Building a server to manage high concurrent connections is non-trival task. For those developers that use ActionScript 3 to build games on the client side it means having a totally different skillset. Being able to use ActionScript 3 on the server to build MMO’s or port client code to the server allows developers to leverage their skills on the server.
By walking through a live game example with more then 15,000 concurrent connections running on a medium Amazon EC2 server the presentation will:
1. Introduce Linux server configuration for high concurrent connected usage.
2. Introduce Socket class based on libev library for high concurrent connection.
3. Introduce leveraging Tamarin project for ActionScript 3 on the server.
Mikko Puhakka gave a presentation on open generation at OpenSourceCamp in Beijing on October 10, 2010. He discussed the history of open collaboration traditions from Finland and how they spread globally with the rise of the internet and Linux. He then introduced his venture capital funds, C2IVC and GrowVC China, which focus on ambitious entrepreneurs and providing strategic support. C2IVC and GrowVC China officially launched on the date of the presentation and encourage attendees to learn more about partnering with them.
Building a server to manage high concurrent connections is non-trival task. For those developers that use ActionScript 3 to build games on the client side it means having a totally different skillset. Being able to use ActionScript 3 on the server to build MMO’s or port client code to the server allows developers to leverage their skills on the server.
By walking through a live game example with more then 15,000 concurrent connections running on a medium Amazon EC2 server the presentation will:
1. Introduce Linux server configuration for high concurrent connected usage.
2. Introduce Socket class based on libev library for high concurrent connection.
3. Introduce leveraging Tamarin project for ActionScript 3 on the server.
Mikko Puhakka gave a presentation on open generation at OpenSourceCamp in Beijing on October 10, 2010. He discussed the history of open collaboration traditions from Finland and how they spread globally with the rise of the internet and Linux. He then introduced his venture capital funds, C2IVC and GrowVC China, which focus on ambitious entrepreneurs and providing strategic support. C2IVC and GrowVC China officially launched on the date of the presentation and encourage attendees to learn more about partnering with them.
The document discusses cloud computing and privacy issues. It proposes a "Cloud ID" system to help establish private clouds, protect privacy, and encourage cloud usage while supporting law enforcement. It also discusses technologies like Lockstep that can enhance privacy and security for sensitive cloud services like personal health records.
- Brandigg is a social media strategy provider that aims to help enterprises and organizations with their branding through social media, rather than acting as a traditional social media agency.
- They have developed a concept called "Sharism" which involves sharing on social media to accumulate a new form of social capital called "Share(s)" across platforms and being rewarded for involvement and sharing through reward plans.
- Brandigg has launched a new social platform called which implements the Share(s) concept and aims to increase users' awareness and presence through event and project modules while connecting users through a universal passcode system for branch offices.
MeeGo is a new open source software platform that combines the best of Moblin and Maemo. It provides a common set of APIs that can be used across different device types like netbooks, handsets, connected TVs, and others. MeeGo supports multiple hardware architectures and is developed in a transparent manner through open source projects hosted by the Linux Foundation. It aims to offer developers a growing ecosystem of applications and a complete set of tools.
This document discusses community driven innovation and open source communities. It describes how community can be used as a business, marketing, and development strategy. It provides examples of how Eclipse and Taobao built large open source communities that helped them become leaders in their markets. The document also discusses challenges of building open source communities in China due to differences from Western cultures in areas like relationships and communication styles.
The document discusses Cisco's cloud computing strategy and solutions. It notes that within 2-5 years, 40% of businesses will purchase IT from the cloud. Cisco aims to deliver secure cloud products, solutions, and services to help organizations build clouds and enable service providers to deliver clouds to customers. The strategy advances cloud adoption through technology innovation, standards, and ecosystem partnerships.
The document discusses job-order costing, including:
1. Job-order costing is used when different products are produced to customer orders and the unique nature of each job requires tracing costs.
2. Manufacturing overhead is allocated to jobs using a predetermined overhead rate based on an allocation base like direct labor hours.
3. Underapplied or overapplied overhead can occur if actual overhead differs from the amount applied using the predetermined rate.
El documento resume los principales conceptos del psicoanálisis de Sigmund Freud y Carl Jung. Freud propuso que la mente está dividida en yo, ello y superyo. Explicó las etapas del desarrollo psicosexual y los mecanismos de defensa del inconsciente. Jung se diferenció de Freud al proponer la existencia de un inconsciente colectivo con arquetipos universales. Ambos utilizaron métodos como la asociación libre y el análisis de sue?os para tratar trastornos a través de la terapia psico
Using Arduino as a front end to detect temperature as a streaming data goining MQTT and through Spark streaming for a near realtime process back to mysql database.
