assignment: Why did Patton want a trench only six inches deep? Why did they
have to do this in such hot (or cold) weather? Couldn¡¯t some other unit do it?
But eventually one of the soldiers would say: ¡°What difference does it make? Let¡¯s
do it and get out of here.¡±
And that was the soldier Patton would promote to leadership.

Develop A Cash-Stash
Here are a few quick ways to put away some cash without it being painful.

Empty your pockets. At the end of each day, stash all loose change in a jar or piggy bank. You¡¯ll probably
bank a dollar or two a day. Use coupons. Remember to use coupons only for the things you would normally
buy. Then take the money you saved and stash it away. This could add up to $2 a day.


Stash a dollar a wash. Whenever you do a load of laundry, put a dollar in a jar. Use the accumulated
money to pay your electric bill and buy laundry detergent.


Bypass one cup of coffee, treat, or other ritual item once per day or week and put that money into an
envelope instead.

When you have collected all the facts and fears and made your decision, turn off
all your fears and go ahead! ¡ªGeorge S. Patton Jr.

Mysteries Of A Supernova Solved

Happy Birthday!
Month Of November

The first recorded observation of a supernova (by humans, at least) was in
185 A.D. Ancient stargazers in China, Japan, and Egypt documented the
appearance of a mysteriously bright star in the sky that lit the heavens for
about eight months.

Brenda Clark- Van Nuys ¨C

Now, astronomers have a better understanding of why the exploding star,
SN 185 (or RCW 86, the designation of the star¡¯s remnants) burned so

Marco Puguh ¨C Marina Del
Rey ¨C 10th

Data from NASA¡¯s Spitzer Space Telescope and
the WISE (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer)
indicate that the star exploded violently within a
relatively empty sector of space.
The scarcity of interstellar dust and gas allowed
the explosion to expand further out into the
galaxy than normal, and at a faster speed than
generally expected.
The star, once apparently similar to Earth¡¯s sun, had quietly collapsed into a
super-dense white dwarf and sucked matter from a nearby sun until it
erupted in the supernova seen from Earth. (Previous theories citing the
Death Star have now been discarded.) Snuggle Up To

Skin Cancer Risk Analysis

Eric Car¨C Los Angeles -16th
Javier Garcia¨C Winnetka23th
Melissa Tith¨C Marina Del
Rey ¨C 24th
Maria Salanga- Northridge ¨C

Happy Home
5rd Year Home Anniversary
Tina Strange - Winnetka

Skin cancer most often develops on areas
exposed to the sun, but it can occur anywhere on
your body. Even before you see any blemishes on
your shoulder, evaluate yourself against this list of
factors that can increase your chances of getting
skin cancer:

2nd Year Home Anniversary
to Rocky Slaughter


Fair skin. The pigment melanin in your skin
provides some protection from damaging UV
radiation. The fairer your skin, the less you have, thus raising your risk.


A history of sunburns. Just one or two blistering sunburns, especially when you¡¯re young, can
dramatically increase your chances of developing skin cancer as you age.


Excessive exposure to the sun. If your job or recreational activities take you outdoors for long periods,
sunscreen is vital.


Family history. Find out if your parents, grandparents, and other family members have ever had skin
cancer. This can add to your risk.

Here are some of the new
clients who became
members of our ¡°Real
Estate Family¡± this past
month. I¡¯d like to welcome
Lida & Jonathan Deshald
Kailtyn Olsson
Adel A Moursi
We love recognizing our
wonderful new friends and
existing clients who are kind
enough to introduce their
friends, family and
neighbors to me.


Living conditions. If you live in a tropical climate, or in a high
altitude area, your chances of developing skin cancer are greater.


Moles and lesions. Moles that are large and irregular are more likely
to become cancerous. Watch also for growths that show up as rough,
scaly skin patches that appear to be brown or dark pink.

