Gold award, 2007, Individual/Organization Profile, American Society of Business Publications Editors Annual Awards of Excellence, Central-Southeast Region
Okanagan Waterwise: sockeye returning home need water tooFiona9864
This article discusses the importance of keeping waterways clean to support the return of sockeye salmon to the Okanagan River system. It provides tips for residents to conserve water and avoid contaminating streams and lakes, such as using biodegradable products, taking cars to commercial car washes, and properly disposing of chemicals and medications. Recent projects by the Okanagan Nation Alliance Fisheries Department have helped salmon populations rebound after years of decline due to human impacts on local waters.
The document provides information about a potential real estate development project located in Bakersfield, California. It includes details about the 19.21 acre site such as its location, zoning, and existing conditions. Concept plans and utilities information are also presented. The document is seeking offers to purchase the property for development of 320 multi-family residential units.
The Mill Creek Influence December 2011 AveryHolder
This document is a newsletter for residents of Mill Creek, Washington from December 2011. It contains local contact information for emergency services, utilities, schools, and organizations. It also features an article introducing the King family and reviews of local businesses like i-fly Seattle Indoor Skydiving, Preservation Kitchen restaurant, and Massage Envy. The newsletter is sponsored by local businesses in sectors like landscaping, real estate, security systems, and tires.
This document is a classified ad section from the April 27, 2011 edition of the Cass City Chronicle newspaper. It includes ads in the categories of transit, general merchandise for sale, recreational items for sale, real estate for rent, and household sales. Specific ads announce sales of items like an organ, a pop-up camper, a swimming pool, and ATVs. Properties for rent and local venues for events are also listed.
This document provides information about various apartment and townhome communities managed by Stuart Management Corporation. It lists over 30 residential properties located throughout the Midwest, including Minnesota, Wisconsin, and surrounding states. The properties include luxury apartments, townhomes, senior housing, and affordable housing options. Details are provided for each individual community, such as location, unit types, amenities and a website for more information.
Lowell Kiesel, founder of Carvin guitars, passed away at age 94. He was a pioneer in the guitar industry, starting his company in 1946 by winding guitar pickups. Over the decades, Carvin expanded to produce full guitars, basses, amps and more. Kiesel sold directly to customers, pioneering a business model that Carvin still uses today. His innovative spirit and commitment to quality ensured his legacy would continue for generations at Carvin. The document provides an overview of Kiesel's background and accomplishments, as well as details on Carvin's wide array of guitar customization options available to customers.
This document contains classified advertisements from a local newspaper, including garage sales, pets for sale/adoption, and public notices. Some of the garage sales listed include household items, furniture, clothing, toys, books, and more. Pets listed for sale/adoption include kittens, puppies, and snakes. Public notices include foreclosure auctions and probate hearings.
This document contains a classified ad section from a local newspaper. It includes ads for garage sales taking place that weekend, notices for estate sales and auctions, pets for sale, and legal notices for foreclosure sales. The ads provide details on items for sale at the garage sales such as furniture, decorations, clothing, and vehicles. They also include locations, dates, and contact information.
The document is a newsletter from the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club for November/December 2010. It contains three main articles: 1) Residents in the community of Weldon oppose a proposed 300-acre solar development project due to concerns about impacts to farmland, flooding risks, and dust. 2) A court ruling requires the city of Tulare to redo its environmental report for a proposed sports complex project, delaying the project. 3) The newsletter encourages members to vote in upcoming elections and provides candidate statements from people running for the chapter's executive committee.
The document summarizes the story of Mary Ellen Briga, a schoolteacher and musician who owns a farm in Connecticut with her husband and three horses. It describes how she purchased a Bobcat CT225 compact tractor to help with tasks around the farm like moving manure, dragging fields, and cleaning up rocks. The tractor allows her to better manage her farm duties while still making time for her horses, teaching job, and career as a violinist with the Hartford Symphony Orchestra.
Public meetings, foreclosures and other legal notices for March 22, 2012Post-Bulletin Co.
This notice provides information about a foreclosure sale of a property located at 4910 Valley Drive NW in Rochester, Minnesota. The property owner owes $131,879.28 according to the mortgage. A foreclosure sale is scheduled for April 30, 2012 at 10:00 AM at the Sheriff's Office in Rochester. The legal notice specifies the rights and timeline for the property owner to redeem the property before it is sold at the foreclosure auction.
The document is a newsletter from the Hooved Animal Rescue & Protection Society (HARPS).
[1] HARPS is facing an upcoming crossroads as their 10-year lease on their rescue farm is set to expire. They will need to find a new permanent home. HARPS is also seeing an increasing need to help abused and neglected horses as the economy causes more owners to struggle. [2] HARPS is highlighting the stories of some horses that were rescued and have found new homes, showing the positive impact of their work. [3] The newsletter provides updates on HARPS operations and needs support from members and donors to continue their mission of rescuing and rehabilitating abused horses.
The Robbins wanted a small cabin in Big Sky but were encouraged to build much larger. They found an unfinished cabin shell high on a hill with ski-in access that was perfect. They paid over market value but got their dream cabin. Though compact, the finished cabin has high-end finishes and feels cozy yet spacious enough for their family. The Robbins prefer the small size that is easy to enjoy without extra work.
