Molas are intricate cloth designs created by the Kuna people of Panama. The Kuna live mainly on islands off the coast of Panama and have a matriarchal society. A key part of traditional Kuna women's clothing is the mola - two brightly colored and geometrically patterned cloth panels sewn onto a blouse. Molas are created through a process of sewing together cut pieces of fabric in symmetrical patterns and designs that were originally inspired by the body paintings of Kuna women. This document provides instructions for making a paper mola collage through cutting out symmetrical shapes from folded paper to replicate the design process of traditional Kuna molas.
L叩mina 10 de la EBA titulada "Los jugadores de cartas" de Cezanne, pintor pos-impresionista franc辿s. Oleomargarinas sobre lienzo conservada en Museo Orsay de Francia.
Contexto hist坦rico del Imperio y an叩lisis de los principales rasgos de su arquitectura y decoraci坦n musivaria. Algunas im叩genes pertenecen a las presentaciones de gaut, ies senda galiana y vicentecam.
The document provides an overview of art history from the Renaissance period to modern digital art. It summarizes several major art movements including Renaissance, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, and highlights some of the most prominent artists from each period such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Claude Monet, and Vincent Van Gogh. Key characteristics and examples of works from each movement are described.
Vincent Van Gogh was a post-Impressionist painter born in 1853 who created over 2,000 works between 1880-1890. Early in his career, Van Gogh painted in a realistic, dark style like many artists of his time. However, his true artistic expression used bright colors, distorted shapes, and brush strokes to convey emotion. By the late 1880s, Van Gogh developed his signature expressive style seen in works like Starry Night, though he sold none of his paintings during his lifetime. Van Gogh struggled financially and with mental health issues, and tragically took his own life in 1890 at the young age of 37. He is now regarded as one of the greatest and most influential artists
Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, & CubismProfWillAdams
Cubism developed in two stages between 1907-1914: Analytic Cubism and Synthetic Cubism. Analytic Cubism shattered objects into geometric forms and removed color, while Synthetic Cubism reintroduced color through techniques like papier coll辿 and collage. The main Cubist artists were Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, who depicted objects from multiple perspectives and blurred the lines between art and reality. They were influenced by Paul C辿zanne's retrospective in 1907 and sought to represent 3D objects on a 2D surface in a new way.
Pablo Picasso was the most famous artist of the 20th century. He was born in M叩laga, Spain in 1881 and showed artistic talent from a young age. Picasso experimented with many styles over his long career, including his iconic Cubist works from 1907 onward. He is renowned for pioneering modern art and for producing over 1,500 works housed in museums worldwide today. Picasso continued developing as an artist throughout his life, striving to maintain the creative spirit of childhood in his work.
El documento contiene definiciones de varios t辿rminos relacionados con la arquitectura y el arte del Renacimiento. Explica conceptos como almohadillado, balaustre, carnaci坦n, cinquecento, encarnaci坦n, estofado, estuco, grutesco, herreriano, imaginaria, logia, manierismo, m辿nsula, nimbo, 坦leo, perspectiva, plateresco y sus caracter鱈sticas. Tambi辿n incluye im叩genes de ejemplos de cada uno.
Pablo Picasso was born in Spain in 1881 and was the most famous painter of the 1900s. He showed an early talent for art from a young age, encouraged by his art teacher father. Picasso went through several artistic periods over his long career, including the Blue Period around 1901-1904 where he used predominantly blue colors to depict somber scenes, the Rose Period from 1904-1906 where he transitioned to warmer pinks and oranges, and Cubism from 1907-1917 where he broke objects down into geometric shapes. Later in life in 1954, Picasso befriended a young woman named Sylvette David after painting her portrait, going on to create over 40 artworks inspired by her. Picasso had an
Contexto hist坦rico del Imperio y an叩lisis de los principales rasgos de su arquitectura y decoraci坦n musivaria. Algunas im叩genes pertenecen a las presentaciones de gaut, ies senda galiana y vicentecam.
