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Avizo EUGM 2012  30 mai au 1er juin 2012 - Bordeaux

          Studying thermomechanical properties of
          thermostructural composites using X-Ray
                computed micro-tomography

E.Rohmer1, C.Lorrette1,2, G.L.Vignoles1, G.Cou辿gnat1, M.Charron1

                             - University of Bordeaux -

             1   LCTS Laboratoire des Composites ThermoStructuraux

     2   CEA centre de Saclay  Commissariat  lEnergie Atomique et aux
                             Energies Alternatives

 C/C composites
   3D images
   Thermomechanical models

 Tubular shaped SiC/SiC
   Image analysis
   Mechanical models

               O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012   2/20
   Material : C or SiC composites
     + High temperature
     + Low CTE coeff. of thermal exp.
     + Mechanical properties
   Applications (highly demanding conditions)
     + Nuclear power plants (fuel confinement  Tokamak plasma-facing components)
     + Aerospace technology (ArianeV boosters, Jet engine divergent, Atmospheric reentry
        heat shield parts, Aircraft brakes)

   Predict thermo mechanical properties
      Materials are highly structured (woven materials)
      Behavior is linked to the 3D geometry
                           Objective : predict the material behavior

                                O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012   3/20
Developed method(s)
 Scan the material
    X-ray 亮CT
    Visualisation in 3D (Avizo std.)

 Work on images
    Pores and cracks : determine density,
     shape and position
    Matrix and fibers : determine orientation,
     density, shape and pattern of the weaving
    Mesh the image

 Calculate the thermomechanical
    Using the mesh
    With elements enriched (density,
     orientation calculated on 亮CT images).

                       O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012   4/20
C/C composites
 亮CT images :
 - Phoenix XRay  Nanotom

                                                                        X-Z                   3D

 - Laboratory Micro/nano CT
 - Resolution : 5 亮m

- Woven plies (X-Y directions)
- Stacked and stitched in Z direction
- > Complex geometry :                                                    X-Y                      Y-Z
    - Tangled phases (yarn, matrix, pores) hard to label
                              O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012              5/20
C/C composites
  Solution :
  - Use directly the voxel as the structural element (Finite element for calculation)
  - Enrich the elements by the direction of fibers and the density (both measured
  on the image)

                                                                            FE density

 亮CT 3D image                     is meshed using
                                                                                                    calculation of
                                  the voxel as FE
                                                                                                    thermal dilation
- Avizo for image visualization (3D image,
density, orientations)
                                                         and orientations enrich the model
                                  O.CATY et al. -   亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012             6/20
- ImageJ for data translation                         caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
- Zebulon or Coda for FE calculation
C/C composites
Measure the density

                         Porosity & material                                          density

                      O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012         7/20
C/C composites
Measure the fiber directions :
- Image structure tensor
- Image Hessian matrix

         2I     2I    2 I                         - Where I is the Grey level of the pixel
         x     xy    xz                         - x, y and z are the image direction
         2I     2I    2 I                         - Derivatives calculated by centred finite
   He                                               difference method  ie :
         yx    y 2   yz 
                                                           2 I ( x, y )
         2I    2I     2 I                                            I ( x  1, y )  2  I ( x, y )  I ( x  1, y )
                                                              x 2
                 zy     z                          - Mask applied

- Calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hessian matrix
- The eigenvector associated with the minimum egeinvalue
     - > represents the minimum grey level variation
     - > material (fibers) direction.
                           O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012                                      8/20
C/C composites
Measurement of the fiber directions :


y                                                                                           X orientation
                                                                                            Y orientation

                                                                                           Z orientation

                        O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012                9/20
C/C composites
                            Calculation - T=1500属C:



             - Calculated global thermal dilation : 竜yy= 0.7%
             - Visualization of the effect on the structure : local variations & stresses
                      O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012   10/20
C/C composites
- Complex architecture -> use voxel as finite element
- Enrich elements with measures on images (direction and density)
- Avizo very useful for 3D visualization (grey scale images, combination of
orientation field images)

                                             Next :
            tubular shaped SiC/SiC
- More easy to label
- Unstructured meshes based on image segmentation (reconstruction or
direct mesh)

                       O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012   11/20
Tubular shaped SiC/SiC

 - Laboratory Micro/nano CT
 - Resolution : 10 亮m

- Braided tubular fabrics            X-Y                               3D - int               3D - ext
- 2 stacks
                                                      - Dry and infiltrated materials available
                                      X-Z             - Phases and weaving relatively easy to analyze
                              O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012          12/20
1st   Solution :
                Tubular shaped SiC/SiC
- Polar to Cartesian transformation
- Analyze the weaving pattern by locating and marking the path
- Encode the path to reconstruct a finite element model

                        O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012   13/20
1st   Solution :
                Tubular shaped SiC/SiC
- Polar to Cartesian transformation                                                     Color = orientation

- Analyze the weaving pattern by locating and marking the path
- Encode the path to reconstruct a finite element model

