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H DC50
Choose Research Methods
Method: Self-documentation
Self-Documentation is a powerful method for observing
processes over a long period of time, or for understanding
the nuances of community life when the researcher cant be
there. Records of experiences, such as journal entries, allow
the team to see how participants see their life, community,
and relationships.
Be sensitive to who has access to what in a community.
It is important to recruit both men and women in this
exercise to have a balance of perspectives. Also be
sensitive to class, age, and other factors that will affect
the information people are able to collect and record.
Recruit several people and give them cameras, video
cameras, voice recorders or journals, with instructions.
Ask them to document their experiences over a few
days or weeks. Give participants instructions designed
to guide them on how to easily record activities that
will yield relevant information to the research project.
The easier it is to self-document, the more likely it is
that participants will complete the exercise.
Often teenagers and young people are good participants
in self-documentary exercises. Young people tend to
want to express themselves in new ways, and can find
the process of documenting their lives and the
community less intimidating than older adults.
You may find that your participants need a little help
practicing the techniques for self-documentation. If this is
the case, show some examples of how other people have
done self-documentation, or spend a few hours with the
participant to show them how to capture information.
Facilitator Notes
Step 1: Decide what
you would like people
to document -- their
feelings, activities,
family life, income,
or behaviors. Based
on this, decide what
the best mode for
collection of the
information might be:
photographs, diaries,
voice recordings, etc.
Step 2: Give
participants the tools
and instructions to
document themselves
for several days.
Step 3: When
you return to the
participants, review
the materials together.
Remember to ask
them not just what the
things are that they
documented, but also
why they chose these
details and how they
felt about the items.
	 2-30 Days
51H DC

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Pages from ideo hcd toolkit_final_cc_superlr

  • 1. H DC50 Hear Choose Research Methods Method: Self-documentation method: Self-Documentation Self-Documentation is a powerful method for observing processes over a long period of time, or for understanding the nuances of community life when the researcher cant be there. Records of experiences, such as journal entries, allow the team to see how participants see their life, community, and relationships. GENDER Be sensitive to who has access to what in a community. It is important to recruit both men and women in this exercise to have a balance of perspectives. Also be sensitive to class, age, and other factors that will affect the information people are able to collect and record. TRY Recruit several people and give them cameras, video cameras, voice recorders or journals, with instructions. Ask them to document their experiences over a few days or weeks. Give participants instructions designed to guide them on how to easily record activities that will yield relevant information to the research project. The easier it is to self-document, the more likely it is that participants will complete the exercise. TIP #1 TIP #2 Often teenagers and young people are good participants in self-documentary exercises. Young people tend to want to express themselves in new ways, and can find the process of documenting their lives and the community less intimidating than older adults. You may find that your participants need a little help practicing the techniques for self-documentation. If this is the case, show some examples of how other people have done self-documentation, or spend a few hours with the participant to show them how to capture information. Facilitator Notes Step 1: Decide what you would like people to document -- their feelings, activities, family life, income, or behaviors. Based on this, decide what the best mode for collection of the information might be: photographs, diaries, voice recordings, etc. Step 2: Give participants the tools and instructions to document themselves for several days. Step 3: When you return to the participants, review the materials together. Remember to ask them not just what the things are that they documented, but also why they chose these details and how they felt about the items. Time: 2-30 Days Difficulty: