The document discusses using X-ray micro-computed tomography (亮CT) to study the thermomechanical properties of thermostructural composites. It describes how 亮CT is used to generate 3D images of composite microstructures, from which fiber orientations and material densities are measured. Finite element models are then enriched with this microstructural data and used to calculate the composites' thermal dilation and mechanical behavior. The approach is demonstrated for carbon/carbon and SiC/SiC composites. Capturing real material microstructures enables accurate thermomechanical property predictions.
The document discusses two-view geometry and epipolar geometry in computer vision. It contains the following key points in 3 sentences:
Epipolar geometry describes the intrinsic projective geometry between two views of a scene and is defined by the fundamental matrix F, which is a 3x3 matrix that maps a point in one image to an epipolar line in the other image. The epipolar line is the intersection of the epipolar plane containing the baseline between cameras and the second image plane. Special motions like pure translation result in all epipolar lines intersecting at the epipole, which is the image of the camera center from the other view.
Plane rectification through robust vanishing point tracking using the expecta...Sergio Mancera
This document summarizes a paper that introduces a new strategy for plane rectification in image sequences based on the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. The approach estimates the dominant vanishing point and significant lines passing through it simultaneously. It defines a likelihood distribution for gradient image pixels considering position and orientation. The mixture model used by the EM algorithm includes an additional component to handle outliers. Synthetic data tests show the method's robustness and efficiency. Plane rectification results demonstrate removing perspective and affine distortion from real traffic sequences using one vanishing point.
1) The document presents a novel approach to optimize the design of composite laminated aerospace structures using polar parameters.
2) The approach involves a two-step optimization process: first, topology optimization to determine the heterogeneous distribution of matter; second, composite laminate design to determine the optimal stacking sequence.
3) Polar parameters allow modeling of laminates while accounting for material symmetries and properties, and allow the two optimization steps to be performed independently and sequentially. Closed-form equations relate the optimal topology to the optimal polar parameters.
1) The document discusses using autocorrelation and rose diagrams to analyze the structure and anisotropy of polymer foams from X-ray microtomography data.
2) Autocorrelation provides an efficient way to measure characteristic lengths and identify patterns in noisy 3D tomography data without needing segmentation.
3) Rose diagrams map the autocorrelation in all directions to provide a global view of preferential orientation of features and anisotropy.
Localization of free 3 d surfaces by the mean of photometricIAEME Publication
This document discusses a photometric stereovision technique to localize free 3D surfaces using multiple images.
It presents a photometric model linking image intensity to surface relief and reflectance properties. This model results in a system of equations with the relief variations and reflectance as unknowns. Solving the system requires 3 images under different lighting conditions.
The document applies this technique to extract the 3D relief of a corrugated plastic surface from images, demonstrating the feasibility of measuring free surfaces with the photometric stereovision approach. Accuracy of the measured surface shape is evaluated.
This document discusses nanotechnology and its applications to computer circuits. It begins with an overview of nanotechnology, including its history and key concepts. It then discusses various tools used in nanotechnology like electron microscopes. It provides examples of how nanotechnology can be applied to reduce the size of computer circuits. Both benefits like smaller computers and potential disadvantages are mentioned.
This document presents a numerical model for analyzing the behavior of multilayer plates using finite element analysis. It describes developing a 3D model to represent multicellular multilayer plates as a combination of finite elements for the concrete matrix and reinforcement fibers. The model is based on a flexibility method to calculate the flexibility matrix, which is the inverse of the stiffness matrix. Equations are provided for calculating the exact interpolation functions relating internal forces at any point to nodal forces. Results are presented for analyzing bending in homogeneous square plates under concentrated and uniform loads.
This document summarizes an object tracking algorithm that uses Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DTCWT) feature vectors. It begins by extracting a position vector for the object in the first frame. Nine position vectors are then calculated by shifting the original position in different directions. The second frame is cropped into nine blocks based on these position vectors. DTCWT is used to extract feature vectors for the block in the first frame and nine blocks in the second frame. Block matching is performed by calculating the Manhattan distance between the first frame's feature vector and each of the second frame's nine vectors. The block with the minimum distance corresponds to the tracked object. This process is repeated over successive frames to track the moving object.
