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October Specials 
October is usually full of surprises and at Team Beachbody its no 
different! Check out these Challenge Pack surprise promotions available 
throughout the month of October!
P90 and The Ultimate Reset 
Beachbody Challenge Packs are the complete package, offering total 
support for achieving health and fitness goals. The formula? Fitness + 
Nutrition + Support = Success.
Only $160 USD (normally 
$180 USD). Plus, on behalf 
of Tony Horton, Beachbody 
will donate $5 USD to 
Wounded Warriors for the 
first 50,000 P90 Challenge 
Packs sold during the month 
of October.
P90 is the gateway to getting fit regardless of one's age or 
fitness level! This program from legendary trainer Tony 
Horton includes ten all-new workouts that are simple, 
doable, and less extreme than his others, but still just as 
effective. Whether a person hasn't worked out in a decade, 
or is just looking to maintain what they've got, P90 opens 
the door for customers to see dramatic, visible results in 
just 90 days. P90 includes three 30-day phases. Each new 
phase is designed to gradually ease your body past its old 
limits. Watch the video here: http://bit.ly/P90cpvideo
OR P90X3! 
As a matter of fact, before any 
of those programs existed, 
Tony created a revolutionary 
weight loss and body 
transformation program that 
started it all - Power 90. Now 
featuring redesigned, cutting 
edge routines, welcome to 
Power 90 re-imagined ... the 
new P90!
They got results! 
You can too!
Beachbody is supporting our troops by donating $5 on the first 
50,000 P90 units to the Wounded Warrior Project (through October 
31, 2014). To find out more about the Wounded Warrior Project 
visit: http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org. 
Plus, if you order the P90 Challenge Pack in October you save $70 
and get a FREE P90X3 Bonus Workout (a $19.95 value). 
TO BUY the P90 Challenge Pack, simply CLICK HERE 
Feeling tired? Sluggish? Not 
feeling ready to tackle the 
day when you wake up? 
Then, it's time to RESET! 
And as a bonus, you can 
save $85 when you buy the 
Reset this October.
Even though the body is extremely resilient, our bodies have been pushed to 
the limit by pollution, pesticides, preservatives, chemicals, and toxins 
contained in nearly every item that makes up our modern world. These 
harmful items disrupt the normal function of our organs and bodily systems, 
which, in turn, weakens our immunity, hinders metabolic activity, and creates 
imbalances that can lead to health problems. 
With the Beachbody Ultimate Reset you get these benefits: 
Stronger immune system 
Increased energy and more endurance 
Better digestion, metabolism and weight loss 
A more positive mood and mental clarity
Whether you're looking to finally get healthy and fit for 
the first time and know Beachbody Ultimate Reset is 
that first important step, or you want to optimize your 
stamina and metabolism to take your fitness regimen to 
the next level, the Beachbody Ultimate Reset can 
benefit you because it's optimized for all levels of 
health and fitness. 
Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a unique program that 
helps people of all ages find relief from digestive 
problems, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels, 
asthma, arthritis, depression, and inflammatory 
conditions. It has also helped active individuals get 
even more out of their workouts because it restores the 
body and makes it more efficient.
The Six Supplements 
Our targeted supplements detox, alkalinize, soothe, mineralize, 
optimize, and revitalize to restore your body to the highest level 
of health.
Support-Guidebook-Two DVDs 
Support and encouragement from your Team Beachbody Coach and 
other team members is available online anytime.Get three weeks worth of 
menus and recipes, and learn all of the health benefits you'll achieve from 
Beachbody Ultimate Reset.
October Specials
Regular Price Promo Price 
Complete Kit $229.95 USD $199.95 USD $30.00 
Dual Kit $399.95 USD $349.95 USD $50.00 
Refill Kit $199.95 USD $179.95 USD $20.00 
Challenge Pack $305.00 USD $275.00 USD $30.00 
Pick Your Ultimate Reset Option: http://bit.ly/URpickpack 
Watch this video to learn more about the Ultimate Reset! 
TO BUY the Ultimate Reset Challenge Pack, simply CLICK 
For more on these specials plus 
more fitness and health products 
check out http://www.p-forcefitness. 

