Os nenos de 2ºA do Ceip O Grupo, de Ribeira elaboraron este libro despois de afondar na cultura marroquí coa colaboración dos compañeiros de orixe marroquí e as súas familias.
Xaime e as landras Ramona BelloEsta é a versión que os nenos de primeiro fixeron do conto "Xaime e as landras" de Tim Bowley e Inés Vilpi e editado en galego por Kalandraka.
SimpleversionRamona BelloLittle Bear wakes up from hibernation to find the forest covered in snow. He plays in the snow alone until he gets the idea to build a snowman for company. Otter joins Little Bear and helps him build a large snowman. Rabbit emerges from his burrow and also helps with the snowman. The three animals have fun playing with the snowman and each other. At the end of the day they build a second snowman so the first won't be lonely.
SimpleversionRamona BelloLittle Bear wakes up from hibernation to find the forest covered in snow. He plays in the snow alone until he gets the idea to build a snowman for company. Otter joins Little Bear and helps him build a large snowman. Rabbit emerges from his burrow and also helps with the snowman. The three animals have fun playing with the snowman and each other. At the end of the day they build a second snowman so the first won't be lonely.