Also provide another Arduino lighting on if the counting measure is over than threshold for a realtime experiment case.
Liu Yan is the CEO and cofounder of a coworking company. Coworking involves independent professionals and contractors working in shared spaces to reduce isolation and take advantage of synergies from collaborating with other talented individuals. Typical coworking space members include remote workers, freelancers, and frequent travelers. Liu Yan provides contact information and links to Wikipedia pages and online groups about coworking for additional information.
The document discusses community driven innovation and open source communities. It provides background on Peter Cheng and his experience with open source communities. It then discusses how community can be used as a business, marketing, and development strategy, using examples like Eclipse, Taobao, and SpringSource. The document also discusses challenges of open source communities and how to bridge communities to drive business, talent, and innovation. It emphasizes that businesses should view communities as drivers to create new opportunities rather than having standalone business models.
MeeGo is an open source software project under the Linux Foundation that aims to provide a Linux-based operating system platform for next-generation smartphones, netbooks, tablet computers, internet TVs, multimedia phones, and in-vehicle infotainment systems. MeeGo combines the best parts of Moblin and Maemo into a fully open source software platform that provides a consistent API across different client devices. It supports multiple hardware architectures including IA and ARM.
This document provides information about Open Source Camp, including:
- Open Source Camp is an unconference event that brings together open source developers, entrepreneurs, bloggers, and others to share knowledge about open source and emerging technologies.
- It was founded in 2007 and has 800-1000 members. Events are held in various cities in China.
- The agenda for events includes lighting talks, user-created sessions, networking, and free discussion. Sessions are held simultaneously in multiple rooms.
Open Source In Enterprises Apache2009 Beijing Jack CaiOpenSourceCamp
Open source software is widely used by enterprises. When using open source software, enterprises need to carefully manage legal and system risks. Some ways to mitigate risks include having a governance process to review software and conducting due diligence. Enterprises can also participate in open source development, but should take steps to manage legal risks such as patent exposure and code contamination. Overall, open source is important for enterprises both as software users and as contributors to open source projects and communities.
The document provides information about Intalio, a company that develops open source middleware and private cloud computing platforms. Key points include:
- Intalio was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in Palo Alto, CA. It has over 80 employees across 18 offices.
- The company's products include the Intalio|Works BPMS for business process management and the Intalio|Jetty web server, which powers many websites and applications.
- Intalio develops its products using an open source model, contributing code to foundations while also offering commercial support through enterprise editions of its software.
Building A Winning Strategy For Open Source Company Beijing Nov2009OpenSourceCamp
This document discusses strategies for open source companies. It begins with the speaker's background in management consulting, venture capital investing in open source startups, and research. It then covers various topics related to open source business strategies, including the importance of timing, different open source business models, and venture capital funding of open source startups. Examples are provided of successful open source business models and the evolution of how open source companies are valued and funded over time. The need for open source companies to clearly articulate their value proposition and transition towards innovation is also discussed.
Nov 2009 Apache Asia Road Show Schedule 20091123OpenSourceCamp
The document outlines the schedule for the Apache Asia RoadShow in Beijing 2009. The schedule includes opening addresses in the morning from organizers and representatives from Apache Software Foundation and China Open Source Promotion Union. There are also presentations on various Apache projects like Harmony, Hadoop, and Camel in three concurrent sessions during the afternoon. The day concludes with a celebration of Apache's 10 year anniversary with free talking and networking.
The document outlines the schedule for the 2009 OpenSourceCon conference and join-up unconference event. The conference schedule includes keynote speeches from Intel, MySQL investor Mikko Puhakka, IBM, and Intalio. The unconference event brings together the OpenSourceCamp, Apache Barcamp, and Eclipse DemoCamp and includes lightning talks, topic sessions in three rooms, gaming, and a networking party.
The document announces an "Open Source Camp" event that brings together open source developers, entrepreneurs and others involved in technology to share knowledge about open source projects and emerging technologies through lightning talks and user-created sessions, with the goal of boosting the tech community globally. The event details include location and date information for past Open Source Camps in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou from 2007 to 2009, as well as an agenda and logistical information.
The document summarizes an open source conference called Open Source Camp. It introduces the purpose of the conference, which is to bring together open source developers, entrepreneurs, bloggers, and others to share, learn, network and have fun. It lists some open source projects, sponsors, and schedule details for past and upcoming Open Source Camp events.
This document summarizes the results of a national survey on open source software business in Finland conducted in 2008. The survey gathered responses from 660 software companies representing 88% of the Finnish software industry. Key findings include that 75% of responding companies use open source software, and nearly half have open source components in their product offerings. The most common open source business model is building and maintaining solutions based on open source components. Open source usage was found to be common across both small and large companies.
