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Opportunities, challenges, and power of media and information
Cartoon Analysis
Guide Questions
1. What is the message of this cartoon?
2. Is the situation about media depicted in the cartoon true in the Philippines? Why or Why
3. Does the cartoon shows a challenge or an opportunity for media and information? Why?
Media and Information
Opportunities Challenges Power
 Job Hiring
 Freedom of Expression
 Collaboration and connectivity
among users
 Access to information from a
number of different sources
 ability to disseminate information
 Faster and free communication
 Fake news
 Distribution of
It is a set of situations that makes possible to do
New Industry
Media improves the
efficiency of the economy
by providing actors more
and better information
which make decisions and
improving stability.
Media enhances political
coordination in the
development of sound
economic policy.
Media sector development
can reduce political risk,
increasing stability for
higher risk countries.
Economic actors need accurate and timely
information to allocate resources efficiently,
investors and other groups increasing value and
demand a governance monitoring role from the
media. A free and independent press can
provide information and monitoring to the
economic policy development process leading to
more economic policies. It can also reduce
political risk and increase good governance-
conditions that are important for robust
economic development.
As we know from the recent ubiquity
of online digital video, video has
become a compelling tool for
educational representation. Students
use it in their projects: teachers and
pre-service teachers use it to study
pedagogy; and researchers use it fro
capturing and examining how learning
Perspectivity frames how
learners, teachers and
researchers make meaning of
events from both individual
and multiple points of viewing.
Learners have been able to integrate a
variety of digital media forms into
documents. Multimedia, hypermedia, new
media are the terms we have used to
describe this use of visual media in
learning. Of course, this is not the
beginning of our use of a variety of media
to learn. People have always use diverse
visual media to communicate with each
In todays world, media becomes as essential as our daily needs.
Media of today is playing an outstanding role in creating and shaping
of public opinion and strengthening of society. Media is the sword
arm of democracy. Media acts as watchdog to protect public interest
against malpractice and create public awareness.
The political landscape has changed quite a bit in the last couple of decades. The
internet has played a large role in this transformation. Social media, in particular,
is now a serious factor in political campaigns and in the way people think about
Candidates and their supporters constantly post their views on Facebook and
twitter. Each party has its own pages, from which it broadcasts propaganda and
requests for donations. Lets look at some of the leasing ways that social media
influences politics today.
One of the ways that social media has transformed
politics is the sheer speed at which news, poll results
and rumors are shared. Whereas in the pre-internet
days, people had to wait for the next newspaper or TV
news show to get the latest information, online news is
a 24/7 phenomenon.
Social media has taken this a step further. While you
can access news on many websites at any hour, most
people spend more time on sites such as facebook and
Twitter than they do on serious news or political
websites. This means that you get all of the latest
trending news stories and opinions shared by your
friends whenever you log on.
Political polls are important part of every campaign. They are
often confusing, because you can often find multiple polls with
contradictory results posted on the very same day.
As with other types of political news, the internet has greatly
increased the number of poll result as we see each day. Social media
has accelerated this even more. Not only do social media sites report
the results of polls, you can actually participate in Facebook polls.
Polls results have a big influence on elections. This is true even if
they are flawed. A poll can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, if
people think one candidate is far ahead in the race, they might
conclude theres no point in voting for the underdog. When people
are posting the latest poll results on social media throughout the day,
theres a great deal of pressure on candidates to pull ahead of their
One of the positive effects that social media
has on politics is the opportunity for votes to
interact more easily with candidates and elected
officials. Traditionally, if you wanted to meet a
politician or candidate, youd have to attend a
live event. Not everyone is able to do this. With
modern technology, its now possible to attend
virtual events where you can participate in live
streaming events and interact with politicians
and candidates.
Targeting is used throughout the advertising industry to
make sure that ds and messages reach the right audience.
Politicians do this as well. In the age of social media,
politicians and people running for office are able to target
their campaigns.
