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Other environmental problems
Rimberio Co
At the end of the chapter, students should
be able to:
Identify various environmental concerns and
Discuss ways and means on how to lessen the
identified environmental problems.
Rimberio Co
The greenhouse effect is an extremely vital
process where infrared rays from the sun come
into the earths atmosphere. The Atmosphere
then traps these rays after they have come in
keeping the earth warm and habitable.
CO2 (carbon dioxide)
N2O (nitrous oxide)
CH4 (methane)
are destroying the atmosphere, causing more infrared rays to reflect
on earth.
The main causes of the
greenhouse effect are gases called
CO2,N2O,and CH4. Small amount Of
CO2 in the air helps keep heat in the
earth in the vital process of the
greenhouse effect
1.Reduce usage of greenhouse gas emission
(carbon dioxide ,methane, nitrous oxide.)
2.Prevent forest and the depletion of trees.
3.Do not use nitrogen-based fertilizer to reduce
the amount of nitrous oxide.
Rimberio Co
Presentation Design
The environment must be
maintained in order to protect the
survival of life in the future.
Is a broad term to describe several ways that acid fall
out of the atmosphere. A more precise term is acid
deposition, which has two parts.
WET DEPOSITION-refers to acidic rain, fog and snow. As this acidic
water flows over and through the ground, it affect a
variety of plants and animals . The strength of the
effects depends on many factors , including how
acidic the water is , the chemistry and buffering
capacity of the soils involved and the types of fish
tress and other living things that rely on the water.
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eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris
nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor
in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse aute irure dolor in cillum
dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Refers to acidic gases and particles.
About half of the acidity in the atmosphere falls back to
earth through dry deposition. Dry deposited gases and
particles can also be washed from tress and other
surfaces by rainstorm.
Scientists discovered , and have confirmed, that sulfur
dioxide and nitrogen oxides are the primary causes of
acid rain.
Rimberio Co
Presentation Design
Rimberio Co
Acid rain is measured using
a scale called PH.
Th PH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance is, It
ranges from 0-14. A PH of 7 is neutral. A Ph less than 7 is acidic
and a PH is greater than 7 is basic.
Rimberio Co
Presentation Design
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adipiscing elit, sed do
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ut labore et dolore magna
aliqua. Ut enim ad veniam,
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Acid deposition has a variety of effects,
including damages to forest and soils, fish and other
living things, materials and human health. Acid rain also
reduces how far and how clearly we can see through
the air, an effect called visibility reduction . Th acid rain
effects section provides more details on each of these.
There are several ways to reduce acid deposition. More properly
called acid deposition ranging from societal changes to individual action.
1. Clean up smokestacks and exhaust pies
2. Use alternative energy sources.
3. Restore a damage environment.
4. Individual can contribute directly by conserving
energy, since energy production causes the largest
portion of the acid deposition problem.
 Turn off lights, computers and other appliances when you are not
using them.
 Use energy efficient appliances lighting , air conditioners, heaters
refrigerators , washing machine, etc.
 Only use electric appliances when you need them.
 Use public transportation , or better yet walk or bicycle
The ozone layer is a gaseous cover in the earth
atmosphere that serves as a shield against dangerous ultraviolet
radiation. Excessive levels of UV radiation can cause cataracts, skin
cancer and immune system suppression in human as well as having
harmful effects on other living things system. Chlorofluorocarbons or
CFSs Prevalent in Styrofoam , refrigerants( such as in air con) and
cleaning agents(ammonia) are largely to blame for the degradation
of the ozone layer. Toxic emission and the burning of fossils fuels by
power plants, factories and engines also play a role in the alteration
of ozone layer functioning.
Rimberio Co
Presentation Design
W W W . R E A L L Y G R E A T S I T E . C O M
1.Avoid using Styrofoam whenever possible.
1.1 Replace Styrofoam cups with a mug.
1.2.Buy individual fruits and vegetables rather than those package in
Styrofoam containers.
When shipping fragile goods wrap them in newspaper or use plastic
bubbles wrap instead of Styrofoam popcorn
2.Avoid using a car when its not crucial.
2.1. Take public transportation
2.2. Ride a bicycle or walk.
2.3. if and when driving is necessary; Carpool with others, use a fuel
efficient vehicle and super-unleaded gasoline.
3.Avoid using excessive power.
