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3D characterization of microstructure
            evolution of cast AlMgSi alloys by
                synchrotron tomography

             D. Tolnai1,2, G. Requena2, L. Salvo3, P. Cloetens4
           1) Magnesium     Innovation Centre, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
2)   Institute of Materials Science and Technology, Vienna University of Technology
                          3) Universit辿 de Grenoble, SIMaP/GPM2
                        4) European Synchrotron Radiation Facility


                                                                Bordeaux, 1st June 2012
AlMgSi alloys

 AlMgSi alloys are potential candidates for automotive industry
 留-Al, Mg2Si, Fe and Mn based aluminides

                Primary Mg2Si                                       Eutectic Mg2Si
           Octahedron or truncated                              Highly interconnected
             octahedron shape                                   seaweed-like structure

Li et al. Acta Materialia, 2011; 59:1058-1067.
                                                 Introduction                                 2

Effect of microstructure on mechanical properties (Al-Si alloys)
       Size, shape, connectivity, contiguity

Casting, heat treatment

Investigate the evolution of the microstructure during
solidification and solution heat treatment

            3D non destructive imaging

                                 Introduction                               3

Mg:Si ratio: 0.58:1
Expected phases: 留-Al dendrites, 留-Al/Mg2Si
eutectic, Fe-alumninides, 留-Al/Mg2Si/Si ternary
Conditions: As-cast, 1h/540属C, 25h/540属C

                 Mg2Si stoichiometric
                 composition: 1.74:1

Mg:Si ratio: 2.1:1
Expected phases: 留-Al dendrites, 留-Al/Mg2Si
eutectic, Fe-alumninides
Conditions: Strip-cast, 30 min/540属C

                                 Methodology              4
Synchrotron tomography (ID19)

   Beam energy: 29 keV
   Voxelsize: (0.28 亮m)3
   Sample-to-detector distance: 39 mm
   No. of proj.: 1500

              Methodology                            5
Zoom tomography (ID22NI)

         Sample-to-focal-point distance (mm)       Voxel size

                        29.68                      (60 nm)3
                        30.6                       (62 nm)3
                        34.6                       (70.1nm)3
                        44.6                       (90.4 nm)3

 Energy: 17.5 keV
 No. of proj.: 1500
 360属 rotation



                                   Methodology                            6
In situ solidification tests (ID15A)

                         Voxel size: (1.4 亮m)3
                         No. of proj.: 800
                         Acqusition time: 18 ms
                         Cooling rate: 5K/min

Methodology                                        7
Back Scattered Electron image            Secondary Electron image

             Mg2Si presents a high interconnectivity
             AlFeSi is platelet like
             Si ternary eutectic is highly interconnected
             Contiguity between Mg2Si and Si

                        Materials in as-cast condition                       8

1h/540属C                              25h/540属C

      Spheroidisation of the eutectic phases
      The contiguity between Mg2Si and Si remains

           Microstructure evolution during solution treatment            9

As-cast                    1h/540 属C                        25h/540 属C

          100油袖m                          100油袖m                           100油袖m

                   Mg2Si                           AlFeSi

           Microstructure evolution during solution treatment                       10

                        The number of particles increases (5x),
                       while the mean volume decreases
                        Disintegration of Mg2Si starts

                      0h: 87% of
                                               1h: 57%      25h: 4%
                    Mg2Si connected

Microstructure evolution during solution treatment                    11

                     The probability of spherical particles
                     Shape of Mg2Si changes after long

                     Disintegration of the large particles and
                      spheroidisation of the smaller ones

Microstructure evolution during solution treatment                12

                           The distribution extends towards
                            the positive-positive quadrant
                           Two peaks can be identified

Microstructure evolution during solution treatment             13
Secondary Electron image

          Fine microstructure resulted from the strip cast process
          Mg2Si presents a high interconnectivity
          AlFeSi is platelet-, particle-like

                           Materials in as-cast condition                  14

            Spheroidisation of Mg2Si

Microstructure evolution during solution treatment             15

   As-cast                              30 min/540属C

                                                                                      As-cast   30 min/540属C

                                                                    Number of          530          x5
                                                                  Vf of the largest    9100        x 0.65
                                                                   Rel. Vf of the      91%          73%
                                                                  largest particle

                     60油袖m                            60油袖m

D. Tolnai et al. Materials Science and Engineering A, In Press.

                       Microstructure evolution during solution treatment                                   16

                              Slight spheroidisation of
                              the particles.