The document summarizes research on characterizing the microstructure evolution of cast AlMgSi alloys using synchrotron tomography. Key findings include: (1) Synchrotron tomography was used to investigate microstructure evolution during solidification and heat treatment, (2) Primary 留-Al dendrites and eutectic 留-Al/Mg2Si formed with a highly interconnected seaweed-like morphology, (3) During heat treatment, the eutectic phases spheroidized and the contiguity between Mg2Si and Si remained.
This document discusses defects in cast aluminum alloys and methods for their non-destructive evaluation. It presents an outline on pores in cast aluminum components, the influence of defects on fatigue life, developing parametric models using computer tomography, and correlating finite element models with experiments. The goal is to better understand crack-initiating defects in cast aluminum alloys through non-destructive testing and modeling.
This document describes building a pore network model from 3D images of a pore space to precisely predict permeability. Key steps include:
1) Skeletonizing the 3D image to extract the pore network topology.
2) Partitioning the pore space to identify individual pores and throats.
3) Constructing the pore network model (PNM) graph from the skeleton and partitioning.
4) Computing local resistances within the PNM to predict permeability and comparing with direct numerical modeling.
This document discusses early embryo development in Arabidopsis thaliana. It aims to quantitatively describe key events related to geometry and mechanics during this process. Specifically, it seeks to:
1. Determine the sequence of developmental events by reconstructing 3D cell dynamics over time. This involves cell segmentation, lineage tracking, and growth modeling.
2. Understand why these events occur in this particular order by exploring potential biophysical and mechanical influences, such as cell curvature and distorsions during shaping.
The findings could provide insights into a few fundamental rules governing early embryogenesis through simulations incorporating geometry from 3D reconstructions.
The document discusses climate modeling and simulations performed at the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ). It provides an overview of DKRZ's high performance computing capabilities and describes the components and coupling of Earth system models. It also summarizes simulations contributed to the CMIP5/IPCC AR5 project, including temperature and sea ice projections under different scenarios. Visualization of simulation output is discussed along with the Avizo Green software developed in collaboration with DKRZ.
The document describes the Visualization Laboratory at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. It provides an overview of the laboratory's core facilities and capabilities for visualizing large datasets from various research centers at the university, including biology, imaging, materials science, chemical science, mechanical engineering, and more. The laboratory houses advanced visualization facilities like a 24 projector dome and 96 GPU computing cluster to enable interactive exploration and analysis of petabyte-scale scientific data.
The document discusses using CT scanning and 3D shape analysis to classify carbonate rock pores. It introduces CT scanning workflow and principles, showing how it provides 3D quantitative and qualitative pore structure data. Pore shapes are mathematically described using ellipsoid fitting of principal moments of inertia to calculate dimensions L, I, and S. Shape classes are then defined based on ratios of these dimensions. The analysis aims to better characterize carbonate reservoir heterogeneity at different scales.
The document summarizes the evaluation of rock properties and structures at the micrometer scale using sub-micrometer X-ray computed tomography. It introduces a nanofocus X-ray tube capable of less than 800 nm spot size and a nanoCT system used to scan geological rock samples with resolutions under 1 micrometer. Example scans of Bentheimer sandstone show individual mineral phases like quartz, clay, and feldspar. Scans of pyroclastic rocks resolve pores and fractures less than 2 micrometers thick. The high resolution CT allows analyzing pore structure, surface area, and simulating fluid flow at the microscale for understanding rock physics.
The document describes methods for improving X-ray contrast of phases in porous rock samples using micro-CT imaging and image processing. Heavy metal ions are used to enhance the contrast of ice and clays. A Bruker micro-CT scanner with cooling stage is used to image ice-saturated rock samples. Image segmentation software Avizo Fire is applied to separate phases and calculate properties like porosity, permeability, and pore size distribution from the 3D digital models.
The document describes experiments using an environmental scanning electron microscope to generate 3D reconstructions of membrane structures from 2D image slices. Membrane samples were embedded in resin and ultramicrotomed into thin sections for imaging. Image stacks from multiple samples were assembled into 3D models and analyzed to calculate membrane pore characteristics and water flux measurements, validating the 3D reconstruction method. The results provide a quantitative view of membrane nanostructure-property relationships not possible with conventional techniques.