A. Turn off the lights, Tv, stereo ,computer , and other
appliances when you leave the room and especially when you leave
your residence.
B. If you want to keep a light on while you are away at night
to discourage burglars, use a timer to control when your lights switch
on and off.
C. Install energy-efficient bulb such as halogens lamps
D. Wait until the dishwasher is full before running it
E. Use a screen saver for your computer
F. At work or at your apartment , take the stairs instead of
the elevator when you can
There is a variety of possible pollution in the lower
atmosphere and those are divided into 2 main categories:
PRIMARY POLLUTANT---Is those, which are produced directly by the
automobile. These include the products from the combustion of fossil fuels
and other products.
SECONDARY POLLUTANTare pollutants which form in the atmosphere
.these pollutant are not emitted directly from a source (like vehicles or
power plants)
Rimberio Co
Presentation Design
W W W . R E A L L Y G R E A T S I T E . C O M
There are many causes for water pollution but two general categories exist:
DIRECT SOURCES- include effluent outfalls from factories ,refineries , waste
treatment plants etc. that emits fluids of varying quality directly into urban
water supplies .
INDIRECT SOURCES- Include contaminants that enter the water supply
from soil/ groundwater system and from the atmosphere via rainwater.
Soil and groundwater contain the residue of human agricultural practices
(fertilizer/pesticide) and improper disposal of industrial waste.
Rimberio Co
Presentation Design
W W W . R E A L L Y G R E A T S I T E . C O M
The effects of water pollution are varied. They include
poisonous drinking water, poisonous food animals( due to these
organism having bioaccumulated toxins from the environment over
their life span). Unbalance river and lakes ecosystem that can no
longer support full biological diversity. Deforestation from acid rain
and many other effects. These effects are, of course, specific to the
various contaminants
Science provides many practical solution to minimizing the present
level at which pollutant are introduced into the environment and for
remediating (cleaning up) past problems. All of these solutions come with
some cost( booth societal and monetary) in our everyday lives. A great deal
can be done to minimize pollution. If we take care to recycle materials
whose production create pollution and if we act responsibly with household
chemicals and their disposal.
Noise pollution can be defined as unwanted or offensive
sounds that unreasonably intrude into our daily activities. it has
many sources, most of which are associated with urban
development: Road air and transport; industrial noise;
neighborhood and recreational noise. A number of factors
contribute to problems of high noise levels including:
1. Increasing population particularly where it leads to increasing
urbanization and urban consolidation; activities associated with
urban living generally lead to increase noise levels.
2. Increasing volumes of roads rail and air traffic.
Rimberio Co
Presentation Design
W W W . R E A L L Y G R E A T S I T E . C O M
The WHO suggested the noise can affect human
health and well-being in a number of ways, including
annoyance reaction, sleep disturbance, interference with
communication performance effects on social behavior and
hearing loss. Noise can cause annoyance and frustration as a
result of interference, interruption and distraction.
Rimberio Co
1.Road traffic noise is one of the most widespread and growing
environmental problems in urban.
2.Cost of transport noise.
3. Neighborhood & domestic noise.
Soil is naturally removed by the action of water or
wind such background ( geological). Soil erosion has been
occurring for some 450 million years, since first land plants
formed the first soil.
In generally, background erosion removes soil at roughly
the same rates as soil is formed but accelerated soil erosion
loss of soil at a much faster rate than it is formed is a far more
recent problem.
Accelerated soil erosion by water or wind may
affect both agricultural areas and the natural environment ,
and is one of the most widespread of todays environment
al problems. It has impacts which are both on-site( at the
place where the soil is detached) and off-site ( where the
eroded soil ends up).
More recently still the use of powerful
agricultural implements has, in some part of the world led
to damaging amounts of soil moving downslope merely
under the action of gravity: this is called TILLAGE EROSION.
Rimberio Co
Rain may move soil directly: this is known as Rainsplash
erosion. Splash is only effective if the rain falls with
sufficient . If it does, then as the raindrops hit bare soil their
kinetic energy is able to detach and move soil particles a
short distance.
Rimberio Co
Presentation Design
W W W . R E A L L Y G R E A T S I T E . C O M
Presentation Design
Unlike water, wind can move soil over very large
distance of thousands of kilometers and over sea to other
countries. It can move soil up hill.