                              The disintegrating smaller
                              particles spheroidise

Microstructure evolution during solution treatment              17

   The distribution extends towards the
    positive-positive quadrant
   Two peaks can be identified in the
    solution treated condition

Microstructure evolution during solution treatment             18
Elevated temperature compression

                     Decreasing strength with the solution
                      heat treatment time.
                     In as-cast condition softening can be


Microstructure evolution during solution treatment            19
Elevated temperature strength and microstructure

Microstructure evolution during solution treatment    20
In situ solidification AlMg4.7Si8

                                            留-Al dendrites

                                             eutectic 575属C

                                            Fe aluminides 565属C

                                             ternary eutectic

Microstructure evolution during solidification                  21
Dendritic solidification AlMg4.7Si8

                                                                            The structure

                                                                            The growth is

                                                                            Small arms
                                                                            dissapear, larger
                                                                            ones tend to grow

                                                                            DCP between
                                                                            580属C and 575属C

D. Tolnai et al. Acta Materialia, 2012; 60:2568-2577.

                           Microstructure evolution during solidification                     22
Dendritic solidification AlMg4.7Si8

                               0.025                                                                                                                 0.025
                                                                                                    Norm. Freq.                                                                                                              Norm. Freq.
                                          590C                                                                                                      0.020

                               0.015                                                                                                                 0.015                                                                          0


                                                                                                                         Gaussian curvature /m
Gaussian curvature /m

                               0.010                                                                                                                 0.010

                               0.005                                                                                                                 0.005

                               0.000                                                                                                                 0.000

                               -0.005                                                                                                                -0.005

                               -0.010                                                                                                                -0.010

                               -0.015                                                                                                                -0.015

                               -0.020                                                                                                                -0.020

                                                                                                               0.03250                               -0.025
                                                                                                                                                              -0.15   -0.10     -0.05    0.00    0.05     0.10       0.15
                                         -0.15   -0.10   -0.05   0.00    0.05        0.10    0.15
                                                     Mean Curvature /m
                                                                                -1                                                                                        Mean Curvature /m

                                0.025                                                                                                                 0.025
                                          580C                                                     Norm. Freq.                                                                                                               Norm. Freq.
                                0.020                                                                                                                 0.020
                                0.015                                                                      0                                          0.015                                                                             0

      Gaussian curvature /m

                                                                                                                            Gaussian curvature /m
                                0.010                                                                                                                 0.010

                                0.005                                                                                                                 0.005

                                0.000                                                                                                                 0.000

                                -0.005                                                                                                               -0.005

                                -0.010                                                                                                               -0.010

                                -0.015                                                                                                               -0.015

                                -0.020                                                                                                               -0.020

                                -0.025                                                                                                                                                                                                  0.03250
                                                                                                           0.03250                                   -0.025
                                         -0.15   -0.10   -0.05   0.00    0.05    0.10       0.15                                                              -0.15    -0.10     -0.05    0.00    0.05        0.10    0.15
                                                     Mean Curvature /m                                                                                                       Mean Curvature /m

                                                                        Microstructure evolution during solidification                                                                                                                            23
Dendritic solidification AlMg4.7Si8

  0.005油袖m2 Gauss油curvature     0.005油袖m2

Microstructure evolution during solidification              24
Eutectic solidification in AlMg4.7Si8



The initiation of the solidification
of Mg2Si is linked to the base of               Primary Mg2Si        Eutectic Mg2Si
the secondary dendritic arms

                   Microstructure evolution during solidification                     25
Interconnectivity of Mg2Si in AlMg4.7Si8

Interconnectivity in the phase

                                 0.45        Volume fraction                              0.08

                                 0.40                                                                               The interconnectivity of the

                                                                                                 Volume fraction
                                                                                                                   phase is increasing at a higher
                                                                                                                   rate than the volume fraction
                                                                                                                   of the whole phase
                                 0.30                                                     0.04

                                                                                                                    Increase of interconnectivity
                                 0.20                                                                              with the ternary eutectic
                                 0.15                                                     0.00
                                     575   570   565     560     555    550   545   540

