Faradarmani is a type of alternative therapy which has a completely mystic view. It is a subcategory of Interuniversal Erfan (Halqeh) which was founded by Mr. Mohammad Ali Taheri. In this type of therapy, the patient is connected to the Interuniversal Consciousness Network (the network of intelligence and awareness that covers the universe, Holy Spirit) and while giving a physical report on feeling warmth, cold, pain, tremors, stinging and etc, their defective body parts are identified and the treatment begins with the elimination of the symptoms.
This therapy is called Faradarmani because it comes from a type of viewpoint called Interuniversalism. According to Interuniversalism, man's existence is seen as vast as the universe itself and more than just a set of flesh and bones.
Universe became man and man became a universe There is no phrase more refined than that
In this viewpoint, man is a collection of physical, psychological, mental and other numerous bodies including various energy transformers (Chakras), limited and blocked energy channels (acupuncture), various fields of polarity of the body, bioplasma field, cellular consciousness, molecular frequency, and endless other unidentified parts.
In this mystic school, therapy is applied by taking the individual's entire existence into consideration and while the person is connected to the Interuniversal Consciousness Network, they are simultaneously scanned by the consciousness which will identify problems according to its own expedience, and begin to remove these defects during the process of therapy.
Therefore, from this viewpoint, we can cure all kinds of diseases by using the Interuniversal Consciousness Network. The Fara-Therapist is not allowed to consider any kind of illness as 'incurable', because for the cosmic intelligence, all kinds of cures and repairs are possible.
The Interuniversal Consciousness Network is the intelligence or awareness that governs the universe and is one of the three available elements in the universe. Since awareness is neither matter nor energy, it is not restricted to the time and space dimensions and treatment using this network over short and long distances is possible. It also cannot be quantified and just as mentioned before, its effects can be quantified when it stimulates parts of the patient's body. Therefore, the therapist cannot associate any of its power to themselves.
The three elements that make up the universe are: matter, energy and awareness.
The important point about this school is despite many of the other methods, therapy is not performed by the therapist but rather, it is performed through connection to the Interuniversal Consciousness Network. The therapist only plays the role of a link who establishes a Halqeh (Cycle) named Halqeh Vahdat - Hablellah (Cycle of Unity or the Rope of God) which is a very intelligent link. Saadi mentions this Halqeh in his poem:
The locks of the beloved's hair are snares of misadventure
Faradarmani is a type of alternative therapy which has a completely mystic view. It is a subcategory of Interuniversal Erfan (Halqeh) which was founded by Mr. Mohammad Ali Taheri. In this type of therapy, the patient is connected to the Interuniversal Consciousness Network (the network of intelligence and awareness that covers the universe, Holy Spirit) and while giving a physical report on feeling warmth, cold, pain, tremors, stinging and etc, their defective body parts are identified and the treatment begins with the elimination of the symptoms.
This therapy is called Faradarmani because it comes from a type of viewpoint called Interuniversalism. According to Interuniversalism, man's existence is seen as vast as the universe itself and more than just a set of flesh and bones.
Universe became man and man became a universe There is no phrase more refined than that
In this viewpoint, man is a collection of physical, psychological, mental and other numerous bodies including various energy transformers (Chakras), limited and blocked energy channels (acupuncture), various fields of polarity of the body, bioplasma field, cellular consciousness, molecular frequency, and endless other unidentified parts.
In this mystic school, therapy is applied by taking the individual's entire existence into consideration and while the person is connected to the Interuniversal Consciousness Network, they are simultaneously scanned by the consciousness which will identify problems according to its own expedience, and begin to remove these defects during the process of therapy.
Therefore, from this viewpoint, we can cure all kinds of diseases by using the Interuniversal Consciousness Network. The Fara-Therapist is not allowed to consider any kind of illness as 'incurable', because for the cosmic intelligence, all kinds of cures and repairs are possible.
The Interuniversal Consciousness Network is the intelligence or awareness that governs the universe and is one of the three available elements in the universe. Since awareness is neither matter nor energy, it is not restricted to the time and space dimensions and treatment using this network over short and long distances is possible. It also cannot be quantified and just as mentioned before, its effects can be quantified when it stimulates parts of the patient's body. Therefore, the therapist cannot associate any of its power to themselves.
The three elements that make up the universe are: matter, energy and awareness.