This notice advertises a mortgage foreclosure sale to take place on March 24, 2011 at 10:00 AM at the Tuscola County Courthouse in Caro, Michigan. The property subject to foreclosure is located in Denmark Township, Tuscola County, Michigan and is described in the notice. The notice provides information on the amounts owed, including $132,403.05 in principal and interest at 6.75% per annum. The redemption period is 6 months from the date of sale.
This document summarizes a home built in Sandpoint, Idaho to take full advantage of spectacular 270-degree views of Lake Pend Orielle, the Selkirk Mountains, and Montana's Cabinet Mountains. The architects designed the home with large windows, porches, and outdoor spaces to maximize enjoying the scenic surroundings. Local materials like Montana stone, Douglas fir, and red cedar were used to blend the home into the natural landscape. Interior features include a great room, master suite, and multiple levels connected by bridges, all designed for enjoying the panoramic outdoor vistas.
The document discusses frustrations with New York City's subway system, noting that lines are often slow, dirty, and unreliable, especially at nights and on weekends. It compares New York's older subway system unfavorably to London's, saying that political issues are a major contributor to the MTA's inefficiencies. Billions are being spent on infrastructure projects but not focused on improving existing train schedules or service.
Lee Anderson is a businessman from Nisswa, Minnesota who owns a large conglomerate called the API Group. Though a worldly man, his roots remain in Nisswa where he grew up on a lake. In 1985, he purchased the nearby marina to prevent development, and also bought his first classic wooden boat. He later built an elaborate boathouse on the property to house his growing collection of classic boats. The boathouse is designed to look like it naturally grew out of the landscape, and features Minnesota craftsmanship throughout its rustic yet luxurious interior.
3 apresenta巽達o semanal de 26 de maio a 30 de maio 2014edinilsonmendes
Este documento resume um projeto de reforma residencial realizado pela SPECIFIK2 Constru巽探es & Reformas. O projeto consiste na reforma de uma resid棚ncia em S達o Jos辿 dos Campos e ter叩 dura巽達o de 25 dias. O objetivo 辿 maximizar a qualidade e reduzir custos e prazos. At辿 a 3a semana, diversas etapas como revestimentos, forros e pinturas j叩 haviam sido realizadas.
Este documento resume una entrevista con Jos辿 S叩nchez Ponce Ph.D., director de la Granja Modelo Pairumani en Cochabamba, Bolivia. S叩nchez habla sobre la cosmovisi坦n del organismo vivo y la agroforester鱈a din叩mica. Explica que un organismo vivo es un sistema integrado compuesto por suelo, plantas, animales y seres humanos. La Granja Modelo Pairumani utiliza sistemas agroforestales din叩micos para restaurar ecosistemas degradados de una manera gradual y hol鱈stica. S叩nchez tambi辿n disc
O documento descreve a evolu巽達o hist坦rica do poder de punir do Estado ao longo dos tempos, desde as sociedades primitivas at辿 a concep巽達o contempor但nea. Aborda as fases da vingan巽a privada, divina e p炭blica, o per鱈odo humanit叩rio e criminol坦gico, al辿m dos principais pensadores que influenciaram o tema, como Beccaria, Hobbes, Rousseau e Durkheim. Por fim, apresenta depoimentos sobre a realidade carcer叩ria e a fun巽達o do sistema prisional.
O documento descreve a trajet坦ria da empreendedora Bel Pesce e como o empreendedorismo mudou sua vida. Ela conta sobre suas experi棚ncias trabalhando em grandes empresas como Microsoft e Google e tamb辿m em startups, al辿m de fundar sua pr坦pria empresa, a Lemon. O objetivo do livro 辿 inspirar outros jovens e compartilhar os aprendizados adquiridos nessa jornada.
O documento discute a import但ncia da fam鱈lia e das rela巽探es familiares. A fam鱈lia 辿 vista como um n炭cleo onde as almas se re炭nem para evoluir espiritualmente, resolvendo conflitos do passado. Problemas familiares como ci炭me, div坦rcio e fracasso no lar s達o abordados, enfatizando a compreens達o e o perd達o como forma de promover a harmonia.
A c辿lula vegetal apresenta parede celular e plastos, respons叩veis pela prote巽達o, sustenta巽達o e fotoss鱈ntese. Ela cont辿m vac炭olos que armazenam subst但ncias e auxiliam na regula巽達o osm坦tica, podendo participar da digest達o celular. Conceitos importantes incluem l炭men celular, lamela m辿dia e plasmodesmos.
Este libro resume la historia de Espa単a desde la prehistoria hasta el siglo XX. Trata sobre los primeros asentamientos humanos, la llegada de diferentes pueblos como los celtas, fenicios y romanos en la antig端edad, la conquista musulmana y la reconquista cristiana en la Edad Media, el descubrimiento de Am辿rica y la p辿rdida de batallas contra otros pa鱈ses europeos en los siglos posteriores, y finalmente el conflicto entre derechas e izquierdas que desemboc坦 en la Guerra Civil y la dictadura
1) Albert Einstein fue un f鱈sico alem叩n nacionalizado suizo y estadounidense considerado el cient鱈fico m叩s importante del siglo XX.
