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弌仄/亟勵勵亞 ................................................................................

仆亞亳, 弍勵仍亞..................


 丐丕丱 亅亅 丱丼亅亅

/22 仂仆仂仂/

1.丐唏 勵勵 唏仄仆唏 勵亠亳亶仆 仆亳亶亞仄亳亶仆 勵仄勵勵亳亶仆 舒仄亟舒仍仆 于 仄舒磪 舒仍 仆
舒仄舒舒舒亞亟舒 于?
. 亢 勵亶仍亟于, 亰舒 亰仍亳亶仆 舒亳仍舒舒
. 于亞仂仂仂仂 舒亞亶亟 舒仄亟舒
弌. 亳亳亞 勵亞 亞仍
D. 丐仂仄仂仂仂仆 仂 亳仆亟 舒仄亟舒
. 亟仍仍亳亶仆 亠仆仂仍仂亞亳
2. 亳亶亞仄亳亶仆 仍 唏亳亶仆 勵仆亟 亞仂仍仍仂仆 磦舒亞亟亟舒亞 舒亳仍舒舒亞 仄亟亞仍仆 勵勵?
|3 仂仆仂仂 |
.  亰舒仆仍舒舒 亟亟仍
. 亅亳仄 勵 勵亶仍亟于仍
弌. 丱仍 弍舒仍舒, 亞亢勵勵仍
D. 亅勵勵仍 仄仆亟 舒仄亞舒舒仍舒
. 舒亳仍亞舒, 弍舒亶亞仍舒仄亢 弍舒亳
3.  舒仆 仄仍 勵仆 亰勵亶仍亟 舒仄舒舒舒亞亟舒 唏亞唏亞亟仍亳亶亞 仄亟亞仍仆 勵勵? |3 仂仆仂仂 |
. 丱仍 弍亳亠仍勵勵仍
. 丱勵仆仍亞 仆仆亞勵亶 弍舒亶
弌. 亢 舒亶 仍
D. 舒亟舒舒亟 仂仂仆亟 舒磿舒
. 丕舒仆亟 仄弍舒
4. .......................亞亟亞 仆 仆亳亶亞仄亳亶仆 舒亳仍舒舒亞 勵仄勵勵, 弍勵仍亞 弍舒亶亞仍舒亞舒 弍勵仆 唏唏亳亶仆 ,
勵勵亞 舒亳仍舒亞舒舒  亢仄仆 亟舒亞 亞勵亶亞亢 弍舒亶仆 仆 ミ. 唏于 唏亞唏亞亟仍亳亶亞 仂仍亢 仆唏仆唏
|3 仂仆仂仂 |
. 丿亟舒亞舒 
. 亳仆亢亳仆 亞仍
弌. 丱唏亟唏仍仄唏 弍舒亶
D. 亳亶 弍舒亶
. 亳亶亞仄亳亶仆  舒仆
5.亶仄舒亞, 仆亳亶仍仍亳亶仆 亰舒舒亞 亟舒亞仆 亞舒亞舒舒仆 亰勵亶仆 亳亶亟于亳亶亞 ム 亞亢 仆仍亟亞 于?
|3 仂仆仂仂|
. 丱仍
. 舒仍亳亞
弌. 舒亳舒仄亢
D. 丐舒舒仍
. 丐仂亞仂仂仍
6. 丕仍舒仆 仂亳仍仂仂 唏唏唏唏 舒亳仍亞舒 勵勵亞亶 勵仄勵勵 亰勵亶仆 舒亟舒仄亢亳亶仆 舒仍 舒仆亞亳仍舒仍亟
舒仄舒舒舒亞亟舒 于?
|3 仂仆仂仂 |
. 亅 亰勵亶仆 舒亟舒仄亢舒亶
. 亅 亰勵亶仆 亰舒亳仄 舒亟舒仄亢舒亶
弌. 亅亰勵亶仆 弍勵仆 弍 舒亟舒仄亢舒亶
D. 亅亰勵亶仆 弍勵仆 舒亟舒仄亢舒亶
. 亅 亰勵亶仆 舒亶仆 舒亟舒仄亢舒亶
7. 亅亟亳亶仆 亰舒亞亳亶仆 仍亞 舒亟仍亞 亰唏于 亳仍亳亶仍仆 唏亞唏亞亟仍亳亶亞 仂仆亞仂仆仂 ?
|2 仂仆仂仂 |
. 勳亶仍亟于仍仍-丱亞仍-丱于舒舒亳仍舒仍
. 丕仍舒仄亢仍舒仍-丐唏仍唏于仍唏亞唏唏-舒 亰仍
弌. 豫 勵亶仍亟于仍- 亊舒亢 勵亶仍亟于仍-丱仆亟 勵亶仍亟于仍
D. 丱亰-丱舒舒仆舒-豫
. 丕仍-亳亶亞仄-亳亶仍亞
8. 丐舒亶仆 弍舒舒舒仆 勵仆, 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍仍亳亶仆 仂仂 仄亢 仂 仂仂仂仆亟仂仂 礆舒 舒仄舒舒舒仍舒亶
| 仂仆仂仂 |
. 丕于 舒仄舒舒舒仍舒亶
. 丿亟 舒仄舒舒舒仍舒亶
弌. 亳亞亟 舒仄舒舒舒仍舒亶
D. 亳亶仍亞 舒仄舒舒舒仍舒亶
. 仍亳亶仍 弍仂仍仂仄亢亞勵亶

