The students in a classroom have been learning about how chickens hatch from eggs. They read books on the topic and visited an older class that has an incubator with eggs in it. The incubator keeps the eggs warm to allow baby chicks to develop inside. They learned details like how the chick gets oxygen and nutrients through an umbilical cord inside the egg. They are waiting to see the eggs hatch in a few weeks.
Michael Grejniec, Editorial Kalandraka (2002) Si l'anterior era una hist嘆ria senzilla, aquesta encara ho 辿s m辿s. Tots els animals de la selva tenien molta curiositat per saber de que tenia gust la lluna, i decideixen fer una gran torre, per tal de poder-ne arribar. el ratol鱈 a dalt de tot en pren un tro巽 i el proba, el d坦na de probar als seus companys. De qu竪 deu tenir gust si a tots els hi agrada? V辿s a saber
Este documento describe un proyecto escolar sobre el cuerpo humano realizado por dos clases. Inicialmente, los estudiantes discutieron lo que sab鱈an y quer鱈an saber sobre el cuerpo. Luego, investigaron las partes externas e internas del cuerpo a trav辿s de cuentos y trabajos en grupo. Finalmente, aprendieron mucho sobre c坦mo funciona el cuerpo y resolvieron sus dudas iniciales.
This document provides an overview of cats in 3 paragraphs. It describes some key physical characteristics of cats such as being mammals with four legs and a short snout. It mentions some famous cat characters like Garfield. It also notes that while cats and dogs are often portrayed as enemies, this is not always true. Cats enjoy hunting like other felines and rodents.
The students in class P4 A have chosen to name their class "Els Gats" (The Cats). They have been learning about cats through books, videos, and observations. Some of the key things they have learned about cats include their physical characteristics like teeth, eyes, ears, claws; what they eat; how they play and live; and different cat breeds and colors. The students plan to continue their research on veterinarians and other topics related to cats.
Fitxes per treballar els n炭meros del 0 al 100. Les fitxes estan organitzades per fam鱈lies de n炭meros. Hi ha exercicis per encerclar els que s坦n de la mateixa fam鱈lia, per comptar endavant, enrere, per ordenar-los de m辿s petit a m辿s gran, etc.
Los s鱈mbolos pictogr叩ficos utilizados son propiedad de CATEDU ( bajo licencia Creative Commons y han sido creados por Sergio Palao
The poem describes the sights and sounds of spring in a garden and countryside. It encourages the reader to enter the garden to pick flowers in spring. It also suggests going into the mountains or hills in May to see birds flying and hear the songs of different birds like the nightingale, quail, and warbler. The poem mentions hearing the hoopoe sing in springtime as well.
The document discusses chickens and chicks. It asks questions about what chicks look like, where they live, what they eat, and how they are born. It describes that chicks have feathers, a beak, and are birds. It also outlines the parts of a chick's body and lists some of the common foods chicks eat, such as corn, bread, vegetables, fruits, insects and worms.
The students in the class were learning about volcanoes. They brainstormed different volcano ideas and voted to study volcanoes. They came up with questions they wanted to learn about volcanoes and ways to find information, such as bringing books from home, using the internet, and asking classmates who studied volcanoes the previous year. They constructed volcanoes out of playdoh based on their knowledge and imagination. They created an index and began learning facts about volcanoes, including what they are, different types, why they erupt, explosions, volcanic rocks, geysers, volcanic zones, and more.
This document lists several animals that may appear in the fall season: squirrel, mouse, ant, snail, and hedgehog. It asks what animals can appear in the fall and then provides a list of animals commonly seen, including squirrel, mouse, ant, snail, and hedgehog.
Nom, accions, un munt de paraules per treballar la primavera. Dos tipus de lletra: maj炭scula i lligada, per tant es pot treballar tamb辿 amb nens i nenes de P5.
The document discusses baby chickens and asks several questions about them. It covers what baby chickens look like, including that they are born with feathers and a beak; what they eat such as corn, vegetables, and insects; and where they live such as on farms and in fields. It also explains that chickens hatch from eggs after 21 days and that other oviparous animals that hatch from eggs include crocodiles, snails, and turtles.
Este documento describe el proyecto de una clase escolar sobre gallinas. Los estudiantes aprenden sobre la vida de las gallinas a trav辿s de canciones, videos, juguetes y visitas a una granja. Deciden nombrar a su gallina de clase "Nina". Aprenden que las gallinas ponen huevos, tienen plumas, picos y patas, y que de los huevos nacen pollitos. La clase se divierte simulando ser gallinas y aprende sobre las similitudes y diferencias entre las gallinas y los gallos.
The students in class P4 A have chosen to name their class "Els Gats" (The Cats). They have been learning about cats through books, videos, and observations. Some of the key things they have learned about cats include their physical characteristics like teeth, eyes, ears, claws; what they eat; how they play and live; and different cat breeds and colors. The students plan to continue their research on veterinarians and other topics related to cats.
