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Overall Equipment Effectiveness 
OEE(犇.犇 .犇) 
Nalin Udugampola 
Production Manager 
CBL Foods international(pvt)ltd
 犇園犒犒犇巌蹡犇 犇犒犇死犇材蹢犇準犇材 犇朽興犇犒蹡材犇犒蹢犇 犇伍犇園犇伍凶 犒犒 犒犇死犇萎怯犇 犇犇 犇犒犇園犇伍凶 犇犇 犒犒犇犒 
犒犇犒蹡犒犇 犒犒犇犒犒犒 犇犇死犒犇犇材犒. 
 犇園犒犒犇巌蹡犇 犇犒犇死犇材蹢犇準犇 
 犇材怯犒犇犒犇 犒犒犇犒犇 犒犇 犇犒犇死犇材蹡犒蹡死犇犒犒犇 犒犒 犇材怯犒犇犒犇 犒犒犇犒犇 犇劇蹢犒犇犒 犇犇死怯 犇犇犒蹡死矯 
 Founder: Seiichi Nakajima 1960 
犇謹興犇巌蹡 犇巌犇死彊犒蹡 
犒犒蹡萎 犒犇犒犇園 
犇材犇園 犇犇 
犇 犇 犇 
Where are we 
now & how to 
犇犇巌凶 犇犇犒 犒犒蹢犒 
 犇犇準犒犇犇材犒 犇準橋犒 犇犒犇 犒犒 犒犒犇 犇材強犇園蹡材犇 犇犒犇萎蹡園矯 
犇園犒犒犇巌蹡犇 犇犇о矯犒犇犒 犒犇犒犒 犇巌犒犒犇材犇園 犇材矯犒犇伍犇犇 犇犇 犒犒犇犒犒犇. 
 犒犒犇犒犒犇犒 犇犒犇о犒 犇伍境犒犇犒犇死犇. 
 犇犒犇園犇 犒犇死犇萎怯犇 犇犒犇死犇. 
 犇犇犇犒犇犒 犇犒犇材犇犒 犒犇 犇巌胸犒犒犇死矯犇犒 犇園犇死犇伍蹡園矯 犒犇 
 犇犇犇犒犇材犒犇園 犇材境犒犇死 犒犒犇 犇犒犇死犇伍凶 犒犒犇犒犒犒 犇巌胸犒犒犇死矯犇犒 
犇園犇死犇伍蹡園矯 犇犒犇死犇.. 
 .犇犇犒 犇巌犇死犒犒犇 犒犒犇犒 犇準蹡 犇材犒犒犇犇材怯犒犇 犒犒犇犒 犇巌犇死境犒犇準蹡
9 Losses-犇朽興犇犒蹡材犇犒蹢犇 犇犇犒犒犇 犇犒犒犒犇犒. 
1. Start up loss : Time taken to produce the first 
product from the time that machine is 
2. Set up & adjustment loss: idling time 
erupted to the obtain the required 
specification of the relevant product 
3. Brake down time: Idling time caused by the 
failure of a machine/Machines
9 Losses -犇朽興犇犒蹡材犇犒蹢犇 犇犇犒犒犇 犇犒犒犒犇犒. 
4. Change over loss: Time loss happened due to 
the stopping of production for the change over. 
5. Labour/Material shortage: It is the shortage of 
out put to the production target, expressed as a 
time value. 
6. Minor stoppages: It is the sum of total time that 
stop the production for less than 5 minutes 
7. Cleaning time : It is the time that the production 
cant be planned due to the cleaning 
requirement of the process.
9 losses -犇朽興犇犒蹡材犇犒蹢犇 犇犇犒犒犇 犇犒犒犒犇犒. 
8. Speed loss: It is the shortage of out put 
compared to the machine capacity, 
expressed as a time value. 
9. Defect & rework loss: It is the total amount 
of nonconforming out put, expressed as a 
time value.
9 Losses-grouped into 3 
1. Start up loss 
2. Set up & adjustment 
3. Change over loss 
4. Breakdown loss 
5. Cleaning loss 
6. Material s & labour 
7. Minor stoppages 
8.Speed loss 
9. Defect & 
rework loss
9 Losses
OEE % = Availability % *Performance %*Quality % 
How to calculate OEE
How to calculate-Availability 
Availability % = (Operating time /planned time)*100 
Operating time = Planned time Idle time 
Idle time 
Start up loss Labor & material shortage 
Set up & adjustment loss Minor stoppages 
Change over time Cleaning time 
Break down time
How to calculate Performance & 
Performance % =( actual rate/ Rated capacity)*100 
Actual rate = Total out put/operating time 
Quality % = (Good out put/Total out put)*100 
Good out put = Total out put Defect & rework
Planned time = 12hours 
Capacity =100kg/hr 
Total Out put = 900kg 
Defect & rework = 10kg 
Brake down =0.5 hours 
Start up time = 0.5 hrs 
Change over time = .5hrs 
Set up adjustment time = 0 
Minor stoppages = 0.5hrs 
Cleaning time = 0 
Material/labour shortage= 0 
 Availability% = 
 Actual rate = 
 Performance %= 
 Good out put = 
 Quality % = 
((12-2)/12)*100= 83.3% 
Next step 
3 Factors (Availability/Performance/Quality) 
How to reduce losses 
Improve OEE
Summary & questions 
 What is OEE 
 Benefit of OEE 
 How to calculate OEE 
 9 losses 
 Next step

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Overall equipment effectiveness oee sinhala 2