Axp Introduce In China Open Source Forum 2008OpenSourceCamp
Cisco's Application eXtension Platform (AXP) allows network services and applications to run on Cisco Integrated Services Routers (ISR). The AXP uses dedicated modules that have their own CPU, memory, and disk to run applications separately from the core router functionality. It provides a hardened Cisco Linux environment, programming support for C/C++, Java, and scripting languages, and APIs to integrate applications with the network through configuration, monitoring, and event triggers. The AXP enables use cases like running unified communications applications at enterprise branches to provide services locally and reduce WAN usage.
OW2 promotes open source middleware and fosters an open source business ecosystem. It is a global consortium with over 900 individual members and 45 corporate members. OW2 hosts popular open source projects and has local chapters around the world to support global collaboration on open source infrastructure software development.
Proactum Platform is an integrated and managed set of common services that acts as a communication and facilitation mechanism between developers to provide a partial solution that can be customized to a customer's requirements. It aims to improve productivity, provide new opportunities, and enhance robustness through an ecosystem of interdependent organizations. The platform encourages active engagement of customers and collaboration between partners and suppliers to avoid direct competition and provide synergistic benefits. Interested parties are invited to contact Proactum's CTO, Antti Jokipii, for more information.
This document provides guidance on how to become a casual open-source contributor by scratching your own itch, helping others, and having fun. It recommends using version control, build utilities, and bug tracking tools. It also suggests learning from existing code, following coding conventions, focusing on bug fixes over new features, and clear communication through various channels like IRC, mailing lists, and in-person.
8. iostat sar
[root@server1 ~]# ls –l /var/log/sa
总计 10428
-rw-r--r-- 1 scott scott 580848 2008-11-01 sa01
-rw-r--r-- 1 scott scott 577424 2008-11-02 sa02
-rw-r--r-- 1 scott scott 580848 2008-11-03 sa03
-rw-r--r-- 1 scott scott 580848 2008-11-04 sa04
-rw-r--r-- 1 scott scott 578672 2008-10-28 sa28
-rw-r--r-- 1 scott scott 580848 2008-10-29 sa29
-rw-r--r-- 1 scott scott 580848 2008-10-30 sa30
-rw-r--r-- 1 scott scott 580848 2008-10-31 sa31
-rw-r--r-- 1 scott scott 633705 2008-11-01 sar01
-rw-r--r-- 1 scott scott 614991 2008-11-02 sar02
-rw-r--r-- 1 scott scott 633714 2008-11-03 sar03
[root@server1 ~]# sar -b -f /var/log/sa/sa04
-rw-r--r-- 1 scott scott 628709 2008-10-27 sar27
Linux 2.6.18-92.el5 (rac1) 10/05/2008
-rw-r--r-- 1 scott scott 620661 2008-10-28 sar28
-rw-r--r-- 1 scott scott 633705 2008-10-29 sar29
-rw-r--r— 1 scott scott 633705 2008-10-30 sar30 rtps
12:00:01 PM tps wtps bread/s bwrtn/s
12:10:01 PM 423.63 29.29 394.34 637.68 3852.12
-rw-r--r-- 1 scott scott 633705 2008-10-31 sar31
12:20:01 PM 419.81 24.26 395.55 495.33 3881.80
12:30:01 PM 421.92 33.01 388.90 777.04 3849.28
12:40:01 PM 420.26 30.92 389.34 712.69 3879.17
9. Gnuplot (1)
[root@server1 ~]# LANG=C sar -P ALL -f /var/log/sa/sa04 | awk '/^[012]/ {print $0}' | grep
all > cpu.dat
[root@server1 ~]# LANG=C sar -b -f /var/log/sa/sa04 | awk '/^[012]/ {print $0}' > io.dat
LANG=C 以24小时为时间统计标准
sar -P ALL -f /var/log/sa/sa04 获得所有CPU负载数据
awk '/^[012]/ {print $0}' 过滤出以0,1,2开始的行
grep all 过滤出带有all字眼的行
[root@server1 ~]# gnuplot
gnuplot> set xdata time
gnuplot> set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
gnuplot> set xlabel "TIME"
gnuplot> set ylabel "CPU/IO"
set xdata time 配置当前X轴的数据为时间
set timefmt “%H:%M:%S” 配置时间的显示格式
set xlabel “TIME” 命名X轴为“TIME”
set xlabel “CPU/IO” 命名X轴为“CPU/IO”
gnuplot> plot "cpu.dat" using 1:($3) title "CPU" with lines