                        O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012             14/20
               Tubular shaped SiC/SiC
      solution :
- Mesh the image directly with Avizo (unstructured tetrahedrons)
- Enrich the elements with measurements on images (density & orientations)


亮CT 3D image        is meshed using                                                  calculation of
                         Avizo                                                        compressive
                                            and density enrich the model
                       O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012           15/20
Tubular shaped SiC/SiC
Meshing the image with Avizo :
                                                                                           A marching cubes
 亮CT 3D image of        is labeled                  the label is dilated              algorithm is applied
  a dry tube         (To extract the SiC Yarns)          (To simulate the matrix)
                                                                                              (To mesh the surface)

apply an advancing        simplification (nbr of                         simplification (max
 front algorithm          triangles criterion)                           distance criterion)
     (Tetrahedra)         (triangles adapted to curvature)                   (Homogeneous triangles)

                       O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012                      16/20
Tubular shaped SiC/SiC
Affect local informations :

                     of center of
                      gravity of
                     tetrahedra                                                          Calculation
                                                                                         (compressive BC)
                                              Reading orientations &
                                                density in voxels
                                             (same methods as in CC composites)

                         O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012              17/20
Tubular shaped SiC/SiC
Results :

                                                               Initial 亮CT


                                                                                 Measured by
                                                                                 digital image
                                                                  Ecalculated=   Emeasured=
                O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012
                                  caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr        180 GPa        177 18/20
Tubular shaped SiC/SiC
= Less complex architecture -> 2 solutions

- 1st solution : analyze & encode the weaving path to reconstruct a
finite element model
    - Weaving hard to analyze, to reconstruct and to calculate. But
    accurate method.

- 2nd solution : mesh the image with Avizo & enrich the elements with
measurements on images (density & orientations)
    - Thanks to Avizo package, mesh is easy to produce.
    - Calculation very efficient and accurate (close to experimental
                  O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012   19/20
 Calculations based on the real material

 Very accurate methods  halfway methods between
  experimental and modeling

 Useful to understand and predict thermostructural
  composites behavio

 Importance of the knowledge of micro-scale mechanical

 Avizo速 mostly used for 3D observation (density,
  geometry, orientations) and meshing.

                O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012   20/20
 Industrial partners :
   Safran Herakles (SPS) : A.Dekeyrel,
    B.Delperier, B.Reignier, C.Descamps
   CEA Saclay : C.Sauder

 Students :
   T.Agulhon, M.Genin, N.Siefert

      O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012   21/20
Studying thermomechanical properties of thermostructural
  composites using X-Ray micro-computed tomography
   E.Rohmer, C.Lorrette, G.L.Vignoles, G.Cou辿gnat, M.Charron

                    - University of Bordeaux -

      Thank you for your attention

                Questions ??
     - Laboratoire des Composites ThermoStructuraux -

             O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites  Avizo2012   22/20

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Studying thermomechanical properties of thermostructural composites using X-ray microcomputed tomography