The important point about this school is despite many of the other methods, therapy is not performed by the therapist but rather, it is performed through connection to the Interuniversal Consciousness Network. The therapist only plays the role of a link who establishes a Halqeh (Cycle) named Halqeh Vahdat - Hablellah (Cycle of Unity or the Rope of God) which is a very intelligent link. Saadi mentions this Halqeh in his poem:
The locks of the beloved's hair are snares of misadventure
This document outlines the topics to be addressed in a health and safety recce for a film shoot. It includes assessing the location, equipment needs, potential hazards, risks from water or the public, and equipment storage during and after the shoot. Sign-off from the group is also required.
This document discusses Mori representation in local government in New Zealand. It provides background on past recommendations to increase Mori seats, including from the Royal Commission on Auckland Governance. Currently, Mori remain underrepresented in local government at 4.8% despite legislation allowing for special Mori constituencies. The Environment Bay of Plenty case study shows that having three Mori constituencies since 2004 has improved Mori participation in decision making. A private member's bill proposes basing Mori seats on population rather than enrollment to further increase representation. The document recommends iwi discuss wanting Mori seats, the new Auckland Council establish them, and councils work with iwi on improved representation.
This document is a survey asking for a person's name, age, gender, favorite R&B female and male artists, preferred song type, choice of 2 colors for an R&B magazine cover from a list, and a circle selection for favorite female R&B artist from a list of Ciara, Rihanna and Whitney Houston.
This document is a message between two close friends expressing their strong bond and love for one another. They reflect on how they have been through everything together from an early age, partying before age 15, and have a bond stronger than family. The two friends promise to be there for each other forever as best friends who will keep each other's secrets and be together through all future adventures.
Esta receita de Moqueca de Peixe inclui peixe, cebola, tomate, piment達o, coentro, leite de coco e azeite de dend棚. O peixe 辿 temperado com sal e lim達o e cozido na panela com os outros ingredientes por 20 minutos. Depois de adicionar o leite de coco, cozinha por mais 5-10 minutos. Sirva com o caldo de cozimento.
O documento fornece a programa巽達o de v叩rios canais de TV para o dia 23 de Janeiro, listando os programas e hor叩rios entre 09:00 e 23:30. Os principais canais incluem AXN, ESPN, Boomerang, Glitz, Fox Sports, TCM, ID, Eurochannel, Warner e Sony. A programa巽達o varia entre s辿ries, filmes, esportes e shows.
The document discusses feedback received from audiences on a group's horror trailer and print magazine. Audiences provided feedback through questionnaires and comments on Facebook. The feedback showed that audiences most liked the editing of the trailer and found the magazine's photography appealing. Some suggested improving the music in the trailer. This feedback helped the group understand what attracts their target audience and how to develop their work further.
Concentrated Solar Distribution & Research, Inc. offers an exclusive licensed concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) power system for utility-scale solar projects in North, Central, and South America. The system uses MST's high-efficiency solar trackers and Spectrolab's multi-junction solar cells to achieve 32% efficiency with low costs. It has been tested for over 3 years with unprecedented performance and reliability at a lower cost than other PV or concentrated solar power systems.
The document discusses key facts about the Moon, including that tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and moon; the distance from the moon to earth is 384,400km; and the moon was created 4.527 billion years ago when a large rock collided with the early Earth. It also notes that the moon can appear in different shapes like full, half, or crescent.
Dasarollo del articulo la cultura de la legalidadkatzie7
Este documento discute la importancia de promover una cultura de legalidad en las empresas. Brevemente describe c坦mo la responsabilidad social, la 辿tica y los valores son fundamentales para esta cultura. Tambi辿n analiza el caso de Merck y c坦mo su enfoque 辿tico ha generado beneficios a largo plazo. Finalmente, resalta que la comunicaci坦n y aplicaci坦n de leyes laborales son pilares para iniciar esta cultura en las organizaciones.
Team CHERISHope led a project from December 9-22, 2013 to provide educational programs and life skills training to underprivileged children aged 3-10 at the Que Huong Charity Centre in Binh Duong Province, Vietnam. The project aimed to equip the children with independent living skills and a foundation for growth. Key activities included English lessons, first aid training, music, art, crafts, and painting. The team leader was Goh Ziluo and co-leaders were Chuah Chia Ern and Le Quang Minh.