2) En 1905, cuando era un joven f鱈sico desconocido, public坦 varios trabajos fundamentales incluyendo su teor鱈a de la relatividad especial y la ecuaci坦n E=mc2.
3) En 1915 present坦 su teor鱈a de la relatividad general la cual reformul坦 el concepto de gravedad y condujo al surgimiento del estudio cient鱈fico del origen y evoluci坦n del universo.
Este documento describe los elementos arquitect坦nicos caracter鱈sticos del Renacimiento en Italia, Espa単a, Francia y Alemania. Identifica elementos como pilastras, 坦rdenes cl叩sicos, arcos de medio punto, frontones, cornisas, ventanas con parteluz y c炭pulas en importantes edificios renacentistas como el Palacio Rucellai en Florencia, la Catedral de Santa Mar鱈a del Fiore tambi辿n en Florencia, el Palacio de Carlos V en la Alhambra, y el Ayuntamiento de Colonia en Alemania.
Biocombustibles soluci坦n energ辿tica o problema socialViceSerCMC
Este documento discute los biocombustibles y los problemas relacionados con su uso. Explica c坦mo se producen el bioetanol y el biodi辿sel y se単ala que un estudio de la UE encontr坦 que los biocombustibles aumentan las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero debido a la deforestaci坦n y otros impactos. Tambi辿n analiza los posibles efectos sobre la seguridad alimentaria y los problemas sociales y ambientales causados por el aumento de los monocultivos para biocombustibles, especialmente en Brasil, Argentina e Indonesia.
O documento descreve a trajet坦ria da empreendedora Bel Pesce e como o empreendedorismo mudou sua vida. Ela conta sobre suas experi棚ncias trabalhando em grandes empresas como Microsoft e Google e tamb辿m em startups, al辿m de fundar sua pr坦pria empresa, a Lemon. O objetivo do livro 辿 inspirar outros jovens e compartilhar os aprendizados adquiridos nessa jornada.
The document is a newsletter from the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club for November/December 2010. It contains three main articles: 1) Residents in the community of Weldon oppose a proposed 300-acre solar development project due to concerns about impacts to farmland, flooding risks, and dust. 2) A court ruling requires the city of Tulare to redo its environmental report for a proposed sports complex project, delaying the project. 3) The newsletter encourages members to vote in upcoming elections and provides candidate statements from people running for the chapter's executive committee.
The document summarizes the story of Mary Ellen Briga, a schoolteacher and musician who owns a farm in Connecticut with her husband and three horses. It describes how she purchased a Bobcat CT225 compact tractor to help with tasks around the farm like moving manure, dragging fields, and cleaning up rocks. The tractor allows her to better manage her farm duties while still making time for her horses, teaching job, and career as a violinist with the Hartford Symphony Orchestra.
Public meetings, foreclosures and other legal notices for March 22, 2012Post-Bulletin Co.
This notice provides information about a foreclosure sale of a property located at 4910 Valley Drive NW in Rochester, Minnesota. The property owner owes $131,879.28 according to the mortgage. A foreclosure sale is scheduled for April 30, 2012 at 10:00 AM at the Sheriff's Office in Rochester. The legal notice specifies the rights and timeline for the property owner to redeem the property before it is sold at the foreclosure auction.
The document is a newsletter from the Hooved Animal Rescue & Protection Society (HARPS).
[1] HARPS is facing an upcoming crossroads as their 10-year lease on their rescue farm is set to expire. They will need to find a new permanent home. HARPS is also seeing an increasing need to help abused and neglected horses as the economy causes more owners to struggle. [2] HARPS is highlighting the stories of some horses that were rescued and have found new homes, showing the positive impact of their work. [3] The newsletter provides updates on HARPS operations and needs support from members and donors to continue their mission of rescuing and rehabilitating abused horses.
The Robbins wanted a small cabin in Big Sky but were encouraged to build much larger. They found an unfinished cabin shell high on a hill with ski-in access that was perfect. They paid over market value but got their dream cabin. Though compact, the finished cabin has high-end finishes and feels cozy yet spacious enough for their family. The Robbins prefer the small size that is easy to enjoy without extra work.
This notice advertises a mortgage foreclosure sale to take place on March 24, 2011 at 10:00 AM at the Tuscola County Courthouse in Caro, Michigan. The property subject to foreclosure is located in Denmark Township, Tuscola County, Michigan and is described in the notice. The notice provides information on the amounts owed, including $132,403.05 in principal and interest at 6.75% per annum. The redemption period is 6 months from the date of sale.
This document summarizes a home built in Sandpoint, Idaho to take full advantage of spectacular 270-degree views of Lake Pend Orielle, the Selkirk Mountains, and Montana's Cabinet Mountains. The architects designed the home with large windows, porches, and outdoor spaces to maximize enjoying the scenic surroundings. Local materials like Montana stone, Douglas fir, and red cedar were used to blend the home into the natural landscape. Interior features include a great room, master suite, and multiple levels connected by bridges, all designed for enjoying the panoramic outdoor vistas.
The document discusses frustrations with New York City's subway system, noting that lines are often slow, dirty, and unreliable, especially at nights and on weekends. It compares New York's older subway system unfavorably to London's, saying that political issues are a major contributor to the MTA's inefficiencies. Billions are being spent on infrastructure projects but not focused on improving existing train schedules or service.
