M?nga organisationer f?rs?ker idag bli ^agila ̄ f?r att l?sa diverse problem man upplever. De praktiska resultaten ?r dock blandade´
I den h?r sessionen pratar vi om vad det ?r det som avg?r om en ^agil transformation ̄ lyckas eller inte. Vi g?r igenom hur man g?r i praktiken och st?ller den grundl?ggande fr?gan om det h?r egentligen ?r n?got som ni vill g?ra. Statistiskt sett s? ?r svaret f?rmodligen nej´
The document discusses and analyzes three different album covers:
1) Eminem's "Recovery" album cover depicts him alone on a road to represent the lonely path of recovery and his journey of self-recreation.
2) Chris Brown's album cover features pictures and captions in the background representing obstacles he has faced, such as the words "forgiving" and "enemies." The bold font style and images portray him as vain and seeking popularity.
3) Nicki Minaj's "Stupid Hoe" album cover uses bright colors to draw in audiences and features her standing proudly to portray herself as a kind of Barbie, fitting her personality. The title and image directly convey the music's
Bilder fr?n CSR seminarium. Vi pratar om h?llbar l?nsamhet. Ulrika Hotopp lyfter fram exempel p? att aff?rer som g?r hand i hand med h?llbara principer ?r l?nsamma. Ta klivet fr?n en endimensionell CSR-silo p? f?retagen till att lyfta h?llbarhet i aff?rsstrategier och anamma ett holistiskt perspektiv. ?sa Skogstr?m Feldt som driver initiativet Next Generation inom IKEA ber?ttar om att skapa l?nsam h?llbarhet och h?llbar l?nsamhet. Moderator ?r Lars Wirt└n.
Content marketing involves creating and sharing relevant content through owned channels in order to attract target audiences and address their pain points as a thought leader. The traditional top-down communication model is obsolete in today's digital landscape where customers control information and its distribution through searching online and sharing content. To succeed, companies must understand their audiences' needs and position themselves as experts by creating content at the intersection of audiences' pain points and the company's areas of thought leadership, referred to as the "Garden of Eden". This content should be distributed through owned channels like blogs, newsletters and videos.
Teenagers on average send 50 SMS per day. Mobile phones and other digital devices occupy a significant amount of teens' time and attention, with some statistics showing that teens spend over 10% of their time in bed on devices. Younger generations also check their social media and mobile phones frequently throughout the day.
1) Streaming music services like Spotify and Deeker have seen rapid growth and are now the dominant way people, especially younger users, consume music.
2) Record sales have declined sharply but revenues from streaming services are rising quickly, helping the music industry recover.
3) Major brands are increasingly partnering with musicians and investing in music platforms, taking over the role that labels traditionally played in promoting artists. Music is becoming a tool for branding rather than just advertisement.
1) Streaming music services like Spotify and Deeker have seen rapid growth and are now the dominant way people, especially younger users, consume music.
2) Record sales have declined sharply but revenues from streaming services are rising quickly, helping the music industry recover.
3) Major brands are increasingly partnering with musicians and investing in music platforms, taking over the role that labels traditionally played in promoting artists. Music is becoming a tool for branding rather than just advertisement.