 丕弌乘 丐勳勳丱 丱丼亅亅

/38 仂仆仂仂/

9. 仂仆亞仂仍 仆舒亞 800 000 亢亳仍亳亶仆  勵仆 舒仄亟舒 弍舒亶仆亞 亳仍亞亢, 弍舒亞舒亢 亰于亞 仂仍亟仂仆
丶舒亞舒舒仆 舒亞亶仆 亟亞舒仍 舒仍 舒亶仄亞亳亶仆 仆舒亞 弍舒亶亟舒亞 于?
/3 仂仆仂仂/
. 丕于 舒亶仄舒亞
. 丱仆亳亶 舒亶仄舒亞
弌. 舒礌仂仆亞仂 舒亶仄舒亞
D. 舒于舒仆 舒亶仄舒亞
. 丱唏于亞唏仍 舒亶仄舒亞
10. 仂仆亞仂仍 仆舒亞 唏亞唏仆 舒舒仆 舒亟仆 勵亞 亰亞亳亶亞 勵亶仍亟仆 舒亞舒舒 仆 ム 亞亢 舒仆亞亳仍亟舒亞 于?
/3 仂仆仂仂/
A. 舒舒舒仆 弍舒 仂亳仄仂仍
B. 舒舒舒仆 弍舒 亳亶仍仄仍
C. 弌亳亶仍仄仍 弍舒 仂亳仄仂仍
D. 仄舒仍 弍舒 亰舒舒舒仆
E. 仂仂仆 弍舒 亳亶仍仄仍
11. 丐哦 209 仂仆亟 丱勵仆仆勵 亞勵仆亳亶亞 弍舒亶亞仍舒仆 舒舒仆 仆 弍?
. 仍亠亞亳仆
. 丐舒仆亳舒亶
弌. 仂亟仆

D. 仄舒仆

12.  仂仆亞仂仍 仍仆 仍 舒仍 仆 于?
. 舒仍亳亞舒舒 仂亞仂仂仂仆 仂仆亞仂仍 仍仆 仍 亰勵亶仍亳亶仆 弍亳亳亞
.  亰舒舒亞
弌. 丱舒仍-亶舒亟仆 亳 舒舒亰
D. 仍舒仆 舒舒仆 舒舒亰
. 丱舒仍 亢舒仄

/3 仂仆仂仂/
. 亶仍仂
/3 仂仆仂仂/

13. 舒仍亟舒仆仆 舒舒仆 勵勵仆亞舒仆 舒舒仆 仍仆 唏亳亶亞 1727-1745 仂仆亟 弍舒亢 弍舒亶亢.
舒仍亟舒仆仆 舒舒仆 唏 弍舒舒仆 仂仆亞 亰仆亟 亳仍亢勵勵仍仆, 亰唏于 舒亳仍亞 仂仆亞仂仆仂 .
/3 仂仆仂仂/
. XVI 亰仆 I 舒亞舒
. XVI 亰仆 II 舒亞舒
弌. XVII 亰仆 I 舒亞舒
D. XVII 亰仆 II 舒亞舒
E. XVIII 亰仆 I 舒亞舒
14. XIX 亰仆 亟 亟仆 仂仆亟 勵亞仍亢亳仍亟亞 于? 唏于亳亶亞 仂仆亞仂仆仂 .
. 1700-1800 仂仆
. 1701-1801 仂仆
弌. 1701-1800 仂仆
D. 1800-1900
. 1801-1900 仂仆