Be The Light You Want To Bring
According to a story, Benjamin Franklin wanted people in
the city of Philadelphia to adopt street lighting, but initially
he couldn¡¯t get anyone interested. So instead of arguing,
he simply hung a nice lantern on a long bracket in front of
his door. He kept the glass polished, and every night he
made a point of going outside to light it as the sun set.
Franklin¡¯s neighbors watched. And soon they began mounting their own
lights outside their homes on their own. After a short while the entire city
was brightly lit at night¡ªwithout Franklin having to do anything more than
demonstrates the usefulness of a light.

Sometimes the best way to persuade is to set an example, to be the light you want others to see.
Let¡¯s make a dent in the universe. ¡ªSteve Jobs

Stress Is Harder On Younger Workers
Stress takes a toll on everyone in the workplace, young and old alike. That¡¯s the finding of a study on UK
workers¡ªthrowing cold water on the idea that young employees are more resilient in the face of workplace
stress than their older counterparts.
In the study, reported on the HeartMath website, 72 percent of survey participants 30 years and younger
reported taking at least one sick day in the previous 12 months, although only 46 percent of workers 55 years
and older did the same. One possible reason: 86 percent of the younger group reported feeling stress at work,
compared to 66 percent of older employees; 28 percent of the young workers said they were prepared to take
a day off to recover, as opposed to 15 percent of their more senior colleagues. Older workers may have
developed better coping skills.

Go Green:

Rosy Law
Rodeo Realty, Inc
202 N Canon DR
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
www. rosyhomes.com

Recycle This
After you¡¯ve enjoyed my
newsletter, please recycle it by
passing it along to a family

This newsletter is intended for entertainment purposes only. Credit is given to the authors of various articles that are reprinted when the original author
is known. Any omission of credit to an author is purely unintentional and should not be construed as plagiarism or literary theft. Copyright 2013 Rosy
Law. This information is solely advisory, and should not be substituted for medical, legal, financial or tax advice. Any and all decisions and actions must
be done through the advice and counsel of a qualified physician, attorney, financial advisor and/or CPA. We cannot be held responsible for actions you
may take without proper medical, financial, legal or tax advice.