  • 1. Overall Equipment Effectiveness OEE(犇.犇 .犇) Nalin Udugampola Production Manager CBL Foods international(pvt)ltd
  • 2. OEE 犇園犒犒犇巌蹡犇 犇犒犇死犇材蹢犇準犇材 犇朽興犇犒蹡材犇犒蹢犇 犇伍犇園犇伍凶 犒犒 犒犇死犇萎怯犇 犇犇 犇犒犇園犇伍凶 犇犇 犒犒犇犒 犒犇犒蹡犒犇 犒犒犇犒犒犒 犇犇死犒犇犇材犒. 犇園犒犒犇巌蹡犇 犇犒犇死犇材蹢犇準犇 犇材怯犒犇犒犇 犒犒犇犒犇 犒犇 犇犒犇死犇材蹡犒蹡死犇犒犒犇 犒犒 犇材怯犒犇犒犇 犒犒犇犒犇 犇劇蹢犒犇犒 犇犇死怯 犇犇犒蹡死矯 Founder: Seiichi Nakajima 1960 . 犇朽興犇犒蹡材犇犒蹢犇 犇犇犒犒犒犇伍凶 犇謹興犇巌蹡 犇巌犇死彊犒蹡 犒犒蹡萎 犒犇犒犇園 犇犒犇園犇 犇園犇死犇園蹡材 犇犒犇園犇 犇材犇園 犇犇 犇犒犇園犇 犇 犇 犇 Where are we now & how to improve
  • 3. 犇犇巌凶 犇犇犒 犒犒蹢犒 犇犇準犒犇犇材犒 犇準橋犒 犇犒犇 犒犒 犒犒犇 犇材強犇園蹡材犇 犇犒犇萎蹡園矯 犇園犒犒犇巌蹡犇 犇犇о矯犒犇犒 犒犇犒犒 犇巌犒犒犇材犇園 犇材矯犒犇伍犇犇 犇犇 犒犒犇犒犒犇. 犒犒犇犒犒犇犒 犇犒犇о犒 犇伍境犒犇犒犇死犇. 犇犒犇園犇 犒犇死犇萎怯犇 犇犒犇死犇. 犇犇犇犒犇犒 犇犒犇材犇犒 犒犇 犇巌胸犒犒犇死矯犇犒 犇園犇死犇伍蹡園矯 犒犇 犇犇犇犒犇材犒犇園 犇材境犒犇死 犒犒犇 犇犒犇死犇伍凶 犒犒犇犒犒犒 犇巌胸犒犒犇死矯犇犒 犇園犇死犇伍蹡園矯 犇犒犇死犇.. .犇犇犒 犇巌犇死犒犒犇 犒犒犇犒 犇準蹡 犇材犒犒犇犇材怯犒犇 犒犒犇犒 犇巌犇死境犒犇準蹡
  • 4. 9 Losses-犇朽興犇犒蹡材犇犒蹢犇 犇犇犒犒犇 犇犒犒犒犇犒. 1. Start up loss : Time taken to produce the first product from the time that machine is activated. 2. Set up & adjustment loss: idling time erupted to the obtain the required specification of the relevant product 3. Brake down time: Idling time caused by the failure of a machine/Machines
  • 5. 9 Losses -犇朽興犇犒蹡材犇犒蹢犇 犇犇犒犒犇 犇犒犒犒犇犒. 4. Change over loss: Time loss happened due to the stopping of production for the change over. 5. Labour/Material shortage: It is the shortage of out put to the production target, expressed as a time value. 6. Minor stoppages: It is the sum of total time that stop the production for less than 5 minutes 7. Cleaning time : It is the time that the production cant be planned due to the cleaning requirement of the process.
  • 6. 9 losses -犇朽興犇犒蹡材犇犒蹢犇 犇犇犒犒犇 犇犒犒犒犇犒. 8. Speed loss: It is the shortage of out put compared to the machine capacity, expressed as a time value. 9. Defect & rework loss: It is the total amount of nonconforming out put, expressed as a time value.
  • 7. 9 Losses-grouped into 3 AVAILABILITY 1. Start up loss 2. Set up & adjustment loss 3. Change over loss 4. Breakdown loss 5. Cleaning loss 6. Material s & labour shortage 7. Minor stoppages PERFORMANCE 8.Speed loss QUALITY 9. Defect & rework loss
  • 10. OEE % = Availability % *Performance %*Quality % How to calculate OEE
  • 11. How to calculate-Availability Availability % = (Operating time /planned time)*100 Operating time = Planned time Idle time Idle time Start up loss Labor & material shortage Set up & adjustment loss Minor stoppages Change over time Cleaning time Break down time
  • 12. How to calculate Performance & Quality Performance % =( actual rate/ Rated capacity)*100 Actual rate = Total out put/operating time Quality % = (Good out put/Total out put)*100 Good out put = Total out put Defect & rework
  • 13. Example Planned time = 12hours Capacity =100kg/hr Total Out put = 900kg Defect & rework = 10kg Brake down =0.5 hours Start up time = 0.5 hrs Change over time = .5hrs Set up adjustment time = 0 Minor stoppages = 0.5hrs Cleaning time = 0 Material/labour shortage= 0 Availability% = Actual rate = Performance %= Good out put = Quality % = OEE= ((12-2)/12)*100= 83.3% 900kg/10hrs=90kg/hr (90/100)*100=90% 900-10=890kg (890/900)*100=98.8% 83.3%*90%*98.8%=74.16%
  • 14. Next step OEE 3 Factors (Availability/Performance/Quality) 9Losses How to reduce losses Improve OEE
  • 15. Summary & questions What is OEE Benefit of OEE How to calculate OEE 9 losses Next step