Acceron Exam System helps streamline your exam process.AES can help you achieve the efficiency you want and the data necessary to improve student learning outcomes.
The document describes an online examination system that allows companies and institutions to conduct exams over the internet or intranet. It discusses how online exams can be taken remotely, are automatically submitted after a time limit, and results are emailed or posted online. The proposed system aims to address issues with manual exams like delays, lost records, and difficult searching. It will use a structured development process and feature online discussion forums, multimedia support, and learning materials in addition to online exams.
This document presents an online examination system created by a group of students. The system was developed using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with C# and SQL Server 2008. It allows administrators to create, update and manage exams online. Students can register, login, take timed exams, and immediately view their results. The system aims to automate the examination process and reduce costs compared to traditional paper-based exams. It provides features like time management of exams, checking answers after completion, and viewing results and admin controls through a web interface. Some limitations are its current focus only on multiple choice questions and student results needing admin access.
This document describes an online examination system that allows administrators to create exams and student accounts, and students to take exams online. The key features are that it reduces paperwork, instantly grades exams and displays results, and can be accessed anywhere at any time. It was developed using C#, SQL Server, and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. The system allows administrators to manage exams and student records, and students to register, select subjects, take timed exams, and view results. Screenshots demonstrate the user interfaces for logging in, selecting exams, taking exams, and viewing results. Limitations and future improvements are also discussed.
This document is a project report for an online examination system submitted by Pranjal Saikia. The system allows for multiple choice question exams to be administered online, making the process more convenient and reducing paperwork. It benefits administrators, faculty and students by enabling exams to be taken anytime from any location. Key features include security, ease of use, reliability, and not requiring exam proctors. The system manages student details, question papers, scores and more through a web interface. Future work could expand the system to include discussion forums, cloud hosting, multimedia features and integrated learning materials.
This document proposes an online exam system with administrator and student modules. It would allow exams to be conducted online, reducing paperwork and allowing automatic grading and instant results. The system would be developed using Java programming languages and technologies like servlets, JSP, and Struts framework. It would have a MySQL database. Key features would include online exam registration, question display, and reporting of results. The system is intended to help educational institutions conduct exams more efficiently.
The document provides documentation for an online examination system. It discusses the need for the system to automate the exam process for educational institutions and reduce paperwork. It outlines the functional requirements including features for administrators to create exams and monitor results and features for students to register and take exams. Diagrams are provided that illustrate the entity relationship model and data flow between system components at different levels of abstraction.
A very interactive project on Online Examination System in ASP.NET with C# with creation of tables and management of database of Admin and Students and retrieve data using SQL queries.
This document provides an overview and summary of an online examination system project. It introduces the project, outlines the problem it addresses such as issues with traditional paper-based exams, and describes the proposed solution of an online exam system. It then details the tools and technologies used such as PHP and MySQL, and covers the system's features from the perspectives of administrators and students. These include registering, taking timed exams, viewing results and analyses. The document concludes by noting the benefits of the system like flexibility, security and automatic grading.
Online Examination System(OES) is a Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ) based examination system that provides an easy to use environment for both Test Conducters and Students appearing for Examination. The main objective of OES is to provide all the features that an Examination System must have, with the "interfaces that doesn't Scare it's Users!".
This document describes an online examination system. The system allows faculty to create tests, set answer keys, and grade exams automatically or manually. It reduces paperwork compared to traditional paper-based exams. The system has different roles like system admin, test admin, instructor and student. It uses a MySQL database on the server-side and allows students to login, take timed exams, view results and responses. The system aims to facilitate online exams for educational and corporate organizations to administer logic tests to students and employees regularly from any location at any time. It concludes that the computerized online exam system provides required information easily and accurately with minimal paper documentation.
This system provides the online examination with specified time period. Result will get displayed after the exam automatically. Student should complete their all questions in the test within time period because
The document is a project report submitted by Praveen Patel for the development of an online examination system. It discusses the technologies used such as Java, servlets, and Oracle database. It provides requirements for the system including functional and non-functional requirements. It also discusses the design of the system using use case and class diagrams. The development was done using the waterfall model. Various features of the system are described along with testing and validation. Finally, it provides an estimation of the project cost using function point analysis.
