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The Taste Of Happiness
A philosopher was sitting in the shade of a tree next to a beautiful lake when a troubled young
man approached and introduced himself: Sir, my name is Ben, and Im miserable all the time.
Ive been searching far and wide for a wise person who can tell me why Im always so unhappy.
Can you help me?
The wise man thought for a moment. Then he handed his visitor a cup
and asked him to fill it with water from the lake.
Ben took the cup and returned a few minutes later. The philosopher
then took a handful of salt from his bag and dumped it in the water.
Drink this and tell me how it tastes.
Ben managed a small swallow of the salty liquid. Its terrible!
Then the man stood up and led Ben to the shore of the lake. Once
there, he took another handful of salt and dropped it into the water of the lake. Then he
instructed Ben to get down and drink directly from the lake. Ben did.
How does it taste? asked the wise man.
Cool and delicious, said Ben.
Do you taste the salt?
No, Ben said. It dissolved in all the water.
The wise man nodded. Unhappiness is like this handful of
salt: the strength of the taste depends on what you put the
salt into. To become happier and more satisfied, expand
your vision and reach in life. Dont be the cupbecome the
Do you believe that the more you have going on in your life,
the happier you are?
Rosys Home News
News To Help You Save Time and Money September 2013
The Taste of Happiness
Back To School Facts
September Quiz Question
Sultry September
Protect Yourself From
Identity Theft
Crucial Conversations At
Say No To Teen Debit Cards
Back To School Facts
If you're looking for some carpool lane conversation starters, look
no further than these fun and interesting back-to-school facts:
 According to a study done by Yale University, the smell of a
crayon ranks #18 on the list of most recognizable scents for
 In developing countries, every additional year of education can
increase a persons future income by an average of 10 percent.
 Pencils can write just about anywherein zero gravity, upside
down, and under water. The average pencil can write 45,000
words and draw a line 35 miles long.
 Children born to educated
mothers in developing countries are less
likely to be stunted or malnourished. Each
additional year of maternal education
reduces child mortality by 2%.
 The biggest school in the world (in terms of pupils, not area) is
the City Montessori School in Lucknow, India. The school was set up
by the Ghandis in 1959 and has more than 32,000 students!
Sultry September
In Latin, septem means 'seven.' September was the seventh
month of the Roman calendar until 46 BC, when the first month of
the year was changed from March to January. At different points,
September had 29 and 31 days, but was changed to 30 days by
Emperor Augustus. It is one of four months with 30 days.
Memorable dates in September:
 Monday, September 2 is Labor/Labour Day in both the US and
Canada, a day for honoring the work we do. The day also
marks the informal end of summer, and the last summer
holiday for many.
 Wednesday, September 11 marks the day that many
Americans remember the attack on the World Trade Center in
New York City in 2001. This also marks the birth of the war on
terror, a phrase popularized by President George W. Bush.
for your new
Kevin Faust
Mar-Vista, CA
(Referred by Kelly
Scofield & Athena
Arlene Urbina & Hector
North Hollywood, CA
September Quiz
Q: Fill in the blank:
"________ days hath
September. April, June
and November..."
Everyone who texts, emails or
calls in the correct answer by
the last day of this month will
be entered into a drawing for a
$20 gift certificate to
Protect Yourself From Identity
How safe is your smartphone? According to identity theft
prevention experts, the amount of personal data contained on
most smartphones is staggering. The following tips will help
protect you from an identity theft and hacking nightmare:
1. Use a password. Think of your smartphone as an electronic
wallet. If you could lock that wallet, why wouldn't you?
2. Use apps to shop. Many companies now have dedicated
apps designed to ward off phishing and scams, so avoid
shopping from the web browser if possible.
3. Always log out. Also avoid saving user IDs or passwords on
the phone.
4. Close Wi-Fi auto connect and Bluetooth public. Hackers
can break into your phone over fake networks and exploit
Bluetooth connections.
5. Do a "factory reset". If you get a new phone make sure to
reset your old one to original factory settings after you've
migrated your data.
6. Avoid suspicious "free" apps. Some free apps are little
more than thinly veiled phishing scams. Make sure the app
you download has plenty of good reviews.
7. Remove sensitive data. Don't store notes, emails or text
messages containing passwords, pins, Social Security
numbers, credit card or bank account information.
Crucial Conversations At Work
Before having an important discussion with an employee, client,
boss, or anyone else you hope to influence, plan your conversation. Dont be caught off guard
by a question or challenge you didnt expect. Spend as much time preparing for their responses
as you do planning your own message.
What questions are they likely to ask? What information will
they be looking for? How can you counter the most obvious
objections? How will the react? What will they say? How
should you answer? The more important the conversation,
the more time you should spend on anticipating responses.
September 1st
Shirley Zaragoya- Beverly Hills
September 9th
Victor Shlionsky  Woodland
September 15th
Grace Joetama - Pasadena
September 17th
Kenny Kim  West LA
September 28th
Julie Jang  West LA
Year Home Anniversary to
Brenda Clark & Michael
Hafenden  Van Nuys
Year Home Annivesary to
Saba Abuhay  Woodland Hills
Year Home Anniversary to
Cat Cipriotti & Doug Peyton. 
