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Helping Build Optimistic Work
Do you seek candidates who
stand out from the rest?
Why are we different from
other recruitment companies?
Our focus is on organisation culture, in
particular the strengths of successful
We profile your management team using a
sub-conscious profile tool and match
candidates who complement and enhance
their strengths.
Plus you receive a debrief/coaching session
from a top Business Coach showing how to
maximise the strengths of your new
candidate and your team.
All this included in the fee - and our fee
structure will pleasantly surprise you.
Our last surprise - we offer a 6 month
guarantee because we are that confident!
Why optimistic people?
An optimistic person will be motivated and confident, seeing
challenges as short term setbacks, not long term failures.
Optimistic people are Peak Performers. They seek out and
find opportunities. David Packard, cofounder of HP, observed
that a great company is more likely to die of indigestion from
too much opportunity than starvation from too little.
Inspired by this insight, Jim Collins' team created Packard's Law -
which states that "no company can consistently grow revenues
faster than its ability to get enough of the right people to
implement that growth and still become a great company."
How do you find peak
Until now there has not been a way to measure Strengths, such as
understand the person you are bringing into your business. Will they
fit? Are they a motivated Leader? What is their Management style?
We have introduced a new, advanced on-line RECRUITMENT SYSTEM
that profiles up to 59 sub-conscious STRENGTHS driving up to 80% of
an applicants behaviour. (The system has been tried & tested for 15
years, has 96% success rate and never been available commercially
until now!) We knew that we were employing the best people in every
area of the business, from General Managers to Tele-services
Managers. Our client retention rate was over 94% when industry
averages were around 70-80% retention. Denis Preston UNAC
What is your ROI?
Our Recruitment Process includes:-
 Synergy Strengths (sub-conscious)
candidate profiling find the right
people with the right strengths.
(Measuring strengths, with scores out
of 10 and overall scores out of 100.)
 Gift of 5 Profiles to profile the team
to include management to establish
their strengths. Value $950
 Receive a Benchmark Matrix
showing how team members
complement each other; how their
strengths can be used consistently for
mutual growth, development and
maximum effect. Value $450
 Coaching debrief session of 1-2 hours
with management and candidate,
providing recommendations.
Benchmarking can be used in a variety of different ways:-
 Profile potential candidates, see how they compare and how they
 Profile your team - match your top performers scores and employ similar or
 Profile your Management Team - who would benefit from up-skilling?
 Who is not performing - understand why and what you can do about it.
 See why the procrastinators are not performing and how you can help them
move into motivation.
What if you could create the "Optimism Edge" within your business
and employ optimistic people who were courageous, persistent, had a
"can do" attitude, overcome any objections and challenges? This was our
brief from one client.
We profiled 10 candidates, one had results which showed exactly this. This
"Peak Performer" was employed. In 2 weeks, she had "triple outperformed
the three full time sales people!"
This successful formula was based
on employing the right people with
the right strengths (such as
optimism) and was pioneered by Dr
Martin Seligman Psychologist,
former president of the American
Psychological Association, (Author:
Learned Optimism) and
includes 30 years of extensive
This methodology helped
Metropolitan Life become one of
the most successful insurance
companies in the U.S. (2010 rated
51 in Fortune 500).
The Good News Is.
Optimism can be learned and
people can be helped to
break through
challenges. We have had
clients pass an exam (with
distinction) when they
previously thought they
would fail; improve golf
scores and lose weight. You
can imagine what this does
for self esteem and
confidence, which has an
effect on every day working
All permanent placements undertaken by True Colours
Recruitment Pty Limited carry a replacement guarantee of six
months from the candidates date of commencement of
PH | 02 9976 0002
Level 29, 1 Chifley Tower, Chifley Square NSW 2000
Debbie Carr Julie Bowden
0414 729 656 0406 488 213

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Optimistic Work Cultures

  • 1. Helping Build Optimistic Work Cultures
  • 2. Do you seek candidates who stand out from the rest?