Lee Anderson is a businessman from Nisswa, Minnesota who owns a large conglomerate called the API Group. Though a worldly man, his roots remain in Nisswa where he grew up on a lake. In 1985, he purchased the nearby marina to prevent development, and also bought his first classic wooden boat. He later built an elaborate boathouse on the property to house his growing collection of classic boats. The boathouse is designed to look like it naturally grew out of the landscape, and features Minnesota craftsmanship throughout its rustic yet luxurious interior.
3 apresenta巽達o semanal de 26 de maio a 30 de maio 2014edinilsonmendes
Este documento resume um projeto de reforma residencial realizado pela SPECIFIK2 Constru巽探es & Reformas. O projeto consiste na reforma de uma resid棚ncia em S達o Jos辿 dos Campos e ter叩 dura巽達o de 25 dias. O objetivo 辿 maximizar a qualidade e reduzir custos e prazos. At辿 a 3a semana, diversas etapas como revestimentos, forros e pinturas j叩 haviam sido realizadas.
Este documento resume una entrevista con Jos辿 S叩nchez Ponce Ph.D., director de la Granja Modelo Pairumani en Cochabamba, Bolivia. S叩nchez habla sobre la cosmovisi坦n del organismo vivo y la agroforester鱈a din叩mica. Explica que un organismo vivo es un sistema integrado compuesto por suelo, plantas, animales y seres humanos. La Granja Modelo Pairumani utiliza sistemas agroforestales din叩micos para restaurar ecosistemas degradados de una manera gradual y hol鱈stica. S叩nchez tambi辿n disc
O documento descreve a evolu巽達o hist坦rica do poder de punir do Estado ao longo dos tempos, desde as sociedades primitivas at辿 a concep巽達o contempor但nea. Aborda as fases da vingan巽a privada, divina e p炭blica, o per鱈odo humanit叩rio e criminol坦gico, al辿m dos principais pensadores que influenciaram o tema, como Beccaria, Hobbes, Rousseau e Durkheim. Por fim, apresenta depoimentos sobre a realidade carcer叩ria e a fun巽達o do sistema prisional.
O documento descreve a trajet坦ria da empreendedora Bel Pesce e como o empreendedorismo mudou sua vida. Ela conta sobre suas experi棚ncias trabalhando em grandes empresas como Microsoft e Google e tamb辿m em startups, al辿m de fundar sua pr坦pria empresa, a Lemon. O objetivo do livro 辿 inspirar outros jovens e compartilhar os aprendizados adquiridos nessa jornada.
O documento discute a import但ncia da fam鱈lia e das rela巽探es familiares. A fam鱈lia 辿 vista como um n炭cleo onde as almas se re炭nem para evoluir espiritualmente, resolvendo conflitos do passado. Problemas familiares como ci炭me, div坦rcio e fracasso no lar s達o abordados, enfatizando a compreens達o e o perd達o como forma de promover a harmonia.
A c辿lula vegetal apresenta parede celular e plastos, respons叩veis pela prote巽達o, sustenta巽達o e fotoss鱈ntese. Ela cont辿m vac炭olos que armazenam subst但ncias e auxiliam na regula巽達o osm坦tica, podendo participar da digest達o celular. Conceitos importantes incluem l炭men celular, lamela m辿dia e plasmodesmos.
Este libro resume la historia de Espa単a desde la prehistoria hasta el siglo XX. Trata sobre los primeros asentamientos humanos, la llegada de diferentes pueblos como los celtas, fenicios y romanos en la antig端edad, la conquista musulmana y la reconquista cristiana en la Edad Media, el descubrimiento de Am辿rica y la p辿rdida de batallas contra otros pa鱈ses europeos en los siglos posteriores, y finalmente el conflicto entre derechas e izquierdas que desemboc坦 en la Guerra Civil y la dictadura
1) Albert Einstein fue un f鱈sico alem叩n nacionalizado suizo y estadounidense considerado el cient鱈fico m叩s importante del siglo XX.
2) En 1905, cuando era un joven f鱈sico desconocido, public坦 varios trabajos fundamentales incluyendo su teor鱈a de la relatividad especial y la ecuaci坦n E=mc2.
3) En 1915 present坦 su teor鱈a de la relatividad general la cual reformul坦 el concepto de gravedad y condujo al surgimiento del estudio cient鱈fico del origen y evoluci坦n del universo.
Este documento describe los elementos arquitect坦nicos caracter鱈sticos del Renacimiento en Italia, Espa単a, Francia y Alemania. Identifica elementos como pilastras, 坦rdenes cl叩sicos, arcos de medio punto, frontones, cornisas, ventanas con parteluz y c炭pulas en importantes edificios renacentistas como el Palacio Rucellai en Florencia, la Catedral de Santa Mar鱈a del Fiore tambi辿n en Florencia, el Palacio de Carlos V en la Alhambra, y el Ayuntamiento de Colonia en Alemania.
Biocombustibles soluci坦n energ辿tica o problema socialViceSerCMC
Este documento discute los biocombustibles y los problemas relacionados con su uso. Explica c坦mo se producen el bioetanol y el biodi辿sel y se単ala que un estudio de la UE encontr坦 que los biocombustibles aumentan las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero debido a la deforestaci坦n y otros impactos. Tambi辿n analiza los posibles efectos sobre la seguridad alimentaria y los problemas sociales y ambientales causados por el aumento de los monocultivos para biocombustibles, especialmente en Brasil, Argentina e Indonesia.