The document describes an online examination system that was developed to address issues with manual exam systems. The system allows students to take exams remotely by logging in with a username and password. It can be used by educational institutions to administer practice tests and can score exams automatically. The proposed system aims to reduce paperwork and save time by automating the entire exam process from question paper generation to results calculation. It has modules for administrators, faculty, exams and students.
This document provides an overview of an online examination project. It includes the project team members and faculty guide. The purpose is to develop a web application to conduct online exams worldwide and automatically generate results. It will use ASP.NET with a DB2 backend. The system will allow administrators to create exams and users to register, login and take exams online. Hardware requirements on the client side include a browser and on the server side include processors, RAM and disk space. Software requirements include .NET framework and Windows. Constraints include only English interface and no guest users.
This document describes an online exam project created using J2EE. It was submitted as a thesis project to fulfill requirements for an industrial training program. The project aims to automate exam assessment and provide instant results and reports to reduce workload. It allows multiple choice questions and sending score notifications via email. Future enhancements could include additional question types and improved reusability, extensibility, and portability.
The document outlines the plan for developing an online examination system, including objectives to securely connect educational institutions to the system and allow teachers to create exams, as well as limitations of only supporting multiple choice questions. A team of 6 people is organized with roles including project manager, software designer, programmers, and tester. The system will follow a waterfall model and be developed using ASP.NET and SQL.
This document describes an online quiz system. The system allows users to test themselves whenever they want with flexibility in time. It reduces paper work and automatically grades quizzes. The admin can set questions and answers that are stored in a repository which is changed weekly. The quiz modules include questions on programming languages, quantitative aptitude, and programming problems judging code based on time and space complexity. The system does not include real-time code compilation or multiple questions per page. It uses PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a database like PostgreSQL or MySQL.
This project involves developing a web-based online examination system that allows students to take customizable objective tests from any location via the internet. It would enable educational institutions to conduct tests, quizzes, and collect feedback without paper. Key features include allowing teachers to create and manage tests and questions, scheduling exams, providing results instantly upon completion, and generating performance analysis reports.
This document outlines an online examination system that allows faculty to create and administer exams online. Key features include allowing faculty to create questions on various topics that can be grouped into sections and tests. Students can take exams anytime from any location by logging into the system. The proposed system aims to address issues with current exam systems like inflexible timing and lack of security. It describes modules for users and administrators and pages for activities like login, profile management, question and result display. Future enhancements could include additional question types, deployment on the web for broader access, and grading of subjective questions.
online Examination System (project report)vivek anand
The document describes an Online Examination System (OES) that allows students to take exams online. It includes requirements such as allowing users to login, register, update profiles, take exams, add questions, evaluate answers, and upload results. The system will be developed using JSP and MySQL. Key features include authenticating users, storing user data securely in a database, and processing exams and results efficiently. The system aims to make the exam process more organized and secure compared to traditional paper-based exams.
This document provides an industrial training report on developing an online examination system in Java. It discusses the project scope, requirements analysis, system architecture, database design, software development methodology, and implementation details. The system allows institutes to host online exams and students to take exams and view results. It aims to reduce the workload of manual exam processes for both institutes and students. The report covers various system diagrams, modules for administrators and students, and solving challenges encountered during development and testing of the online exam system.
We have designed this website with the purpose of allowing the students to give exams and view their results. This site is an attempt to remove the existing flaws in the manual system of conducting exams.
Students are provided the flexibility to choose among different types of aptitude and programming language tests.
This document describes an exam management system project. The system will automate the exam lifecycle for a university to reduce manual effort. It will allow authorities and students to access modules like registration, exam forms, admit cards, schedules and results through a centralized web interface. The project aims to build this system using ASP.NET, C# and SQL Server to streamline procedures and reduce complexity on exam days.
This document presents an overview of an online examination system project. It includes sections on the project introduction, which describes allowing students to take and administrators to generate reports on online exams. It also includes a context diagram, system requirements including hardware and software for both clients and servers, the system scope, and facts to study like the organization chart and present information flow. Screenshots are provided of the online exam system project.
Online quiz system project is a web application developed in java. Students can download full project source code with project report and documentation. This application is useful as education project for college students. This ppt consists of design details and source code links.
