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Maximise your business
potential with our talent
management solutions
Competency Development
Therightpeopleperforming foryourbusiness
Seeking greater business potential
Assessment can be car-
ried out in a number of
ways by using individual
psychometric tests, or in a
group setting over one or
two days. We can advise
what is best for you, based
on what your end goals
are in performing an as-
sessment in the first place.
As a result of assessment
the next step is most often
some degree of develop-
ment, this can be either
coaching or a traditional
classroom event. The
coaching option is often
seen as a more effective
route to developing talent,
simply because it is a
more tailored form of
There may be occasions
when the main issue might
be a lack of ability to
measure performance pre-
cisely enough to gauge
what the real performance
needs actually are. This is
where we can help with
our competency devel-
opment process. It might
be that your existing com-
petency structure needs a
refresh or you may think
you need to start afresh.
Our consultants have ex-
perience of developing
competency structures for
some of the largest organi-
sations in the world and
can bring this experience
to bear on your business.
Ultimately through our
leadership development
we are seeking out the
people that are going to
take your business into the
Resilience - the intelligent deployment of limited personal resources
Dean Becker - Adaptiv Learning Systems
Psychological resilience has become a factor that has recently
gained more attention in the business world mainly due to the
business and economic challenges that are facing organisations
and the people they employ. Simply put its the ability to overcome
setbacks and bounce back quickly to peak performance. We how-
ever, look at it a little closer in that we examine how an individual
will stay problem focused, stay on task and energised particularly
when facing large scale change, uncertainty and ambiguity.
Everyone can think of a situation when they have wasted too much
time trying to solve a problem where they have actually little or no
control over the outcome. On the other hand they can also think of
situations where they have disengaged and given up prematurely
and so missed the opportunities to solve the problems that come
there way. Whatever the case, they have missed a valuable
opportunity to place their limited personal resources where they may
get the best return for effort. It doesnt have to be this way!
Utilising core personal strengths
Enhancing individual performance
We will be most effective if we accept that there are things we
know we cannot change, have the courage to accept the things
we can, and develop the wisdom to know the difference.
Consider the factors that are most
important for the performance of
your department, business unit or
organisation; attracting and retaining
key people, reducing churn rate, in-
creasing team members level of
engagement and being able to
maintain strong performance in
difficult circumstances, might just be
a few ideas that come to mind.
Our work with you will provide a
unique opportunity to gain an insight
into just what has led to success in
the past and what may need to be
achieved to be successful in the
future. And in light of this informa-
tion, who are the key people who
are going to bring you the highest
likelihood of success.
People working in todays organisa-
tions need to be able to utilise a
much broader range of styles and
behaviours. They must be highly
flexible in order to adapt to rapidly
changing business strategies, cul-
tures and evolving roles and struc-
tures. In study after study research
has shown that there are key fac-
tors, such as emotional intelligence,
resilience, learning adaption and
leadership style that have been
demonstrated to double and even
triple productivity, and to greatly
improve bottom line results.
Our clients dont just view us as just another provider.
The deep relationship we develop lasts for many
years, in fact we have a number of clients who have
been with us since our starting in 1996. These
clients view us as a business partner, working with in-
dividuals throughout the organisation, delivering out-
comes that add value to the business.
We will create new paths to
improved performance through
developing greater;
Self-Awareness, Knowing what we
feel at the moment and using that to
guide our decision making, having a
realistic assessment of our own abili-
ties and well grounded sense of self
Self-management, taking a facilitat-
ing approach, recovering well from
emotional distress, taking initiative,
persevering in difficult circumstances.
Social awareness, understanding
the perspective of others and
cultivating rapport with a broad
diversity of people.
Social skills, handling relationships
well, accurately reading situations
and interacting smoothly, using these
skills to persuade, lead and
Edison Talent
17 Ensign House
London E14 9XQ T +44 (0) 2081339750 www.edisontalent.com
Edison Talent is the talent management services of Edison Personal Development Ltd
Bottom line results
When you use the services of an Edison
consultant you are tapping into a wealth of
experience gained from working with some
of the largest organisations in the world.
We bring that experience to you.
Whether you need our services for just one
person or the whole organisation you can be
sure that the same detailed analysis will be
used to show all aspects of individual
capability and talent.
As well as practical experience, each of our
consultants are professionally qualified,
members of the CIPD or other professional
body and have been accredited by the British
Psychological Society (BPS) to use many of
the wide range of psychometric instruments
available in the market.
So if you feel its time for change, contact us
now for a no obligation consultation, its free
and will allow us to demonstrate just what we
will do that will optimise the return you will
gain when you allow us to develop your
Now imagine the possibilities...