O documento descreve a trajet坦ria da empreendedora Bel Pesce e como o empreendedorismo mudou sua vida. Ela conta sobre suas experi棚ncias trabalhando em grandes empresas como Microsoft e Google e tamb辿m em startups, al辿m de fundar sua pr坦pria empresa, a Lemon. O objetivo do livro 辿 inspirar outros jovens e compartilhar os aprendizados adquiridos nessa jornada.
The most valuable Helpful PDF file that extremely can boost your ability to understand well the New version of QMS in accordance to ISO 9001:2015 as well as ease the documentation transition process toward ISO 9001:2015
Segunda parte de la indumentaria en dicho periodo. Con un an叩lisis de las prendas y la evoluci坦n, tanto en el hombre como en la mujer
Presentacion para Clase de Estrategias y Relaciones P炭blicas, Caso IberiaGuilarteCobo
La compa単鱈a Iberia es el primer grupo de transporte a辿reo en Espa単a y cuarto de Europa, y es l鱈der en el mercado entre Europa y Am辿rica Latina. Sin embargo, ha experimentado una ca鱈da en su imagen y comunicaci坦n con los clientes. El objetivo es retomar su imagen de marca l鱈der y dar soluci坦n a las quejas crecientes de los clientes.
Good news from the Worldwide Consulting Desktop & Apps (DnA) team! Weve just finished updating theVirtual Desktop Handbook for XenDesktop 7, StoreFront 2.0 and XenServer 6.2.
The Virtual Desktop Handbook is an architects guide to desktop virtualization. It provides you with the methodology, experience and best practices you need to successfully design your own desktop virtualization solution.
Updates in this release include:
Resource requirements for Windows 8 and Server 2012
XD controller sizing
XenDesktop 7 policy guidelines
Database sizing for XenDesktop 7
SQL 2012 chapter
StoreFront 2.0 chapter
32-bit or 64-bit desktop OS guidance
Desktop group & StoreFront integration
In addition, weve also included a Citrix policy quick reference spreadsheet so that you can quickly identify default, baseline and template settings from XenDesktop 5 / XenApp 6 all the way up to XenDesktop 7. Thanks go out to Michael Havens, Maria Chang and Uzair Ali for creating this great reference spreadsheet.
I hope you find this handbook useful during your next desktop virtualization project.
And were not done yet, future updates will include:
Hyper-V 2012
User data
And more
The Virtual Desktop Handbook is not the only resource to guide you through your desktop virtualization journey. Citrix also provides Project Accelerator; an interactive online tool creating customized sizing and design recommendations based on the methodology, best practices and expert advice identified within this handbook.
You can still reach the XenDesktop 5 handbook using the old URL CTX136546
Andy Baker Architect
Worldwide Consulting
Desktop & Apps Team
Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de investigaci坦n, incluyendo la investigaci坦n b叩sica, aplicada, anal鱈tica, de campo y otras. Explica que la investigaci坦n puede clasificarse seg炭n el objeto de estudio, la extensi坦n del estudio, las variables, el nivel de medici坦n, las t辿cnicas de obtenci坦n de datos y la ubicaci坦n temporal. Tambi辿n define al investigador como alguien que lleva a cabo una investigaci坦n para obtener nuevos conocimientos y da ejemplos de cualidades importantes para un investigador como la actitud cognoscitiva, moral y
Horse racing has a long history and involves races of horses around a track. It is regulated by governing bodies and is a major gambling industry worth billions worldwide. There are different types of horse racing including flat, jump, and harness racing. Major horse races in the United States include the Triple Crown races - the Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont Stakes. A basic horse racing team consists of a trainer, jockey, owner, and horse.
Este documento analiza la fiesta de Las Fallas de Valencia desde diferentes perspectivas. Explica los or鱈genes y evoluci坦n de esta tradici坦n, ahora considerada patrimonio cultural inmaterial. Tambi辿n describe el desarrollo actual de la fiesta y su importancia como recurso tur鱈stico para la econom鱈a local.
3 apresenta巽達o semanal de 26 de maio a 30 de maio 2014edinilsonmendes
2. The Fred Case remodeling enTrepreneur oF The Year award
Builder John Abrams believes that
homes, relationships, communities,
and small companies should be
built to last for generations.
Leah thayeR senioR editoR
Its late August on Marthas Vineyard, and the
idyllic Massachusetts island is awash with vacationers, affluent homeowners, and,
with the election just 14 months off, presidential contenders. You might think its all
lobster rolls and multimillion-dollar beach getaways on this storied playground of the
Eastern elite, but an insiders tour reveals a more complex reality.
John Abrams is driving his dusty hybrid Ford
Escape. Thirty-two years ago, he drifted onto the island
on a lark. Then in his mid-20s, he and a friend both
back-to-the-land woodworkers who had little building
and less business experience had been asked to cre-
ate a home for Abrams parents. The job lost money,
but the two loved the challenge, accepted more, and
never left. Today, South Mountain Company (the name
is a holdover from the New York cabinet shop the ini-
tial partners had run) is a $7.5 million design/build South Mountain
company with 15 employee-owners and 17 owners-to- Co. on its 1986
be, and Abrams is showing some recent projects. holiday card,
At the high end, there are custom homes down above. Abrams
recounts its jour-
meandering dirt roads, nestled discretely into their ney of growth and
Photo: Randi Baird
natural landscape. Seasonal retreats for people whose sustainability in
primary homes are on the mainland, these feature his 2005 book,
centuries-old lumber salvaged from river bottoms The Company
We Keep.
and wine barrels, custom furniture and railings made
Remodeling October 2007 81
3. Cathedral
of driftwood, and structural oak posts selected
carefully from the lots on which theyre built. Career
The homes are green by any measure, but lets
just say that their solar electric and hot water
systems and composting toilets are a cut above
those you last saw in the 70s. The clients greet
Abrams with hugs; at one, the owner is grilling Highlights
venison burgers for the crew.
Farther down the eco- 1975
nomic spectrum, theres Establishes South
Jenney Lane, 10 clustered Mountain Co. (with
homes that South Mountain
Mitchell Posin) on
Co. is developing in a more
Marthas Vineyard.
densely populated area. So
airtight they wont need
central heating, even in the Custom cabinets, millwork, and fur- 197690
bitter Massachusetts winter, niture are made in South Mountain Founding board member
Co.s shop (top). Development proj-
these two- and three-bed- and president, Energy
ects (above) are tightly clustered to
room homes will be sold preserve open spaces. Small wind Resource Group of
through an income-quali- turbines (left) are a key element of the Marthas Vineyard.
fied lottery for as little as companys renewable energy division.
$170,000, at a time when the
islands median home price is close to $700,000. In Instead, the company selects this broad range of
Founding board member,
a classic case of success being its worst enemy, the projects some far more profitable than others
Vineyards desirability has made it unaffordable for to support its broader commitment to sustainability: Cape and Islands
much of its vital working class: its teachers, waiters, that is, to homes, communities, natural resources, Self-Reliance Corp.
bus drivers, fishermen, construction workers, and and above all, to a company intended to last for
others. Many take the ferry to work, a daily com- generations. Abrams metaphor for this long-term 1980
mute that can take hours. view is thinking like a cathedral builder, referring Company has five
A short drive away, at Marthas Vineyard Regional to the craftspeople who laid foundation stones and employees and $500,000
High School, you also see a 10-kilowatt wind turbine framed walls for the enduring structures knowing
in revenue.
spinning quietly atop a 100-foot tower. It was funded they would never see their work completed.
in part by a bequest from a South Mountain Co. client As lofty as this thinking might sound, several
and will serve several purposes, among them reduc- indicators show that it works for South Mountain Co. 198389
ing the schools electricity bill and inspiring students Long-ago clients are as delighted in their homes today Member, Chilmark Board
Photos: left, Ryan Bushey; top, Randi Baird; right, Sanford Evans
to pursue careers in renewable energy and green as they were 25 years ago. Wooded pastures and hill- of Health (chair 198789).
building. In another challenge relevant to businesses tops that came close to being cleared are preserved;
and communities nationwide, the Vineyard struggles any homes built on them are tucked into the vegeta- 1984
to find enough skilled craftspeople to replace its tion. Old homes that might have been torn down are Fire destroys South
aging workforce. put on trucks and relocated as affordable housing, or
Mountain Co. shop.
South Mountain Co. has grown steadily and deconstructed for use in other homes.
Shop and office are
very much by design, as evidenced by a significant But the best evidence of sustainability may be the
backlog and enough money left over (after generous 32 people who make up South Mountain Co. today. rebuilt in 1985.
benefits and $240,000 in profit sharing in 2006) to In 1987, Abrams restructured the company as an
donate 10% of annual profits to charity. The company employee-owned cooperative. (He was sole owner at continued
embraces such a diversity of work not to hedge its the time; Mitchell Posin, his co-founder, left in 1984.)
bets, or to maintain cash flow during downtimes, or Initially, Abrams had two co-owners, both of them fore-
to harness its fortunes to the money and community men; today, he has 14, with the remaining 17 employ-
spirit that are so abundant on Marthas Vineyard. ees expected to become owners after a five-year vesting
82 Remodeling October 2007
4. Cathedral
period. When we hire, were hir-
ing future owners, he says. The
Restructures South
often slow, deliberate nature of
this hiring process pays off with a Mountain Co.
loyalty that many companies can as a worker-owned
only dream of. The average tenure cooperative.
of South Mountain Co.s employ-
ees is 12 years. A few co-owners have been there more Tucked into a glen
150 yards from the
than 25 years; only one has left since 1995, and that was Company has
water, this home
to go to engineering school. is refined but 5 employee-owners,
No doubt, many of these people were attracted to not tricked out,
Abrams says. Sal- 10 employees in all, and
the company by the quality and subtlety of its work
an aesthetic that is quiet, natural and not chest-
vaged and native $1.6 million in revenue.