This document describes the capabilities of the FIB-Nanotomography facility at the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Microscopie Electronique (CIME) at the cole Polytechnique F辿d辿rale de Lausanne (EPFL). The facility contains a Zeiss NVision 40 dual beam FIB/SEM that allows for the automated acquisition of large 3D volumes with voxel sizes down to 5-10nm. Examples are given of its applications in materials science, including the reconstruction of microstructures in superconducting cables and solder joints. The facility is also used for life science applications such as serial sectioning of brain tissue to reconstruct neuronal structures at nanoscale resolution. Automated segmentation techniques are applied to
This document discusses using X-ray computed tomography to characterize the internal structure of asphalt. Key points:
- X-ray CT is used to capture images of asphalt with micrometer-scale resolution, allowing segmentation of stones, binder, and air voids.
- Parameters describing the stone size distribution, shape, contacts, and air void structure are obtained from the segmented images.
- Finite element modeling incorporates the structural information to quantify stresses and strains in each phase under loading and temperature changes.
- Understanding the internal structure-property relationships enables improved mixture design and prediction of field performance.
The document summarizes research on characterizing the microstructure evolution of cast AlMgSi alloys using synchrotron tomography. Key findings include: (1) Synchrotron tomography was used to investigate microstructure evolution during solidification and heat treatment, (2) Primary 留-Al dendrites and eutectic 留-Al/Mg2Si formed with a highly interconnected seaweed-like morphology, (3) During heat treatment, the eutectic phases spheroidized and the contiguity between Mg2Si and Si remained.
This document discusses defects in cast aluminum alloys and methods for their non-destructive evaluation. It presents an outline on pores in cast aluminum components, the influence of defects on fatigue life, developing parametric models using computer tomography, and correlating finite element models with experiments. The goal is to better understand crack-initiating defects in cast aluminum alloys through non-destructive testing and modeling.
This document describes building a pore network model from 3D images of a pore space to precisely predict permeability. Key steps include:
1) Skeletonizing the 3D image to extract the pore network topology.
2) Partitioning the pore space to identify individual pores and throats.
3) Constructing the pore network model (PNM) graph from the skeleton and partitioning.
4) Computing local resistances within the PNM to predict permeability and comparing with direct numerical modeling.
This document discusses early embryo development in Arabidopsis thaliana. It aims to quantitatively describe key events related to geometry and mechanics during this process. Specifically, it seeks to:
1. Determine the sequence of developmental events by reconstructing 3D cell dynamics over time. This involves cell segmentation, lineage tracking, and growth modeling.
2. Understand why these events occur in this particular order by exploring potential biophysical and mechanical influences, such as cell curvature and distorsions during shaping.
The findings could provide insights into a few fundamental rules governing early embryogenesis through simulations incorporating geometry from 3D reconstructions.
The document discusses climate modeling and simulations performed at the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ). It provides an overview of DKRZ's high performance computing capabilities and describes the components and coupling of Earth system models. It also summarizes simulations contributed to the CMIP5/IPCC AR5 project, including temperature and sea ice projections under different scenarios. Visualization of simulation output is discussed along with the Avizo Green software developed in collaboration with DKRZ.
The document describes the Visualization Laboratory at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. It provides an overview of the laboratory's core facilities and capabilities for visualizing large datasets from various research centers at the university, including biology, imaging, materials science, chemical science, mechanical engineering, and more. The laboratory houses advanced visualization facilities like a 24 projector dome and 96 GPU computing cluster to enable interactive exploration and analysis of petabyte-scale scientific data.
The document discusses using CT scanning and 3D shape analysis to classify carbonate rock pores. It introduces CT scanning workflow and principles, showing how it provides 3D quantitative and qualitative pore structure data. Pore shapes are mathematically described using ellipsoid fitting of principal moments of inertia to calculate dimensions L, I, and S. Shape classes are then defined based on ratios of these dimensions. The analysis aims to better characterize carbonate reservoir heterogeneity at different scales.
