1 Country 2 systems in HK: A Decadal ReflectionWai-Kwok Wong
This document provides a local perspective on the "One Country, Two Systems" framework in Hong Kong over the past decade. It summarizes the optimistic view held by pro-establishment groups, but identifies inconsistencies between Beijing's view and the Hong Kong perspective. It analyzes the administrations of Tung Chee-hwa and Donald Tsang, finding they lacked leadership abilities and failed to serve as a bridge between Hong Kongers and Chinese authorities. Ultimately, it questions whether China genuinely supports the "Two Systems" concept and suggests the capitalist system in Hong Kong may gradually transform into a soft authoritarian socialist system with increasing economic dependence on China.
Politics of teacher professionalism & education reform in MacaoWai-Kwok Wong
1. The document discusses politics of teacher professionalism and education reform in Macao. It analyzes how teacher professionalism is understood officially versus subjectively by teachers, and how teachers have limited autonomy and subjectivity.
2. Obstacles to teacher professionalism in Macao include the absence of independent teacher organizations, lack of teacher identity, powerlessness in policy-making, and lack of social understanding and support for the teaching profession.
3. The 10-year education plan emphasizes serving economic development and disempowers teachers by excluding them from school management and omitting the term "teacher" in the document. Pseudo-professionalism proliferates due to official hegemony and weakness of the teaching profession
This document discusses media perception of local education. It aims to understand how mass media reports on education and the possible impacts of different reporting approaches. It notes media may focus on positive topics like student results or reforms, or negative topics like poor performance or protests. The document also discusses some challenges in media reporting, like a "politics of scapegoating" that blames stakeholders for issues. It questions whether media accurately reflects public views or distorts reality, and whether reporting is objective and truthful.
This document discusses the history and development of civil society in Taiwan. It describes how civil society emerged under authoritarian KMT rule from 1949 to 1988, with few independent organizations allowed. It grew gradually from the 1970s onward as social movements and new organizations addressed issues like the environment, human rights, and labor. After martial law ended in 1987, civil society blossomed with hundreds of new organizations influencing policymaking and empowering citizens in areas like education, gender equality, and judicial reform. Civil society has played a key role in Taiwan's transition to a democratic system.
Written assignment for Critical Issues in Education: Keywords for different p...Wai-Kwok Wong
This document provides keywords and perspectives for analyzing critical issues in education. It discusses policy implementation, sociological perspectives including Marxist and functional views, media perspectives on perception, selection and interpretation, and a teacher perspective focused on promoting teacher professionalism and empowerment. Key areas covered include policy making and content, societal inequalities and discrimination, media framing, and increasing teacher autonomy, rights, and independent associations.
Umbrella Movement and Hong Kong IdentityWai-Kwok Wong
The document discusses the Umbrella Movement and Hong Kong identity. It provides context on how local Hong Kong identity is used as an energy and discourse to justify protest actions. It examines the influence of Taiwan's Sunflower Movement in resisting Chinese influence. It then visualizes and redefines the local identity of Hong Kong people through the Lion Rock Spirit of persistence despite suppression. Finally, it analyzes three dimensions of local identity: identity for empowerment through political aspiration; identity as a goal to challenge Chinese dominance and dependence; and identity as a strategy to deploy Lion Rock Spirit and critique the government.
El documento describe siete paradigmas de comunicación digital trastocados por Internet: interactividad, personalización, multimedia, hipertextualidad, actualización, abundancia y mediación. También describe herramientas de comunicación síncronas y asíncronas y características clave de la educación a distancia como la separación física entre estudiantes y profesores y el uso de medios técnicos.
El documento describe el sistema educativo de Finlandia. Se centra en los aspectos que lo hacen exitoso como la atención individualizada a cada estudiante, menos horas de clase y más horas de juego, clases peque?as con máximo 20 estudiantes, énfasis en la curiosidad y creatividad, y profesores altamente calificados y respetados. También cubre los objetivos, principios, estrategias, ideas pedagógicas, sistema de evaluación y formación de profesores de Finlandia.