Damage is caused in various ways:
A. Loss of fine soil-Fine soil is transported furthest away. The fine clay
particles bind nutrients and are crucial to fertility.
B. Loss of crops- crops are lost because they are being dug out, sand 
blasted and covered in soil.
C. Damage to soil- the composition of the soil changes, the land is
furrowed in rills and gullies, leaving infertile rock behind.
D. Damage to building and infrastructure:- roads are dug out and sand
deposited over houses, fences and so on . The farms become unrecognizable.
Rimberio Co
DEFORESTTATION- Forest soils contain much organic matter, indeed
often more than can be converted by the soil organism. When a forest is
cleared . The trees are burnt, which leads to an immediate loss in
organic matter.
FUELWOOD- Cutting forest fuelwood is another form of deforestation.
Fuelwood is usually converted to charcoal, which burn cleanly. In the
process , all hydrogen and oxygen are removed, so that carbon remains.
Human need enough fuelwood for cooking, to be problematic. In arid
regions even the last tree and shrub is used, leaving the landscape
When insufficient amounts of grass litter are left for
the soil, the soil organism die and soil loses fertility. Sparse cover lets
raindrops erode the surface, it is a common practice that leads to
AGRICULTURE- most agricultural practices are harmful to the soil.
INDUSTRIALIZATION- Industries can pollute soils, mining operations do.
Rimberio Co
Heavy rains on weak soil- Rain drops loosen soil particles and
water transports them down hill.
VEGETATION DEPLETED BY DROUGHT- rain drops are free to hit the
soil, causing erosion during rainfall. Winds away the fine particles during
STEEP SLOPERS- gravity pills water flows faster soil creeps, slips or
slumps downhill.
Rimberio Co
Sudden climate change-
I. RAINFALL- erosion increase unexpected rapidly as rainstorms become
more severe.
II. DROUGHT- water dries up and the soil becomes a playball of winds. Soil
biota die. A sudden rain causes enormous damage.
III. CHANGING WINDS- areas previously sheltered, become exposed.
a. CHANGE OF LAND (DEFORESTATION)- The land loses its cover, then
its soil biota, porosity and moisture.
b. INTENSIVE FARMING-The plough, excessive fertilizer and irrigation
damage the land often permanently.
Rimberio Co
Presentation Design
soil is bared; massive earthworks to
landscape the subdivision; is on the loose.
road are cut; massive earthworks,
leaving scars behind . Not enough attention paid to rain
water flow and maintenance of roadsides.
1.RIPARIAN FENCING- by fencing waterways, castle wonts trample river banks and
natural vegetation can regrow. Also tree planting on river sides helps. Make sure
the flat land is not part of the rivers flood zone.
2.SHELTER BELTS- Provide roots at the boundaries of the field, sheltering the soil
supplying organic matter.
3.GRASSED WATERWAYS- A very effective protection of swallow water ways is to
grass them over. Grass leaves bend over in the current, protecting the soil. Note
that grass needs sunlight, so shelter belts must be place on the correct side. Make
grassed waterways wide shallow to slow the water down and to prevent it from
rilling and then gullying the waterway. Avoid spraying and mow regularly.
Rimberio Co
Presentation Design
4. SPACE TREE PLANTING- trees provide deep roots that hold soil;
cycle deep nutrients and lost nutrients, provide organic matter and
more. Trees must complete with highly metabolizing grassland, thus
should be fast growing and deciduous.
5.DEBRIS DAMS- check the water in steep gullies. They should not be
used in slow-flowing waterways. Any kind of debris would do but
natural products such as tree stumps, branches, planting are better.
6.RETIREMENT FENCING-problem areas should be fenced for
retirement so that seedlings are no longer grazed. Fencing is an
absolute must to encourage natural growth and to protect tree
Rimberio Co
7.CLOSE TREE PLANTING- on retired land, trees can be planted
closely, once retired, any kind of tree can be planted, as necessary
for forestry or for slow growing native bush.
8.TOPDRESSING- fertilizing is the best remedy against erosion,
both immediately and in the long term.
Rimberio Co

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Other-Global environmental-problems_.pptx

  • 2. Rimberio Co OBJECTIVES: At the end of the chapter, students should be able to: Identify various environmental concerns and problems Discuss ways and means on how to lessen the identified environmental problems.