The document describes an online examination system that aims to automate examination tasks like registration, publishing results, and reduce costs associated with conducting exams. It allows educational institutions to create, schedule, and administer exams online. Key features include reliable user authentication, automated evaluation for multiple choice questions, and storage of student logs and marks in a database. The system uses PHP and MySQL and allows administrators to manage student and exam data while students can register for courses, take timed exams, and view their results. It proposes to streamline the exam process and make it faster, more flexible, and less prone to errors compared to a manual paper-based system.
Online examination system of open and distance educationPallavi Singh
This document proposes an online examination system for distance learners. It discusses objectives like reducing paperwork and providing results immediately. It covers functional requirements for administrators, departments, and students. The proposed system would use technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL. Entity relationship and data flow diagrams are included to model the data and process flow. The conclusion states that the online system would minimize paper use and allow easy access to information for management.
This document provides an overview and summary of an online examination system project. It introduces the project, outlines the problem it addresses such as issues with traditional paper-based exams, and describes the proposed solution of an online exam system. It then details the tools and technologies used such as PHP and MySQL, and covers the system's features from the perspectives of administrators and students. These include registering, taking timed exams, viewing results and analyses. The document concludes by noting the benefits of the system like flexibility, security and automatic grading.
Online Examination System(OES) is a Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ) based examination system that provides an easy to use environment for both Test Conducters and Students appearing for Examination. The main objective of OES is to provide all the features that an Examination System must have, with the "interfaces that doesn't Scare it's Users!".
This document describes an online examination system. The system allows faculty to create tests, set answer keys, and grade exams automatically or manually. It reduces paperwork compared to traditional paper-based exams. The system has different roles like system admin, test admin, instructor and student. It uses a MySQL database on the server-side and allows students to login, take timed exams, view results and responses. The system aims to facilitate online exams for educational and corporate organizations to administer logic tests to students and employees regularly from any location at any time. It concludes that the computerized online exam system provides required information easily and accurately with minimal paper documentation.
This system provides the online examination with specified time period. Result will get displayed after the exam automatically. Student should complete their all questions in the test within time period because
The document is a project report submitted by Praveen Patel for the development of an online examination system. It discusses the technologies used such as Java, servlets, and Oracle database. It provides requirements for the system including functional and non-functional requirements. It also discusses the design of the system using use case and class diagrams. The development was done using the waterfall model. Various features of the system are described along with testing and validation. Finally, it provides an estimation of the project cost using function point analysis.
The document describes an online examination system that was developed to address issues with manual exam systems. The system allows students to take exams remotely by logging in with a username and password. It can be used by educational institutions to administer practice tests and can score exams automatically. The proposed system aims to reduce paperwork and save time by automating the entire exam process from question paper generation to results calculation. It has modules for administrators, faculty, exams and students.
This document provides an overview of an online examination project. It includes the project team members and faculty guide. The purpose is to develop a web application to conduct online exams worldwide and automatically generate results. It will use ASP.NET with a DB2 backend. The system will allow administrators to create exams and users to register, login and take exams online. Hardware requirements on the client side include a browser and on the server side include processors, RAM and disk space. Software requirements include .NET framework and Windows. Constraints include only English interface and no guest users.
This document describes an online exam project created using J2EE. It was submitted as a thesis project to fulfill requirements for an industrial training program. The project aims to automate exam assessment and provide instant results and reports to reduce workload. It allows multiple choice questions and sending score notifications via email. Future enhancements could include additional question types and improved reusability, extensibility, and portability.
The document outlines the plan for developing an online examination system, including objectives to securely connect educational institutions to the system and allow teachers to create exams, as well as limitations of only supporting multiple choice questions. A team of 6 people is organized with roles including project manager, software designer, programmers, and tester. The system will follow a waterfall model and be developed using ASP.NET and SQL.
This document describes an online quiz system. The system allows users to test themselves whenever they want with flexibility in time. It reduces paper work and automatically grades quizzes. The admin can set questions and answers that are stored in a repository which is changed weekly. The quiz modules include questions on programming languages, quantitative aptitude, and programming problems judging code based on time and space complexity. The system does not include real-time code compilation or multiple questions per page. It uses PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a database like PostgreSQL or MySQL.
This project involves developing a web-based online examination system that allows students to take customizable objective tests from any location via the internet. It would enable educational institutions to conduct tests, quizzes, and collect feedback without paper. Key features include allowing teachers to create and manage tests and questions, scheduling exams, providing results instantly upon completion, and generating performance analysis reports.