  • 1. Avizo EUGM 2012 30 mai au 1er juin 2012 - Bordeaux Studying thermomechanical properties of thermostructural composites using X-Ray computed micro-tomography O.Caty1, E.Rohmer1, C.Lorrette1,2, G.L.Vignoles1, G.Cou辿gnat1, M.Charron1 - University of Bordeaux - 1 LCTS Laboratoire des Composites ThermoStructuraux 2 CEA centre de Saclay Commissariat lEnergie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives
  • 2. Outline Motivation C/C composites 3D images Thermomechanical models Tubular shaped SiC/SiC Image analysis Mechanical models O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 2/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 3. Motivation Material : C or SiC composites + High temperature + Low CTE coeff. of thermal exp. + Mechanical properties Applications (highly demanding conditions) + Nuclear power plants (fuel confinement Tokamak plasma-facing components) + Aerospace technology (ArianeV boosters, Jet engine divergent, Atmospheric reentry heat shield parts, Aircraft brakes) Predict thermo mechanical properties Materials are highly structured (woven materials) Behavior is linked to the 3D geometry Objective : predict the material behavior O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 3/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 4. Developed method(s) Scan the material X-ray 亮CT Visualisation in 3D (Avizo std.) Work on images Pores and cracks : determine density, shape and position Matrix and fibers : determine orientation, density, shape and pattern of the weaving Mesh the image Calculate the thermomechanical behavior Using the mesh With elements enriched (density, orientation calculated on 亮CT images). O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 4/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 5. C/C composites 亮CT images : - Phoenix XRay Nanotom X-Z 3D - Laboratory Micro/nano CT system - Resolution : 5 亮m - Woven plies (X-Y directions) - Stacked and stitched in Z direction - > Complex geometry : X-Y Y-Z - Tangled phases (yarn, matrix, pores) hard to label O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 5/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 6. C/C composites Solution : - Use directly the voxel as the structural element (Finite element for calculation) - Enrich the elements by the direction of fibers and the density (both measured on the image) FE density 亮CT 3D image is meshed using calculation of the voxel as FE thermal dilation - Avizo for image visualization (3D image, density, orientations) and orientations enrich the model O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 6/20 - ImageJ for data translation caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr - Zebulon or Coda for FE calculation
  • 7. C/C composites Measure the density Relative Porosity & material density Porosity Material Materials properties O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 7/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 8. C/C composites Measure the fiber directions : - Image structure tensor - Image Hessian matrix 2I 2I 2 I - Where I is the Grey level of the pixel 2 x xy xz - x, y and z are the image direction 2I 2I 2 I - Derivatives calculated by centred finite He difference method ie : yx y 2 yz 2 I ( x, y ) 2I 2I 2 I I ( x 1, y ) 2 I ( x, y ) I ( x 1, y ) x 2 zx 2 zy z - Mask applied - Calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hessian matrix - The eigenvector associated with the minimum egeinvalue - > represents the minimum grey level variation - > material (fibers) direction. O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 8/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 9. C/C composites Measurement of the fiber directions : y x y X orientation z Y orientation Z orientation x z O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 9/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 10. C/C composites Calculation - T=1500属C: Mesh Density - Calculated global thermal dilation : 竜yy= 0.7% Directions - Visualization of the effect on the structure : local variations & stresses O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 10/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 11. C/C composites Conclusion - Complex architecture -> use voxel as finite element - Enrich elements with measures on images (direction and density) - Avizo very useful for 3D visualization (grey scale images, combination of orientation field images) Next : tubular shaped SiC/SiC - More easy to label - Unstructured meshes based on image segmentation (reconstruction or direct mesh) O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 11/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 12. Tubular shaped SiC/SiC - Laboratory Micro/nano CT system - Resolution : 10 亮m - Braided tubular fabrics X-Y 3D - int 3D - ext - 2 stacks - Dry and infiltrated materials available X-Z - Phases and weaving relatively easy to analyze O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 12/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 13. 1st Solution : Tubular shaped SiC/SiC - Polar to Cartesian transformation - Analyze the weaving pattern by locating and marking the path - Encode the path to reconstruct a finite element model O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 13/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 14. 1st Solution : Tubular shaped SiC/SiC - Polar to Cartesian transformation Color = orientation - Analyze the weaving pattern by locating and marking the path - Encode the path to reconstruct a finite element model O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 14/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 15. 2nd Tubular shaped SiC/SiC solution : - Mesh the image directly with Avizo (unstructured tetrahedrons) - Enrich the elements with measurements on images (density & orientations) orientations 亮CT 3D image is meshed using calculation of Avizo compressive behavior and density enrich the model O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 15/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 16. Tubular shaped SiC/SiC Meshing the image with Avizo : A marching cubes 亮CT 3D image of is labeled the label is dilated algorithm is applied a dry tube (To extract the SiC Yarns) (To simulate the matrix) (To mesh the surface) apply an advancing simplification (nbr of simplification (max front algorithm triangles criterion) distance criterion) (Tetrahedra) (triangles adapted to curvature) (Homogeneous triangles) O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 16/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 17. Tubular shaped SiC/SiC Affect local informations : Determination of center of gravity of tetrahedra Calculation (compressive BC) Reading orientations & density in voxels (same methods as in CC composites) O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 17/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 18. Tubular shaped SiC/SiC Results : Initial 亮CT Calculated deformation Measured by digital image correlation 竜zz Ecalculated= Emeasured= O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr 180 GPa 177 18/20 GPa
  • 19. Tubular shaped SiC/SiC Conclusions = Less complex architecture -> 2 solutions - 1st solution : analyze & encode the weaving path to reconstruct a finite element model - Weaving hard to analyze, to reconstruct and to calculate. But accurate method. - 2nd solution : mesh the image with Avizo & enrich the elements with measurements on images (density & orientations) - Thanks to Avizo package, mesh is easy to produce. - Calculation very efficient and accurate (close to experimental results) O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 19/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 20. Conclusions/perspectives Calculations based on the real material Very accurate methods halfway methods between experimental and modeling Useful to understand and predict thermostructural composites behavio Importance of the knowledge of micro-scale mechanical properties Avizo速 mostly used for 3D observation (density, geometry, orientations) and meshing. O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 20/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 21. Acknowledgements Industrial partners : Safran Herakles (SPS) : A.Dekeyrel, B.Delperier, B.Reignier, C.Descamps CEA Saclay : C.Sauder Students : T.Agulhon, M.Genin, N.Siefert O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 21/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr
  • 22. Studying thermomechanical properties of thermostructural composites using X-Ray micro-computed tomography O.Caty, E.Rohmer, C.Lorrette, G.L.Vignoles, G.Cou辿gnat, M.Charron - University of Bordeaux - Thank you for your attention Questions ?? - Laboratoire des Composites ThermoStructuraux - O.CATY et al. - 亮CT / Thermostructural composites Avizo2012 22/20 caty@lcts.u-bordeaux1.fr