materials include
beating, says Kevin Ireton, editor of Fine Home- seven structural
building. More than just about any other company I oak posts selected 199096
know, they exemplify first-rate craftsmanship. from the property. Board member, Northeast
It looks like it
Its not only the product, however. John is just Sustainable Energy
belongs here,
thinking on a whole other level, Ireton adds. Hes say its owners. Association. Receives its
figured out a way to attract good people, where they
Lifetime Achievement
enjoy what they do and feel good about it. leader, articulate, charismatic, curious, mod-
Award in 1998.
est, balanced, creative. Hes very studious and
pushing the enveLope inquisitive, says Richard Leonard, president of Mar-
At 57, John Abrams may be the most influential but thas Vineyard Cooperative Bank. He will travel the 1999pResent
least-known design/builder around. You wont see signs world to bring fresh ideas and perspectives back to Advisory board
or advertisements for South Mountain Co. anywhere, his community and his company. In 1990, for instance, member, Environmental
not even on Marthas Vineyard. He travels extensively Abrams toured co-housing neighborhoods in Denmark, Building News.
and speaks dozens of times each year, though more where the concept originated. In 2000, South Mountain
often before community and environmental groups Co. completed Island Co-Housing, a 16-home commu- 2000
than construction audiences. His 2005 book, The Com- nity where Abrams and his wife Chris live.
Company has
pany We Keep: Reinventing Small Business for People, This studious approach also plays out in Abrams
13 employee-owners,
Community, and Place, has sold well enough that hes interest in alternative construction methods and mate-
been asked to update it in a second edition. rials. John has always been pretty early to embrace 24 employees in all, and
In fact, Abrams has never really considered him- new ideas, says Alex Wilson, founding editor of $5 million in revenue.
self a remodeler; roughly 70% of South Mountain Environmental Building News. But he doesnt do it
Co.s work is new construction. But he likes to think in a cavalier fashion without studying whether theyre 2000pResent
that his being selected for The Fred Case Remodeling going to work. Board member, Island
Entrepreneur of the Year Award implies that the word Clients are similarly complimentary. In the late Affordable Housing Fund
remodel can and even should be more broadly 1970s, Frimi Sagan and her husband Eli hired him and
(chair 200005).
defined. Were radical remodelers, perhaps, he wrote Posin to build them a house that would be interesting,
after being informed of the award. Aside from some but contextual, Frimi says. The process couldnt have
traditional remodeling, we remodel homes by adding been more comfortable and congenial, and for years 2004pResent
renewable energy. We remodel sites and give them new Abrams brought prospective clients to see it. The beds Board member,
life for new generations. We do total remodels when were always made. We wanted them to be successful, Island Housing Trust.
Photos: Brian Vanden Brink
we move houses and prepare them for their existence she says. More recent clients continue the practice of
in a new place. (For details about the Fred Case award opening their homes today. continued
see page 88.) Politically, Abrams is as left of center as you might
Abrams friends and colleagues appreciate that expect, but his openness to new ideas helps him bridge
expansive thinking. They say hes a big-picture broad ideological chasms. I call him my little red
thinker, extremely collaborative, a wonderful friend, says Merle Adams, CEO of Big Timberworks,
84 Remodeling October 2007
5. Cathedral
a Montana timber-framing company also known
for its use of salvage lumber and its creative design.
South Mountain
They disagree about a lot, yet theyre also good
Co. receives
friends who counsel each other on business issues.
In fact, Adams was so impressed by Abrams Business Ethics
employee ownership model that he adopted a simi- magazines Workplace
lar structure several years ago. Democracy Award.
One thing that probably is not The 16 homes
apparent to most people is that John is of Island Co- 2006pResent
an absolute bulldog, says Tom Chase, Housing look
onto common Steering committee
director of special projects for the Mas- green spaces. member, Marthas
sachusetts chapter of The Nature Con- Important trees
were mapped
Vineyard Island Plan.
servancy. He is kind and respectful
and open and giving, but underneath all and protected
during the con- 2007
that stuff is dead earnestness. If he sees struction process.
something that needs to be done, he South Mountain
really puts his back into it, especially Co. makes the Dave
as it relates to affordable housing and Thomas Foundation for
environmental issues. Abrams career was his paternal grandfather. In The Adoptions list of
Education is a key way Abrams puts his back Company We Keep, he writes about the hardware and
companies with best
into issues that matter to him. Chase remembers machinery business that Morris Abrams established
adoption practices.
being at a public discussion about affordable hous- in New York City in 1922. It thrived for decades, and
ing when a skeptic raised questions about the sup- a highlight of young Abrams trips east was wander-
posedly higher costs of natural materials. (South ing through the maze of storerooms that felt like 2007
Mountain Co. uses sustainable materials in all of its caves filled with treasure. But its fortunes declined South Mountain Co.
work.) John said, Everyone talks about the cost in the 1950s as key people left and started their own makes the WorldBlu
of materials, but almost no one talks about the cost companies. Morris Abrams Inc. was sold several list of Most Democratic
of maintaining them. Abrams helps people under- times, and the final owner even sold the name before Workplaces.
stand how salvage cypress, for instance, is not only going bankrupt.
beautiful but will last forever; how natural landscap- The loss of good people, and the business that
ing doesnt require mowing or irrigation; how good left with them, took its toll, Abrams writes. I have
Instructor on reinventing
day-lighting and cross-ventilation minimize use of come to think that small businesses like my
electric lighting and air conditioning. grandfathers do not have to die this kind of death. small business,
He likes to push the envelope on things, says While recognizing that not every company can Yestermorrow
client Brian Mazar. He wants people to understand become a permanent institution, the demise of his Design/Build School.
how some things are for the collective good. grandfathers business made Abrams look at what
was wrong with the system and figure out how to 2007
fixing the system fix it, he says today. You need to empower others, South Mountain
Abrams curiosity and determination have biologi- thereby inviting them to stay.