The document provides an overview of art history from the Renaissance period to modern digital art. It summarizes several major art movements including Renaissance, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, and highlights some of the most prominent artists from each period such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Claude Monet, and Vincent Van Gogh. Key characteristics and examples of works from each movement are described.
Vincent Van Gogh was a post-Impressionist painter born in 1853 who created over 2,000 works between 1880-1890. Early in his career, Van Gogh painted in a realistic, dark style like many artists of his time. However, his true artistic expression used bright colors, distorted shapes, and brush strokes to convey emotion. By the late 1880s, Van Gogh developed his signature expressive style seen in works like Starry Night, though he sold none of his paintings during his lifetime. Van Gogh struggled financially and with mental health issues, and tragically took his own life in 1890 at the young age of 37. He is now regarded as one of the greatest and most influential artists
Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, & CubismProfWillAdams
Cubism developed in two stages between 1907-1914: Analytic Cubism and Synthetic Cubism. Analytic Cubism shattered objects into geometric forms and removed color, while Synthetic Cubism reintroduced color through techniques like papier coll辿 and collage. The main Cubist artists were Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, who depicted objects from multiple perspectives and blurred the lines between art and reality. They were influenced by Paul C辿zanne's retrospective in 1907 and sought to represent 3D objects on a 2D surface in a new way.
Pablo Picasso was the most famous artist of the 20th century. He was born in M叩laga, Spain in 1881 and showed artistic talent from a young age. Picasso experimented with many styles over his long career, including his iconic Cubist works from 1907 onward. He is renowned for pioneering modern art and for producing over 1,500 works housed in museums worldwide today. Picasso continued developing as an artist throughout his life, striving to maintain the creative spirit of childhood in his work.
El documento contiene definiciones de varios t辿rminos relacionados con la arquitectura y el arte del Renacimiento. Explica conceptos como almohadillado, balaustre, carnaci坦n, cinquecento, encarnaci坦n, estofado, estuco, grutesco, herreriano, imaginaria, logia, manierismo, m辿nsula, nimbo, 坦leo, perspectiva, plateresco y sus caracter鱈sticas. Tambi辿n incluye im叩genes de ejemplos de cada uno.
Pablo Picasso was born in Spain in 1881 and was the most famous painter of the 1900s. He showed an early talent for art from a young age, encouraged by his art teacher father. Picasso went through several artistic periods over his long career, including the Blue Period around 1901-1904 where he used predominantly blue colors to depict somber scenes, the Rose Period from 1904-1906 where he transitioned to warmer pinks and oranges, and Cubism from 1907-1917 where he broke objects down into geometric shapes. Later in life in 1954, Picasso befriended a young woman named Sylvette David after painting her portrait, going on to create over 40 artworks inspired by her. Picasso had an
This document lists several early human species: Australopithecus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis, and Homo de Cromeny坦. It provides a brief timeline of hominin evolution starting with Australopithecus and progressing through Homo species that include Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis, and ending with Homo de Cromeny坦.
Jaume vino a la clase de tercer grado para tocar el viol鱈n. Explic坦 que el viol鱈n es un instrumento italiano con cuatro cuerdas, Mi, Sol, Fa y La, y que se toca con el arco cubierto con pelos de caballo. Jaume toc坦 una canci坦n para la clase y les ense単坦 que el viol鱈n ten鱈a un puente que sosten鱈a las cuerdas, y que ese viol鱈n en particular ten鱈a 100 a単os.
Pablo Diego Jos辿 Ruiz Picasso. Conegut
art鱈sticament pel cognom de la mare.
Va n辿ixer el 25
doctubre del 1881
a Mlaga i va morir
el 8 dabril del 1973
a Fran巽a.
Fill dun pintor basc (Jos辿 Ruiz Blasco) i
una mare andalusa (Mar鱈a Picasso L坦pez)
Era un nen distret i poc
treballador per嘆 amb
molta facilitat pel dibuix,
que el seu pare
Era el gran de tres fills. Les seves dues
germanes es deien Dolores i Concepci坦n.
