Lag ditt eget Viva Learning innholdThorbjørn VærpPPT fra foredrag på MVP dagen 2022, denne omhandler å lage ditt eget Viva Learning innhold i SharePoint Online. Det er skjermbilder fra Demoen.
Office 365 UGA Siste nytt september 2020Thorbjørn VærpThe document provides a summary of the latest news from a Microsoft Teams user group meeting in Norway. Key updates included:
- The launch of Azure Orbital satellite communication service.
- New device management capabilities for Teams Rooms and other devices in the Teams Admin Center.
- The ability to create and manage Power Apps and chatbots directly in Teams using Dataflex.
- Upcoming new features for Teams like breakout rooms, meeting recaps, and webinar registration.
Office 365 User Group Agder Meetup January 2020Thorbjørn VærpThis document summarizes an agenda for an Office 365 and Microsoft 365 user group meeting. It includes:
1. A welcome from the toastmaster and updates from the board.
2. Two breakout sessions on Windows Autopilot and Microsoft 365 security snacks.
3. Recent updates from Microsoft including new Teams features like live captions, meeting layout customization, and improved SharePoint web parts.
4. Additional updates on Teams for Education, SharePoint, Azure Active Directory roles, and the end of support for Windows 7 and Office 2010.
SPS Leicester 2018 hub sitesThorbjørn VærpThe document discusses SharePoint hub sites in Office 365. It describes hub sites as site collections that set the navigation and look and feel for other sites connected to the hub. It provides examples of how hub sites can be used to organize intranets, projects, product launches and events. It outlines several upcoming features for hub sites including improved navigation options, personalized web parts, audience targeting, and new site header and footer layouts.
SPS Milan 2018 hub sitesThorbjørn VærpHub sites are a new building block of the intranet, to bring together related sites to roll up news and activity, to simplify search, and to create cohesion with shared navigation and look-and-feel.
Attend this session to learn all about this new awesome feature.
Here are some keywords to get your attention :-): PowerShell, Azure functions, flow, site design, themes.
SharePoint hub sites in Office 365Thorbjørn VærpSharePOint saturday Zurich 2018 presentation about hub sites in Office365, with PowerShell script examples for creation
Office 365 User Groupa Agder - Siste nytt februar 2018Thorbjørn VærpThis document contains the agenda and notes from an O365 UGA meeting. The agenda includes welcome and updates from the board, a speaker on Microsoft 365 licensing and Intune/WIP integration, and a speaker on SharePoint Communication Sites and Site Design. It also provides the latest news on Microsoft Teams features including memory improvements, PowerShell, reports, team size increase to 2,500, and calling features. Finally, it encourages participation on social media and announces future meeting dates.
Microsoft Teams & nyheter Januar 2018Thorbjørn VærpThe document summarizes a Microsoft Teams meetup event discussing the latest updates to Microsoft Teams. It includes presentations on recent Teams features like memory improvements, PowerShell support, and increased team member limits. It also covers integrating Teams with Skype, managing guest access in Teams, and administrative features available through PowerShell.
O365 UGA - Siste nytt NovemberThorbjørn VærpOffice 365 UserGroup Agder, styrets presentasjon av siste nytt i nettskyen den 22. November 2017 på Peppes Pizza under årets siste møte om GDPR.
Team Me Up Scotty SPSOslo w.ExtendingThorbjørn Værpݺߣs used at my session about Microsoft Teams, at SharePoint Saturday Oslo, the 5.anniversary conferenc. It also includes extending possibilities via Office Graph, Bots, apps, and Tabs presented by my colleague Kjetil Hovding
Team Me Up with Microsoft TeamsThorbjørn VærpMicrosoft Teams the modern workspace hub, this slidedeck is all about implemening it, plus some nice hyperlinks to get you started planning.
SPSMilano - Microsoft TeamsThorbjørn VærpThe document provides an overview of Microsoft Teams presented by Thorbjørn Værp at an event in Milan. It includes sections on the agenda, architecture, clients, planning, and a demo of Microsoft Teams. The presentation highlights how Teams allows for chat-based collaboration, is customizable for each team, and acts as a hub for teamwork. It also discusses the security features, clients, network requirements, and planning considerations for rolling out Teams in an organization.
Team me up Scotty!Thorbjørn VærpOffice365 usergroup agder [UGA] meetup in Kristiansand 13. september 2017. A presentation of Microsoft Teams With all it's New features like external sharing Azure B2B. In the notes section of the PPT you will find usefull links.
Team me up scotty!Thorbjørn VærpMicrosoft Teams -the New Social Workspace!!