Co. has 15 employee-
Photos: top, Randi Baird; bottom, Kevin Ireton
cal roots. Born in San Francisco and raised mostly in The employee-ownership model has been a
owners, 32 employees
California, he had an academic upbringing but never work in progress for South Mountain Co. (Abrams
completed college himself. His father, Herb, was a pio- explains the particulars in great detail in his book in all, and $7.5 million
neering radiologist who later co-founded International as well as on Nothing is static, in revenue.
Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (winner and the company as a whole seems to thrive on con-
of the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize). Theyre very close, stantly evaluating better ways of doing things. The
Abrams says, and his father has never wavered in his danger is if you stop asking questions, says owner
firm belief that if you work hard enough at changing Peg MacKenzie, who started as a carpenter 20 years
the world, the world will surely change. ago and now runs a number of office systems and
The relative who had an even greater impact on also manages the personnel committee.
86 Remodeling October 2007
6. Cathedral
For instance, recognizing that skills will be consequences, in terms of com-
sharpen, interests develop, and bod- mitment and levels of responsibility,
ies age, Abrams and his fellow owners he says. If you think of a business as a
encourage one another to pursue interests community of collaborators, all of whom
that could benefit them and the company are contributing to the best of their abil-
alike. Nobody is forever pigeonholed ity, then you can do a lot more for those
as a job function. Owner Phil Forest The company gathers for its 2006 holiday card people and the community that youre a
is a prodigiously gifted carpenter who an annual institution that clients look forward to. part of.
had long been interested in energy effi- You might even build a business that
ciency. He spearheaded and now runs the a blank check for such pursuits. Ireton says outlives you. Heres what I see build-
companys renewable energy division, which that Abrams also thinks about business as ers thinking about when theyre my age,
performs home energy audits that often lead a craft. He respects the business side and Abrams says. You put 30 years of your life
to significant contracts to design and imple- devotes himself to being good at it. Bohan into building these things that you love, put
ment improvements. John recognized that remembers a somewhat rigorous process your heart and soul into it, and what do you
its something I really wanted to do, and he that required a detailed business plan and the do with it? Your kids may not want it, and
provided me with the opportunity to do it, clear demonstration that she could execute chances are nobody wants to buy it from you.
Forest says. it. Forest created a plan that explored objec- You dont want to just close the doors.
Owner Deirdre Bohan came on board in tives, feasibility, financial expectations, and I suppose the best advice I can offer is to
1995 as bookkeeper and quickly made it a more for renewable products. Clients were trust others. It can be difficult and frightening
half-time job. Abrams asked her what she asked of their interest in such a service; to let go, but the rewards are always greater
really wanted to do, and she said she liked committed to the companys success, they than the risks. The greatest reward, he says,
interior design. For the next two years, she weighed in with valuable input. is seeing that sometimes, when people do
spent the other 20 hours a week going to If that comfort with flexibility and indi- things their way, it turns out to be a better way,
school and creating what is now a thriving vidual initiative is more than some busi- which is good for me, good for them, and,
interiors division that, she explains, helps ness owners have or even want to have, then most importantly, good for the company. R
assure that our projects furnishings and Abrams suggests that they reconsider how
architecture will be complementary and they think of their business. If you think weBXTra: For more information
harmonious. of it as your individual path to wealth, and about John Abrams and South Mountain
Co., go to www.remodelingmagazine
Its worth pointing out that nobody gets others are there to serve your needs, there .com/webxtras.
About the Award
J ohn Abrams is the first winner of The Fred
Case Remodeling Entrepreneur of the
Year Award, established and endowed by the
opportunity I really admire that.
Case particularly respects Abrams com-
mitment to the staff of South Mountain Co.
founder of Case Design/Remodeling, one of One cannot keep good employees without
the largest full-service remodeling compa- giving them opportunity, he says.
nies in the country. The award replaces Remodelings Life- Mark Richardson, president of Case Design/Remodeling,
time Achievement Award and comes with a cash prize of says he was struck by Abrams holistic entrepreneurial spirit.
$12,500 ($10,000 plus $2,500 for each of the four finalists, I think its rare for someone to excel on so many levels of
including Abrams). running a business, he says, including financials, employee
Fred Case wasnt involved in reviewing the candi- retention, and community relations. I also think any leader in
dates, but he says hes pleased with the judges choice of the remodeling industry has got to be committed to green,
Abrams. The thing that really impressed me about John Richardson says, noting Abrams long-standing embrace of
is that hes a caring person, Case says. Remodeling is a sustainable building materials and methods.
Photo: Randi Baird
tough business, and you have to keep your eye on the ball To learn more about The Fred Case Remodeling Entre-
all the time. When somebody extends themselves to try preneur of the Year Award, see the July issue of Remodeling,
new things when they take risks that bring change and page 33. L.T.
88 Remodeling October 2007