Picasso va crear m辿s de 20.000 obres al
llarg de la seva vida.
El seu primer dibuix 辿s vista del puerto
de Mlaga. s una c嘆pia, feta de
mem嘆ria, dun quadre que va fer el seu
La va fer amb 7-8 anys.
L炭nic quadre que es conserva de la seva
infantesa 辿s El picador amarillo. El va
fer amb 8- 9 anys i mostra el seu gust
pel m坦n dels toros.
8. La seva vida
Picasso va crear diverses corrents que
van revolucionar les arts plstiques, com
el cubisme.
La seva activitat creadora
sest辿n al llarg de m辿s de
setanta cinc anys.
9. La seva vida
Era una persona dotada duna formidable
capacitat de treball.
Enamorat dels barris
bohemis de Par鱈s i del
sol Mediterrani.
10. La seva vida
De Mlaga va marxar a La Coru単a (1891)
i daqu鱈 la fam鱈lia es va mudar a
Barcelona, on el pare treballa de mestre
a lEscola dArts i Oficis de la Llotja.
Picasso va resoldre en un dia els
exercicis dexamen previstos per un mes
i ladmeten a lescola.
11. La seva vida
Al 1896, amb 15 anys, instal揃la el seu
primer taller a Barcelona.
Al 1898 realitza la seva primera mostra
individual als Els Quatre Gats de
Al 1900 viatja per primer cop a Par鱈s
per veure lExposici坦 Universal.
Aqu鱈 ven tres dibuixos a Petrus Ma単ach,
qui li ofereix 150 francs mensuals per
tota la seva obra dun any.
Al 1904 es trasllada definitivament a
Al 1901 comen巽a el seu per鱈ode blau i
a lany seg端ent exposa la
seva primera mostra
parisenca a la galeria
Berthe Weill.
Finalment al 1904 es trasllada a Paris.
A Paris sinstal揃la al c竪lebre Bateau-
Lavoir. Durant tres anys pinta i dibuixa,
sota linfluencia de C辿zanne, mentres
elabora les l鱈nies del cubisme anal鱈tic.
En aquest per鱈ode surt lobra
Las se単oritas de Avi単坦n (1907).
15. Etapes de Picasso
poca blava (1901-1904) poca rosa (1904-1906)
El guitarrista 1903 La fam鱈lia de saltimbanquis
16. Etapes de Picasso
El cubisme (1906-1909) El cubisme anal鱈tic (1909-
Fbrica de Horta de lEbre Muchacha con mandolina
1909 1910
17. Etapes de Picasso
El cubisme sint竪tic (1912-1915) El neoclassicisme (1917-1925)
Arlequ鱈n con paleta 1915 Familia a orillas del mar 1922
18. Etapes de Picasso
El surrealisme (1925-1935) 晦e恰沿姻艶壊壊庄看稼庄壊馨艶 (1935-1972)
Ba単ista sentada a la orilla Guernica 1937
del mar 1930
Al 1918 es casa amb la ballarina Olga
Khokhlova, de qui sacaba divorciant.
T辿 una relaci坦 amb Teresa Walter,
de la qual neix la seva primera filla Maya
Sense 竪xit en les
seves antigues
relacions senamora
de Dora Maar.
Al 1944 senamora de la
jove pintora Fran巽oise
Gilot, amb qui tindr
dos fills: Claude i Paloma.
Vivint encara amb Fran巽oise Gilot,
Picasso 辿s entrevistat per una
adolescent va tenir una relaci坦 amb
Genevi竪ve Laporte.
Al 1957 comen巽a una relaci坦 amb la jove
Jacqueline Roqu辿, abans de pintar el
mural gegant鱈 per a lUNESCO.
Picasso va crear, amar, treballar i viure
intensament fins al dia de la seva mort.
Darrera deixa lobra art鱈stica personal
m辿s gran i rica del nostre segle.
Tamb辿 va deixar una her竪ncia que va
provocar disputes fins que va recaure en
la seva filla, Paloma.