This document discusses re-taking images for a magazine. The photographer had to re-take images to include a wider variety of shots beyond those already used, as the initial image of the model looking down didn't show much of his personality. New images were taken of the model playing piano and using a microphone to better capture his personality.
1) O documento fornece instru巽探es sobre como criar e gerenciar um blog, incluindo como criar um, escrever posts, visualizar o blog, editar ou excluir posts existentes e configurar coment叩rios e perfis de usu叩rio.
2) explicado como inserir imagens em um blog, seja imagens da internet ou imagens pessoais usando sites como o Hello.
3) S達o fornecidos detalhes sobre configura巽探es importantes como formato de data, fuso hor叩rio e idioma.
El documento habla sobre el mundo laboral y el 辿xito profesional. Explica que para tener 辿xito se necesita talento, pasi坦n y compromiso. Tambi辿n se debe conocer tus fortalezas y debilidades, mantener el equilibrio emocional, tener empat鱈a por los dem叩s, automotivarse con objetivos claros, aprender de los errores y perseverar. Adem叩s, es importante crear redes sociales dentro y fuera del trabajo y comunicarse de manera asertiva. El 辿xito comienza dando el primer paso.
8. Llei 1990
El sistema educatiu
Educaci坦 Infantil
0-6 anys
Educaci坦 Primria
6-12 anys
Educaci坦 Secundria
12-16 anys
Programes de
Garantia Social
Cicles Formatius de Grau Mitj
Professionals i art鱈stics
Cicles Formatius de Grau Superior
Professionals i art鱈stics
de M炭sica i Dansa
Estudis de Grau
9. Pla destudis
Pla destudis Batxillerat
3 Modalitats de batxillerat
Ci竪ncies i Tecnologia
Humanitats i Ci竪ncies Socials
El centre nofereix 2 en 5 itineraris:
Enginyeria i Arquitectura
Ci竪ncies de la Salut
Ci竪ncies Jur鱈diques i Socials
10. Pla destudis
Assignatures comunes
1r Batxillerat Hores 2n Batxillerat Hores
Filosofia i ciutadania
2 Hist嘆ria de la Filosofia 3
Catal I (quadrimestral) 4 Catal II 2
Castell I (quadrimestral) 4 Castell II 2
Idioma I
Idioma II 3
Educaci坦 F鱈sica
Hist嘆ria 3
Ci竪ncies per al m坦n contemporani
Tutoria 1
Tutoria 1
11. Pla destudis
Part Diversificada (Mat竪ries de modalitat: 4 Hores)
Humanitats i Ci竪ncies Socials Ci竪ncies i Tecnologia
Humanitats Ci竪ncies jur鱈diques i socials Ci竪ncies de la Salut Ci竪ncies Enginyeria o Arquitectura
Llat鱈 I Economia de lEmpresa I Matemtiques I
Literatura castellana o Matemtiques CC.SS I Qu鱈mica I o Dibuix T竪cnic I
Hist嘆ria del M坦n o Economia Biologia I o Tecnologia Industrial I
Grec I o Psicologia o Franc竪s o F鱈sica I o Ci竪ncies de la Terra I
Humanitats i Ci竪ncies Socials Ci竪ncies i Tecnologia
Humanitats Ci竪ncies jur鱈diques i socials Ci竪ncies de la Salut Ci竪ncies Enginyeria o Arquitectura
Llat鱈 II Economia de lEmpresa II Matemtiques II
Literatura catalana o Matemtiques CC.SS II Qu鱈mica II o Dibuix T竪cnic II
Hist嘆ria de lart Biologia II o Tecnologia Industrial II
Grec II o Franc竪s o F鱈sica II o Ci竪ncies de la Terra II o Geografia
12. Canvis dopci坦
Canvis dopci坦
Un alumne/a pot canviar:
Duna modalitat a una altra, fins a un mes
despr辿s dhaver comen巽at el curs.
De Batxillerat a Cicle Formatiu fins al 31
13. Marc horari.
Marc horari actual
Dilluns Dimarts Dimecres Dijous Divendres
15. Treball de Recerca
Treball de Recerca
Es desenvolupa entre el 1r curs i principi de 2n curs.
Cal fer una mem嘆ria escrita i una exposici坦 oral.
Lliurament mem嘆ria: primers doctubre.
Exposici坦 oral: quinze dies despr辿s.