Los Angeles.
Say No To Teen Debit Cards
Even as consumers try to unload credit-card debt, some banks
are trying to get teenagers hooked on plastic.
"Call it plastic on training wheels!" chirps the press release for
the new Current Card by Discover, the latest debit card aimed at
"kids, tweens and teens". The idea is that parents deposit
money in the card account, which the kids can use to buy stuff
or make withdrawals from ATMs. "Unlike cash," says the press
release, "the Current Card helps teens develop smart money-
management skills." In addition, parents can monitor spending,
set limits, and block certain merchant
But the sales pitches are unconvincing.
Here's why:
 Debit cards encourage kids to
spend. With the Current Card, for
example, teens are eligible for "members-only" in-store coupons
and online discounts with "teen-friendly merchants".
 To kids, plastic is plastic. These cards aren't credit cards,
but to kids, any plastic is magic money that's meant to be topped
up by Mom and Dad when it runs out.
 Parental controls are overrated. Do parents really need to know whether their kids ate lunch
at McDonald's or Wendys?
 The fees are high. Charges are often as much as $5/mo. or $50/year. That's a lot of money
just for the privilege of tracking where your kids eat.
Cash is cool. If you want kids to spend wisely, give them an allowance so they can see the cash
come and go in real time.
Rosy Law
Rodeo Realty, Inc
202 N Canon DR
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
www. rosyhomes.com
This newsletter is intended for entertainment purposes only. Credit is given to the authors of various articles that are reprinted when
the original author is known. Any omission of credit to an author is purely unintentional and should not be construed as plagiarism
or literary theft. Copyright 2013 Rosy Law. This information is solely advisory, and should not be substituted for medical, legal,
financial or tax advice. Any and all decisions and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a qualified physician,
attorney, financial advisor and/or CPA. We cannot be held responsible for actions you may take without proper medical, financial,
legal or tax advice.
Here are some of the new
clients who became
members of our Real
Estate Family this past
month. Id like to welcome
Handaya Hansen
(referred by Cindy Wong)
Jessicca Chung
Susan Wei
Felix Chandra
We love recognizing our
wonderful new
friends and existing
clients who are kind
enough to introduce their
friends, family and
Go Green:
Recycle This
After youve enjoyed my
newsletter, please recycle it by
passing it along to a family
member, friend, neighbor or

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Rosy Homes Newsletter September 2013

  • 1. The Taste Of Happiness A philosopher was sitting in the shade of a tree next to a beautiful lake when a troubled young man approached and introduced himself: Sir, my name is Ben, and Im miserable all the time. Ive been searching far and wide for a wise person who can tell me why Im always so unhappy. Can you help me? The wise man thought for a moment. Then he handed his visitor a cup and asked him to fill it with water from the lake. Ben took the cup and returned a few minutes later. The philosopher then took a handful of salt from his bag and dumped it in the water. Drink this and tell me how it tastes. Ben managed a small swallow of the salty liquid. Its terrible! Then the man stood up and led Ben to the shore of the lake. Once there, he took another handful of salt and dropped it into the water of the lake. Then he instructed Ben to get down and drink directly from the lake. Ben did. How does it taste? asked the wise man. Cool and delicious, said Ben. Do you taste the salt? No, Ben said. It dissolved in all the water. The wise man nodded. Unhappiness is like this handful of salt: the strength of the taste depends on what you put the salt into. To become happier and more satisfied, expand your vision and reach in life. Dont be the cupbecome the lake. Do you believe that the more you have going on in your life, the happier you are? NEWS FROM YOUR REAL ESTATE & CONSULTANT VISIT ME AT WWW.ROSYHOMES.COM Rosys Home News News To Help You Save Time and Money September 2013 INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Taste of Happiness Back To School Facts September Quiz Question Sultry September Protect Yourself From Identity Theft Crucial Conversations At Work Say No To Teen Debit Cards WORLD-CLASS SERVICE? SEE FLYER INSIDE!
