2. 12. 丱舒 亰勵仆亳亶 丱唏 仆 仍舒仆, 丱亳, 弌舒舒 弍亳, 丐舒亶 亰亞 丱舒仄舒亞 仂仆亞仂仍仆 仆唏仍唏唏 弍勵亳亶
仆仂亟仆 舒仍亟舒亶 弍仂仍亢, 丐仄勵亢亳仆亞 丱舒仄舒亞 仂仆亞仂仍仆 舒仆亟 唏亞仄亢亳仍亢. 亅仆勵勵 勵亶仍 磦亟舒仍 亟仆
仂仆亟 弍仂仍仂仆 弍?
/3 仂仆仂仂/
A.1162 仂仆亟
B. 1170 仂仆亟
C. 1189 仂仆亟
D. 1201 仂仆亟
E. 1206 仂仆亟
13. 丼亳仆亞亳 舒舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍 仍仆 亳 亰舒亞舒舒舒 仆亳亶亞 仂仄亳仍仂仆 弍?
A. 仂仂亳
B. 丿亳亳舒亞
C. 仍舒亶
D. 于
E. 仍仄
/3 仂仆仂仂/
14. 哦亞唏亟亶 舒舒仆 1228-1241 仂仆亟 唏 弍舒亢. 哦亞唏亟亶 舒舒仆 唏 弍舒舒仆 仂仆亞 亰仆亟 亳仍亢勵勵仍仆, 亰唏于
舒亳仍亞 仂仆亞仂仆仂 .
/3 仂仆仂仂/
A. XII 亰仆 I 舒亞舒
B. XII 亰仆 II 舒亞舒
C. XIII 亰仆 I 舒亞舒
D. XIII 亰仆 II 舒舒
E. XIV 亰仆 I 舒亞舒
15. 舒仆亢 丼亳仆 亞勵仆亳亶 仍亟 仂仂仆 仆 仄仂仆亞仂仍亟舒亟 礆舒 仆唏仍唏唏 勵亰勵勵仍仆 弍? /3 仂仆仂仂/
A. 仂仆亞仂仍亟亞 丱舒亟舒亟 舒舒舒 亞亳亶仍仆.
B. 仂仆亞仂仍亞 仂仂亞亟仂仆 弍唏亞仍勵勵 仆舒亞 弍仂仍亞仂亢 亞舒亟舒舒亟 亠唏仆唏唏 亞舒舒仍舒舒仆.
C. 仂仆亞仂仍亞 唏亞亢勵勵仍亟 亳 亞勵仆亳亶 仍舒仄亢 舒于舒 弍仂仍仂仄亢 仂仍亟仂仆.
D. 仂仆亞仂仍亟仆 亞舒亟舒舒亟 舒亳仍舒舒 唏亞唏亢亳亢, 仂仍仂仆 仍 仂仆亟舒亶 舒亳仍舒舒舒亶 弍仂仍仂仆.
E. 仂仆亞仂仍亟仆 舒亢 舒仄亟舒仍 亟仍亟 仆唏仍唏唏仍唏仆.
16. 丱丱 亰仆 亟 亟仆 仂仆亟 勵亞仍亢亳仍亟亞 于? 唏于亳亶亞 仂仆亞仂仆仂 ?
A. 1801-1900 仂仆
B. 1800-1900 仂仆
C. 1900-1999 仂仆
D. 1901-2000 仂仆
E. 1901-2001 仂仆
/3 仂仆仂仂/
17. 仂o 亞舒亰仆 亰舒亞 丱仂于亟仆 磶亞舒舒 仆亞亳亶亞 亟亳亶仆 仂仂亞仂仂 亟亞舒舒仍舒舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒 于?
/3 仂仆仂仂/
. 1
. 2
弌. 3
D. 4
E. 5
18. 1921 仂仆 勳仆亟仆亳亶 亟亳仍舒仆 于亞舒仍仆 勵 亟勵仆 舒 仂仍弍仂亞亟仂仍亟 舒仄舒舒舒仍亞勵亶 亰勵亶仍 唏亞勵勵仍仆
弍舒亶仆舒 ?
/4 仂仆仂仂/
A. 舒亟仆 亞亳亶仆 亟舒舒仆亞亶仍仍亞 亞舒舒仆.
B. 亟亳仍舒仆 亰舒舒亞仍舒仍仆 勵仆亟 舒于亳亞亟舒仆.
C. 仂仆亞仂仍仆 唏 亞仆 仄舒仆亟舒 弍仂仍仂仆.
D. 仂仆亞仂仍亟仆 亞仆 仄舒仆亟舒 仍仍 弍亳亶 弍仂仍仂仆.
E. 弍勵亞亟 舒仄舒舒仆舒.
19. 丕仍 唏亳亶仆 亳 仍仄亞亟勵勵仍仍 28451 勵仆亳亶亞 亰仂亳仂仄仂仍 亞 仂仍弍仂亞亟仍舒仆 弍舒亳于亳仍仆舒舒
20822 勵仆亳亶亞 弍亟舒仆 仂仂仂亢. 亅仆 仆 仆亳亶 仍仄亞亟亞亟亳亶仆 亟仆 于亳亶亞 舒舒亰舒仍舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒 于?
/3 仂仆仂仂/
. 53%
. 63%
弌. 73%
D. 83%
E. 93%
20. 1911 仂仆亟 弍舒亶亞仍舒亞亟舒仆 仂亞亟 舒舒仆 仂仆亞仂仍 仍仆 舒亶亟亟亞 仍亢 弍舒亶舒仆 舒仍弍舒舒亶 仆
仂亳仍仆舒 ?