The document discusses three examples of macro social work practice:
1) Centene building a new claims center in Ferguson, MO, bringing 200 jobs and economic opportunity to the community.
2) Paul McKee's plan to redevelop North St. Louis through a 15-year, $390 million project creating 22,000 jobs and improving infrastructure, education, and healthcare.
3) The Occupy Wall Street movement which brought awareness to income inequality and corporate influence through protests on Wall Street.
Este documento proporciona una historia detallada del desarrollo de la novela como género literario. Comienza con las definiciones de novela y sus características distintivas. Luego describe los primeros precedentes narrativos en la antigüedad y la Edad Media, antes de explorar la evolución de la novela moderna durante la Edad Moderna, particularmente en los siglos XVI y XVII, cuando surgieron obras innovadoras como el Quijote de Cervantes.
Este documento presenta la matriz TPACK (Conocimiento Tecnológico Pedagógico y de Contenido) para el dise?o de actividades de un proyecto educativo. La matriz describe los conocimientos necesarios del maestro en contenido, pedagogía y tecnología, así como cómo estas áreas se integran para el desarrollo de competencias del siglo 21 en los estudiantes a través de actividades que incluyen el uso de herramientas digitales como Cacoo, blog y wikispace. El proyecto busca promover valores como la autoestima
Finlandia tiene un sistema educativo reconocido internacionalmente. El currículo se centra en desarrollar la responsabilidad, autoconocimiento y habilidades para estudios posteriores de los estudiantes. Los maestros son altamente calificados y respetados. La educación es inclusiva, individualizada y tiene poco fracaso escolar. Se enfoca en el desarrollo de la curiosidad y creatividad a través de menos horas lectivas y más juego. La evaluación motiva a los estudiantes y no se enfoca en notas.
This document summarizes the key findings of a joint opinion poll conducted by think tanks in Japan, the US, China, and South Korea regarding perceptions of the future of Northeast Asia. The poll found:
1) Majorities in all four countries believe China's influence in Asia will continue increasing in the next decade, while fewer see US influence increasing.
2) Opinions are divided on which countries can best handle world problems, with Japanese and Americans having more confidence in the US and EU while Chinese and South Koreans have more confidence in China.
3) There are also differences in perceptions of which countries should assume global leadership, with Japanese and Americans citing the US while Chinese cite Russia.
This document discusses two perspectives on the relationship between human rights and state sovereignty in international relations: the communitarian/statist perspective and the cosmopolitan/universal perspective. It also examines how international human rights conventions and declarations have expanded the domain of international law and eroded state sovereignty by establishing rights that individuals possess as humans rather than citizens. The document explores debates around humanitarian intervention and when it may be justified to interfere in a state's domestic affairs to protect human rights.
This document discusses domestic sources of influence on foreign policy. It outlines that a country's domestic society, including public opinion, interest groups, elites, and leaders, shapes its foreign policy preferences and objectives. Different social groups within a country may have differing stances on foreign policy issues based on their interests. A democratic government must consider these societal influences and seek public support when formulating foreign policy. However, a leader may also attempt to shape public opinion to build support for their policies. The document uses China's concept of "peaceful rise" as an example of how a country's strategic culture and shared beliefs can influence its foreign policy approach.
Understanding Taiwan Politics through the 2016 ElectionsWai-Kwok Wong
1. The document analyzes Taiwan's 2016 elections and political landscape, discussing factors like China's influence through business and media ties, Taiwan's two main political parties, and identity issues.
2. It notes misunderstandings around portrayals of Taiwan politics and examines the status of the opposition DPP party.
3. Major events that shaped politics in recent years included the 2014 Sunflower Movement protests and debates over Taiwan's relationship with China versus an independent Taiwanese identity.