The document summarizes the evaluation of rock properties and structures at the micrometer scale using sub-micrometer X-ray computed tomography. It introduces a nanofocus X-ray tube capable of less than 800 nm spot size and a nanoCT system used to scan geological rock samples with resolutions under 1 micrometer. Example scans of Bentheimer sandstone show individual mineral phases like quartz, clay, and feldspar. Scans of pyroclastic rocks resolve pores and fractures less than 2 micrometers thick. The high resolution CT allows analyzing pore structure, surface area, and simulating fluid flow at the microscale for understanding rock physics.
The document describes methods for improving X-ray contrast of phases in porous rock samples using micro-CT imaging and image processing. Heavy metal ions are used to enhance the contrast of ice and clays. A Bruker micro-CT scanner with cooling stage is used to image ice-saturated rock samples. Image segmentation software Avizo Fire is applied to separate phases and calculate properties like porosity, permeability, and pore size distribution from the 3D digital models.
The document describes experiments using an environmental scanning electron microscope to generate 3D reconstructions of membrane structures from 2D image slices. Membrane samples were embedded in resin and ultramicrotomed into thin sections for imaging. Image stacks from multiple samples were assembled into 3D models and analyzed to calculate membrane pore characteristics and water flux measurements, validating the 3D reconstruction method. The results provide a quantitative view of membrane nanostructure-property relationships not possible with conventional techniques.
This document describes the capabilities of the FIB-Nanotomography facility at the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Microscopie Electronique (CIME) at the cole Polytechnique F辿d辿rale de Lausanne (EPFL). The facility contains a Zeiss NVision 40 dual beam FIB/SEM that allows for the automated acquisition of large 3D volumes with voxel sizes down to 5-10nm. Examples are given of its applications in materials science, including the reconstruction of microstructures in superconducting cables and solder joints. The facility is also used for life science applications such as serial sectioning of brain tissue to reconstruct neuronal structures at nanoscale resolution. Automated segmentation techniques are applied to
This document discusses using X-ray computed tomography to characterize the internal structure of asphalt. Key points:
- X-ray CT is used to capture images of asphalt with micrometer-scale resolution, allowing segmentation of stones, binder, and air voids.
- Parameters describing the stone size distribution, shape, contacts, and air void structure are obtained from the segmented images.
- Finite element modeling incorporates the structural information to quantify stresses and strains in each phase under loading and temperature changes.
- Understanding the internal structure-property relationships enables improved mixture design and prediction of field performance.
Studying thermomechanical properties of thermostructural composites using X-ray microcomputed tomography
1. Avizo EUGM 2012 30 mai au 1er juin 2012 - Bordeaux
Studying thermomechanical properties of
thermostructural composites using X-Ray
computed micro-tomography
E.Rohmer1, C.Lorrette1,2, G.L.Vignoles1, G.Cou辿gnat1, M.Charron1
- University of Bordeaux -
1 LCTS Laboratoire des Composites ThermoStructuraux
2 CEA centre de Saclay Commissariat lEnergie Atomique et aux
Energies Alternatives
3. Motivation
Material : C or SiC composites
+ High temperature
+ Low CTE coeff. of thermal exp.
+ Mechanical properties
Applications (highly demanding conditions)
+ Nuclear power plants (fuel confinement Tokamak plasma-facing components)
+ Aerospace technology (ArianeV boosters, Jet engine divergent, Atmospheric reentry
heat shield parts, Aircraft brakes)
Predict thermo mechanical properties
Materials are highly structured (woven materials)
Behavior is linked to the 3D geometry
Objective : predict the material behavior
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4. Developed method(s)
Scan the material
X-ray 亮CT
Visualisation in 3D (Avizo std.)
Work on images
Pores and cracks : determine density,
shape and position
Matrix and fibers : determine orientation,
density, shape and pattern of the weaving
Mesh the image
Calculate the thermomechanical
Using the mesh
With elements enriched (density,
orientation calculated on 亮CT images).
