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Goals:Goals: Optical Illusion ArtOptical Illusion Art
 Understand and discuss what is an illusionUnderstand and discuss what is an illusion
and analyze different types of visual illusions.and analyze different types of visual illusions.
 Demonstrate your ability to draw a variety ofDemonstrate your ability to draw a variety of
different illusions.different illusions.
 Produce an illusion drawing using a pencilProduce an illusion drawing using a pencil
and black Indian ink and/or colored pencils.and black Indian ink and/or colored pencils.
 Show your op art illusion art to the studentShow your op art illusion art to the student
What is anWhat is an
il揃lu揃sionil揃lu揃sion ((-l-lzhzhnn)) nounnoun
illusions that deceive the human
visual system into perceiving
something that is not present or
incorrectly perceiving what is
The Human brain put images
together because it has learned to
expect things; sometimes the data
might get a little confused.
We may see an illusion because
we know what we are expected to
see, even though part of a picture or
design may not be completely there.
The basis of this is in how we
perceive things.
Optical illusion art
This is theThis is the
Bunny/Duck illusionBunny/Duck illusion..
At first glance, what doAt first glance, what do
you see? Now give ityou see? Now give it
some time, but do notsome time, but do not
focus on one certainfocus on one certain
area, and then askarea, and then ask
Yourself; what do IYourself; what do I
really see? Now, lookreally see? Now, look
again. You might beagain. You might be
Is this manIs this man
playing a sax, orplaying a sax, or
is thereis there
something moresomething more
Looks like President Clinton and Vice President Gore,
Wrong... It's Clinton's face twice, with two different
What do you see?
Do you see someDo you see some
squares orsquares or
rectanglesrectangles? Really,? Really,
this is nothing morethis is nothing more
than a bunch of linesthan a bunch of lines
going in every whichgoing in every which
direction, but the waydirection, but the way
our mind interpretsour mind interprets
these lines are totallythese lines are totally
At first glance, whatAt first glance, what
do you see--Could itdo you see--Could it
be the wordbe the word "liar""liar" oror
is it something more.is it something more.
I would definitely giveI would definitely give
this one a secondthis one a second
Optical illusion art
This is probably theThis is probably the
most famous illusionmost famous illusion
of all time! Almostof all time! Almost
everyone has seeneveryone has seen
it! What do you seeit! What do you see
at your first glanceat your first glance
of this illusion! Doof this illusion! Do
you see an old lady,you see an old lady,
or do you see aor do you see a
young women?young women?
They are bothThey are both
Optical illusion art
This is probably theThis is probably the
hardest illusion that Ihardest illusion that I
have ever seen, and Ihave ever seen, and I
have to say myhave to say my
personal favorite!!!personal favorite!!!
When you first look atWhen you first look at
this, do you see and oldthis, do you see and old
man with ivy leavesman with ivy leaves
around him, or do youaround him, or do you
see a couple kissing?see a couple kissing?
Be patient and give itBe patient and give it
some time!! You willsome time!! You will
eventually see it.eventually see it.
Do the sides of theDo the sides of the
square appear to besquare appear to be
bent in?bent in? Wait, nowWait, now
that is Impossible!that is Impossible!
Believe it or not, theyBelieve it or not, they
are as straight as theyare as straight as they
come. If you do notcome. If you do not
believe me,believe me,
take a straight edge andtake a straight edge and
see for yourself!!!see for yourself!!!
How many ways canHow many ways can
you view this cube?you view this cube?
Is the blue side outsideIs the blue side outside
the box or is it inside? Is itthe box or is it inside? Is it
on the back of the box ofon the back of the box of
is it on the side? Examineis it on the side? Examine
this cube closely, and letthis cube closely, and let
the light blue side guidethe light blue side guide
When you look at this,When you look at this,
you probably see ayou probably see a
triangletriangle. There is not. There is not
one there! The way theone there! The way the
circle parts are cut out,circle parts are cut out,
make us think there is amake us think there is a
triangle there eventriangle there even
though there isnt any!though there isnt any!
Are the diagonalsAre the diagonals
parallel? You betparallel? You bet
they are!they are!
I have heard this illusionI have heard this illusion
called thecalled the dancingdancing
elephantelephant and severaland several
other things. I want youother things. I want you
to look at the elephantsto look at the elephants
feet and legs. Howfeet and legs. How
many are actuallymany are actually
 When you first readWhen you first read
this, what does it say?this, what does it say?
 A Bird In The BushA Bird In The Bush??
 If you read this moreIf you read this more
carefully you will findcarefully you will find
that it saysthat it says A Bird InA Bird In
The The BushThe The Bush!!!!!!