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November 2013 newsletter

  • 1. NEWS FROM YOUR REAL ESTATE CONSULTANT FOR LIFE VISIT WWW.ROSYHOMES.COM OR CALL 310-948-3574 Rosy¡¯s Home News News To Help You Save Time And Money November 2013 When The Wind Blows A farmer needed a hired hand. He tried to get help for a month, but the only man who showed up for the job was a young drifter. He couldn¡¯t drive a tractor, had never milked a cow, and knew little about planting or harvesting. ¡°What can you do?¡± the farmer asked, exasperated. ¡°I guarantee that I can sleep soundly when the wind blows,¡± the drifter said. The farmer didn¡¯t understand what that meant, but he needed someone, and the young man seemed willing to learn. So he hired the drifter and began teaching him about taking care of the farm. He seemed good with the farm animals, and he listened closely to everything the farmer told him. He did his work when asked, and never complained. The farmer was satisfied, though he kept a sharp eye on the drifter, in case he decided to make off with something. After a month, the farmer was asleep one night when a fierce storm hit. The noise woke him and, worried about his livestock, he pounded on his hired hand¡¯s door to get help rounding up the animals. He found the drifter sound asleep, and in frustration resolved to fire the laggard the next day. INSIDE THIS ISSUE When The Wind Blows When Saying Thanks Is Bad Form November Quiz Question How To Pick A Leader Develop A Cash-Stash Mysteries Of A Supernova Solved Stress Is Harder On Younger Workers Skin Cancer Risk Analysis Be The Light You Want To Bring Welcome New Client He went out into the lashing storm, determined to bring his herd in. But when he reached the barn to gather ropes, he found all his animals peacefully inside. The feed bins had been closed and covered. The shutters were closed over the loft and no drips or puddles anywhere. Suddenly the farmer understood what the drifter had meant by, ¡°I can sleep soundly when the wind blows.¡± Have you taken care of what you need to so that you¡¯re not caught out in the storm? WORLD-CLASS SERVICE? SEE FLYER INSIDE! Rosy Law
  • 2. When Saying Thanks Is Bad Form A few years ago I attended a women¡¯s business seminar. The lecturer revealed that in business settings, women say ¡°thank you¡± nearly twice as often as men. We were not commended for this; we were chastised. Most of the time, women didn¡¯t say ¡°thank you¡± because they were genuinely thankful for something. They sometimes said it because it filled an awkward silence, because they didn¡¯t know what else to say, because it was a convenient segue, or because it provided closure to a conversation. They rarely said it because they were actually thankful. We were warned that when we say ¡°thank you¡± without cause, it¡¯s actually detrimental to us because it makes us seem disingenuous and inarticulate. At first I was offended at the stereotype. Certainly not all women were guilty of this faux pas, I thought. And then I went back to work and realized maybe all women didn¡¯t fit the stereotype, but I sure did. I said ¡°thank you¡± at the beginning of meetings, in the middle of conversations, and at the end of e-mails for no particular reason. It just sounded good, but it was essentially meaningless. ~Sarah Thebarge, exerpted from Relevant Magazine How To Pick A Leader November Quiz Question Q: What is the largest animal ever to have lived on earth? Everyone who texts, emails or calls in the correct answer by 20th November will be entered into a drawing for 2 Ticket to Winter Wonderland at Universal StudiosCalifornia October Quiz Question Q: How big is the world¡¯s smallest country? A: Vatican City is the smallest country in the world at only .2 square miles. Congratulations to: Attillah Sok According to one story, U.S. General George S. Patton once explained how he chose leaders among the ranks of troops. He would call a group of soldiers out and give them a problem¡ªsomething like, ¡°I want you to dig a trench behind that warehouse, and it must be eight feet long, three feet wide, and six inches deep.¡± Then Patton would watch from inside the warehouse as the men gathered their tools and got to work. Usually they would spend some time complaining about the assignment: Why did Patton want a trench only six inches deep? Why did they have to do this in such hot (or cold) weather? Couldn¡¯t some other unit do it? But eventually one of the soldiers would say: ¡°What difference does it make? Let¡¯s do it and get out of here.¡± And that was the soldier Patton would promote to leadership. Develop A Cash-Stash Here are a few quick ways to put away some cash without it being painful. ? Empty your pockets. At the end of each day, stash all loose change in a jar or piggy bank. You¡¯ll probably bank a dollar or two a day. Use coupons. Remember to use coupons only for the things you would normally buy. Then take the money you saved and stash it away. This could add up to $2 a day. ? Stash a dollar a wash. Whenever you do a load of laundry, put a dollar in a jar. Use the accumulated money to pay your electric bill and buy laundry detergent. ? Bypass one cup of coffee, treat, or other ritual item once per day or week and put that money into an envelope instead. 2