  • 3. Rimberio Co GREENHOUSE EFFECT The greenhouse effect is an extremely vital process where infrared rays from the sun come into the earths atmosphere. The Atmosphere then traps these rays after they have come in keeping the earth warm and habitable. CO2 (carbon dioxide) N2O (nitrous oxide) CH4 (methane) are destroying the atmosphere, causing more infrared rays to reflect on earth.
  • 4. CAUSES The main causes of the greenhouse effect are gases called CO2,N2O,and CH4. Small amount Of CO2 in the air helps keep heat in the earth in the vital process of the greenhouse effect
  • 5. solutions 1.Reduce usage of greenhouse gas emission (carbon dioxide ,methane, nitrous oxide.) 2.Prevent forest and the depletion of trees. 3.Do not use nitrogen-based fertilizer to reduce the amount of nitrous oxide.
  • 6. Rimberio Co Presentation Design The environment must be maintained in order to protect the survival of life in the future. ACID RAIN Is a broad term to describe several ways that acid fall out of the atmosphere. A more precise term is acid deposition, which has two parts. WET DEPOSITION-refers to acidic rain, fog and snow. As this acidic water flows over and through the ground, it affect a variety of plants and animals . The strength of the effects depends on many factors , including how acidic the water is , the chemistry and buffering capacity of the soils involved and the types of fish tress and other living things that rely on the water.
  • 7. OUR VISION S A V E E N V I R O N T M E N T Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse aute irure dolor in cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. DRY DEPOSITION- Refers to acidic gases and particles. About half of the acidity in the atmosphere falls back to earth through dry deposition. Dry deposited gases and particles can also be washed from tress and other surfaces by rainstorm. Scientists discovered , and have confirmed, that sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are the primary causes of acid rain.
  • 9. Rimberio Co MEASUREMENT OF ACIDIC RAIN Acid rain is measured using a scale called PH. Th PH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance is, It ranges from 0-14. A PH of 7 is neutral. A Ph less than 7 is acidic and a PH is greater than 7 is basic.
  • 10. Rimberio Co Presentation Design Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad veniam, $1.234,56 $1.234,56 EFFECTS S A V E E N V I R O N T M E N T Acid deposition has a variety of effects, including damages to forest and soils, fish and other living things, materials and human health. Acid rain also reduces how far and how clearly we can see through the air, an effect called visibility reduction . Th acid rain effects section provides more details on each of these.
  • 11. SOLUTIONS There are several ways to reduce acid deposition. More properly called acid deposition ranging from societal changes to individual action. 1. Clean up smokestacks and exhaust pies 2. Use alternative energy sources. 3. Restore a damage environment. 4. Individual can contribute directly by conserving energy, since energy production causes the largest portion of the acid deposition problem.
  • 12. EXAMPLES: Turn off lights, computers and other appliances when you are not using them. Use energy efficient appliances lighting , air conditioners, heaters refrigerators , washing machine, etc. Only use electric appliances when you need them. Use public transportation , or better yet walk or bicycle
  • 13. OZONE LAYER DEPLETION The ozone layer is a gaseous cover in the earth atmosphere that serves as a shield against dangerous ultraviolet radiation. Excessive levels of UV radiation can cause cataracts, skin cancer and immune system suppression in human as well as having harmful effects on other living things system. Chlorofluorocarbons or CFSs Prevalent in Styrofoam , refrigerants( such as in air con) and cleaning agents(ammonia) are largely to blame for the degradation of the ozone layer. Toxic emission and the burning of fossils fuels by power plants, factories and engines also play a role in the alteration of ozone layer functioning.
  • 14. Rimberio Co Presentation Design W W W . R E A L L Y G R E A T S I T E . C O M
  • 15. SOLUTIONS 1.Avoid using Styrofoam whenever possible. 1.1 Replace Styrofoam cups with a mug. 1.2.Buy individual fruits and vegetables rather than those package in Styrofoam containers. When shipping fragile goods wrap them in newspaper or use plastic bubbles wrap instead of Styrofoam popcorn 2.Avoid using a car when its not crucial. 2.1. Take public transportation 2.2. Ride a bicycle or walk. 2.3. if and when driving is necessary; Carpool with others, use a fuel efficient vehicle and super-unleaded gasoline.