If a candidate wants to address the concerns of women,
college, students, retired people, Latinos or any other group
of voters, they can now tailor their messages. Just as
advertisers on Facebook are able to use analytics and
targeted advertising, so can candidates and politicians. Thus,
if you notice that political messages seem to be talking to
you personally, this is no accident.
It is something new and difficult which requires great effort and
Its any type of content that could be damaging to young
people, including:
 Real or simulated violence
 Content instructing or promoting crime or violence
 Content promoting violent
 Content promoting hate based on race, religion or sexual preference
 Content that advocates unsafe behavior like extreme dieting or drug taking
 Illegal images of child sexual abuse
 Sexually explicit content
Opportunities, challenges, and power of media and information
According to Section 177 of the Law of Copyright,
these rights consist of the right to allow, impede, or
carry out the following by the author: Replication of
the work, or a portion of the work. Transformation
or dramatization of the original work.
It is the use of works protected by
copyright law without permission,
infringing certain exclusive rights granted
to the copyright holder, such as the right to
reproduce, distribute, display r perform the
protected work, or to make derivative
 It is the deliberate use of
someone elses identity,
usually as a method to gain a
financial advantage or obtain
credit and other benefits in
the other persons name, and
perhaps to the other persons
disadvantage or loss.
Media Power means the concentration of symbolic power in media institutions,
particularly those of television, radio and the press (the common-sense definition
of the media), although the long-term impact of new media on media power is
Its a trend that is already spreading to business
beyond the newsroom, whether it be because of
digital marketing or new customer service
communication channels.
Social media is transforming banking
relationships in very significant ways, from
improving customer service to allowing users to
send money to others via online platforms. New
financial technology companies are using social
media to help people simply open a bank
account. Social media can even impact your
ability to get a loan.
Social media has been
responsible for relevant
changes in both personal and
community health, especially
by making it easier for large
numbers of people to rapidly
share information.
Opportunities, challenges, and power of media and information

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Opportunities, challenges, and power of media and information

  • 2. Cartoon Analysis Guide Questions 1. What is the message of this cartoon? 2. Is the situation about media depicted in the cartoon true in the Philippines? Why or Why not? 3. Does the cartoon shows a challenge or an opportunity for media and information? Why?
  • 3. Media and Information Opportunities Challenges Power Job Hiring Freedom of Expression Collaboration and connectivity among users Access to information from a number of different sources ability to disseminate information Faster and free communication Fake news Unreliable Sources Influence Distribution of Information
  • 4. Opportunity It is a set of situations that makes possible to do something.
  • 5. New Industry Film Production Entertainment Programs Print Broadcast Mobile Communication Public Relations Advertising Internet Media improves the efficiency of the economy by providing actors more and better information which make decisions and improving stability. Media enhances political coordination in the development of sound economic policy. Media sector development can reduce political risk, increasing stability for higher risk countries. Economic actors need accurate and timely information to allocate resources efficiently, investors and other groups increasing value and demand a governance monitoring role from the media. A free and independent press can provide information and monitoring to the economic policy development process leading to more economic policies. It can also reduce political risk and increase good governance- conditions that are important for robust economic development.