/4 仂仆仂仂/
A. 丼亳仆 于舒仆 丱舒仆亟亟仂亢
1. 仂仂仂亟 磠仄仆 舒亶亟
B. 丐勵 亞勵仆 丼舒亞亟舒亢舒于
2. 丶亞亳亶仆 磠仄仆 舒亶亟
C. 舒 仍舒仄 丶仆亳亟
3. 舒亟舒舒亟 磦亟仍仆 磠仄
D. 勵仆 仂仄弍仂勵仆
4. 弌舒仆亞亳亶仆 磠仄
A. 1, 2, 弌3 D4
B. 2, 3, 弌4, D1
C. 3, 2, 弌4, D1
D. 4, 2, 弌1, D3
E. 3, 4, 弌1, D2
/40 marks/
Section1: Grammar. /8 tasksx2 marks =16 marks/
Incomplete sentences. Select the best answer to complete each sentence.
Then mark the letter A, B, C, D or E in your answer sheet.
21. My sister ______my parents but I______.
A. looks like/look like
B. doesnt look like/ dont
C. looks like/ dont
D. look likes/ do
E. doesnt looks like/ look like.
22. The shop ___________at 9 in the morning as the timetable.
A. opens
B. is opening
C. will open
D. is open
E. open
23. What _________when the rain started?
A. are you doing
B. you are doing
C. you did
D. you were doing
E. were you doing
24. I _________doing the project work. Here you are.
A. just have finished
B. have just finished
C. just finishing
D. have finished just
E. finish
25. My grandparents _________join any clubs when they were young.
A. not used to
B. didnt used to
C. didnt use to
D. wasnt used to
E. wasnt use to
26. A: ___________tomatoes do we need for the salad? B: Around ten.
A. How many
B. How often
C. What
D. How much
E. Which
27. Where __________on holiday last year?
A. were you going
B. you were going
C. have you been
D. you went
E. did you go
28. A: If I find some free time, ________ you. B: Oh, youre so kind!
A.I am helping
B. I will help
D. I can to help
E. I would help
C. I help
Section 2: Vocabulary. /4 tasks x 2marks=8 marks/
29. Odd one out.
A. hardworking
B. generous
C. friendly
30. Find the same meaning of the expression: to become rare
A. to get more
B. to become many
C. to get fewer
D. to get a lot of
31. Find the correct preposition: ________ sea level
A. for
B. above
C. during
32. Choose the correct match of the words in columns A and B.
1. daily
a. transport
2. kitchen
b. box
D. selfish
E. helpful
E. to left no more
D. into
E. to
4. 3. food
4. public
5. animal
A. 1c2d3b4a5e
C. 1a2b3c4d5e
c. skin
d. routine
e. utensil
B. 1b2a3e4d5c
E. 1d2e3c4a5b
Section 3: Communication /3tasksx2 marks=6marks/
Choose the best answer for each conversation.
33. A: Have you finished eating?
B: ____________
A. No, thanks.
B. Not yet.
C. Yes. It is.
D. Never mind.
34. A: So pity! I lost my glasses!
B: ____________
A. What a shame!
B. You must be thrilled!
C. Thats too bad!
D. Do you?
E. Yes. Thats fine.
E. Certainly, sir!
35. A: Would you like to come to the concert with us tonight? B: ____________
A. Im not sure. Ill let you know tomorrow.
B. Id rather not, Im keen on concert.
C. Thank you for coming!
D. You are welcome.
E. Thanks, Id love to.
Section 3: Reading. /5tasksx2 marks=10 marks/
Read the text. For questions (1-5), choose the correct answer from A, B, C, D or E.
In early days, people used to write books by hand. It took long time and made books very expensive.
Monasteries and libraries used to make copies of books. There was no paper at that time so people wrote
books on different materials such as silk and animal skins. Paper was invented later in Pergamum, which is
the country we now call Turkey. Papyrus was invented in Egypt. Paper was also invented in China in the
second century AD. Paper was not produced in England until the fourteenth century.
The Chinese invented a printing machine a long time before the Europeans. For centuries, they used
to print wooden books, but in 1390 they produced the first book with moveable metal characters.
In 1447, a German named Johannes Gutenberg built a printing machine in Germany. In 1476, William
Caxton built the first printing press and produced the first books in England.
Printed books changed peoples lives. More and more people started reading books. School
textbooks were printed in English and Latin.
Nowadays, thousands of books are produced every year throughout the world, and everybody gets
a lot of information from them.
36. Why were books expensive in early times?
A. They were written by hand.
B. There was no time for writing books.
C. There were only few books.
D. People couldnt do copies.
E. The printing machine was very slow.
37. Which of the following materials wasnt used for writing books?
A. paper
B. metal
C. wood
38. Which sentence is incorrect about books?
A. Books are main source of information.
D. silk
E. plastic
5. B. People get a lot of information from books.
C. People like reading books to know different things.
D. It is getting less to produce books.
E. Books help people to widen their knowledge.
39. Which three countries invented paper?
A. Turkey, China and Egypt
C. Germany, China and England
E. Egypt, China and England
40. Who produced the first printing machine?
A. Egyptians
B. Europeans
B. China, England and Turkey
D. Germany, England and Mongolia
C. Chinese
D. English people
E. Latin