デ`タAI r旗にますます駅勣となるプレゼンの室嬬、イイタイコト醐凋 / Presentation RevolutionMasaya Mori
盾h並坤禰`タAI r旗にますます駅勣となるプレゼンの室嬬、イイタイコト醐凋 / Presentation Revloution
The message is that the most important thing in a presentation is to focus on what you would like to say. In other words, it is "what you want to convey to the audience the most." When you're giving a presentation, you need to dig into the message you want to share and what you want audience to do with it, clarify it, and then focus your energy on getting it across in the limited time you have. After all, this is almost all about a presentation.
This document discusses a Yokotter project that operates a nonprofit organization and several businesses in Yokote including a market, broadcasting station, cafe, social media accounts, and travel agency. The project aims to revitalize the local community and economy through these various initiatives and services.
The document contains monthly sales data from January to December for an unnamed product. It shows:
1) Sales were highest in August at over 8A898 units sold.
2) The lowest sales month was April with under 8A777 units sold.
3) Overall there was significant variance month to month with as much as a difference of over 2,000 units between the highest and lowest selling months.
This document repeatedly mentions Yokotter Market across multiple lines with no other context provided. Yokotter Market is referenced a total of 15 times throughout the text.