This document outlines an online examination system that allows faculty to create and administer exams online. Key features include allowing faculty to create questions on various topics that can be grouped into sections and tests. Students can take exams anytime from any location by logging into the system. The proposed system aims to address issues with current exam systems like inflexible timing and lack of security. It describes modules for users and administrators and pages for activities like login, profile management, question and result display. Future enhancements could include additional question types, deployment on the web for broader access, and grading of subjective questions.
online Examination System (project report)vivek anand
The document describes an Online Examination System (OES) that allows students to take exams online. It includes requirements such as allowing users to login, register, update profiles, take exams, add questions, evaluate answers, and upload results. The system will be developed using JSP and MySQL. Key features include authenticating users, storing user data securely in a database, and processing exams and results efficiently. The system aims to make the exam process more organized and secure compared to traditional paper-based exams.
This document provides an industrial training report on developing an online examination system in Java. It discusses the project scope, requirements analysis, system architecture, database design, software development methodology, and implementation details. The system allows institutes to host online exams and students to take exams and view results. It aims to reduce the workload of manual exam processes for both institutes and students. The report covers various system diagrams, modules for administrators and students, and solving challenges encountered during development and testing of the online exam system.
We have designed this website with the purpose of allowing the students to give exams and view their results. This site is an attempt to remove the existing flaws in the manual system of conducting exams.
Students are provided the flexibility to choose among different types of aptitude and programming language tests.
This document describes an exam management system project. The system will automate the exam lifecycle for a university to reduce manual effort. It will allow authorities and students to access modules like registration, exam forms, admit cards, schedules and results through a centralized web interface. The project aims to build this system using ASP.NET, C# and SQL Server to streamline procedures and reduce complexity on exam days.
This document presents an overview of an online examination system project. It includes sections on the project introduction, which describes allowing students to take and administrators to generate reports on online exams. It also includes a context diagram, system requirements including hardware and software for both clients and servers, the system scope, and facts to study like the organization chart and present information flow. Screenshots are provided of the online exam system project.
Online quiz system project is a web application developed in java. Students can download full project source code with project report and documentation. This application is useful as education project for college students. This ppt consists of design details and source code links.
The document describes an online examination system that aims to automate examination tasks like registration, publishing results, and reduce costs associated with conducting exams. It allows educational institutions to create, schedule, and administer exams online. Key features include reliable user authentication, automated evaluation for multiple choice questions, and storage of student logs and marks in a database. The system uses PHP and MySQL and allows administrators to manage student and exam data while students can register for courses, take timed exams, and view their results. It proposes to streamline the exam process and make it faster, more flexible, and less prone to errors compared to a manual paper-based system.
Online examination system of open and distance educationPallavi Singh
This document proposes an online examination system for distance learners. It discusses objectives like reducing paperwork and providing results immediately. It covers functional requirements for administrators, departments, and students. The proposed system would use technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL. Entity relationship and data flow diagrams are included to model the data and process flow. The conclusion states that the online system would minimize paper use and allow easy access to information for management.
The document describes an online examination system that allows for remote testing and automated evaluation. It discusses advantages like reduced costs compared to paper exams and the ability to conduct exams anytime. The proposed system would have features like different question types, timed or untimed exams, password authentication, statistics generation, and essay question evaluation. It would allow creating exam content and student/faculty profiles, scheduling exams, and analyzing performance data. The system aims to streamline exam administration, secure content, and disconnect supervision from marking.
1. The document describes an online examination system that allows educational institutions to conduct exams online. It discusses the need for such a system to replace traditional paper-based exams and outlines some of the key features and advantages of the online approach.
2. The system would allow institutions to create tests, students to take exams remotely, and for answers to be automatically evaluated and results generated. This saves time for both institutions and students compared to traditional exams.
3. However, the document also notes some disadvantages, such as an inability to verify that the actual student is taking the exam. Overall, the proposed system aims to provide a more convenient and efficient way for institutions to conduct exams compared to manual paper-based processes.
This document describes an online examination system created by Aakanksha under the guidance of Miss. Varsha. The system allows students to take exams over the internet and provides benefits like reduced paperwork, flexibility, and security. It was created using technologies like PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and MySQL. The system has features that allow administrators to manage exams, questions, students, and results while students can register, take timed exams, and view their results. The project aims to automate the examination process and reduce workload for staff.