See how MS Teams can replace Slack, Yammer, Newsfeed and a heck lot of other Workspace Apps. I integrate SharePoint, PowerBI, and add Apps to totally support you'r business needs. An effective boost for every organization with an Office365 tenant. This is the future, be there or be square :)
Office365 user admin_w_powershellThorbjørn VærpThis document outlines an agenda for a presentation on administering Office 365 users with PowerShell. The agenda includes:
1. Installing necessary binaries like the MSOL Service Sign-In Assistant and Azure AD PowerShell modules.
2. Loading the installed modules.
3. Connecting to Office 365 services like Azure AD, Exchange, SharePoint, and Skype for Business.
4. Demonstrating how to use PowerShell to manage users and groups, with tips on useful PowerShell resources.
Implementing Office Online ServerThorbjørn VærpThis document summarizes information about implementing Office Online Server. Office Online Server provides online editing capabilities for documents across SharePoint 2016, Exchange 2016, Skype for Business 2015, and other document stores. It replaces Excel Services and provides backward compatibility. Setting up Office Online Server only requires installing the software, using PowerShell commands to configure the farm URL and join additional servers, and connecting SharePoint using PowerShell. The server supports up to 20,000 users and any load balancer can be used.
Prezentacjasps office onlinesever_vaerpnThorbjørn VærpMy decks from SPSwarsaw on Implementing Office Online Server.
That new Version from 2016 for SP2016, Exchange 2016, plus Skype 4B 2016. Also backward compatible with older versions of those servers.
The Road to the Cloud -for problemløsereThorbjørn VærpThe road to Office365 for Sørmiljø.Presented at Norwegian SharePoint Community in Oslo 24.august 2016. On Skype the CEO Kristoffer Haugenes and on stage with Tommy Rasmussen CEO AS
Office 365 Useradmin with PowerShellThorbjørn VærpThe document provides information about setting up and using PowerShell for Office 365 administration. It includes:
1. A 4-step process for setting up the Office 365 PowerShell environment including installing binaries, loading modules, connecting to Office 365, and using the PowerShell commands.
2. Information on using the Import-CSV and Foreach-Object commands to import user data from a CSV file into Office 365.
3. Details about advanced Office 365 user management techniques including using Active Directory groups to assign licenses and explanations of the Get-MsolUser commandlet and its parameters.
the Stairway to PowerShell in Office365Thorbjørn VærpHow to set up Office365 PowerShell environment on your client computer With this you can manage MSOL Users, SharePoint, Exchange, and Skype online.
The road to the cloudThorbjørn VærpThis document appears to be a profile for Thorbjørn Værp, a principal consultant and regional manager at Puzzlepart Kristiansand, Norway who has 21 years of IT experience including 11 years working with SharePoint. The document includes his contact information, areas of expertise, and slides that seem to be from presentations about deploying and configuring Office 365 and SharePoint environments.
Implementing adfs & hybrid spThorbjørn Værp1. The document discusses the history of claims-based authentication standards like WS-*, OpenID, and OAuth and how they relate to implementing Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) and claims-based identity in SharePoint 2013.
2. It provides an overview of the authentication process when using ADFS and the three types of claim providers.
3. It outlines the steps to set up ADFS and configure claims authentication for SharePoint 2013, including obtaining certificates, adding the ADFS role, configuring claims rules and relying party trusts.
Office 365 User Groupa Agder - Siste nytt februar 2018Thorbjørn VærpThis document contains the agenda and notes from an O365 UGA meeting. The agenda includes welcome and updates from the board, a speaker on Microsoft 365 licensing and Intune/WIP integration, and a speaker on SharePoint Communication Sites and Site Design. It also provides the latest news on Microsoft Teams features including memory improvements, PowerShell, reports, team size increase to 2,500, and calling features. Finally, it encourages participation on social media and announces future meeting dates.
Microsoft Teams & nyheter Januar 2018Thorbjørn VærpThe document summarizes a Microsoft Teams meetup event discussing the latest updates to Microsoft Teams. It includes presentations on recent Teams features like memory improvements, PowerShell support, and increased team member limits. It also covers integrating Teams with Skype, managing guest access in Teams, and administrative features available through PowerShell.
O365 UGA - Siste nytt NovemberThorbjørn VærpOffice 365 UserGroup Agder, styrets presentasjon av siste nytt i nettskyen den 22. November 2017 på Peppes Pizza under årets siste møte om GDPR.