  • 2. 2 Back To School Facts If you're looking for some carpool lane conversation starters, look no further than these fun and interesting back-to-school facts: According to a study done by Yale University, the smell of a crayon ranks #18 on the list of most recognizable scents for adults. In developing countries, every additional year of education can increase a persons future income by an average of 10 percent. Pencils can write just about anywherein zero gravity, upside down, and under water. The average pencil can write 45,000 words and draw a line 35 miles long. Children born to educated mothers in developing countries are less likely to be stunted or malnourished. Each additional year of maternal education reduces child mortality by 2%. The biggest school in the world (in terms of pupils, not area) is the City Montessori School in Lucknow, India. The school was set up by the Ghandis in 1959 and has more than 32,000 students! Sultry September In Latin, septem means 'seven.' September was the seventh month of the Roman calendar until 46 BC, when the first month of the year was changed from March to January. At different points, September had 29 and 31 days, but was changed to 30 days by Emperor Augustus. It is one of four months with 30 days. Memorable dates in September: Monday, September 2 is Labor/Labour Day in both the US and Canada, a day for honoring the work we do. The day also marks the informal end of summer, and the last summer holiday for many. Wednesday, September 11 marks the day that many Americans remember the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City in 2001. This also marks the birth of the war on terror, a phrase popularized by President George W. Bush. Congratulation for your new Home! Kevin Faust Mar-Vista, CA (Referred by Kelly Scofield & Athena Stamos) Arlene Urbina & Hector Zambrano North Hollywood, CA September Quiz Question Q: Fill in the blank: "________ days hath September. April, June and November..." Everyone who texts, emails or calls in the correct answer by the last day of this month will be entered into a drawing for a $20 gift certificate to Target
  • 3. 3 Protect Yourself From Identity Theft How safe is your smartphone? According to identity theft prevention experts, the amount of personal data contained on most smartphones is staggering. The following tips will help protect you from an identity theft and hacking nightmare: 1. Use a password. Think of your smartphone as an electronic wallet. If you could lock that wallet, why wouldn't you? 2. Use apps to shop. Many companies now have dedicated apps designed to ward off phishing and scams, so avoid shopping from the web browser if possible. 3. Always log out. Also avoid saving user IDs or passwords on the phone. 4. Close Wi-Fi auto connect and Bluetooth public. Hackers can break into your phone over fake networks and exploit Bluetooth connections. 5. Do a "factory reset". If you get a new phone make sure to reset your old one to original factory settings after you've migrated your data. 6. Avoid suspicious "free" apps. Some free apps are little more than thinly veiled phishing scams. Make sure the app you download has plenty of good reviews. 7. Remove sensitive data. Don't store notes, emails or text messages containing passwords, pins, Social Security numbers, credit card or bank account information. Crucial Conversations At Work Before having an important discussion with an employee, client, boss, or anyone else you hope to influence, plan your conversation. Dont be caught off guard by a question or challenge you didnt expect. Spend as much time preparing for their responses as you do planning your own message. What questions are they likely to ask? What information will they be looking for? How can you counter the most obvious objections? How will the react? What will they say? How should you answer? The more important the conversation, the more time you should spend on anticipating responses. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! September 1st Shirley Zaragoya- Beverly Hills September 9th Victor Shlionsky Woodland Hills September 15th Grace Joetama - Pasadena September 17th Kenny Kim West LA September 28th Julie Jang West LA HAPPY HOME ANNIVERSARY! 3rd Year Home Anniversary to Brenda Clark & Michael Hafenden Van Nuys 1st Year Home Annivesary to Saba Abuhay Woodland Hills 4th Year Home Anniversary to Cat Cipriotti & Doug Peyton. Los Angeles.
  • 4. 4 Say No To Teen Debit Cards Even as consumers try to unload credit-card debt, some banks are trying to get teenagers hooked on plastic. "Call it plastic on training wheels!" chirps the press release for the new Current Card by Discover, the latest debit card aimed at "kids, tweens and teens". The idea is that parents deposit money in the card account, which the kids can use to buy stuff or make withdrawals from ATMs. "Unlike cash," says the press release, "the Current Card helps teens develop smart money- management skills." In addition, parents can monitor spending, set limits, and block certain merchant categories. But the sales pitches are unconvincing. Here's why: Debit cards encourage kids to spend. With the Current Card, for example, teens are eligible for "members-only" in-store coupons and online discounts with "teen-friendly merchants". To kids, plastic is plastic. These cards aren't credit cards, but to kids, any plastic is magic money that's meant to be topped up by Mom and Dad when it runs out. Parental controls are overrated. Do parents really need to know whether their kids ate lunch at McDonald's or Wendys? The fees are high. Charges are often as much as $5/mo. or $50/year. That's a lot of money just for the privilege of tracking where your kids eat. Cash is cool. If you want kids to spend wisely, give them an allowance so they can see the cash come and go in real time. Rosy Law Rodeo Realty, Inc 202 N Canon DR Beverly Hills, CA 90210 www. rosyhomes.com This newsletter is intended for entertainment purposes only. Credit is given to the authors of various articles that are reprinted when the original author is known. Any omission of credit to an author is purely unintentional and should not be construed as plagiarism or literary theft. Copyright 2013 Rosy Law. This information is solely advisory, and should not be substituted for medical, legal, financial or tax advice. Any and all decisions and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a qualified physician, attorney, financial advisor and/or CPA. We cannot be held responsible for actions you may take without proper medical, financial, legal or tax advice. WELCOME NEW CLIENTS Here are some of the new clients who became members of our Real Estate Family this past month. Id like to welcome you! Handaya Hansen (referred by Cindy Wong) Jessicca Chung Susan Wei Felix Chandra We love recognizing our wonderful new friends and existing clients who are kind enough to introduce their friends, family and Go Green: Recycle This Newsletter! After youve enjoyed my newsletter, please recycle it by passing it along to a family member, friend, neighbor or coworker.