/3 仂仆仂仂/

15. 弌舒亞 舒仆 唏于唏唏 舒仄亟亳仆 仂亟仂仂亞亳亶仆 弌仍仆亞 舒亶仄亞亳亶仆 仆舒亞 唏亢. 亅仆 仆 仍舒仄亢仍舒仍
亰舒舒亞 亰舒亳亞舒舒仆 于舒舒亳舒 舒仍 舒亶仄舒亞 于?
/3 仂仆仂仂/
. 舒舒亞 舒仆 舒亶仄舒亞
B. 丐勵 舒仆 舒亶仄舒亞
弌. 弌舒亶仆 仆仂仆 舒亶仄舒亞
D. 弌仆 舒仆 舒亶仄舒亞
. 唏于唏亟 舒仍舒亶 舒仆 舒亶仄舒亞
16. 丐舒于舒亞舒舒亶仆 丕仍舒舒仆 弍舒舒 仄 亞舒亰舒 丱舒仍, 亶舒亟, 亢亳仍, 丱唏 仆仆 仂仆亞仂仍亟亞
唏仍唏唏仍唏仆 30 仂亳仄 仂仄 仆仂亟, 舒亞 仍舒仄 仆舒 仂仂仍仂仆 仍亢, 丱舒仍-亶舒亟仆  舒舒亰亞 弍舒舒仍亢. 亅仆勵勵 勵亶仍 磦亟舒仍 弍仂仍仂仆 仂仆 舒亞 舒仍 仆 于? 唏于亳亶亞 仂仆亞仂仆仂 .
/3 仂仆仂仂/
. 1636 仂仆
. 1639 仂仆
弌. 1640 仂仆
D. 1686 仂仆
. 1691 仂仆
17. 1911 仂仆 于亞舒仍仆 勵 亟勵仆亟 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亟亳亶仆 亰舒舒亞 仂亟仂仂亶 唏唏仍唏仍勵勵亟 亞舒.
丐亟亞 唏唏仍唏仍唏仆亟 舒仄舒舒舒仍亞勵亶 亰勵亶仍 唏亞勵勵仍仆 弍舒亶仆舒 ?
/3 仂仆仂仂/
A. 丱舒亟仆 亟舒仍亟舒舒, 仄唏仆亞唏 勵勵仍仍亳亶仆 仆仂仂仍 仍舒舒仆.
B. 舒仍 舒亢 舒亶亞舒舒 仍 舒亞舒 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒仆亟 亟于亳仍 亞舒舒仆.
C. 舒仍亞 仄仍亟 仂 仄 仆舒 仂仂仍仂 弍仂仍仂仆.
D. 亳亞 仄舒仍仄舒仍舒舒 舒于舒 舒于舒 弍仂仍仂仆.
E. 亅仆亟 亳仍勵勵 亰勵亶仍 唏亞勵勵仍亞勵亶 弍舒亶仆舒.
18. 1924 仂仆亟 仆亟亞舒舒 勳仆亟仆 仍亳亶亞 弍舒舒仍舒仆. 丐勵勵仆亳亶 舒 仂仍弍仂亞亟仂仍亟 舒仄舒舒舒仍亞勵亶 亰勵亶仍
亟亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒 ?
/4 仂仆仂仂/
A. 亟 勵仄仆 唏亳亶仆 亞 仂仂仍仂 弍仂仍仂仄亢仂亶 弍仂仍仂仆.
B. 仂仆亞仂仍 丕仍仆  亰勵亶仆 勵仆亟 弍亳亶 弍仂仍仂仆.
C. 勵亞亟 舒亶舒仄亟舒 亰舒舒亞仍舒仍亞 仂亞仂仂仂仆.
D. 亞亟亳亶仆 ,  唏仍唏唏亞 弍舒舒仍亞舒舒亢仍亢 唏亞唏仆.
E.  弍勵亞亟 舒仄舒舒仆舒.
19. 舒仆舒亶 仍仆 弍勵 仄舒仍仆 仂仂 1925 仂仆亟 16 舒 弍舒亶舒仆 弍仂仍 1928 仂仆亟 21 舒 弍仂仍亢. 亳亶
仄舒仍 勵亞 亟仆 于亳舒 唏唏仆 弍?
/3 仂仆仂仂/
. 29%

. 30%

弌. 31%

. 33%

D. 32%

20. 1921 仂仆亟 弍舒亶亞仍舒亞亟舒仆 亟仆 亰舒亞亳亶仆 亞舒亰仆 舒亶亟亟亞 仍亢 弍舒亶舒仆 舒仍弍舒舒亶 仆
仂亳仍仆舒 ?
/4 仂仆仂仂/
A. .弌勵弍舒舒舒
1. 唏仆亳亶 舒亶亟 弍舒 舒亟舒舒亟 磠仄仆 舒亶亟
B. .仂亟仂仂
2. 弌舒仆亞亳亶仆 磠仄
C. .舒亞舒亢舒于
3. 丶亞亳亶仆 磠仄仆 舒亶亟
D. 弌.舒仆亰舒仆
4. 丿勵勵 磠仄仆 舒亶亟
. 3, 1, 弌4, D2
. 2, 3, 弌4, D1
弌. 1, 2, 弌3 D4
D. 4, 2, 弌1, D3
. 3, 4, 弌1, D2