This document is a project report on an online examination system submitted by three students - Sanjeev Jaiswal, Neeta Bhavnani, and Rupendra Sharma. It describes the development of a web-based online test system that allows students to take exams remotely without needing an examiner to be present. The system uses technologies like HTML, Java, Apache Tomcat, and Microsoft Access. It aims to make the examination process more secure, efficient and less time-consuming compared to traditional paper-based exams.
The document describes an online exam system that was developed to reduce the workload on teachers and promote interaction among students and between students and teachers. It allows teachers to upload exams by importing an Excel file and generates reports. Students can attempt exams online and receive instant results. The system includes user authentication, exam scheduling and delivery, result processing, and report generation functionalities. It aims to efficiently manage student and exam records through a web-based system.
The document discusses online exams and their advantages over traditional paper exams. It begins by defining online exams as exams conducted over the internet that require candidates to answer questions within a set timeframe. The system then automatically evaluates objective questions and grades exams faster than traditional paper formats. Some key benefits highlighted include cost and time savings, flexibility, improved security, and automatic grading of objective questions. Potential downsides discussed are issues with technology infrastructure, susceptibility to cheating, and difficulties grading subjective questions. The document concludes that while both systems have pros and cons, online exams offer many advantages that will become standard as technology advances.
This document describes an online examination system project. It was guided by Prof. Akash Nagwanshi of Acropolis Technical Campus and presented by four students. The system allows students to register, login, and take online exams from any location. Exam questions are stored in a question bank and exams can be automatically graded for objective questions. Administrators can create, modify, and delete exams and questions. The system aims to reduce paperwork and provide exam results instantly.
The document summarizes a proposed computerized exam system for academic institutions in 3 sentences:
The system aims to improve the current exam process by computerizing exams to reduce the time and effort of exam preparation, grading, and result reporting for instructors and the institution. It involves storing exam questions in a database, presenting questions systematically to students over a network during the exam, and automatically computing results to provide a more efficient exam management process. The system is expected to offer advantages like faster exam formatting, automated grading, online exam notifications, and reports with comprehensive student results.
The document proposes features and procedures for developing an online examination system. It describes objectives like automating the exam process, reducing paperwork, and allowing remote testing. The system would allow administrators to create exams, students to take timed exams, and automatically grade multiple choice questions. The document outlines requirements like supported web browsers, database software, and minimum hardware specifications. It also provides use case descriptions and entity relationship diagrams to illustrate the planned design and functionality of the online exam system.
The E-examination Engine, is a website project which has been developed to overcome the offline examination system as the whole process of assigning test and evaluating their scores after the test, is done manually till date. It is very time consuming. The chance of loss of records is high and record searching is difficult. Result processing is also time taking course of action.The main objective of the E- Examination Engine is that, it helps companies/institutions to conduct exams to any number of candidates at a time, in an automated manner. It reduces the time consumption and workload that exist in the current system of examination. It also facilitates secure storage and easier searching of records for each examination.
The document describes an online examination system that allows companies and institutions to conduct objective exams online. Key features include allowing students to take exams at their convenience without paper, conducting exams efficiently with fast results, and providing analysis of student performance. The system uses a three-tier architecture with presentation, business, and data layers. It allows administrators to create users, questions, exams, and view reports while students can register, take practice exams, view results, and change passwords. The system aims to evaluate students thoroughly with an automated process that saves time and gives fast results compared to a manual paper-based system.
This document describes an online examination portal called myAssessment developed by Shri Ramswaroop Digital Technologies. It allows faculty to create, schedule, and administer exams online and allows students to take exams. The system grades exams automatically. It has three versions - simple, moderate, and full. The full version includes additional features like student profiles, study material uploads, and searching/filtering of exam results. The system aims to reduce paperwork, allow for flexible exam taking, and enhance security compared to traditional paper-based exams.
IRJET - Implementation of Conducting Online Certification Examination in ...IRJET Journal
This document summarizes a proposed online certification examination system that would be implemented in a cloud environment. Key points:
- The current manual certification examination system has issues like being time-consuming, difficult to analyze tests and results, and prone to losing data.