  • 3. Why are we different from other recruitment companies? Our focus is on organisation culture, in particular the strengths of successful people. We profile your management team using a sub-conscious profile tool and match candidates who complement and enhance their strengths. Plus you receive a debrief/coaching session from a top Business Coach showing how to maximise the strengths of your new candidate and your team. All this included in the fee - and our fee structure will pleasantly surprise you. Our last surprise - we offer a 6 month guarantee because we are that confident!
  • 4. Why optimistic people? An optimistic person will be motivated and confident, seeing challenges as short term setbacks, not long term failures. Optimistic people are Peak Performers. They seek out and find opportunities. David Packard, cofounder of HP, observed that a great company is more likely to die of indigestion from too much opportunity than starvation from too little. Inspired by this insight, Jim Collins' team created Packard's Law - which states that "no company can consistently grow revenues faster than its ability to get enough of the right people to implement that growth and still become a great company."
  • 5. How do you find peak performers? Until now there has not been a way to measure Strengths, such as OPTIMISM, TENACITY, COURAGE, RESILIENCE; enabling you to really understand the person you are bringing into your business. Will they fit? Are they a motivated Leader? What is their Management style? We have introduced a new, advanced on-line RECRUITMENT SYSTEM that profiles up to 59 sub-conscious STRENGTHS driving up to 80% of an applicants behaviour. (The system has been tried & tested for 15 years, has 96% success rate and never been available commercially until now!) We knew that we were employing the best people in every area of the business, from General Managers to Tele-services Managers. Our client retention rate was over 94% when industry averages were around 70-80% retention. Denis Preston UNAC
  • 6. What is your ROI? Our Recruitment Process includes:- Synergy Strengths (sub-conscious) candidate profiling find the right people with the right strengths. (Measuring strengths, with scores out of 10 and overall scores out of 100.) Gift of 5 Profiles to profile the team to include management to establish their strengths. Value $950 Receive a Benchmark Matrix showing how team members complement each other; how their strengths can be used consistently for mutual growth, development and maximum effect. Value $450 Coaching debrief session of 1-2 hours with management and candidate, providing recommendations.
  • 7. Benchmarking Benchmarking can be used in a variety of different ways:- Profile potential candidates, see how they compare and how they communicate. Profile your team - match your top performers scores and employ similar or better. Profile your Management Team - who would benefit from up-skilling? Who is not performing - understand why and what you can do about it. See why the procrastinators are not performing and how you can help them move into motivation. What if you could create the "Optimism Edge" within your business and employ optimistic people who were courageous, persistent, had a "can do" attitude, overcome any objections and challenges? This was our brief from one client. We profiled 10 candidates, one had results which showed exactly this. This "Peak Performer" was employed. In 2 weeks, she had "triple outperformed the three full time sales people!"
  • 8. Evidence This successful formula was based on employing the right people with the right strengths (such as optimism) and was pioneered by Dr Martin Seligman Psychologist, former president of the American Psychological Association, (Author: Learned Optimism) and includes 30 years of extensive research. This methodology helped Metropolitan Life become one of the most successful insurance companies in the U.S. (2010 rated 51 in Fortune 500).
  • 9. The Good News Is. Optimism can be learned and people can be helped to break through challenges. We have had clients pass an exam (with distinction) when they previously thought they would fail; improve golf scores and lose weight. You can imagine what this does for self esteem and confidence, which has an effect on every day working life.
  • 10. Guarantee All permanent placements undertaken by True Colours Recruitment Pty Limited carry a replacement guarantee of six months from the candidates date of commencement of employment.
  • 11. Contact www.truecoloursrecruitment.com info@truecoloursrecruitment.com PH | 02 9976 0002 Level 29, 1 Chifley Tower, Chifley Square NSW 2000 Debbie Carr Julie Bowden 0414 729 656 0406 488 213