/40 marks/

Section1: Grammar. /8 tasksx2 marks =16 marks/
Incomplete sentences. Select the best answer to complete each sentence.
Then mark the letter A, B, C,D or E in your answer sheet.
21. The school principal always ________a speech on the 1st of September.
A. make
B. has made
C. makes
D. is making
E. are making
22. The students in our class ___________each other.
A. doesnt bully
B. isnt bully
D. not bully
E. dont bully

C. arent bully

23. When we ________ to a countryside we ________ a wolf.
A. are going / saw
B. were going/saw
D. were going/ were seeing
E. went /were seeing
24. Just a moment! I _________ the bill yet.
A. havent paid
B. have paid
C. had paid
D. have payed

C. were going/ see

E. havent payed

25. Kate is Canadian but she lives in Mongolia, __________?
A. is she
B. was she
C. does she
D. isnt she

E. doesnt she

26. A: _________ does this book cost? B: Twelve pounds.
A. How much
B. How
C. What
D. How many
E. Which
27. Students____________ use mobile phones in class as a school rule.
A. has to
B. must
C. mustnt
D. have to
28. A teacher taught: ___ is the centre of our solar system.
A. Sun
B. The Sun
C. A Sun

D. An Sun

E. mustnt to
E. sun

Section 2: Vocabulary. /4 tasks x 2marks=8 marks/
29. Odd one out.
A. a lizard
B. a snake
C. a crocodile
D. a tail
E. a spider
30. Find the opposite of the phrasal verb: put on
A. get up
B. turn on
C. take off

D. put up

31. Choose the correct preposition. Take part __________art shows.
A. for
B. in
C. at
D. into
E. to
32. Choose the correct match of the words in columns A and B.
1. vegetable
a. school

E. go away
2. cane
3. duty
4. private
5. part
A. 1c2d3b4a5e

b. free
c. time
d. soup
e. sugar
B. 1b2a3e4d5c


E. 1d2e3c4a5b

C. 1a2b3c4d5e

Section 3: Communication. /3tasksx2 marks=6marks/
Choose the best answer for each conversation.
33. A:-Excuse me. Is this mine?
B: ____________
A. Yes, can I help you.
B. Sorry. I dont want
C. Yes. It is.
D. Im sorry to hear that.
E. Yes. It is mine.
34. A:-Guess what! I just passed my driving test!
A. What a shame!
B. You must be thrilled!
C. Thats too bad.
D. Oh no, how awful!
E. What a pity!

B: ____________

35. A: - Would you like to come to the cinema with us tonight? B: ____________
A. Im not sure. Ill let you know tomorrow.
B. Id rather not, Im not keen on concert.
C. Thank you for coming!
D. You are welcome.
E. Thanks, Id love to.
Section 3: Reading. /5tasksx2 marks=10 marks/
Read the text. For questions (1-5), choose the correct answer A,B,C,D or E.
During the Qin Dynasty there was a scholar who enjoyed collecting antiques. Once he heard
something was from a classical period, he wanted to buy it at any cost. One day, someone brought
an old mat and told him, This mat was once used as a seat by Socrates himself! The scholar was
very happy and immediately agreed to buy it. He decided to sell his land surrounding his house
was the old mat. Some time afterwards, another person came to him with a walking stick and said
to him, This walking stick was used by the Caesar Emperor! How much do you decide to pay for
it? The scholar took the walking stick into his hands and couldnt resist buying it. He managed to
take everything valuable from his house and traded it for the walking stick. Not long afterwards, yet
another person came to him with an old bowl and said to him: Cleopatra herself used to drink from
this old bowl.  So as the scholar kept buying old things he had no choice but to sell the very house
he lived in for the antique bowl.
So, at the end scholar stopped buying anything as he had nothing but three antiques. Every day
with his mat once used by Socrates draped over his shoulders, leaning on the Caesar emperors
walking stick with Cleopatras bowl in his hand, he walked around the city and begged for food
from people.
36. Why are the mat, walking stick and bowl considered antiques in the text?
A. They are from Qin Dynasty.
B. They were used by famous people.
C. They were so valuable.
D. They were so cheap.
E. They were used by the scholar.
37. What the scholar traded the valuable things for?
A. a mat
B. a bowl
C. a house
D. a walking stick
E. a land
38. He begged food from people because
A. he had sold everything
B. he had antiques
C. he took a bowl
D. he kept buying old things
E. his antiques were valuable
39. Which of the following sentences is correct according to the text?
A. Caesar Emperor used a mat as his seat.
B. Neither Caesar Emperor nor Socrates both used the bowl.
C. All three antiques dont belong to a classical period.
D. The scholar was still rich when he bought a bowl.
E. The scholar used to beg food before buying the antiques.
40. What is the morale of the story?
A. People should enjoy life.
B. People should collect antiques.
C. People should sell what they have.
D. People should respect the famous people.
E. People should finance wisely when they spend it.


