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2. About Cloud computing  3. Application Introduction - Nutch - Google App Engine 4. Presentation Contents
Cloud computing is Internet-based ("cloud") development and use of computer technology ("computing"). Cloud computing is a general concept that incorporates software as a service (SaaS), Web 2.0 and other recent, well-known technology trends, in which the common theme is reliance on the Internet for satisfying the computing needs of the users. 2. What is Cloud computing?
open source web-search software based Lucene   Apache Lucene project    sub-project Lucene  譬 蠍 ク蟆 蠍  覈 Lucene Java : Apache  襷れ 覈  open source search engine 3-1.What is Nutch?
Transparency .  Nutch is open source, so anyone can see how the ranking algorithms work.  Understanding .  Nutch has been built using ideas from academia and industry for instance, core parts of Nutch are currently being re-implemented to use the  Map Reduce  distributed processing model Nutch is attractive for researchers who want to try out new search algorithms, since it is so easy to extend.  3-1. What is Nutch?
Extensibility .  Nutch is very flexible it can be customized and incorporated into your application.  For developers, Nutch is a great platform for adding search to heterogeneous collections of information, and being able to customize the search interface, or extend the out-of-the-box functionality through the plugin mechanism.  3-1. What is Nutch?
Nutch divides naturally into two pieces:  the crawler  the searcher  Crawl  伎襯 讌 伎   index 襯 襷 index   Crawl 螻  Search 螳 螳蟲   Search  豌 磯  覲企ゼ 谿場 覲伎譴 3-1. What is Nutch?
More detail about crawler the Nutch crawler system produces three key data structures: The  WebDB  containing the web graph of pages and links.  A set of  segments  containing the raw data retrieved from the Web by the fetchers.  The merged  index  created by indexing and de-duplicating parsed data from the segments.  3-1. What is Nutch?
More detail about searcher Nutch looks for these in the  index  and  segments  subdirectories of the directory defined in the searcher.dir property.  The default value for searcher.dir is the current directory (.), which is where you started Tomcat.  3-1. What is Nutch?
crawl db 襦覿  url  覈襦 燕 .  segment   url  覈襦  fetch  .  segment   fetch   contents 襯 覿 (parse)   .  瑚係襾狩碁覿  crawl db  覿 一危磯ゼ 一危  segments 襦覿  invert  襷襯 覿 . segment  覓語  anchor  覓語  語 燕 .  覿覿 螻 覦覲 ろ 3-1. What is Nutch?
Nutch  ろ 覦覯 Nutch 螳 れ  directory    cralwing   >>  /bin/nutch crawl dir urls crawl depth 3 -topN 10 Tomcat 5.5 襯 ろ  譯殊  : Nutch directory   tomcat  ろ貅  >> /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.27/bin/catalina.sh start  http://localhost:8080/en/ 3-1.  What is Nutch?
Nutch 0.9 from apache-nutch homepage JAVA JDK-6 Tomcat 5.5 version  伎  version OS : Linux server Edition   Cygwin for Windows developer  3-2 .Development environment of Nutch
A project for Cloud Computing of Google Google web application platform Easy to build, easy to maintain, and easy to scale as users traffic and data storage needs grow No servers to maintain, with App Engine : just upload an application, and its ready to serve your users.  3-3. What is Google App Engine?
Google App Engine  螻牛 蠍磯 Python  螻牛 蠍磯蓋 蠍磯  Python 朱 襷れ 譟蠍 覓 BigTable/GFS  蠍一 結豺 蟆螻  Datastore  Google  襷 蠍一ヾ  oracle, mysql 螻 螳  database  レ煙 螻牛 語ろ 螻糾  Free Google account  SDK 襯 伎 襦貉 螳覦 覦 ろ  3-3. What is Google App Engine?
Googles Moto :   Web Development that doesnt hurt Google App Engine  牛  觜 螳覦れ  るジ 螻  螳覦   蟠 螳蟆  . Load balancing, automatic scaling, dynamic web serving  煙  Google App Engine  螻牛 蟇煙   application  螳覦襷 蟆  る ,    瑚讌 曙 磯ジ . 1.  覈 貊 覦  Python 朱 燕伎  .   , perl 襦 螳覦 譴  2.    牛 觜 讌覿 螳レ煙 譟伎 .  覓企襦 螻給  500MB of persistent storage and enough CPU and bandwidth for about 5 million page views a month 3.  覈 一危 蟲蠍 弰 讌企 蟲蠍 螳蟆 る 企 .  企 ,  蟲蠍 弰 譬 危襴貅伎 所 蟲蠍 弰 覯企讌 覈詩蟆  蟆企 . 3 覯 讌 曙  Google App Engine  螳 豺覈 3-3. What is Google App Engine?
Google App Engine  ろ 覦覯 Google-engine  れ  directory 襦 企 Google-engine  ろ 覈 dev_appserver.py bono/  : Test  appcfg.py update bono/  : Web   uploading  ID & PWD 襯 襷る ロ  uploading 蟆郁骸 覃  http://localhost:8080/ http://flyingbono.appspot.com  3-3. What is Google App Engine?
Google App Engine using the App Engine software development kit (SDK) Python 2.5 You need active Python in window environment OS : Windows   Mac OS X    Linux 3-4. The Development Environment
Nutch  Google App Engine + Nutch Another example of using Google App Engine 4. Presentation

