包含快取的類型、常見快取的作法;如何透過 ASP.NET Caching 來實作快取服務、而當 ASP.NET Core 出現後,又有什麼方式能實踐快取層級呢?
using Queue Server for batch processingChing Yi Chan
This document discusses using queue services for batch processing. It involves converting data into jobs that are sent to a job queue. Workers then pull jobs from the queue and consume them, sending results to a result queue. An aggregator pulls results from the result queue to generate reports or update the original data. Examples provided are processing video data to extract resolution and checking streaming status. The queues and workers can be deployed locally or on the cloud for scalability.
using Queue Server for batch processingChing Yi Chan
This document discusses using queue services for batch processing. It involves converting data into jobs that are sent to a job queue. Workers then pull jobs from the queue and consume them, sending results to a result queue. An aggregator pulls results from the result queue to generate reports or update the original data. Examples provided are processing video data to extract resolution and checking streaming status. The queues and workers can be deployed locally or on the cloud for scalability.
Fabric is a Python library and command-line tool that allows streamlining SSH administration tasks. It can execute commands both locally and remotely on servers. Fabric provides abstractions like tasks and contexts that allow commands to be executed in parallel or sequentially on different hosts. This improves on shell scripts by separating concerns of who executes commands and where. Thinking in Fabric contexts makes tasks more reusable.
The document introduces the JUnit testing framework and discusses how automatic unit testing can help save time by dividing testing into smaller units and providing a uniform testing tool. It explains that unit testing involves dividing code into classes or related classes, then writing test cases that specify conditions, states, and behaviors to test before and after each change is made to verify expected results. The document also outlines the three steps - arrange, act, and assert - for writing test cases to set up object snapshots, invoke methods to create changes, and check final states match expectations.
This document provides links to two resources related to audio encoding configuration. The first link is to a GitHub Gist containing Lame configuration scripts. The second link is to a GitHub repository called "jug.ndk.encoder" that contains questions and answers about audio encoding.
The document discusses using an "active cache" to reduce response times for web applications. An active cache stores the business logic methods and their arguments, allowing the cache to automatically update itself by re-running methods in the background. This is compared to a passive cache which only updates when explicitly called. Key challenges with active caching include defining cache keys, designing the updater and scheduler, and handling class definition changes that break deserialization.
This document provides an overview of Java web programming and building a simple web application using Java technologies. It discusses using JDBC for database access, implementing servlets and filters, using JSP for views, and different web programming models including Model 1 where business logic is in JSPs and Model 2 where it is separated out to servlets. Code examples and links to GitHub repositories are provided for a TODO list application built using these techniques.
The journey of Moving from AWS ELK to GCP Data PipelineRandy Huang
This is a real case from VMfive to shifting ELK architecture from AWS. Currently GCP Data Pipeline provide us more efficiency and stable environment for running our service.
15. OSGi 怎麼跑? System Bundle B B B PID 永遠為 0 JVM OSGi Framework Module Life Cycle Service
16. OSGi 怎麼跑? Installed Resolving & Loading Classes Resolved JVM OSGi Framework System Bundle M O D U L E Export-Package: org.osgi.framework, org.osgi.framework.hooks.service, org.osgi.service.packageadmin, org.osgi.service.startlevel, org.osgi.service.url, org.osgi.util.tracker
17. OSGi 怎麼跑? Resolved public class Activator implements BundleActivator { public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception { System. out .println("Hey!"); } public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception { System. out .println("Bye!"); } } JVM OSGi Framework System Bundle L I F E C Y C L E Starting Active Stopping Activator.stop() Activator.start()