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  • 1. 亶仄舒亞/仂.............................................................. 弌仄/亟勵勵亞 ................................................................................ 于仂亞.......................................................... 仆亞亳, 弍勵仍亞.................. .......................................................................... 丐丕丱 亅亅 丱丼亅亅 /22 仂仆仂仂/ 1.丐唏 勵勵 唏仄仆唏 勵亠亳亶仆 仆亳亶亞仄亳亶仆 勵仄勵勵亳亶仆 舒仄亟舒仍仆 于 仄舒磪 舒仍 仆 舒仄舒舒舒亞亟舒 于? |2仂仆仂仂 . 亢 勵亶仍亟于, 亰舒 亰仍亳亶仆 舒亳仍舒舒 . 于亞仂仂仂仂 舒亞亶亟 舒仄亟舒 弌. 亳亳亞 勵亞 亞仍 D. 丐仂仄仂仂仂仆 仂 亳仆亟 舒仄亟舒 . 亟仍仍亳亶仆 亠仆仂仍仂亞亳 2. 亳亶亞仄亳亶仆 仍 唏亳亶仆 勵仆亟 亞仂仍仍仂仆 磦舒亞亟亟舒亞 舒亳仍舒舒亞 仄亟亞仍仆 勵勵? |3 仂仆仂仂 | . 亰舒仆仍舒舒 亟亟仍 . 亅亳仄 勵 勵亶仍亟于仍 弌. 丱仍 弍舒仍舒, 亞亢勵勵仍 D. 亅勵勵仍 仄仆亟 舒仄亞舒舒仍舒 . 舒亳仍亞舒, 弍舒亶亞仍舒仄亢 弍舒亳 3. 舒仆 仄仍 勵仆 亰勵亶仍亟 舒仄舒舒舒亞亟舒 唏亞唏亞亟仍亳亶亞 仄亟亞仍仆 勵勵? |3 仂仆仂仂 | . 丱仍 弍亳亠仍勵勵仍 . 丱勵仆仍亞 仆仆亞勵亶 弍舒亶 弌. 亢 舒亶 仍 D. 舒亟舒舒亟 仂仂仆亟 舒磿舒 . 丕舒仆亟 仄弍舒 4. .......................亞亟亞 仆 仆亳亶亞仄亳亶仆 舒亳仍舒舒亞 勵仄勵勵, 弍勵仍亞 弍舒亶亞仍舒亞舒 弍勵仆 唏唏亳亶仆 , 勵勵亞 舒亳仍舒亞舒舒 亢仄仆 亟舒亞 亞勵亶亞亢 弍舒亶仆 仆 ミ. 唏于 唏亞唏亞亟仍亳亶亞 仂仍亢 仆唏仆唏 勵勵? |3 仂仆仂仂 | . 丿亟舒亞舒 . 亳仆亢亳仆 亞仍 弌. 丱唏亟唏仍仄唏 弍舒亶 D. 亳亶 弍舒亶 . 亳亶亞仄亳亶仆 舒仆 5.亶仄舒亞, 仆亳亶仍仍亳亶仆 亰舒舒亞 亟舒亞仆 亞舒亞舒舒仆 亰勵亶仆 亳亶亟于亳亶亞 ム 亞亢 仆仍亟亞 于? |3 仂仆仂仂| . 丱仍 . 舒仍亳亞 弌. 舒亳舒仄亢 D. 丐舒舒仍 . 丐仂亞仂仂仍 6. 丕仍舒仆 仂亳仍仂仂 唏唏唏唏 舒亳仍亞舒 勵勵亞亶 勵仄勵勵 亰勵亶仆 舒亟舒仄亢亳亶仆 舒仍 舒仆亞亳仍舒仍亟 舒仄舒舒舒亞亟舒 于? |3 仂仆仂仂 | . 亅 亰勵亶仆 舒亟舒仄亢舒亶 . 亅 亰勵亶仆 亰舒亳仄 舒亟舒仄亢舒亶 弌. 亅亰勵亶仆 弍勵仆 弍 舒亟舒仄亢舒亶 D. 亅亰勵亶仆 弍勵仆 舒亟舒仄亢舒亶 . 亅 亰勵亶仆 舒亶仆 舒亟舒仄亢舒亶 7. 亅亟亳亶仆 亰舒亞亳亶仆 仍亞 舒亟仍亞 亰唏于 亳仍亳亶仍仆 唏亞唏亞亟仍亳亶亞 仂仆亞仂仆仂 ? |2 仂仆仂仂 | . 勳亶仍亟于仍仍-丱亞仍-丱于舒舒亳仍舒仍 . 丕仍舒仄亢仍舒仍-丐唏仍唏于仍唏亞唏唏-舒 亰仍 弌. 豫 勵亶仍亟于仍- 亊舒亢 勵亶仍亟于仍-丱仆亟 勵亶仍亟于仍 D. 丱亰-丱舒舒仆舒-豫 . 丕仍-亳亶亞仄-亳亶仍亞 8. 丐舒亶仆 弍舒舒舒仆 勵仆, 仆亳亶仍勵勵仍仍亳亶仆 仂仂 仄亢 仂 仂仂仂仆亟仂仂 礆舒 舒仄舒舒舒仍舒亶 于? | 仂仆仂仂 | . 丕于 舒仄舒舒舒仍舒亶 . 丿亟 舒仄舒舒舒仍舒亶 弌. 亳亞亟 舒仄舒舒舒仍舒亶 D. 亳亶仍亞 舒仄舒舒舒仍舒亶 . 仍亳亶仍 弍仂仍仂仄亢亞勵亶 1
  • 2. 丕弌乘 丐勳勳丱 丱丼亅亅 /38 仂仆仂仂/ 9. 仂仆亞仂仍 仆舒亞 800 000 亢亳仍亳亶仆 勵仆 舒仄亟舒 弍舒亶仆亞 亳仍亞亢, 弍舒亞舒亢 亰于亞 仂仍亟仂仆 丶舒亞舒舒仆 舒亞亶仆 亟亞舒仍 舒仍 舒亶仄亞亳亶仆 仆舒亞 弍舒亶亟舒亞 于? /3 仂仆仂仂/ . 丕于 舒亶仄舒亞 . 丱仆亳亶 舒亶仄舒亞 弌. 舒礌仂仆亞仂 舒亶仄舒亞 D. 舒于舒仆 舒亶仄舒亞 . 丱唏于亞唏仍 舒亶仄舒亞 10. 仂仆亞仂仍 仆舒亞 唏亞唏仆 舒舒仆 舒亟仆 勵亞 亰亞亳亶亞 勵亶仍亟仆 舒亞舒舒 仆 ム 亞亢 舒仆亞亳仍亟舒亞 于? /3 仂仆仂仂/ A. 舒舒舒仆 弍舒 仂亳仄仂仍 B. 舒舒舒仆 弍舒 亳亶仍仄仍 C. 弌亳亶仍仄仍 弍舒 仂亳仄仂仍 D. 仄舒仍 弍舒 亰舒舒舒仆 E. 仂仂仆 弍舒 亳亶仍仄仍 11. 丐哦 209 仂仆亟 丱勵仆仆勵 亞勵仆亳亶亞 弍舒亶亞仍舒仆 舒舒仆 仆 弍? . 仍亠亞亳仆 . 丐舒仆亳舒亶 弌. 仂亟仆 D. 仄舒仆 12. 仂仆亞仂仍 仍仆 仍 舒仍 仆 于? . 舒仍亳亞舒舒 仂亞仂仂仂仆 仂仆亞仂仍 仍仆 仍 亰勵亶仍亳亶仆 弍亳亳亞 . 亰舒舒亞 弌. 丱舒仍-亶舒亟仆 亳 舒舒亰 D. 仍舒仆 舒舒仆 舒舒亰 . 