???? ???? ??????? ? ???? ?? ? ????? ?? ??? ??? ???? | Learn more about the features and components of each service, starting with a Docker and ending with Kubernetes.
Talk about Kubernetes cluster on baremetal servers for serve internal services.
Sharing my experiences about setup and manage kubernetes cluster on premise.
At first, start with single master kubernetes cluster and enhanced by many opensource softwares.
Add more master nodes for increase server availability.
Use Rook, MetalLB, Ceph, mysql-operator and more opensource projects.
Kubernetes is an open-source system for managing containerized applications and services. It includes a master node that runs control plane components like the API server, scheduler, and controller manager. Worker nodes run the kubelet service and pods. Pods are the basic building blocks that can contain one or more containers. Labels are used to identify and select pods. Replication controllers ensure a specified number of pod replicas are running. Services define a logical set of pods and associated policy for access. They are exposed via cluster IP addresses or externally using load balancers.
Talk about Kubernetes cluster on baremetal servers for serve internal services.
Sharing my experiences about setup and manage kubernetes cluster on premise.
At first, start with single master kubernetes cluster and enhanced by many opensource softwares.
Add more master nodes for increase server availability.
Use Rook, MetalLB, Ceph, mysql-operator and more opensource projects.
Kubernetes is an open-source system for managing containerized applications and services. It includes a master node that runs control plane components like the API server, scheduler, and controller manager. Worker nodes run the kubelet service and pods. Pods are the basic building blocks that can contain one or more containers. Labels are used to identify and select pods. Replication controllers ensure a specified number of pod replicas are running. Services define a logical set of pods and associated policy for access. They are exposed via cluster IP addresses or externally using load balancers.
A Primer on Kubernetes and Google Container EngineRightScale
Docker and other container technologies offer the promise of improved productivity and portability. Kubernetes is one of the leading cluster management systems for Docker and powers the Google Container Engine managed service.
-A review of key Linux container concepts
-The role of Kubernetes in deploying Docker-based applications
-Primer on Google Container Service
-How RightScale works with containers and clusters
Join us to learn how to deploy your first containerized application on the most popular orchestration engine. You will understand the basic concepts of Kubernetes along with the terminology and the deployment architecture. We will show you everything from building a Docker image to going live with your application. Each attendee gets $300 credit to start using Google Container Engine!
Kubernetes is an open-source system for managing containerized applications across multiple hosts. It includes key components like Pods, Services, ReplicationControllers, and a master node for managing the cluster. The master maintains state using etcd and schedules containers on worker nodes, while nodes run the kubelet daemon to manage Pods and their containers. Kubernetes handles tasks like replication, rollouts, and health checking through its API objects.
KVM and docker LXC Benchmarking with OpenStackBoden Russell
Passive benchmarking with docker LXC and KVM using OpenStack hosted in SoftLayer. These results provide initial incite as to why LXC as a technology choice offers benefits over traditional VMs and seek to provide answers as to the typical initial LXC question -- "why would I consider Linux Containers over VMs" from a performance perspective.
Results here provide insight as to:
- Cloudy ops times (start, stop, reboot) using OpenStack.
- Guest micro benchmark performance (I/O, network, memory, CPU).
- Guest micro benchmark performance of MySQL; OLTP read, read / write complex and indexed insertion.
- Compute node resource consumption; VM / Container density factors.
- Lessons learned during benchmarking.
The tests here were performed using OpenStack Rally to drive the OpenStack cloudy tests and various other linux tools to test the guest performance on a "micro level". The nova docker virt driver was used in the Cloud scenario to realize VMs as docker LXC containers and compared to the nova virt driver for libvirt KVM.
Please read the disclaimers in the presentation as this is only intended to be the "chip of the ice burg".