Fitxes per treballar els n炭meros del 0 al 100. Les fitxes estan organitzades per fam鱈lies de n炭meros. Hi ha exercicis per encerclar els que s坦n de la mateixa fam鱈lia, per comptar endavant, enrere, per ordenar-los de m辿s petit a m辿s gran, etc.
Los s鱈mbolos pictogr叩ficos utilizados son propiedad de CATEDU ( bajo licencia Creative Commons y han sido creados por Sergio Palao
The poem describes the sights and sounds of spring in a garden and countryside. It encourages the reader to enter the garden to pick flowers in spring. It also suggests going into the mountains or hills in May to see birds flying and hear the songs of different birds like the nightingale, quail, and warbler. The poem mentions hearing the hoopoe sing in springtime as well.
The document discusses chickens and chicks. It asks questions about what chicks look like, where they live, what they eat, and how they are born. It describes that chicks have feathers, a beak, and are birds. It also outlines the parts of a chick's body and lists some of the common foods chicks eat, such as corn, bread, vegetables, fruits, insects and worms.
The students in the class were learning about volcanoes. They brainstormed different volcano ideas and voted to study volcanoes. They came up with questions they wanted to learn about volcanoes and ways to find information, such as bringing books from home, using the internet, and asking classmates who studied volcanoes the previous year. They constructed volcanoes out of playdoh based on their knowledge and imagination. They created an index and began learning facts about volcanoes, including what they are, different types, why they erupt, explosions, volcanic rocks, geysers, volcanic zones, and more.
This document lists several animals that may appear in the fall season: squirrel, mouse, ant, snail, and hedgehog. It asks what animals can appear in the fall and then provides a list of animals commonly seen, including squirrel, mouse, ant, snail, and hedgehog.
Nom, accions, un munt de paraules per treballar la primavera. Dos tipus de lletra: maj炭scula i lligada, per tant es pot treballar tamb辿 amb nens i nenes de P5.
The document discusses baby chickens and asks several questions about them. It covers what baby chickens look like, including that they are born with feathers and a beak; what they eat such as corn, vegetables, and insects; and where they live such as on farms and in fields. It also explains that chickens hatch from eggs after 21 days and that other oviparous animals that hatch from eggs include crocodiles, snails, and turtles.
Este documento describe el proyecto de una clase escolar sobre gallinas. Los estudiantes aprenden sobre la vida de las gallinas a trav辿s de canciones, videos, juguetes y visitas a una granja. Deciden nombrar a su gallina de clase "Nina". Aprenden que las gallinas ponen huevos, tienen plumas, picos y patas, y que de los huevos nacen pollitos. La clase se divierte simulando ser gallinas y aprende sobre las similitudes y diferencias entre las gallinas y los gallos.
The teachers brought an egg to class as part of a project called "Les Gallines" (The Hens). They asked the students what they knew about eggs. Later, the teachers gathered what topics the students wanted to learn about hens: what they look like, what they eat, where they live, and how they are born. The class was divided into four groups, with each group researching one of the topics. The teachers sent notes home with the students asking families to provide materials on their child's assigned topic. Each group studied the materials and shared their conclusions with the class. This answered most of the questions the students had. Later activities and a field trip further solidified their learning. At the end, the students
Activitat PDF.
Tracta d'un conjunt d'activitats realitzades amb programari digital sobre el Desenvolupament embrionari dels polls. Tamb辿 cont辿 activitats interactives.
A hen must mate with a rooster before it can lay fertile eggs. When roosters court hens, they puff out their feathers, fan their tails, and stretch out a wing. If the hen allows it, they will embrace. Eggs are formed in the hen's abdomen, and she will lay one egg per day. Only in the spring will they brood and hatch the eggs. When a hen feels the urge to incubate her eggs, she will get very warm and want to sit on the eggs like she has a fever. To ensure even heat distribution and prevent the embryo from sticking to the shell, the hen will turn the eggs with her beak and feet while incubating. Since she supports herself
Os nenos de 2尊A do Ceip O Grupo, de Ribeira elaboraron este libro despois de afondar na cultura marroqu鱈 coa colaboraci坦n dos compa単eiros de orixe marroqu鱈 e as s炭as familias.
The document discusses different types of birds such as storks, eagles, seagulls, sparrows, and swallows. It describes birds eating nectar, fruit, plants, seeds and small animals. Males and females mate in spring. Birds use singing and plumage to communicate. They have curved claws and no teeth. Some birds can see prey from 8 km away. Birds use small branches, grass, leaves, feathers and mud to build nests, which may be located in tree hollows. Birds hatch from eggs after the female lays between two and four eggs in spring. They use their beaks to break out of the shell. Newborn birds are blind and featherless. Parents feed young birds for
Elephants in Africa have large ears, a wrinkled skin, and a trunk with more rings. Asian elephants have a domed forehead, smaller ears, a smoother skin, and a harder trunk. Both types of elephants differ in physical characteristics such as ear size, skin texture, and trunk properties.