丱舒仍 亢舒仄 /3 仂仆仂仂/ . 亶仍仂 /3 仂仆仂仂/ 13. 舒仍亟舒仆仆 舒舒仆 勵勵仆亞舒仆 舒舒仆 仍仆 唏亳亶亞 1727-1745 仂仆亟 弍舒亢 弍舒亶亢. 舒仍亟舒仆仆 舒舒仆 唏 弍舒舒仆 仂仆亞 亰仆亟 亳仍亢勵勵仍仆, 亰唏于 舒亳仍亞 仂仆亞仂仆仂 . /3 仂仆仂仂/ . XVI 亰仆 I 舒亞舒 . XVI 亰仆 II 舒亞舒 弌. XVII 亰仆 I 舒亞舒 D. XVII 亰仆 II 舒亞舒 E. XVIII 亰仆 I 舒亞舒 14. XIX 亰仆 亟 亟仆 仂仆亟 勵亞仍亢亳仍亟亞 于? 唏于亳亶亞 仂仆亞仂仆仂 . . 1700-1800 仂仆 . 1701-1801 仂仆 弌. 1701-1800 仂仆 D. 1800-1900 . 1801-1900 仂仆 /3 仂仆仂仂/ 15. 弌舒亞 舒仆 唏于唏唏 舒仄亟亳仆 仂亟仂仂亞亳亶仆 弌仍仆亞 舒亶仄亞亳亶仆 仆舒亞 唏亢. 亅仆 仆 仍舒仄亢仍舒仍 亰舒舒亞 亰舒亳亞舒舒仆 于舒舒亳舒 舒仍 舒亶仄舒亞 于? /3 仂仆仂仂/ . 舒舒亞 舒仆 舒亶仄舒亞 B. 丐勵 舒仆 舒亶仄舒亞 弌. 弌舒亶仆 仆仂仆 舒亶仄舒亞 D. 弌仆 舒仆 舒亶仄舒亞 . 唏于唏亟 舒仍舒亶 舒仆 舒亶仄舒亞 16. 丐舒于舒亞舒舒亶仆 丕仍舒舒仆 弍舒舒 仄 亞舒亰舒 丱舒仍, 亶舒亟, 亢亳仍, 丱唏 仆仆 仂仆亞仂仍亟亞 唏仍唏唏仍唏仆 30 仂亳仄 仂仄 仆仂亟, 舒亞 仍舒仄 仆舒 仂仂仍仂仆 仍亢, 丱舒仍-亶舒亟仆 舒舒亰亞 弍舒舒仍亢. 亅仆勵勵 勵亶仍 磦亟舒仍 弍仂仍仂仆 仂仆 舒亞 舒仍 仆 于? 唏于亳亶亞 仂仆亞仂仆仂 . /3 仂仆仂仂/ . 1636 仂仆 . 1639 仂仆 弌. 1640 仂仆 D. 1686 仂仆 . 1691 仂仆 17. 1911 仂仆 于亞舒仍仆 勵 亟勵仆亟 仂仆亞仂仍仆 亟亳亶仆 亰舒舒亞 仂亟仂仂亶 唏唏仍唏仍勵勵亟 亞舒. 丐亟亞 唏唏仍唏仍唏仆亟 舒仄舒舒舒仍亞勵亶 亰勵亶仍 唏亞勵勵仍仆 弍舒亶仆舒 ? /3 仂仆仂仂/ A. 丱舒亟仆 亟舒仍亟舒舒, 仄唏仆亞唏 勵勵仍仍亳亶仆 仆仂仂仍 仍舒舒仆. B. 舒仍 舒亢 舒亶亞舒舒 仍 舒亞舒 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒仆亟 亟于亳仍 亞舒舒仆. C. 舒仍亞 仄仍亟 仂 仄 仆舒 仂仂仍仂 弍仂仍仂仆. D. 亳亞 仄舒仍仄舒仍舒舒 舒于舒 舒于舒 弍仂仍仂仆. E. 亅仆亟 亳仍勵勵 亰勵亶仍 唏亞勵勵仍亞勵亶 弍舒亶仆舒. 18. 1924 仂仆亟 仆亟亞舒舒 勳仆亟仆 仍亳亶亞 弍舒舒仍舒仆. 丐勵勵仆亳亶 舒 仂仍弍仂亞亟仂仍亟 舒仄舒舒舒仍亞勵亶 亰勵亶仍 亟亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒 ? /4 仂仆仂仂/ A. 亟 勵仄仆 唏亳亶仆 亞 仂仂仍仂 弍仂仍仂仄亢仂亶 弍仂仍仂仆. B. 仂仆亞仂仍 丕仍仆 亰勵亶仆 勵仆亟 弍亳亶 弍仂仍仂仆. C. 勵亞亟 舒亶舒仄亟舒 亰舒舒亞仍舒仍亞 仂亞仂仂仂仆. D. 亞亟亳亶仆 , 唏仍唏唏亞 弍舒舒仍亞舒舒亢仍亢 唏亞唏仆. E. 弍勵亞亟 舒仄舒舒仆舒. 19. 舒仆舒亶 仍仆 弍勵 仄舒仍仆 仂仂 1925 仂仆亟 16 舒 弍舒亶舒仆 弍仂仍 1928 仂仆亟 21 舒 弍仂仍亢. 亳亶 仄舒仍 勵亞 亟仆 于亳舒 唏唏仆 弍? /3 仂仆仂仂/ 2
  • 3. . 29% . 30% 弌. 31% . 33% D. 32% 20. 1921 仂仆亟 弍舒亶亞仍舒亞亟舒仆 亟仆 亰舒亞亳亶仆 亞舒亰仆 舒亶亟亟亞 仍亢 弍舒亶舒仆 舒仍弍舒舒亶 仆 仂亳仍仆舒 ? /4 仂仆仂仂/ A. .弌勵弍舒舒舒 1. 唏仆亳亶 舒亶亟 弍舒 舒亟舒舒亟 磠仄仆 舒亶亟 B. .仂亟仂仂 2. 弌舒仆亞亳亶仆 磠仄 C. .舒亞舒亢舒于 3. 丶亞亳亶仆 磠仄仆 舒亶亟 D. 弌.舒仆亰舒仆 4. 丿勵勵 磠仄仆 舒亶亟 . 3, 1, 弌4, D2 . 2, 3, 弌4, D1 弌. 1, 2, 弌3 D4 D. 4, 2, 弌1, D3 . 3, 4, 弌1, D2 ENGLISH TEST FOR THE 9TH GRADE /40 marks/ Section1: Grammar. /8 tasksx2 marks =16 marks/ Incomplete sentences. Select the best answer to complete each sentence. Then mark the letter A, B, C,D or E in your answer sheet. 