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Insights For Performance

Managing and Assessing Talent

  • 1. TA L E N T Maximise your business potential with our talent management solutions
  • 2. Assessment Coaching Competency Development Leadership Therightpeopleperforming foryourbusiness Seeking greater business potential WE HELP BUSINESSES OF ALL SIZES EVALUATE THEIR PEOPLE. MANAGING AND DEVELOPING TALENT MEANS TARGETING AND FOCUSING ON THE TOP CONTRIBUTERS - YOUR STAR PERFORMERS. Assessment can be car- ried out in a number of ways by using individual psychometric tests, or in a group setting over one or two days. We can advise what is best for you, based on what your end goals are in performing an as- sessment in the first place. As a result of assessment the next step is most often some degree of develop- ment, this can be either coaching or a traditional classroom event. The coaching option is often seen as a more effective route to developing talent, simply because it is a more tailored form of development. There may be occasions when the main issue might be a lack of ability to measure performance pre- cisely enough to gauge what the real performance needs actually are. This is where we can help with our competency devel- opment process. It might be that your existing com- petency structure needs a refresh or you may think you need to start afresh. Our consultants have ex- perience of developing competency structures for some of the largest organi- sations in the world and can bring this experience to bear on your business. Ultimately through our leadership development we are seeking out the people that are going to take your business into the future. Resilience - the intelligent deployment of limited personal resources Dean Becker - Adaptiv Learning Systems Psychological resilience has become a factor that has recently gained more attention in the business world mainly due to the business and economic challenges that are facing organisations and the people they employ. Simply put its the ability to overcome setbacks and bounce back quickly to peak performance. We how- ever, look at it a little closer in that we examine how an individual will stay problem focused, stay on task and energised particularly when facing large scale change, uncertainty and ambiguity. Everyone can think of a situation when they have wasted too much time trying to solve a problem where they have actually little or no control over the outcome. On the other hand they can also think of situations where they have disengaged and given up prematurely and so missed the opportunities to solve the problems that come there way. Whatever the case, they have missed a valuable opportunity to place their limited personal resources where they may get the best return for effort. It doesnt have to be this way!
  • 3. EDISON ASSESSORS AND FACILITATORS ARE USED BY COMMERCIAL CLIENTS, HR CONSULTANCIES AND PROFESSIONAL BODIES WORLDWIDE TO ASSESS AND PROVIDE FEEDBACK ON THE PERFORMANCE CAPABILITIES OF THEIR PEOPLE. Utilising core personal strengths Enhancing individual performance We will be most effective if we accept that there are things we know we cannot change, have the courage to accept the things we can, and develop the wisdom to know the difference. HAVING ACCESS TO OUR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT TOOLS WILL HELP YOU MAKE INFORMED KEY DECISIONS WHEN IT COMES TO HIRING NEW PEOPLE, DEVELOPING EXISTING TALENT AND BUILDING THE TOP PERFORMERS. Consider the factors that are most important for the performance of your department, business unit or organisation; attracting and retaining key people, reducing churn rate, in- creasing team members level of engagement and being able to maintain strong performance in difficult circumstances, might just be a few ideas that come to mind. Our work with you will provide a unique opportunity to gain an insight into just what has led to success in the past and what may need to be achieved to be successful in the future. And in light of this informa- tion, who are the key people who are going to bring you the highest likelihood of success. People working in todays organisa- tions need to be able to utilise a much broader range of styles and behaviours. They must be highly flexible in order to adapt to rapidly changing business strategies, cul- tures and evolving roles and struc- tures. In study after study research has shown that there are key fac- tors, such as emotional intelligence, resilience, learning adaption and leadership style that have been demonstrated to double and even triple productivity, and to greatly improve bottom line results. Our clients dont just view us as just another provider. The deep relationship we develop lasts for many years, in fact we have a number of clients who have been with us since our starting in 1996. These clients view us as a business partner, working with in- dividuals throughout the organisation, delivering out- comes that add value to the business. We will create new paths to improved performance through developing greater; Self-Awareness, Knowing what we feel at the moment and using that to guide our decision making, having a realistic assessment of our own abili- ties and well grounded sense of self confidence. Self-management, taking a facilitat- ing approach, recovering well from emotional distress, taking initiative, persevering in difficult circumstances. Social awareness, understanding the perspective of others and cultivating rapport with a broad diversity of people. Social skills, handling relationships well, accurately reading situations and interacting smoothly, using these skills to persuade, lead and negotiate.
  • 4. Edison Talent 17 Ensign House London E14 9XQ T +44 (0) 2081339750 www.edisontalent.com Edison Talent is the talent management services of Edison Personal Development Ltd Bottom line results AS WITH ALL INVESTMENTS YOU MAKE THERE HAS TO BE A MEASURABLE RETURN THAT CAN BE DEFINED FROM THE OUTSET When you use the services of an Edison consultant you are tapping into a wealth of experience gained from working with some of the largest organisations in the world. We bring that experience to you. Whether you need our services for just one person or the whole organisation you can be sure that the same detailed analysis will be used to show all aspects of individual capability and talent. As well as practical experience, each of our consultants are professionally qualified, members of the CIPD or other professional body and have been accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) to use many of the wide range of psychometric instruments available in the market. So if you feel its time for change, contact us now for a no obligation consultation, its free and will allow us to demonstrate just what we will do that will optimise the return you will gain when you allow us to develop your talent. Now imagine the possibilities...