- An online system using cloud computing is proposed to address these issues by automating the examination process, storing all data in databases, and allowing exams to be administered remotely.
- The proposed system would allow administrators to add exam rules, questions, and student registrations online. Students could take timed exams through the system and receive automated scoring and results. Activity during exams could also be logged and analyzed.
The document describes an online examination system created by Manika Arora. The system aims to efficiently assess applicants through an automated process that saves time and provides rapid results. It uses Java and allows students to login, take a 15 question, 30 minute exam, and view their results. The proposed online system is more secure, efficient, and less time consuming than the previous manual paper-based system. It provides a reliable platform to evaluate students' aptitude from anywhere in the world.
This document describes an online test system that allows students to take exams online. The key features of the system include secure login, the ability to select exam subjects and navigate between questions, and automated grading to provide fast results. The system was created using HTML, Java, Apache Tomcat, Oracle database, and SQL for querying. It aims to make the exam process more efficient and secure compared to traditional paper-based exams. The system could potentially be used in educational institutions and companies for online testing purposes.
The school management system being web based can be accessed from anywhere in the world, which enables the students, teachers, parents & the management be in touch with each other at all times.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, we’ll discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Master’s degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APM’s People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
Reordering Rules in Odoo 17 Inventory - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
In Odoo 17, the Inventory module allows us to set up reordering rules to ensure that our stock levels are maintained, preventing stockouts. Let's explore how this feature works.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nation’s legal framework.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of software’s, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
2. Introduction
Online examination is efficiently used in day to day life because it saves time
and also it is most accurate system as maximum participants are increasing
in today’s life. Online examinations are available with instruction and
guidelines so that students can understand properly. It is necessary for every
technical student to have basic knowledge of online examination system. All
the entrance exams are held online because of its fast and accurate marking
scheme. Online examination is more flexible than written examination. It is
basically design to promote the variation in education system. Due to online
examination there is less chance of losing integrity of exam pattern. For e.g. it
is least possible for disposing the online examination setup when compared
with other examination system.
3. Why Online Examination
Web Based Management System
â–°Web based management System which is reliable
â–°Automation of examination
â–°Flexible assessments
â–°Time Saver
â–°Auto Grading
â–°Easily create, modify and schedule tests
â–°Can be given at any time
4. 4
â–°Online Exam System can be used by Educational institutes like
school, colleges and private institutes to conduct exams
â–°Online Exam System can be used for skill tests, behavior tests
while corporate hiring.
â–°Online Exam System can be used to take aptitude tests, bank
exams and practice portal for students.
â–°Can be used anywhere any time as it is web based
6. Features
Bulk Question upload
Excel sheet question upload
Support of upto 200 languages
Quick & detailed reports
Auto grading with real time student
Administrative control
Full control over exam
Anti-cheat technology
Alert admin about cheating
Data Security
Encoded data storage which
prevent data leak
8. Admin:
â–°Admin will create test
â–°Admin will login into system
â–°Admin will add candidate data
â–°Admin will upload question bank with sets
â–°Admin will set time of the exam
â–°Admin will set marks for the exam
â–°Admin will set negative marks for the wrong response
21. 3.
Result & Reports.
Acceron System allows you to print, download and
share beautiful PDF for your reports.
You can print certificates, reports, lists, scorecards
and even question papers quickly.
Our printer friendly format gives you the best
possible savings on printer paper and ink. You can
also send PDF reports directly to your candidates on
a single click.
22. 3.
Export your data
Create and preserve your data
Export your data such as Questions, candidates, groups and
sections in a popular file format such as Microsoft Excel.
This data can also be shared with anyone you want easily.
Hence, sharing and preserving of your valuable data are
made possible with minimum efforts.
You can again import the same data into our system with
ease by a single click. Also, you can use these files in other
LMS systems for quiz and assessment purposes.
23. Other Functionalities
â–° Candidate cannot finish the exam prior 15 minutes of end time
â–° Exam will end automatically once time is over
â–° Candidate cannot use keyboard
â–° Using keyboard or attempting to cheat will lock the user and
he cannot log back in without administrator permission
â–° Candidate cannot start the exam before time
â–° All the questions comes randomly for each candidate so the
questions will not match
26. Thank You
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Contact for Demonstration
Call : 7039205886/9702839385