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Omar Tarek Abd Elhamied
13Bakery Qauit Bay st. Almanial , Cairo-Egypt.
Mobile: 0100-5443415
 Looking for an ambitious challenging career in a multinational or
well-established dynamic organization, offering an entire life style
career in a team spirit atmosphere where my abilities and skills can be
developed and my knowledge can be applied.
2011-2015 Helwan University Cairo, Egypt
 Faculty of Commerce English section. .
 Grade : Very Good
Computer Skills:
 Good Knowledge of Word, PowerPoint, Access and Internet.
 Very Good knowledge of Windows ( XP, Vista and win7).
Language Skills:
 Native language Arabic.
 Good command of both written and spoken English.
 Jul y 2012: (Internal Auditor ) summer trainee .
Arab African International Bank, Cairo-Egypt.
 September 2013 Accountant: ( Internal control )
Arab African International Bank Summer trainee.
 July 2014 : Accountant ( External Auditor ) Khaled El
Ghannam & Co. Summer Trainee .
 2015-2016 during my military service I was responsible
for reviewing the project Qattara and New Alamein and
deducting its extracts and expense of leased equipment of
the company with the Department of Military Engineers .
Reading, Music, Traveling and Football.
Date of Birth:29/4/1993.
Marital Status: Single.
Military Status: Military service done .
Ability to work under pressure.
Handling criticism of my work.
Ability to work in a team.

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Omar Tarek CV

  • 1. Omar Tarek Abd Elhamied 13Bakery Qauit Bay st. Almanial , Cairo-Egypt. Mobile: 0100-5443415 Omar_elsawy16@yahoo.com OBJECTIVE:  Looking for an ambitious challenging career in a multinational or well-established dynamic organization, offering an entire life style career in a team spirit atmosphere where my abilities and skills can be developed and my knowledge can be applied. EDUCATION: 2011-2015 Helwan University Cairo, Egypt  Faculty of Commerce English section. .  Grade : Very Good SKILLS: Computer Skills:  Good Knowledge of Word, PowerPoint, Access and Internet.  Very Good knowledge of Windows ( XP, Vista and win7). Language Skills:  Native language Arabic.  Good command of both written and spoken English. EXPERIENCE:  Jul y 2012: (Internal Auditor ) summer trainee . Arab African International Bank, Cairo-Egypt.  September 2013 Accountant: ( Internal control ) Arab African International Bank Summer trainee.  July 2014 : Accountant ( External Auditor ) Khaled El Ghannam & Co. Summer Trainee .  2015-2016 during my military service I was responsible for reviewing the project Qattara and New Alamein and deducting its extracts and expense of leased equipment of the company with the Department of Military Engineers . INTERESTS: Reading, Music, Traveling and Football. PERSONAL INFORMATION: Date of Birth:29/4/1993. Marital Status: Single. Military Status: Military service done . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Ability to work under pressure. Handling criticism of my work. Ability to work in a team.