This document appears to be a series of slides from a presentation given by Dr. Wai-Kwok Benson Wong of the Department of Government & International Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University on March 30, 2011. The presentation discusses current affairs in Hong Kong, noting that understanding current events requires examining them in their proper context and from multiple perspectives rather than relying on common sense or personal views. One reference from a 2011 report on the state of Hong Kong's political system after the first decade of the 21st century is included.
This document summarizes the results of a poll survey conducted by Genron-NPO in Japan on public opinions regarding the future challenges in Northeast Asia. Over 1,000 respondents were polled in each of China, Japan, South Korea, and the US between April and September 2015. The poll aimed to understand public perceptions of each country's economic influence, cultural exchange, political/diplomatic relations, and territorial disputes. It also examined the role of public opinion and elite leaders in shaping foreign policies in the region. The analysis found that China's growing economic impact is a major factor, and that China is viewed with some skepticism regarding its assertiveness in international affairs and moral approach to conflict resolution. Strengthening high-level
Umbrella Movement and Hong Kong IdentityWai-Kwok Wong
The document discusses the Umbrella Movement and Hong Kong identity. It provides context on how local Hong Kong identity is used as an energy and discourse to justify protest actions. It examines the influence of Taiwan's Sunflower Movement in resisting Chinese influence. It then visualizes and redefines the local identity of Hong Kong people through the Lion Rock Spirit of persistence despite suppression. Finally, it analyzes three dimensions of local identity: identity for empowerment through political aspiration; identity as a goal to challenge Chinese dominance and dependence; and identity as a strategy to deploy Lion Rock Spirit and critique the government.
El documento describe siete paradigmas de comunicación digital trastocados por Internet: interactividad, personalización, multimedia, hipertextualidad, actualización, abundancia y mediación. También describe herramientas de comunicación síncronas y asíncronas y características clave de la educación a distancia como la separación física entre estudiantes y profesores y el uso de medios técnicos.
El documento describe el sistema educativo de Finlandia. Se centra en los aspectos que lo hacen exitoso como la atención individualizada a cada estudiante, menos horas de clase y más horas de juego, clases peque?as con máximo 20 estudiantes, énfasis en la curiosidad y creatividad, y profesores altamente calificados y respetados. También cubre los objetivos, principios, estrategias, ideas pedagógicas, sistema de evaluación y formación de profesores de Finlandia.
The document discusses three examples of macro social work practice:
1) Centene building a new claims center in Ferguson, MO, bringing 200 jobs and economic opportunity to the community.
2) Paul McKee's plan to redevelop North St. Louis through a 15-year, $390 million project creating 22,000 jobs and improving infrastructure, education, and healthcare.
3) The Occupy Wall Street movement which brought awareness to income inequality and corporate influence through protests on Wall Street.
Este documento proporciona una historia detallada del desarrollo de la novela como género literario. Comienza con las definiciones de novela y sus características distintivas. Luego describe los primeros precedentes narrativos en la antigüedad y la Edad Media, antes de explorar la evolución de la novela moderna durante la Edad Moderna, particularmente en los siglos XVI y XVII, cuando surgieron obras innovadoras como el Quijote de Cervantes.
Este documento presenta la matriz TPACK (Conocimiento Tecnológico Pedagógico y de Contenido) para el dise?o de actividades de un proyecto educativo. La matriz describe los conocimientos necesarios del maestro en contenido, pedagogía y tecnología, así como cómo estas áreas se integran para el desarrollo de competencias del siglo 21 en los estudiantes a través de actividades que incluyen el uso de herramientas digitales como Cacoo, blog y wikispace. El proyecto busca promover valores como la autoestima
Finlandia tiene un sistema educativo reconocido internacionalmente. El currículo se centra en desarrollar la responsabilidad, autoconocimiento y habilidades para estudios posteriores de los estudiantes. Los maestros son altamente calificados y respetados. La educación es inclusiva, individualizada y tiene poco fracaso escolar. Se enfoca en el desarrollo de la curiosidad y creatividad a través de menos horas lectivas y más juego. La evaluación motiva a los estudiantes y no se enfoca en notas.
