RozoFS is scale-out network attached storage software that uses erasure coding to provide high availability and real-time performance at reduced costs compared to traditional storage solutions. It can scale to hundreds of petabytes across commodity hardware with linear increases in performance and capacity. The software provides strong data protection with fault tolerance for up to two simultaneous failures while using half the storage capacity of replication-based solutions. Rozo Systems offers RozoFS licenses and support along with consulting and integration services.
2. The high availability and real-;me performance
at reduced cost.
2010 Spin-O鍖 of Nantes University
10 people
RozoFS go to market end 2013
15 deployments, 6 POC on progress
Nantes, San Francisco
5. Usual Storage got in Pain
Add disks to dedicated Hardwares
Isolated Data Islands with BoVlenecks
Usual technologies were not designed for data deluge.
Storage becomes complex and poorly performant.
6. Thus Scale-out has Come
Add Commodity Hardware Nodes and Aggregate Capacity
Parallel acesses to Global Namespace
= It scales and performs!
7. But it has its Own Pain
MoreDevices means more failures...
Data must be stored 3 times to ensure reliability.
8. But existing codes only work for archiving...
while customers expect its usage to all data.
Replica<on Erasure Coding
1 PB Scale-out Storage
12 Nodes - 3 PB - 2 Failures
CapEx : 180 K
6 Nodes - 1,5 PB - 2 Failures
CapEx : 90 K
Erasure Code Halves the Cost
9. Rozo Systems Own a New One
And we used it to create the 鍖rst erasure code based software de鍖ned
scale-out NAS for datacenter intensive I/O scenarios.
Scalable to Hundreds of Petabytes
Real-;me Performance
Strong Data Protec;on
Cost Saving
11. The more you add nodes the more you get capacity and performance.
Scale-Out Growth E鍖ciency
12. Features
Software de鍖ned
Ready to use
No change to
Linear Increase
in Performance
I/O Access Strong Data
Scalable to Hundreds
of Petabytes R辿duction
du TCO
Licenses per Node
No vendor lock-in
Standard FS More Nodes, beTer Performance
High IO throughput &
low latency on any workload
Innova<ve metadata architecture
designed for high speed parallel
Fault Tolerance in transparent mode on servers and disks
Erasure coding applied to 100% of 鍖les.
Data integrity checking & self healing
By simple addi<on of servers
No disrup<on of service and QoS
With linear increase in performance.
No trade-o鍖 on performance & data protec<on.
Improved reliability without data replica<on
(50% volume savings).
Pay-as-you-grow mode
Op<onal tailored Packages
13. Quotas per user
and/or group
Mul; sitesGeo-Replica;on Access Key/Valor
Ultra fast
Advanced Technology
Easy Opera;on and
Flash ready, up to 100 GigE
Standard & simple procedures
Standard management APIs
14. Consul;ng
Per node license fees and/or capacity
Pre con鍖gured packages
Per node per year support fees