  • 16. 3.Avoid using excessive power. A. Turn off the lights, Tv, stereo ,computer , and other appliances when you leave the room and especially when you leave your residence. B. If you want to keep a light on while you are away at night to discourage burglars, use a timer to control when your lights switch on and off. C. Install energy-efficient bulb such as halogens lamps D. Wait until the dishwasher is full before running it E. Use a screen saver for your computer F. At work or at your apartment , take the stairs instead of the elevator when you can .
  • 17. POLLUTION PROBLEMS There is a variety of possible pollution in the lower atmosphere and those are divided into 2 main categories: PRIMARY POLLUTANT and SECONDARY POLLUTANT PRIMARY POLLUTANT---Is those, which are produced directly by the automobile. These include the products from the combustion of fossil fuels and other products. SECONDARY POLLUTANTare pollutants which form in the atmosphere .these pollutant are not emitted directly from a source (like vehicles or power plants)
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  • 19. WATER POLLUTION There are many causes for water pollution but two general categories exist: DIRECT AND INDIRECT CONTAMINANT SOURCES DIRECT SOURCES- include effluent outfalls from factories ,refineries , waste treatment plants etc. that emits fluids of varying quality directly into urban water supplies . INDIRECT SOURCES- Include contaminants that enter the water supply from soil/ groundwater system and from the atmosphere via rainwater. Soil and groundwater contain the residue of human agricultural practices (fertilizer/pesticide) and improper disposal of industrial waste.
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  • 21. EFFECTS OF WATER POLLUTION The effects of water pollution are varied. They include poisonous drinking water, poisonous food animals( due to these organism having bioaccumulated toxins from the environment over their life span). Unbalance river and lakes ecosystem that can no longer support full biological diversity. Deforestation from acid rain and many other effects. These effects are, of course, specific to the various contaminants
  • 22. SOLUTIONS Science provides many practical solution to minimizing the present level at which pollutant are introduced into the environment and for remediating (cleaning up) past problems. All of these solutions come with some cost( booth societal and monetary) in our everyday lives. A great deal can be done to minimize pollution. If we take care to recycle materials whose production create pollution and if we act responsibly with household chemicals and their disposal.
  • 23. NOISE POLLUTION Noise pollution can be defined as unwanted or offensive sounds that unreasonably intrude into our daily activities. it has many sources, most of which are associated with urban development: Road air and transport; industrial noise; neighborhood and recreational noise. A number of factors contribute to problems of high noise levels including: 1. Increasing population particularly where it leads to increasing urbanization and urban consolidation; activities associated with urban living generally lead to increase noise levels. 2. Increasing volumes of roads rail and air traffic.
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  • 25. EFFECTS OF NOISE The WHO suggested the noise can affect human health and well-being in a number of ways, including annoyance reaction, sleep disturbance, interference with communication performance effects on social behavior and hearing loss. Noise can cause annoyance and frustration as a result of interference, interruption and distraction.
  • 26. Rimberio Co MAJOR NOISE SOURCES 1.Road traffic noise is one of the most widespread and growing environmental problems in urban. 2.Cost of transport noise. 3. Neighborhood & domestic noise.
  • 27. SOIL EROSION Soil is naturally removed by the action of water or wind such background ( geological). Soil erosion has been occurring for some 450 million years, since first land plants formed the first soil. In generally, background erosion removes soil at roughly the same rates as soil is formed but accelerated soil erosion loss of soil at a much faster rate than it is formed is a far more recent problem.
  • 28. Accelerated soil erosion by water or wind may affect both agricultural areas and the natural environment , and is one of the most widespread of todays environment al problems. It has impacts which are both on-site( at the place where the soil is detached) and off-site ( where the eroded soil ends up). More recently still the use of powerful agricultural implements has, in some part of the world led to damaging amounts of soil moving downslope merely under the action of gravity: this is called TILLAGE EROSION.
  • 29. Rimberio Co RAINSPLASH Rain may move soil directly: this is known as Rainsplash erosion. Splash is only effective if the rain falls with sufficient . If it does, then as the raindrops hit bare soil their kinetic energy is able to detach and move soil particles a short distance.