                                                       Temperature / 属C

                                                               Microstructure evolution during solidification                                        26
Correlation with simulation

                  Calorimetry        In situ             Thermocalc
                           AlMg4.7Si8 (属C)
留-Al              594                590                 591
留-Al/Mg2Si        575                575                 577.5
AlFeSi            Overlap            565                 -
留-Al/Mg2Si/Si     555                555                 558
                          AlMg7.3Si3.5 (属C)
留-Al              610                605                 606.5
留-Al/Mg2Si        595                590                 593.5
AlFeSi            Overlap            590                 -

             Microstructure evolution during solidification               27

               留-Al dendrites , eutectic 留-Al/Mg2Si,
                (留-Al/Mg2Si/Si ternary eutectic)

               ~1 vol% of Fe-based aluminides

               The eutectic Mg2Si and the ternary
                eutectic Si have highly
                interconnected seaweed-like

               Contiguity between the eutectic
                Mg2Si and the ternary eutectic Si

Materials in as-cast condition                          28

                          Disintegration followed by

                          Morphological change in ternary
                           eutectic Si is similar to the eutectic

                          The contiguity between the Mg2Si
                           phase and the Si is observed after
                           the heat treatment.

                          A partial loss of interconnectivity
                           causes decline in strength, while the
                           shape of the particles has less effect.

Microstructure evolution during solution treatment                  29

 AlMg4.7Si8: 留-Al at 590属C, 留 -Al/Mg2Si eutectic at 577属C , Fe aluminides, 留 -
  Al/Mg2Si/Si ternary eutectic at 558属C.
 AlMg7.3Si3.5: 留 -Al dendrites at 610属C, 留 -Al/Mg2Si eutecic at 595属C, Fe

 Dendritic structure coarsens, coalescence and growth of the secondary
  dendrite arms. Asymmetric growth results in a droplet-like shape.

 Dendritic coherency temperature can be determined: AlMg4.7Si8: between
  580属C and 575属C, AlMg7.3Si3.5: between 595属C and 590属C.

 The nucleation of the Mg2Si at the base of the secondary dendrite arms.

 Octahedral primary particles, followed by the eutectic solidification.

 Several nucleation sites can be observed. The initially separated Mg2Si
  particles coalesce during cooling.

                   Microstructure evolution during solidification                 30

 Peter Degischer, J叩nos Lendvai
 Marco DiMichiel, ESRF
 Peter Townsend, University of Cambridge
 IMST, TU-Wien



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3D characterization of microstructure evolution of cast AlMgSi alloys by synchrotron tomography