21. The school principal always ________a speech on the 1st of September. A. make B. has made C. makes D. is making E. are making 22. The students in our class ___________each other. A. doesnt bully B. isnt bully D. not bully E. dont bully C. arent bully 23. When we ________ to a countryside we ________ a wolf. A. are going / saw B. were going/saw D. were going/ were seeing E. went /were seeing 24. Just a moment! I _________ the bill yet. A. havent paid B. have paid C. had paid D. have payed C. were going/ see E. havent payed 25. Kate is Canadian but she lives in Mongolia, __________? A. is she B. was she C. does she D. isnt she E. doesnt she 26. A: _________ does this book cost? B: Twelve pounds. A. How much B. How C. What D. How many E. Which 27. Students____________ use mobile phones in class as a school rule. A. has to B. must C. mustnt D. have to 28. A teacher taught: ___ is the centre of our solar system. A. Sun B. The Sun C. A Sun D. An Sun E. mustnt to E. sun Section 2: Vocabulary. /4 tasks x 2marks=8 marks/ 29. Odd one out. A. a lizard B. a snake C. a crocodile D. a tail E. a spider 30. Find the opposite of the phrasal verb: put on A. get up B. turn on C. take off D. put up 31. Choose the correct preposition. Take part __________art shows. A. for B. in C. at D. into E. to 32. Choose the correct match of the words in columns A and B. A B 1. vegetable a. school 3 E. go away
  • 4. 2. cane 3. duty 4. private 5. part A. 1c2d3b4a5e b. free c. time d. soup e. sugar B. 1b2a3e4d5c D.1d2e3b4a5c E. 1d2e3c4a5b C. 1a2b3c4d5e Section 3: Communication. /3tasksx2 marks=6marks/ Choose the best answer for each conversation. 33. A:-Excuse me. Is this mine? B: ____________ A. Yes, can I help you. B. Sorry. I dont want C. Yes. It is. D. Im sorry to hear that. E. Yes. It is mine. 34. A:-Guess what! I just passed my driving test! A. What a shame! B. You must be thrilled! C. Thats too bad. D. Oh no, how awful! E. What a pity! B: ____________ 35. A: - Would you like to come to the cinema with us tonight? B: ____________ A. Im not sure. Ill let you know tomorrow. B. Id rather not, Im not keen on concert. C. Thank you for coming! D. You are welcome. E. Thanks, Id love to. Section 3: Reading. /5tasksx2 marks=10 marks/ Read the text. For questions (1-5), choose the correct answer A,B,C,D or E. During the Qin Dynasty there was a scholar who enjoyed collecting antiques. Once he heard something was from a classical period, he