  • 6. IN SITES USING VIDEO As we know from the recent ubiquity of online digital video, video has become a compelling tool for educational representation. Students use it in their projects: teachers and pre-service teachers use it to study pedagogy; and researchers use it fro capturing and examining how learning THE PERSPECTIVITY FRAMEWORK Perspectivity frames how learners, teachers and researchers make meaning of events from both individual and multiple points of viewing. THE HIGHLY VISUAL EVOLUTION Learners have been able to integrate a variety of digital media forms into documents. Multimedia, hypermedia, new media are the terms we have used to describe this use of visual media in learning. Of course, this is not the beginning of our use of a variety of media to learn. People have always use diverse visual media to communicate with each
  • 7. In todays world, media becomes as essential as our daily needs. Media of today is playing an outstanding role in creating and shaping of public opinion and strengthening of society. Media is the sword arm of democracy. Media acts as watchdog to protect public interest against malpractice and create public awareness. Tourism Freedom of expression Communicatio n
  • 8. The political landscape has changed quite a bit in the last couple of decades. The internet has played a large role in this transformation. Social media, in particular, is now a serious factor in political campaigns and in the way people think about issues. Candidates and their supporters constantly post their views on Facebook and twitter. Each party has its own pages, from which it broadcasts propaganda and requests for donations. Lets look at some of the leasing ways that social media influences politics today. NEWS AROUND THE CLOCK One of the ways that social media has transformed politics is the sheer speed at which news, poll results and rumors are shared. Whereas in the pre-internet days, people had to wait for the next newspaper or TV news show to get the latest information, online news is a 24/7 phenomenon. Social media has taken this a step further. While you can access news on many websites at any hour, most people spend more time on sites such as facebook and Twitter than they do on serious news or political websites. This means that you get all of the latest trending news stories and opinions shared by your friends whenever you log on. THE IMPACT OF POLLS Political polls are important part of every campaign. They are often confusing, because you can often find multiple polls with contradictory results posted on the very same day. As with other types of political news, the internet has greatly increased the number of poll result as we see each day. Social media has accelerated this even more. Not only do social media sites report the results of polls, you can actually participate in Facebook polls. Polls results have a big influence on elections. This is true even if they are flawed. A poll can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, if people think one candidate is far ahead in the race, they might conclude theres no point in voting for the underdog. When people are posting the latest poll results on social media throughout the day, theres a great deal of pressure on candidates to pull ahead of their opponents. DIRECT INTERACTION WITH POLITICIANS One of the positive effects that social media has on politics is the opportunity for votes to interact more easily with candidates and elected officials. Traditionally, if you wanted to meet a politician or candidate, youd have to attend a live event. Not everyone is able to do this. With modern technology, its now possible to attend virtual events where you can participate in live streaming events and interact with politicians and candidates. DEMOGRAPHICS AND TARGETING Targeting is used throughout the advertising industry to make sure that ds and messages reach the right audience. Politicians do this as well. In the age of social media, politicians and people running for office are able to target their campaigns. If a candidate wants to address the concerns of women, college, students, retired people, Latinos or any other group of voters, they can now tailor their messages. Just as advertisers on Facebook are able to use analytics and targeted advertising, so can candidates and politicians. Thus, if you notice that political messages seem to be talking to you personally, this is no accident.
  • 9. Challenges It is something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination.
  • 10. Its any type of content that could be damaging to young people, including: Real or simulated violence Content instructing or promoting crime or violence Content promoting violent Content promoting hate based on race, religion or sexual preference Content that advocates unsafe behavior like extreme dieting or drug taking Illegal images of child sexual abuse Sexually explicit content
  • 12. According to Section 177 of the Law of Copyright, these rights consist of the right to allow, impede, or carry out the following by the author: Replication of the work, or a portion of the work. Transformation or dramatization of the original work. It is the use of works protected by copyright law without permission, infringing certain exclusive rights granted to the copyright holder, such as the right to reproduce, distribute, display r perform the protected work, or to make derivative works.
  • 13. It is the deliberate use of someone elses identity, usually as a method to gain a financial advantage or obtain credit and other benefits in the other persons name, and perhaps to the other persons disadvantage or loss.
  • 14. Power Media Power means the concentration of symbolic power in media institutions, particularly those of television, radio and the press (the common-sense definition of the media), although the long-term impact of new media on media power is considered.
  • 15. Its a trend that is already spreading to business beyond the newsroom, whether it be because of digital marketing or new customer service communication channels.
  • 16. Social media is transforming banking relationships in very significant ways, from improving customer service to allowing users to send money to others via online platforms. New financial technology companies are using social media to help people simply open a bank account. Social media can even impact your ability to get a loan.
  • 17. Social media has been responsible for relevant changes in both personal and community health, especially by making it easier for large numbers of people to rapidly share information.