The document discusses three main points about recovery efforts after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan: 1) The extensive damage caused and recovery process, 2) How social media helped provide information and coordinate relief efforts, and 3) The importance of cloud computing for backing up and accessing data following the disaster. It provides examples of how Twitter and Wikipedia were used and encourages visiting Japan.
The document discusses Gov 2.0 and provides examples from Japan and other countries. It describes Gov 2.0 as having three pillars: transparency, participation, and collaboration. Examples of Gov 2.0 initiatives mentioned include in the US, in the UK, and Japan's Idea Box project by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The document also discusses how libraries and museums have collaborated on projects using Flickr to make cultural collections more openly accessible online.
The document discusses three main points about recovery efforts after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan: 1) The extensive damage caused and recovery process, 2) How social media helped provide information and coordinate relief efforts, and 3) The importance of cloud computing for backing up and accessing data following the disaster. It provides examples of how Twitter and Wikipedia were used and encourages visiting Japan.
The document discusses Gov 2.0 and provides examples from Japan and other countries. It describes Gov 2.0 as having three pillars: transparency, participation, and collaboration. Examples of Gov 2.0 initiatives mentioned include in the US, in the UK, and Japan's Idea Box project by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The document also discusses how libraries and museums have collaborated on projects using Flickr to make cultural collections more openly accessible online.
This document discusses Japanese e-books, social media, and social reading. It begins by looking at the growth of e-books in Japan and how mobile phones have become the dominant e-book reading platform. It then examines real-time sharing on social media in Japan and highlights a type of shared video content called "Dadamore." Finally, it considers potential future developments in social reading services that could allow users to share their e-book reading experiences in real time.
The document discusses recent trends in academic publishing in Japan. It summarizes that two main factors driving change are competitive research funding and the world wide web. It describes how academic content is circulating on the web through three pathways: from web to book, from book to web, and from web to web. It also discusses implications for both publishers and libraries in light of these trends, such as publishers extracting new authors and content from the web and libraries needing to guide access to changing academic publishing and content landscapes.
6. 6情報に抱くイメージCopyright アカデミック?リソース?ガイド株式会社 All Rights Reserved.「情報」の定義ある物事の内容や事情についての知らせ。インフォメーション。「事件についての-を得る」「-を流す」「-を交換する」「-がもれる」「極秘-」文字?数字などの記号やシンボルの媒体によって伝達され、受け手に状況に対する知識や適切な判断を生じさせるもの。「-時代」生体系が働くための指令や信号。神経系の神経情報、内分泌系のホルモン情報、遺伝情報など。
7. 7知識に抱くイメージCopyright アカデミック?リソース?ガイド株式会社 All Rights Reserved.「知識」の定義知ること。認識?理解すること。また、ある事柄などについて、知っている内容。「日々新しい-を得る」「 -をひけらかす」「予備-」考える働き。知恵。「 -が発達する」(多く「智識」と書く)仏語。仏法を説いて導く指導者。善知識。堂塔や仏像などの建立に金品を寄進すること。また、その人や金品。知識物。対象を外界に実在すると認める心の働き。《 knowledge ; (ドイツ) Wissen 》哲学で、確実な根拠に基づく認識。客観的認識。
11. 11「知識」という言葉の使用例Copyright アカデミック?リソース?ガイド株式会社 All Rights Reserved.大仏造立の詔(743年(天平15年))菩薩の大願を發(おこ)して、 盧舎那佛金銅の像一躯を造り奉る。國銅を盡して象(かた)を鎔かし、大山を削りて以て堂を構え、 廣く法界に及して、朕が知識と為し、遂に同じく利益(りやく)を蒙りて、共に菩提を到さしめん。(中略)是の故に、知識に預かる者は、懇ろに至誠を發っして、各(おのおの)介福(おおいなるふく)を招き、 宜しく日毎に盧舎那佛を三拝し、自ら當(まさ)に念を存し、各(おのおの)盧舎那佛を造るべし。