  • 1. 3D characterization of microstructure evolution of cast AlMgSi alloys by synchrotron tomography D. Tolnai1,2, G. Requena2, L. Salvo3, P. Cloetens4 1) Magnesium Innovation Centre, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht 2) Institute of Materials Science and Technology, Vienna University of Technology 3) Universit辿 de Grenoble, SIMaP/GPM2 4) European Synchrotron Radiation Facility domonkos.tolnai@hzg.de Bordeaux, 1st June 2012
  • 2. AlMgSi alloys AlMgSi alloys are potential candidates for automotive industry 留-Al, Mg2Si, Fe and Mn based aluminides Primary Mg2Si Eutectic Mg2Si Octahedron or truncated Highly interconnected octahedron shape seaweed-like structure Li et al. Acta Materialia, 2011; 59:1058-1067. Introduction 2
  • 3. Motivation Effect of microstructure on mechanical properties (Al-Si alloys) Size, shape, connectivity, contiguity Casting, heat treatment Investigate the evolution of the microstructure during solidification and solution heat treatment 3D non destructive imaging Introduction 3
  • 4. Materials AlMg4.7Si8 Mg:Si ratio: 0.58:1 Expected phases: 留-Al dendrites, 留-Al/Mg2Si eutectic, Fe-alumninides, 留-Al/Mg2Si/Si ternary eutectic Conditions: As-cast, 1h/540属C, 25h/540属C Mg2Si stoichiometric composition: 1.74:1 AlMg7.3Si3.5 Mg:Si ratio: 2.1:1 Expected phases: 留-Al dendrites, 留-Al/Mg2Si eutectic, Fe-alumninides Conditions: Strip-cast, 30 min/540属C Methodology 4
  • 5. Synchrotron tomography (ID19) Beam energy: 29 keV Voxelsize: (0.28 亮m)3 Sample-to-detector distance: 39 mm No. of proj.: 1500 Methodology 5
  • 6. Zoom tomography (ID22NI) Sample-to-focal-point distance (mm) Voxel size 29.68 (60 nm)3 30.6 (62 nm)3 34.6 (70.1nm)3 44.6 (90.4 nm)3 Energy: 17.5 keV No. of proj.: 1500 360属 rotation M=(zs+zd)/zs 油0.4油mm Methodology 6
  • 7. In situ solidification tests (ID15A) Voxel size: (1.4 亮m)3 No. of proj.: 800 Acqusition time: 18 ms Cooling rate: 5K/min Methodology 7
  • 8. AlMg4.7Si8 Back Scattered Electron image Secondary Electron image Mg2Si presents a high interconnectivity AlFeSi is platelet like Si ternary eutectic is highly interconnected Contiguity between Mg2Si and Si Materials in as-cast condition 8
  • 9. AlMg4.7Si8 1h/540属C 25h/540属C Spheroidisation of the eutectic phases The contiguity between Mg2Si and Si remains Microstructure evolution during solution treatment 9
  • 10. AlMg4.7Si8 As-cast 1h/540 属C 25h/540 属C 100油袖m 100油袖m 100油袖m Mg2Si AlFeSi Microstructure evolution during solution treatment 10
  • 11. AlMg4.7Si8 The number of particles increases (5x), while the mean volume decreases Disintegration of Mg2Si starts immediately 0h: 87% of 1h: 57% 25h: 4% Mg2Si connected Microstructure evolution during solution treatment 11
  • 12. AlMg4.7Si8 The probability of spherical particles increases Shape of Mg2Si changes after long exposure Disintegration of the large particles and spheroidisation of the smaller ones Microstructure evolution during solution treatment 12
  • 13. AlMg4.7Si8 The distribution extends towards the positive-positive quadrant Two peaks can be identified Microstructure evolution during solution treatment 13
  • 14. AlMg7.3Si3.5 Secondary Electron image Fine microstructure resulted from the strip cast process Mg2Si presents a high interconnectivity AlFeSi is platelet-, particle-like Materials in as-cast condition 14
  • 15. AlMg7.3Si3.5 Spheroidisation of Mg2Si Microstructure evolution during solution treatment 15
  • 16. AlMg7.3Si3.5 As-cast 30 min/540属C As-cast 30 min/540属C Number of 530 x5 particles Vf of the largest 9100 x 0.65 particle Rel. Vf of the 91% 73% largest particle 60油袖m 60油袖m D. Tolnai et al. Materials Science and Engineering A, In Press. Microstructure evolution during solution treatment 16
  • 17. AlMg7.3Si3.5 Slight spheroidisation of the particles. The disintegrating smaller particles spheroidise Microstructure evolution during solution treatment 17 17
  • 18. AlMg7.3Si3.5 The distribution extends towards the positive-positive quadrant Two peaks can be identified in the solution treated condition Microstructure evolution during solution treatment 18
  • 19. Elevated temperature compression Decreasing strength with the solution heat treatment time. In as-cast condition softening can be observed. 100油袖m Microstructure evolution during solution treatment 19