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Kay Kim

Nutch Homepage Search Engine

  • 1. HOMEPAGE & SEARCH ENGINE 2008.12.08
  • 2. 2. About Cloud computing 3. Application Introduction - Nutch - Google App Engine 4. Presentation Contents
  • 4. Cloud computing is Internet-based ("cloud") development and use of computer technology ("computing"). Cloud computing is a general concept that incorporates software as a service (SaaS), Web 2.0 and other recent, well-known technology trends, in which the common theme is reliance on the Internet for satisfying the computing needs of the users. 2. What is Cloud computing?
  • 6. open source web-search software based Lucene Apache Lucene project sub-project Lucene 譬 蠍 ク蟆 蠍 覈 Lucene Java : Apache 襷れ 覈 open source search engine 3-1.What is Nutch?
  • 7. Transparency . Nutch is open source, so anyone can see how the ranking algorithms work. Understanding . Nutch has been built using ideas from academia and industry for instance, core parts of Nutch are currently being re-implemented to use the Map Reduce distributed processing model Nutch is attractive for researchers who want to try out new search algorithms, since it is so easy to extend. 3-1. What is Nutch?
  • 8. Extensibility . Nutch is very flexible it can be customized and incorporated into your application. For developers, Nutch is a great platform for adding search to heterogeneous collections of information, and being able to customize the search interface, or extend the out-of-the-box functionality through the plugin mechanism. 3-1. What is Nutch?
  • 9. Nutch divides naturally into two pieces: the crawler the searcher Crawl 伎襯 讌 伎 index 襯 襷 index Crawl 螻 Search 螳 螳蟲 Search 豌 磯 覲企ゼ 谿場 覲伎譴 3-1. What is Nutch?
  • 10. More detail about crawler the Nutch crawler system produces three key data structures: The WebDB containing the web graph of pages and links. A set of segments containing the raw data retrieved from the Web by the fetchers. The merged index created by indexing and de-duplicating parsed data from the segments. 3-1. What is Nutch?
  • 11. More detail about searcher Nutch looks for these in the index and segments subdirectories of the directory defined in the searcher.dir property. The default value for searcher.dir is the current directory (.), which is where you started Tomcat. 3-1. What is Nutch?
  • 12. crawl db 襦覿 url 覈襦 燕 . segment url 覈襦 fetch . segment fetch contents 襯 覿 (parse) . 瑚係襾狩碁覿 crawl db 覿 一危磯ゼ 一危 segments 襦覿 invert 襷襯 覿 . segment 覓語 anchor 覓語 語 燕 . 覿覿 螻 覦覲 ろ 3-1. What is Nutch?
  • 13. Nutch ろ 覦覯 Nutch 螳 れ directory cralwing >> /bin/nutch crawl dir urls crawl depth 3 -topN 10 Tomcat 5.5 襯 ろ 譯殊 : Nutch directory tomcat ろ貅 >> /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.27/bin/catalina.sh start http://localhost:8080/en/ 3-1. What is Nutch?
  • 14. Nutch 0.9 from apache-nutch homepage JAVA JDK-6 Tomcat 5.5 version 伎 version OS : Linux server Edition Cygwin for Windows developer 3-2 .Development environment of Nutch
  • 15. A project for Cloud Computing of Google Google web application platform Easy to build, easy to maintain, and easy to scale as users traffic and data storage needs grow No servers to maintain, with App Engine : just upload an application, and its ready to serve your users. 3-3. What is Google App Engine?
  • 16. Google App Engine 螻牛 蠍磯 Python 螻牛 蠍磯蓋 蠍磯 Python 朱 襷れ 譟蠍 覓 BigTable/GFS 蠍一 結豺 蟆螻 Datastore Google 襷 蠍一ヾ oracle, mysql 螻 螳 database レ煙 螻牛 語ろ 螻糾 Free Google account SDK 襯 伎 襦貉 螳覦 覦 ろ 3-3. What is Google App Engine?
  • 17. Googles Moto : Web Development that doesnt hurt Google App Engine 牛 觜 螳覦れ るジ 螻 螳覦 蟠 螳蟆 . Load balancing, automatic scaling, dynamic web serving 煙 Google App Engine 螻牛 蟇煙 application 螳覦襷 蟆 る , 瑚讌 曙 磯ジ . 1. 覈 貊 覦 Python 朱 燕伎 . , perl 襦 螳覦 譴 2. 牛 觜 讌覿 螳レ煙 譟伎 . 覓企襦 螻給 500MB of persistent storage and enough CPU and bandwidth for about 5 million page views a month 3. 覈 一危 蟲蠍 弰 讌企 蟲蠍 螳蟆 る 企 . 企 , 蟲蠍 弰 譬 危襴貅伎 所 蟲蠍 弰 覯企讌 覈詩蟆 蟆企 . 3 覯 讌 曙 Google App Engine 螳 豺覈 3-3. What is Google App Engine?
  • 18. Google App Engine ろ 覦覯 Google-engine れ directory 襦 企 Google-engine ろ 覈 dev_appserver.py bono/ : Test appcfg.py update bono/ : Web uploading ID & PWD 襯 襷る ロ uploading 蟆郁骸 覃 http://localhost:8080/ http://flyingbono.appspot.com 3-3. What is Google App Engine?
  • 19. Google App Engine using the App Engine software development kit (SDK) Python 2.5 You need active Python in window environment OS : Windows Mac OS X Linux 3-4. The Development Environment
  • 21. Nutch Google App Engine + Nutch Another example of using Google App Engine 4. Presentation