16. Participaci坦 en premis
Participaci坦 en premis
Els millors Treballs de Recerca es poden
presentar a premis (UPC, UdV, Lacetnia, Baldiri
Reixac, Valeri Serra Bold炭 ...)
Els dos millors treballs apareixeran, resumits, en
el llibre recull dels millors TR del Bages.
Els treballs de qualitat que siguin dinter竪s local o
comarcal es podran dipositar a la Biblioteca
municipal de Manresa (Casino) i a les bilioteques
locals .
17. Estada a lempresa
Estada a lempresa
Destinat a alumnes que fan 1r de Batxillerat
La qualificaci坦 辿s equivalent a una mat竪ria de modalitat
i pot ser convalidada a 2n curs.
Es fa durant lestiu (140 hores)
LEquip Docent fa la selecci坦 amb criteris acad竪mics
despr辿s del 2n trimestre.
18. Avaluaci坦 1r Batxillerat
Avaluaci坦 1r Batxillerat
Avaluaci坦 final
Avaluaci坦 cont鱈nua de les assignatures dels tres trimestres.
Els alumnes disposen de 6 dies per preparar lextraordinria.
Avaluaci坦 extraordinria
Amb dues mat竪ries pendents es passa a 2n i shauran de
recuperar. Si els en queden tres o quatre, tenen les
seg端ents opcions:
Matricular-se a primer, renunciant a les qualificacions obtingudes.
Matricular-se nom辿s de les tres o quatre mat竪ries amb possibilitat
de fer-ne alguna de segon (per exemple: Treball Recerca)
Matricular-se a primer amb possibilitat de millorar nota
Sufici竪ncia a 2n (alumnes fins a dues pendents):
Dues convocat嘆ries: octubre i voltants de Setmana Santa
19. Avaluaci坦 2n Batxillerat
Avaluaci坦 2n Batxillerat
Sufici竪ncia a final de curs. Avaluaci坦 final
A final de curs, hi haur un per鱈ode de 6 dies entre el darrer dia
de classe i el per鱈ode de sufici竪ncia.
Avaluaci坦 extraordinria (juny)
Hauran de repetir nom辿s les mat竪ries que els quedin pendents.
Poden fer el curs sencer i renunciar a les qualificacions
Al final del cicle savaluar la totalitat del curr鱈culum
cursat durant els dos cursos.
20. Tutoria
Tria de delegats/es
Informaci坦 i orientaci坦 general
Espai destudi, treball de recerca i resoluci坦 de dubtes
Tres eixos: orientaci坦, voluntariat i mrqueting personal i
Anlisi dels resultats acad竪mics
或姻庄艶稼岳温界庄坦 personal, cicles formatius i universitat
Prematriculaci坦 i matriculaci坦 a les PAU
Presentaci坦 a les proves PAU
Preinscripci坦 a la Universitat
22. Exmens
No saplacen, llevat de causes de for巽a major
(paper del metge)
Els dies que hi ha exmens es fan classes normals
Les notes sarrodoniran a la baixa en cas
dabs竪ncies i retards reiterats i sense justificar
23. Activitats extraescolars
Activitats extraescolars
Sortides de mat竪ries
Xerrades dorientaci坦 professional i emprenedoria
Portes obertes a la UAB (segon)
Xerrades al centre (UdV, UPC-EPSEM, FUB...)
Xerrades i tallers sobre voluntariat i daltres temes
24. Selectivitat
SELECTIVITAT (PAU): Prematr鱈cula entre febrer i
primers de mar巽 (han de triar les mat竪ries opcionals).
Matr鱈cula finals de maig.
UNIVERSITAT: A principis juny, fan la inscripci坦 via
Internet des del centre, que podran canviar fins a tres
dies despr辿s de con竪ixer les notes de les PAU.
33. Sortides despr辿s de Batxillerat
Sortides despr辿s de Batxillerat
Estudis universitaris
Selectivitat (PAU)
Proves majors de 25 anys
M辿s grans de 40 anys
M辿s grans de 45 anys
Cicle Formatiu de Grau Superior
T鱈tol de Batxillerat
M坦n Laboral
34. Preinscripci坦 Cicles Formatius Grau Superior
La preinscripci坦 辿s obligat嘆ria i aconsellable quan no 辿s
clara la sortida universitria.
Es fa durant dues setmanes del mes de maig.
Sortides despr辿s de Batxillerat
35. On anem