Elephants live in herds comprised of female elephants and young elephants. Male elephants visit female elephant families occasionally. Elephants live in Asia and Africa, with female and young elephants living together in herds and male elephants typically living alone.
1. P R O J E C T E LA GALLINA Alumnes de 2n. Curs: 2010-2011
2. ELS RACONS DEL PROJECTE Qu竪 volem saber? Material per al projecte Lmines per consultar
3. COMENCEM A BUSCAR INFORMACI Hem fullejat els llibres, contes, fulls, lmines,... que hem portat a classe per fer una primera tria. I ens hem repartit la feina. Hem demanat ajuda als pares per trobar la informaci坦 que doni resposta a les nostres preguntes. Ens han ajudat molt.
7. LES INCUBADORES Safata per als ous. Safata per als pollets acabats de n辿ixer. I per laigua. Safata per als ous. Safata per a laigua. Regulador de temperatura. Ventilador. Forat de ventilaci坦 .
8. Ous f竪rtils. El Sr. Ramon ens els va portar i col揃locar a les incubadores. I ara nosaltres ten鱈em que vigilar la TEMPERATURA , la HUMITAT , la VENTILACI i el VOLTEIG DIARI dels ous.
9. Vam anotar la dada de posada en marxa de les incubadores. Mentre comptvem els dies, segu鱈em treballant amb ous. Mirvem cada dia els ous amb lovoscopi, que ens havia fet lAbel, per veure els canvis que es produ誰en als ous. Portvem un diari a la classe per anotar les incid竪ncies observades. Tamb辿 anotvem les incid竪ncies de la incubadora.
10. I ens anvem preparant per a la nouvinguda dels pollets. Vam preparar palla, encenalls i les capses viatgeres de cap de setmana. Uns quants dies abans de la data del naixement dels pollets, en un dels canvis de posici坦 sens va trencar un. Vam aprofitar per acabar dobrir-lo i veurel.
11. I per fi, amb dos dies abans del previst, va n辿ixer un pollet. Les classes somplien de piuladissa. I ja no va parar la FESTA. Cada dia ten鱈em nous naixements, incl嘆s alguns amb retard.
12. El percentatge de sortida va ser satisfactori. Nhi havia tants que vam tenir que reduir el seu nombre tornant-los al Sr. Ramon. Ara comen巽ava una nova etapa: CALIA CUIDAR-LOS . Els vam proporcionar un lloc confortable amb escalfor, menjar i aigua.
13. Ara pod鱈em observar-los, acaronar-los,...tamb辿 aprofitar per pesar-los, comparar-los, ... I SENTIR-LOS , ja que no paraven de piular i fer enrenou dins la capsa. Hi havia que netejar lhabitacle, renovar laigua, posar m辿s menjar,... FEINA . I... Ens han visitat altres nadons.
14. I...el cap de setmana de... VIATGE . Amb les capses viatgeres han anat a passar unes hores a casa dels alumnes. Amb gran pena hem tingut que dir ADU! als pollets, ja que shavien fet molt grans, no hi cabien a la capsa i feien molt enrenou (i oloreta). El seu tamany i pes shavia triplicat en dues setmanes. Ja sortien de la capsa i aquest sho passava b辿 dalt del pal.
16. Plstica: Hem pintat galls. Joan Mir坦 Manualitats: Hem fet un penell. M炭sica: Hem cantat can巽ons. Gimnstica: Hem jugat a la gallineta cega.
17. Religi坦/Alternativa: Hem fet activitats. I tamb辿 hem omplert fitxes, llegit contes, buscat dites i refranys, poemes, rodolins, fet problemes, mirat una faula en dibuixos animats,... Angl竪s: Activitats variades i can巽ons. Festival FI DE CURS : Hem escenificat una faula. La gallina Serafina o La gallineta vermella
18. HEM VISITAT LA... GRANJA EL PILAR Arribada i esmorzar. Sorpresa!!! Primeres explicacions. Fent cam鱈. Una granja.
19. Interior de la nau. Galls i gallines junts, al terra. Donen ous f竪rtils. Recollida dels ous. Col揃locaci坦 en safates. Preparades per anar a selecci坦.
20. Cam鱈 de la sala dincubadores. Sala de desinfecci坦 dels ous. Sala despera refrigerada. Cambra de selecci坦 dous f竪rtils pel seu pes i tamany. Ous rebutjats per petits o bruts.
21. Incubadora. Atenent explicacions del funcionament i condicions dincubaci坦. Linterior de la incubadora. Ovoscopi per mirar els ous.
22. Incubadores on estan els ous els 3 炭ltims dies i 2 dies despr辿s del naixement. I quina ALEGRIA de poder tenir-los i tocar-los.
23. Sala i mquines de vacunaci坦. El cami坦 del pinso. Un detall de lentorn.
24. Les pgines web m辿s consultades han estat: ARA TOCA FER I PROBAR LES TRUITES