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October Specials

  • 1. October Specials October is usually full of surprises and at Team Beachbody its no different! Check out these Challenge Pack surprise promotions available throughout the month of October!
  • 2. P90 and The Ultimate Reset Beachbody Challenge Packs are the complete package, offering total support for achieving health and fitness goals. The formula? Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Success.
  • 3. Only $160 USD (normally $180 USD). Plus, on behalf of Tony Horton, Beachbody will donate $5 USD to Wounded Warriors for the first 50,000 P90 Challenge Packs sold during the month of October.
  • 4. P90 is the gateway to getting fit regardless of one's age or fitness level! This program from legendary trainer Tony Horton includes ten all-new workouts that are simple, doable, and less extreme than his others, but still just as effective. Whether a person hasn't worked out in a decade, or is just looking to maintain what they've got, P90 opens the door for customers to see dramatic, visible results in just 90 days. P90 includes three 30-day phases. Each new phase is designed to gradually ease your body past its old limits. Watch the video here: http://bit.ly/P90cpvideo
  • 5. THIS IS NOT AN EXTREME WORKOUT LIKE P90X, P90X2 OR P90X3! As a matter of fact, before any of those programs existed, Tony created a revolutionary weight loss and body transformation program that started it all - Power 90. Now featuring redesigned, cutting edge routines, welcome to Power 90 re-imagined ... the new P90!
  • 6. They got results! You can too!
  • 7. SUPPORT OUR TROOPS: Beachbody is supporting our troops by donating $5 on the first 50,000 P90 units to the Wounded Warrior Project (through October 31, 2014). To find out more about the Wounded Warrior Project visit: http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org. Plus, if you order the P90 Challenge Pack in October you save $70 and get a FREE P90X3 Bonus Workout (a $19.95 value). TO BUY the P90 Challenge Pack, simply CLICK HERE http://bit.ly/P90CPOct!
  • 8. Feeling tired? Sluggish? Not feeling ready to tackle the day when you wake up? Then, it's time to RESET! And as a bonus, you can save $85 when you buy the Reset this October.
  • 9. Even though the body is extremely resilient, our bodies have been pushed to the limit by pollution, pesticides, preservatives, chemicals, and toxins contained in nearly every item that makes up our modern world. These harmful items disrupt the normal function of our organs and bodily systems, which, in turn, weakens our immunity, hinders metabolic activity, and creates imbalances that can lead to health problems. With the Beachbody Ultimate Reset you get these benefits: Stronger immune system Increased energy and more endurance Better digestion, metabolism and weight loss A more positive mood and mental clarity
  • 10. HELP YOUR BODY START FRESH Whether you're looking to finally get healthy and fit for the first time and know Beachbody Ultimate Reset is that first important step, or you want to optimize your stamina and metabolism to take your fitness regimen to the next level, the Beachbody Ultimate Reset can benefit you because it's optimized for all levels of health and fitness. Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a unique program that helps people of all ages find relief from digestive problems, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels, asthma, arthritis, depression, and inflammatory conditions. It has also helped active individuals get even more out of their workouts because it restores the body and makes it more efficient.
  • 11. The Six Supplements Our targeted supplements detox, alkalinize, soothe, mineralize, optimize, and revitalize to restore your body to the highest level of health.
  • 12. Support-Guidebook-Two DVDs Support and encouragement from your Team Beachbody Coach and other team members is available online anytime.Get three weeks worth of menus and recipes, and learn all of the health benefits you'll achieve from Beachbody Ultimate Reset.
  • 14. Regular Price Promo Price SAVINGS Complete Kit $229.95 USD $199.95 USD $30.00 USD Dual Kit $399.95 USD $349.95 USD $50.00 Refill Kit $199.95 USD $179.95 USD $20.00 USD Challenge Pack $305.00 USD $275.00 USD $30.00 USD Pick Your Ultimate Reset Option: http://bit.ly/URpickpack Watch this video to learn more about the Ultimate Reset! http://bit.ly/URvideo TO BUY the Ultimate Reset Challenge Pack, simply CLICK HERE!http://bit.ly/URCPOct
  • 15. For more on these specials plus more fitness and health products check out http://www.p-forcefitness. com/