NexClipper is an open source software to monitor and manage performance for cloud native computing - Docker and Kubernetes. NexClipper features the following capabilities:
Fullstack dashboard (Kubernetes and Infrastructure)
Container Cluster (Kuberentes cluster, nodes and worklodas)
Infrastruture Monitoring (Docker Container, Host, Resource)
Incidents Management (Rule set and alert manager) (#30)
Rest API service (Soon)
Dashboard Enhancement to replace k8s dashboard (Soon)
Dashboard Enhancement for customizing (Plan)
Global view and multi tenancy (Plan)
Prometheus Integration (Plan)
Workload management and deployment (Plan)
Resource analytics and forecasting (Plan)
Lablupconf session8 "Paving the road to AI-powered world"Lablup Inc.
Lablup Conf 1st (Session4/Core)
"Paving the road to AI-powered world" - ???
- ????
* Recap of Backend.AI history
* Future roadmap of Backend.AI for next 2 years
- ?????? : https://youtu.be/kAGSl99U0Bo
This presentation start from basic concept such as container and container orchestration
And then go through Kubernetes internal especially Master Node components and Work Node components and show and explain core mechanism with codes.
Grub2 and troubleshooting_ol7_boot_problemsTommy Lee
This document provides information about GRUB2, the new bootloader used in Oracle Linux 7 (OL7). It discusses GRUB2's new features, the OL7 booting process, GRUB2 configuration files and variables, menuentry definitions, commands to work with GRUB2, and methods for fixing GRUB2 issues and boot problems in OL7.
This document discusses Checkpoint/Restore In Userspace (CRIU), a tool for live migration of processes and containers. CRIU works by dumping the memory, file descriptors, and other process state of a running process, then restoring it elsewhere. This allows live migration of processes between systems for purposes like load balancing, maintenance, and high performance computing. The document provides details on how CRIU works, its uses cases, limitations, and how to install and use it on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.
?4? ??IBM? ???? ???? ???? ??? ???-RanchersTommy Lee
Rancher can be used to orchestrate containers and enable continuous delivery. The document discusses setting up a Rancher environment using Vagrant and VirtualBox for testing. It shows how to install Rancher server, add host pools, deploy sample services using Docker compose, and apply load balancing. Continuous delivery is important for improving release speed and reliability through practices like blue/green deployments and canary releases. Rancher provides tools for automated scaling, security, service discovery and other capabilities needed for container automation.
Ansible Tower can be used for efficient IT automation. The document discusses the importance of service portals and provides examples of using Ansible for Windows updates and deploying an application on OpenStack. It describes how Ansible works using playbooks to automate tasks across public and private clouds. Use cases demonstrated include patching Windows systems and provisioning a full application stack on OpenStack with databases, application servers and web servers using Ansible playbooks to automate the process.
This document discusses Intel's high performance storage solution using Lustre file systems. It provides an overview of Lustre, how it can interface with various Intel technologies like SSDs, networking fabrics and processors. It also summarizes the key features of Lustre including its scalability, POSIX compatibility, shared namespace and how all clients can access data. Specific examples are given around using OpenZFS as the backend storage for Lustre and how technologies like L2ARC can improve performance. Monitoring and management tools for Lustre file systems are also highlighted.
The document discusses MySQL performance tuning basics. It covers key topics like defining performance metrics, MySQL server architecture, commands and tools for monitoring performance like slow query log and processlist, and server configuration parameters that impact performance like connection settings and buffer sizes. The presentation aims to provide an overview of MySQL performance optimization.
MySQL 5.7 provides significant performance and scalability improvements over previous versions. It offers a 3x speed increase on benchmarks compared to MySQL 5.6. New features include enhanced InnoDB functionality for faster operations, replication improvements, a new optimizer cost model, and native JSON support. Additional security enhancements in MySQL 5.7 aim to securely initialize and manage installations.
This document discusses Juju and provides demos of using Juju to deploy OpenStack on AWS and MAAS. It defines Juju as a tool that provides service orchestration using Charms to deploy applications and their dependencies. It also gives an overview of what MAAS is and how it can manage physical servers similarly to virtual machines. Finally, it describes Juju Charms as encapsulating application configurations and defining how services are deployed and connected.
2. HELLO!I am Cha Dong-Hwi who has experience
Developer mainly within Java/Spring, Python,
Javascript, and chef, php etc.
Openstack deployment engineer
SPTEK ??. ?? ??.
You can find me at tzniuta@gmail.com
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