wanted to buy it at any cost. One day, someone brought an old mat and told him, This mat was once used as a seat by Socrates himself! The scholar was very happy and immediately agreed to buy it. He decided to sell his land surrounding his house was the old mat. Some time afterwards, another person came to him with a walking stick and said to him, This walking stick was used by the Caesar Emperor! How much do you decide to pay for it? The scholar took the walking stick into his hands and couldnt resist buying it. He managed to take everything valuable from his house and traded it for the walking stick. Not long afterwards, yet another person came to him with an old bowl and said to him: Cleopatra herself used to drink from this old bowl. So as the scholar kept buying old things he had no choice but to sell the very house he lived in for the antique bowl. So, at the end scholar stopped buying anything as he had nothing but three antiques. Every day with his mat once used by Socrates draped over his shoulders, leaning on the Caesar emperors walking stick with Cleopatras bowl in his hand, he walked around the city and begged for food from people. 36. Why are the mat, walking stick and bowl considered antiques in the text? A. They are from Qin Dynasty. B. They were used by famous people. C. They were so valuable. D. They were so cheap. E. They were used by the scholar. 37. What the scholar traded the valuable things for? 4
  • 5. A. a mat B. a bowl C. a house D. a walking stick E. a land 38. He begged food from people because A. he had sold everything B. he had antiques C. he took a bowl D. he kept buying old things E. his antiques were valuable 39. Which of the following sentences is correct according to the text? A. Caesar Emperor used a mat as his seat. B. Neither Caesar Emperor nor Socrates both used the bowl. C. All three antiques dont belong to a classical period. D. The scholar was still rich when he bought a bowl. E. The scholar used to beg food before buying the antiques. 40. What is the morale of the story? A. People should enjoy life. B. People should collect antiques. C. People should sell what they have. D. People should respect the famous people. E. People should finance wisely when they spend it. 5