Team Me Up Scotty SPSOslo w.ExtendingThorbjørn Værpݺߣs used at my session about Microsoft Teams, at SharePoint Saturday Oslo, the 5.anniversary conferenc. It also includes extending possibilities via Office Graph, Bots, apps, and Tabs presented by my colleague Kjetil Hovding
Team Me Up with Microsoft TeamsThorbjørn VærpMicrosoft Teams the modern workspace hub, this slidedeck is all about implemening it, plus some nice hyperlinks to get you started planning.
SPSMilano - Microsoft TeamsThorbjørn VærpThe document provides an overview of Microsoft Teams presented by Thorbjørn Værp at an event in Milan. It includes sections on the agenda, architecture, clients, planning, and a demo of Microsoft Teams. The presentation highlights how Teams allows for chat-based collaboration, is customizable for each team, and acts as a hub for teamwork. It also discusses the security features, clients, network requirements, and planning considerations for rolling out Teams in an organization.
Team me up Scotty!Thorbjørn VærpOffice365 usergroup agder [UGA] meetup in Kristiansand 13. september 2017. A presentation of Microsoft Teams With all it's New features like external sharing Azure B2B. In the notes section of the PPT you will find usefull links.
Team me up scotty!Thorbjørn VærpMicrosoft Teams -the New Social Workspace!!
See how MS Teams can replace Slack, Yammer, Newsfeed and a heck lot of other Workspace Apps. I integrate SharePoint, PowerBI, and add Apps to totally support you'r business needs. An effective boost for every organization with an Office365 tenant. This is the future, be there or be square :)
Office365 user admin_w_powershellThorbjørn VærpThis document outlines an agenda for a presentation on administering Office 365 users with PowerShell. The agenda includes:
1. Installing necessary binaries like the MSOL Service Sign-In Assistant and Azure AD PowerShell modules.
2. Loading the installed modules.
3. Connecting to Office 365 services like Azure AD, Exchange, SharePoint, and Skype for Business.
4. Demonstrating how to use PowerShell to manage users and groups, with tips on useful PowerShell resources.
Implementing Office Online ServerThorbjørn VærpThis document summarizes information about implementing Office Online Server. Office Online Server provides online editing capabilities for documents across SharePoint 2016, Exchange 2016, Skype for Business 2015, and other document stores. It replaces Excel Services and provides backward compatibility. Setting up Office Online Server only requires installing the software, using PowerShell commands to configure the farm URL and join additional servers, and connecting SharePoint using PowerShell. The server supports up to 20,000 users and any load balancer can be used.
Prezentacjasps office onlinesever_vaerpnThorbjørn VærpMy decks from SPSwarsaw on Implementing Office Online Server.
That new Version from 2016 for SP2016, Exchange 2016, plus Skype 4B 2016. Also backward compatible with older versions of those servers.
The Road to the Cloud -for problemløsereThorbjørn VærpThe road to Office365 for Sørmiljø.Presented at Norwegian SharePoint Community in Oslo 24.august 2016. On Skype the CEO Kristoffer Haugenes and on stage with Tommy Rasmussen CEO AS
Office 365 Useradmin with PowerShellThorbjørn VærpThe document provides information about setting up and using PowerShell for Office 365 administration. It includes:
1. A 4-step process for setting up the Office 365 PowerShell environment including installing binaries, loading modules, connecting to Office 365, and using the PowerShell commands.
2. Information on using the Import-CSV and Foreach-Object commands to import user data from a CSV file into Office 365.
3. Details about advanced Office 365 user management techniques including using Active Directory groups to assign licenses and explanations of the Get-MsolUser commandlet and its parameters.
the Stairway to PowerShell in Office365Thorbjørn VærpHow to set up Office365 PowerShell environment on your client computer With this you can manage MSOL Users, SharePoint, Exchange, and Skype online.
The road to the cloudThorbjørn VærpThis document appears to be a profile for Thorbjørn Værp, a principal consultant and regional manager at Puzzlepart Kristiansand, Norway who has 21 years of IT experience including 11 years working with SharePoint. The document includes his contact information, areas of expertise, and slides that seem to be from presentations about deploying and configuring Office 365 and SharePoint environments.
Implementing adfs & hybrid spThorbjørn Værp1. The document discusses the history of claims-based authentication standards like WS-*, OpenID, and OAuth and how they relate to implementing Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) and claims-based identity in SharePoint 2013.
2. It provides an overview of the authentication process when using ADFS and the three types of claim providers.
3. It outlines the steps to set up ADFS and configure claims authentication for SharePoint 2013, including obtaining certificates, adding the ADFS role, configuring claims rules and relying party trusts.
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