  • 20. Elevated temperature strength and microstructure Microstructure evolution during solution treatment 20
  • 21. In situ solidification AlMg4.7Si8 留-Al dendrites 590属C 留-Al/Mg2Si eutectic 575属C Fe aluminides 565属C 留-Al/Mg2Si/Si ternary eutectic 555属C Microstructure evolution during solidification 21
  • 22. Dendritic solidification AlMg4.7Si8 The structure coarsens The growth is asymmetric Small arms dissapear, larger ones tend to grow DCP between 580属C and 575属C D. Tolnai et al. Acta Materialia, 2012; 60:2568-2577. Microstructure evolution during solidification 22
  • 23. Dendritic solidification AlMg4.7Si8 0.025 0.025 Norm. Freq. Norm. Freq. 0.020 590C 0.020 585C 0.015 0.015 0 -2 0 -2 Gaussian curvature /m Gaussian curvature /m 0.010 0.010 0.005 0.005 0.000 0.000 -0.005 -0.005 -0.010 -0.010 -0.015 -0.015 -0.020 -0.020 -0.025 0.03250 -0.025 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.03250 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 -1 Mean Curvature /m -1 Mean Curvature /m 0.025 0.025 580C Norm. Freq. Norm. Freq. 0.020 0.020 575C 0.015 0 0.015 0 -2 -2 Gaussian curvature /m Gaussian curvature /m 0.010 0.010 0.005 0.005 0.000 0.000 -0.005 -0.005 -0.010 -0.010 -0.015 -0.015 -0.020 -0.020 -0.025 0.03250 0.03250 -0.025 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 -1 Mean Curvature /m Mean Curvature /m -1 Microstructure evolution during solidification 23
  • 24. Dendritic solidification AlMg4.7Si8 0.005油袖m2 Gauss油curvature 0.005油袖m2 Microstructure evolution during solidification 24
  • 25. Eutectic solidification in AlMg4.7Si8 575属C 490油袖m The initiation of the solidification of Mg2Si is linked to the base of Primary Mg2Si Eutectic Mg2Si the secondary dendritic arms Microstructure evolution during solidification 25
  • 26. Interconnectivity of Mg2Si in AlMg4.7Si8 0.10 0.50 Interconnectivity Interconnectivity in the phase 0.45 Volume fraction 0.08 0.40 The interconnectivity of the Volume fraction 0.35 0.06 phase is increasing at a higher rate than the volume fraction of the whole phase 0.30 0.04 0.25 0.02 Increase of interconnectivity 0.20 with the ternary eutectic 0.15 0.00 575 570 565 560 555 550 545 540 Temperature / 属C Solidification Microstructure evolution during solidification 26
  • 27. Correlation with simulation Calorimetry In situ Thermocalc tomography AlMg4.7Si8 (属C) 留-Al 594 590 591 留-Al/Mg2Si 575 575 577.5 AlFeSi Overlap 565 - 留-Al/Mg2Si/Si 555 555 558 AlMg7.3Si3.5 (属C) 留-Al 610 605 606.5 留-Al/Mg2Si 595 590 593.5 AlFeSi Overlap 590 - Microstructure evolution during solidification 27
  • 28. Conclusions 留-Al dendrites , eutectic 留-Al/Mg2Si, (留-Al/Mg2Si/Si ternary eutectic) ~1 vol% of Fe-based aluminides The eutectic Mg2Si and the ternary eutectic Si have highly interconnected seaweed-like morphology Contiguity between the eutectic Mg2Si and the ternary eutectic Si Materials in as-cast condition 28
  • 29. Conclusions Disintegration followed by spheroidisation. Morphological change in ternary eutectic Si is similar to the eutectic Mg2Si. The contiguity between the Mg2Si phase and the Si is observed after the heat treatment. A partial loss of interconnectivity causes decline in strength, while the shape of the particles has less effect. Microstructure evolution during solution treatment 29
  • 30. Conclusions AlMg4.7Si8: 留-Al at 590属C, 留 -Al/Mg2Si eutectic at 577属C , Fe aluminides, 留 - Al/Mg2Si/Si ternary eutectic at 558属C. AlMg7.3Si3.5: 留 -Al dendrites at 610属C, 留 -Al/Mg2Si eutecic at 595属C, Fe aluminides. Dendritic structure coarsens, coalescence and growth of the secondary dendrite arms. Asymmetric growth results in a droplet-like shape. Dendritic coherency temperature can be determined: AlMg4.7Si8: between 580属C and 575属C, AlMg7.3Si3.5: between 595属C and 590属C. The nucleation of the Mg2Si at the base of the secondary dendrite arms. Octahedral primary particles, followed by the eutectic solidification. Several nucleation sites can be observed. The initially separated Mg2Si particles coalesce during cooling. Microstructure evolution during solidification 30
  • 31. Acknowledgements Peter Degischer, J叩nos Lendvai Marco DiMichiel, ESRF Peter Townsend, University of Cambridge IMST, TU-Wien DMP, ELTE Thank油you油for油the油attention! 31