This document summarizes the key findings of a joint opinion poll conducted by think tanks in Japan, the US, China, and South Korea regarding perceptions of the future of Northeast Asia. The poll found:
1) Majorities in all four countries believe China's influence in Asia will continue increasing in the next decade, while fewer see US influence increasing.
2) Opinions are divided on which countries can best handle world problems, with Japanese and Americans having more confidence in the US and EU while Chinese and South Koreans have more confidence in China.
3) There are also differences in perceptions of which countries should assume global leadership, with Japanese and Americans citing the US while Chinese cite Russia.
This document discusses two perspectives on the relationship between human rights and state sovereignty in international relations: the communitarian/statist perspective and the cosmopolitan/universal perspective. It also examines how international human rights conventions and declarations have expanded the domain of international law and eroded state sovereignty by establishing rights that individuals possess as humans rather than citizens. The document explores debates around humanitarian intervention and when it may be justified to interfere in a state's domestic affairs to protect human rights.
This document discusses domestic sources of influence on foreign policy. It outlines that a country's domestic society, including public opinion, interest groups, elites, and leaders, shapes its foreign policy preferences and objectives. Different social groups within a country may have differing stances on foreign policy issues based on their interests. A democratic government must consider these societal influences and seek public support when formulating foreign policy. However, a leader may also attempt to shape public opinion to build support for their policies. The document uses China's concept of "peaceful rise" as an example of how a country's strategic culture and shared beliefs can influence its foreign policy approach.
Understanding Taiwan Politics through the 2016 ElectionsWai-Kwok Wong
1. The document analyzes Taiwan's 2016 elections and political landscape, discussing factors like China's influence through business and media ties, Taiwan's two main political parties, and identity issues.
2. It notes misunderstandings around portrayals of Taiwan politics and examines the status of the opposition DPP party.
3. Major events that shaped politics in recent years included the 2014 Sunflower Movement protests and debates over Taiwan's relationship with China versus an independent Taiwanese identity.
This document appears to be a series of slides from a presentation given by Dr. Wai-Kwok Benson Wong of the Department of Government & International Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University on March 30, 2011. The presentation discusses current affairs in Hong Kong, noting that understanding current events requires examining them in their proper context and from multiple perspectives rather than relying on common sense or personal views. One reference from a 2011 report on the state of Hong Kong's political system after the first decade of the 21st century is included.
This document summarizes the results of a poll survey conducted by Genron-NPO in Japan on public opinions regarding the future challenges in Northeast Asia. Over 1,000 respondents were polled in each of China, Japan, South Korea, and the US between April and September 2015. The poll aimed to understand public perceptions of each country's economic influence, cultural exchange, political/diplomatic relations, and territorial disputes. It also examined the role of public opinion and elite leaders in shaping foreign policies in the region. The analysis found that China's growing economic impact is a major factor, and that China is viewed with some skepticism regarding its assertiveness in international affairs and moral approach to conflict resolution. Strengthening high-level
A book being banned in Mainland China showing how the CCP fails to keep its promise by referring to the past articles on advocating and supporting democracy in China
Analytical Framework for Education IssuesWai-Kwok Wong
This document discusses conceptual foundations of educational issues from both a policy and sociological perspective. It covers topics such as policy definitions, the policy process including formulation, adoption, implementation and evaluation. It also examines stakeholders in the policy process and the sociological perspective on the functions of schooling in society. Specifically, it describes functionalism theory which posits that schools play a role in maintaining social harmony and cultural transmission by socializing students and preparing them for their future adult roles.
30 tips for successful academic research and writing | impact of social sciencesWai-Kwok Wong
This document provides 30 tips for successful academic research and writing. The most important tip is to choose a topic that you are passionately interested in. Planning is also essential, including setting aside weekly time for research and using a whiteboard to list tasks and deadlines. It is important to make a start on writing projects, even if just drafting a title and notes. The tips encourage networking, collaborating with others, and using writing in multiple forms and venues to maximize impact and exposure.