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  • 31. Presentation Design EROSION BY WIND Unlike water, wind can move soil over very large distance of thousands of kilometers and over sea to other countries. It can move soil up hill. Damage is caused in various ways: A. Loss of fine soil-Fine soil is transported furthest away. The fine clay particles bind nutrients and are crucial to fertility. B. Loss of crops- crops are lost because they are being dug out, sand blasted and covered in soil. C. Damage to soil- the composition of the soil changes, the land is furrowed in rills and gullies, leaving infertile rock behind. D. Damage to building and infrastructure:- roads are dug out and sand deposited over houses, fences and so on . The farms become unrecognizable.
  • 33. CAUSES OF EROSION DEFORESTTATION- Forest soils contain much organic matter, indeed often more than can be converted by the soil organism. When a forest is cleared . The trees are burnt, which leads to an immediate loss in organic matter. FUELWOOD- Cutting forest fuelwood is another form of deforestation. Fuelwood is usually converted to charcoal, which burn cleanly. In the process , all hydrogen and oxygen are removed, so that carbon remains. Human need enough fuelwood for cooking, to be problematic. In arid regions even the last tree and shrub is used, leaving the landscape barren.
  • 34. OVERGRAZING- When insufficient amounts of grass litter are left for the soil, the soil organism die and soil loses fertility. Sparse cover lets raindrops erode the surface, it is a common practice that leads to desertification. AGRICULTURE- most agricultural practices are harmful to the soil. INDUSTRIALIZATION- Industries can pollute soils, mining operations do.
  • 36. FACTORS AFFECTING EROSION 1. NATURAL FACTORS Heavy rains on weak soil- Rain drops loosen soil particles and water transports them down hill. VEGETATION DEPLETED BY DROUGHT- rain drops are free to hit the soil, causing erosion during rainfall. Winds away the fine particles during droughts. STEEP SLOPERS- gravity pills water flows faster soil creeps, slips or slumps downhill.
  • 37. R Rimberio Co Sudden climate change- I. RAINFALL- erosion increase unexpected rapidly as rainstorms become more severe. II. DROUGHT- water dries up and the soil becomes a playball of winds. Soil biota die. A sudden rain causes enormous damage. III. CHANGING WINDS- areas previously sheltered, become exposed. 2.HUMAN- INDUCE FACTORS a. CHANGE OF LAND (DEFORESTATION)- The land loses its cover, then its soil biota, porosity and moisture. b. INTENSIVE FARMING-The plough, excessive fertilizer and irrigation damage the land often permanently.
  • 38. Rimberio Co Presentation Design C.HOUSING DEVELOPMENT- soil is bared; massive earthworks to landscape the subdivision; is on the loose. D.ROAD CONSTRUCTION- road are cut; massive earthworks, leaving scars behind . Not enough attention paid to rain water flow and maintenance of roadsides.
  • 39. HERE ARE VARIOUS REMEDIES TO COMBAT EROSION ON GLASSLAND AND HILLY TERRAIN. 1.RIPARIAN FENCING- by fencing waterways, castle wonts trample river banks and natural vegetation can regrow. Also tree planting on river sides helps. Make sure the flat land is not part of the rivers flood zone. 2.SHELTER BELTS- Provide roots at the boundaries of the field, sheltering the soil supplying organic matter. 3.GRASSED WATERWAYS- A very effective protection of swallow water ways is to grass them over. Grass leaves bend over in the current, protecting the soil. Note that grass needs sunlight, so shelter belts must be place on the correct side. Make grassed waterways wide shallow to slow the water down and to prevent it from rilling and then gullying the waterway. Avoid spraying and mow regularly.
  • 40. Rimberio Co Presentation Design 4. SPACE TREE PLANTING- trees provide deep roots that hold soil; cycle deep nutrients and lost nutrients, provide organic matter and more. Trees must complete with highly metabolizing grassland, thus should be fast growing and deciduous. 5.DEBRIS DAMS- check the water in steep gullies. They should not be used in slow-flowing waterways. Any kind of debris would do but natural products such as tree stumps, branches, planting are better. 6.RETIREMENT FENCING-problem areas should be fenced for retirement so that seedlings are no longer grazed. Fencing is an absolute must to encourage natural growth and to protect tree plantings.
  • 41. Rimberio Co 7.CLOSE TREE PLANTING- on retired land, trees can be planted closely, once retired, any kind of tree can be planted, as necessary for forestry or for slow growing native bush. 8.TOPDRESSING- fertilizing is the best remedy against erosion, both immediately and in the long term.