  • 3. . When you have collected all the facts and fears and made your decision, turn off all your fears and go ahead! ¡ªGeorge S. Patton Jr. Mysteries Of A Supernova Solved Happy Birthday! Month Of November The first recorded observation of a supernova (by humans, at least) was in 185 A.D. Ancient stargazers in China, Japan, and Egypt documented the appearance of a mysteriously bright star in the sky that lit the heavens for about eight months. Brenda Clark- Van Nuys ¨C 2th Now, astronomers have a better understanding of why the exploding star, SN 185 (or RCW 86, the designation of the star¡¯s remnants) burned so intensely. Marco Puguh ¨C Marina Del Rey ¨C 10th Data from NASA¡¯s Spitzer Space Telescope and the WISE (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) indicate that the star exploded violently within a relatively empty sector of space. The scarcity of interstellar dust and gas allowed the explosion to expand further out into the galaxy than normal, and at a faster speed than generally expected. The star, once apparently similar to Earth¡¯s sun, had quietly collapsed into a super-dense white dwarf and sucked matter from a nearby sun until it erupted in the supernova seen from Earth. (Previous theories citing the Death Star have now been discarded.) Snuggle Up To Skin Cancer Risk Analysis Eric Car¨C Los Angeles -16th Javier Garcia¨C Winnetka23th Melissa Tith¨C Marina Del Rey ¨C 24th Maria Salanga- Northridge ¨C 27th Happy Home Anniversary! 5rd Year Home Anniversary to Tina Strange - Winnetka Skin cancer most often develops on areas exposed to the sun, but it can occur anywhere on your body. Even before you see any blemishes on your shoulder, evaluate yourself against this list of factors that can increase your chances of getting skin cancer: 2nd Year Home Anniversary to Rocky Slaughter ? Fair skin. The pigment melanin in your skin provides some protection from damaging UV radiation. The fairer your skin, the less you have, thus raising your risk. ? A history of sunburns. Just one or two blistering sunburns, especially when you¡¯re young, can dramatically increase your chances of developing skin cancer as you age. ? Excessive exposure to the sun. If your job or recreational activities take you outdoors for long periods, sunscreen is vital. ? Family history. Find out if your parents, grandparents, and other family members have ever had skin cancer. This can add to your risk. 3
  • 4. WELCOME NEW CLIENTS Here are some of the new clients who became members of our ¡°Real Estate Family¡± this past month. I¡¯d like to welcome you! Lida & Jonathan Deshald Kailtyn Olsson Adel A Moursi We love recognizing our wonderful new friends and existing clients who are kind enough to introduce their friends, family and neighbors to me. ? Living conditions. If you live in a tropical climate, or in a high altitude area, your chances of developing skin cancer are greater. ? Moles and lesions. Moles that are large and irregular are more likely to become cancerous. Watch also for growths that show up as rough, scaly skin patches that appear to be brown or dark pink. Be The Light You Want To Bring According to a story, Benjamin Franklin wanted people in the city of Philadelphia to adopt street lighting, but initially he couldn¡¯t get anyone interested. So instead of arguing, he simply hung a nice lantern on a long bracket in front of his door. He kept the glass polished, and every night he made a point of going outside to light it as the sun set. Franklin¡¯s neighbors watched. And soon they began mounting their own lights outside their homes on their own. After a short while the entire city was brightly lit at night¡ªwithout Franklin having to do anything more than demonstrates the usefulness of a light. Sometimes the best way to persuade is to set an example, to be the light you want others to see. Let¡¯s make a dent in the universe. ¡ªSteve Jobs Stress Is Harder On Younger Workers Stress takes a toll on everyone in the workplace, young and old alike. That¡¯s the finding of a study on UK workers¡ªthrowing cold water on the idea that young employees are more resilient in the face of workplace stress than their older counterparts. In the study, reported on the HeartMath website, 72 percent of survey participants 30 years and younger reported taking at least one sick day in the previous 12 months, although only 46 percent of workers 55 years and older did the same. One possible reason: 86 percent of the younger group reported feeling stress at work, compared to 66 percent of older employees; 28 percent of the young workers said they were prepared to take a day off to recover, as opposed to 15 percent of their more senior colleagues. Older workers may have developed better coping skills. Go Green: Rosy Law Rodeo Realty, Inc 202 N Canon DR Beverly Hills, CA 90210 www. rosyhomes.com Recycle This Newsletter! After you¡¯ve enjoyed my newsletter, please recycle it by passing it along to a family This newsletter is intended for entertainment purposes only. Credit is given to the authors of various articles that are reprinted when the original author is known. Any omission of credit to an author is purely unintentional and should not be construed as plagiarism or literary theft. Copyright 2013 Rosy Law. This information is solely advisory, and should not be substituted for medical, legal, financial or tax advice. Any and all decisions and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a qualified physician, attorney, financial advisor and/or CPA. We cannot be held responsible for actions you may take without proper medical, financial, legal or tax advice. 4