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Our Value Proposition
Important Disclosure InformationPast performance may not be indicative of future results. Therefore, no prospective or existing client should assume that future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy, including the investments or investment strategies mentioned herein will be profitable or equal any historical performance levels. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment will be suitable for a prospective or existing client's investment portfolio. 	An investor should consider the investment objective, risks, charges and expenses carefully before making any investment.
Argent Financial GroupMenu of services
Investment Management
1. Master Portfolio PlanFocus on your life
1. Master Portfolio PlanAverage Annual Compound Returns 1926 - 2007Large cap equitiesLong-term corporate bondsSmall cap equitiesLong-term government bondsFocus on your lifeSource: 2008 Morningstar
2. Macro Portfolio ProtectionFocus on the economySource: Ned Davis Research
2. Macro Portfolio ProtectionFocus on the economy
2. Macro Portfolio ProtectionFocus on the economy
2. Macro Portfolio ProtectionSource: A Quantitative approach to Tactical Asset Allocation by Mebane FaberFocus on the economy
3. Micro Portfolio PositioningS&P 500 is an unmanaged index of U.S. stocks. Dividends, if any, are reinvested in the mutual fund represented. Source: FastTrackFocus on markets
3. Micro Portfolio PositioningS&P 500 is an unmanaged index of U.S. stocks. Dividends, if any, are reinvested in the mutual fund represented. Source: FastTrackFocus on markets
3. Micro Portfolio PositioningDividends, if any, are reinvested in both  mutual funds represented.. Source: FastTrackFocus on markets
Wealth Management Model
Wealth Management ModelHedges On*
Wealth Management ModelHedges On*
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Our Value Proposition

  • 2. Important Disclosure InformationPast performance may not be indicative of future results. Therefore, no prospective or existing client should assume that future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy, including the investments or investment strategies mentioned herein will be profitable or equal any historical performance levels. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment will be suitable for a prospective or existing client's investment portfolio. An investor should consider the investment objective, risks, charges and expenses carefully before making any investment.
  • 5. 1. Master Portfolio PlanFocus on your life
  • 6. 1. Master Portfolio PlanAverage Annual Compound Returns 1926 - 2007Large cap equitiesLong-term corporate bondsSmall cap equitiesLong-term government bondsFocus on your lifeSource: 2008 Morningstar
  • 7. 2. Macro Portfolio ProtectionFocus on the economySource: Ned Davis Research
  • 8. 2. Macro Portfolio ProtectionFocus on the economy
  • 9. 2. Macro Portfolio ProtectionFocus on the economy
  • 10. 2. Macro Portfolio ProtectionSource: A Quantitative approach to Tactical Asset Allocation by Mebane FaberFocus on the economy
  • 11. 3. Micro Portfolio PositioningS&P 500 is an unmanaged index of U.S. stocks. Dividends, if any, are reinvested in the mutual fund represented. Source: FastTrackFocus on markets
  • 12. 3. Micro Portfolio PositioningS&P 500 is an unmanaged index of U.S. stocks. Dividends, if any, are reinvested in the mutual fund represented. Source: FastTrackFocus on markets
  • 13. 3. Micro Portfolio PositioningDividends, if any, are reinvested in both mutual funds represented.. Source: FastTrackFocus on markets

Editor's Notes

  • #2: How we propose the add value through our active money management services.
  • #5: How we propose the add value through our active money management services.
  • #6: The first step is to understand you, the client. This means that we focus on your life goals and circumstances, as well as risk tolerance. Through this process, we work with you to select an appropriate master portfolio plan (what investment models to use in what combinations).
  • #7: The first step is to understand you, the client. This means that we focus on your life goals and circumstances, as well as risk tolerance. Through this process, we work with you to select an appropriate master portfolio plan (what investment models to use in what combinations).
  • #8: History tells us that financial markets go through regular (though not predictable) times of expansion and contraction. This chart shows every bear market decline since WWII.
  • #9: Equity markets have a long-term history of growing in value. However, there my be lengthy periods of time in which markets may not experience significant upside price appreciation. This chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average illustrates lengthy periods of price appreciation and lengthy periods of price stagnation.
  • #10: A market economy goes through regular cycles of expansion and contraction – from peak, to recession, to trough, to recovery and back to peak.
  • #11: Historically, use of the 10-month simple moving average has been useful tool in deciding when to be long the market and when to take protective measures. We use this tool, among others.
  • #12: We believe that excess returns (in excess of alpha) may be possible during up-trending markets. Significant excess returns can be extracted from a portfolio in up‑trending markets by utilizing relative strength analysis. There is no guarantee the use of momentum investing will produce these results.
  • #13: We believe that excess returns (in excess of alpha) may be possible during up-trending markets. This does not hold true when markets are down trending.
  • #14: We believe that excess returns (in excess of alpha) may be possible during up-trending markets. Significant excess returns can be extracted from a portfolio in up‑trending markets by utilizing relative strength analysis. There is no guarantee the use of momentum investing will produce these results.
  • #15: This slide represents one of our active investment management models. The blue box represents the range of risk accepted by the portfolio manager during times when there are no hedges in use.
  • #16: This slide and the next represents one of our active investment management models. The blue box represents the range of risk accepted by the portfolio manager during times when there are hedges in use.
  • #17: This slide and the previous represents one of our active investment management models. The blue box represents the range of risk accepted by the portfolio manager during times when there are hedges in use.