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5. C/C composites
亮CT images :
- Phoenix XRay Nanotom
X-Z 3D
- Laboratory Micro/nano CT
- Resolution : 5 亮m
- Woven plies (X-Y directions)
- Stacked and stitched in Z direction
- > Complex geometry : X-Y Y-Z
- Tangled phases (yarn, matrix, pores) hard to label
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6. C/C composites
Solution :
- Use directly the voxel as the structural element (Finite element for calculation)
- Enrich the elements by the direction of fibers and the density (both measured
on the image)
FE density
亮CT 3D image is meshed using
calculation of
the voxel as FE
thermal dilation
- Avizo for image visualization (3D image,
density, orientations)
and orientations enrich the model
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- ImageJ for data translation
- Zebulon or Coda for FE calculation
7. C/C composites
Measure the density
Porosity & material density
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8. C/C composites
Measure the fiber directions :
- Image structure tensor
- Image Hessian matrix
2I 2I 2 I - Where I is the Grey level of the pixel
x xy xz - x, y and z are the image direction
2I 2I 2 I - Derivatives calculated by centred finite
He difference method ie :
yx y 2 yz
2 I ( x, y )
2I 2I 2 I I ( x 1, y ) 2 I ( x, y ) I ( x 1, y )
x 2
zy z - Mask applied
- Calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hessian matrix
- The eigenvector associated with the minimum egeinvalue
- > represents the minimum grey level variation
- > material (fibers) direction.
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9. C/C composites
Measurement of the fiber directions :
y X orientation
Y orientation
Z orientation
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10. C/C composites
Calculation - T=1500属C:
- Calculated global thermal dilation : 竜yy= 0.7%
- Visualization of the effect on the structure : local variations & stresses
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11. C/C composites
- Complex architecture -> use voxel as finite element
- Enrich elements with measures on images (direction and density)
- Avizo very useful for 3D visualization (grey scale images, combination of
orientation field images)
Next :
tubular shaped SiC/SiC
- More easy to label
- Unstructured meshes based on image segmentation (reconstruction or
direct mesh)
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12. Tubular shaped SiC/SiC
- Laboratory Micro/nano CT
- Resolution : 10 亮m
- Braided tubular fabrics X-Y 3D - int 3D - ext
- 2 stacks
- Dry and infiltrated materials available
X-Z - Phases and weaving relatively easy to analyze
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13. 1st Solution :
Tubular shaped SiC/SiC
- Polar to Cartesian transformation
- Analyze the weaving pattern by locating and marking the path
- Encode the path to reconstruct a finite element model
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14. 1st Solution :
Tubular shaped SiC/SiC
- Polar to Cartesian transformation Color = orientation
- Analyze the weaving pattern by locating and marking the path
- Encode the path to reconstruct a finite element model
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15. 2nd
Tubular shaped SiC/SiC
solution :
- Mesh the image directly with Avizo (unstructured tetrahedrons)
- Enrich the elements with measurements on images (density & orientations)
亮CT 3D image is meshed using calculation of
Avizo compressive
and density enrich the model
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16. Tubular shaped SiC/SiC
Meshing the image with Avizo :
A marching cubes
亮CT 3D image of is labeled the label is dilated algorithm is applied
a dry tube (To extract the SiC Yarns) (To simulate the matrix)
(To mesh the surface)
apply an advancing simplification (nbr of simplification (max
front algorithm triangles criterion) distance criterion)
(Tetrahedra) (triangles adapted to curvature) (Homogeneous triangles)
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17. Tubular shaped SiC/SiC
Affect local informations :
of center of
gravity of
tetrahedra Calculation
(compressive BC)
Reading orientations &
density in voxels
(same methods as in CC composites)
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19. Tubular shaped SiC/SiC
= Less complex architecture -> 2 solutions
- 1st solution : analyze & encode the weaving path to reconstruct a
finite element model
- Weaving hard to analyze, to reconstruct and to calculate. But
accurate method.
- 2nd solution : mesh the image with Avizo & enrich the elements with
measurements on images (density & orientations)
- Thanks to Avizo package, mesh is easy to produce.
- Calculation very efficient and accurate (close to experimental
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20. Conclusions/perspectives
Calculations based on the real material
Very accurate methods halfway methods between
experimental and modeling
Useful to understand and predict thermostructural
composites behavio
Importance of the knowledge of micro-scale mechanical
Avizo速 mostly used for 3D observation (density,
geometry, orientations) and meshing.
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