Student Examples: OpticalStudent Examples: Optical
Optical illusion art
Optical illusion art
Optical illusion art
Optical illusion art

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Optical illusion art

  • 1. Goals:Goals: Optical Illusion ArtOptical Illusion Art Understand and discuss what is an illusionUnderstand and discuss what is an illusion and analyze different types of visual illusions.and analyze different types of visual illusions. Demonstrate your ability to draw a variety ofDemonstrate your ability to draw a variety of different illusions.different illusions. Produce an illusion drawing using a pencilProduce an illusion drawing using a pencil and black Indian ink and/or colored pencils.and black Indian ink and/or colored pencils. Show your op art illusion art to the studentShow your op art illusion art to the student body.body.
  • 2. What is anWhat is an Illusion?Illusion? il揃lu揃sionil揃lu揃sion ((-l-lzhzhnn)) nounnoun illusions that deceive the human visual system into perceiving something that is not present or incorrectly perceiving what is present.
  • 3. The Human brain put images together because it has learned to expect things; sometimes the data might get a little confused. We may see an illusion because we know what we are expected to see, even though part of a picture or design may not be completely there. The basis of this is in how we perceive things.
  • 6. This is theThis is the Bunny/Duck illusionBunny/Duck illusion.. At first glance, what doAt first glance, what do you see? Now give ityou see? Now give it some time, but do notsome time, but do not focus on one certainfocus on one certain area, and then askarea, and then ask Yourself; what do IYourself; what do I really see? Now, lookreally see? Now, look again. You might beagain. You might be surprised!!!!!!surprised!!!!!!
  • 7. Is this manIs this man playing a sax, orplaying a sax, or is thereis there something moresomething more here?here?
  • 8. Looks like President Clinton and Vice President Gore, right? Wrong... It's Clinton's face twice, with two different haircuts. What do you see?
  • 9. Do you see someDo you see some squares orsquares or rectanglesrectangles? Really,? Really, this is nothing morethis is nothing more than a bunch of linesthan a bunch of lines going in every whichgoing in every which direction, but the waydirection, but the way our mind interpretsour mind interprets these lines are totallythese lines are totally different!!different!!
  • 10. At first glance, whatAt first glance, what do you see--Could itdo you see--Could it be the wordbe the word "liar""liar" oror is it something more.is it something more. I would definitely giveI would definitely give this one a secondthis one a second look!look!
  • 12. This is probably theThis is probably the most famous illusionmost famous illusion of all time! Almostof all time! Almost everyone has seeneveryone has seen it! What do you seeit! What do you see at your first glanceat your first glance of this illusion! Doof this illusion! Do you see an old lady,you see an old lady, or do you see aor do you see a young women?young women? They are bothThey are both there!!there!!
  • 14. This is probably theThis is probably the hardest illusion that Ihardest illusion that I have ever seen, and Ihave ever seen, and I have to say myhave to say my personal favorite!!!personal favorite!!! When you first look atWhen you first look at this, do you see and oldthis, do you see and old man with ivy leavesman with ivy leaves around him, or do youaround him, or do you see a couple kissing?see a couple kissing? Be patient and give itBe patient and give it some time!! You willsome time!! You will eventually see it.eventually see it.
  • 15. Do the sides of theDo the sides of the square appear to besquare appear to be bent in?bent in? Wait, nowWait, now that is Impossible!that is Impossible! Believe it or not, theyBelieve it or not, they are as straight as theyare as straight as they come. If you do notcome. If you do not believe me,believe me, take a straight edge andtake a straight edge and see for yourself!!!see for yourself!!!
  • 16. How many ways canHow many ways can you view this cube?you view this cube? Is the blue side outsideIs the blue side outside the box or is it inside? Is itthe box or is it inside? Is it on the back of the box ofon the back of the box of is it on the side? Examineis it on the side? Examine this cube closely, and letthis cube closely, and let the light blue side guidethe light blue side guide you!you!
  • 17. When you look at this,When you look at this, you probably see ayou probably see a triangletriangle. There is not. There is not one there! The way theone there! The way the circle parts are cut out,circle parts are cut out, make us think there is amake us think there is a triangle there eventriangle there even though there isnt any!though there isnt any!
  • 18. Are the diagonalsAre the diagonals parallel? You betparallel? You bet they are!they are!
  • 19. I have heard this illusionI have heard this illusion called thecalled the dancingdancing elephantelephant and severaland several other things. I want youother things. I want you to look at the elephantsto look at the elephants feet and legs. Howfeet and legs. How many are actuallymany are actually there?there?
  • 20. When you first readWhen you first read this, what does it say?this, what does it say? A Bird In The BushA Bird In The Bush?? If you read this moreIf you read this more carefully you will findcarefully you will find that it saysthat it says A Bird InA Bird In The The BushThe The Bush!!!!!!
  • 22. Student Examples: OpticalStudent Examples: Optical IllusionsIllusions