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History Option
Why GCSE History?
We believe in the importance of learning from history. The AQA
specification enables students to study different aspects of the past,
so they can engage with key issues such as conflict, understand
what drives change and how the past influences the present.
AQA have worked with teachers and subject experts to include
some exciting new topics for todays world that will resonate with
students, helping them gain new insights into the world around
How to be successful in History:
Memory - You need to remember the facts/details.
Literacy - You need to be able to effectively write about what you
know and directly answer questions.
Building on the skills and topics at Key Stage 3, GCSE History will
equip students with essential skills and prepare them for further
Subject content:
Paper 1: Understanding the modern world
Section A: Period studies
AB Germany, 18901945: Democracy and dictatorship
This period study focuses on the development of Germany during a turbulent half
century of change. It was a period of democracy and dictatorship  the
development and collapse of democracy and the rise and fall of Nazism.
Students will study the political, economic, social and cultural aspects of these
two developments and the role ideas played in influencing change. They will also
look at the role of key individuals and groups in shaping change and the impact
the developments had on them.
Subject content:
Paper 1: Understanding the modern world
Section B: Wider world depth studies
BB Conflict and tension: The inter-war years, 19181939
This wider world depth study enables students to understand the complex and
diverse interests of different individuals and states including the Great Powers. It
looks at concepts such as national self-determination, ideas of internationalism
and the challenges of revising the peace settlement. It focuses on the causes of
the Second World War and seeks to show how and why conflict occurred and
why it proved difficult to resolve the issues which caused it. This study also
considers the role of key individuals and groups in shaping change, as well as how
they were affected by and influenced international relations.
Students will study the importance of the following factors:
 superstition and religion
 the role of the individual in
encouraging or inhibiting change
Students will show an understanding of how factors worked together to bring
about particular developments at a particular time, how they were related and
their impact upon society.
Subject content:
Paper 2: Shaping the nation
Section A: Thematic studies
AA Britain: Health and the people: c1000 to the present day
 science and technology
Subject content:
Paper 2: Shaping the nation
Section B: British depth studies including the historic environment
BC Elizabethan England, c15681603
This option allows students to study in depth a specified period, the last 35 years
of Elizabeth I's reign. The study will focus on major events of Elizabeth Is reign
considered from economic, religious, political, social and cultural standpoints,
and arising contemporary and historical controversies.
What's assessed:
In Section A there is a choice of four period studies, each with a focus on two key
developments in a country's history over at least a 50 year period.
In Section B there is a choice of five wider world depth studies. These focus on international
conflict and tension.
How it's assessed:
 Written exam: 2 hours
 84 marks (including 4 marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar
 50% of GCSE
 Section A  six compulsory questions (40 marks)
 Section B  four compulsory questions (40 marks)
 Plus 4 marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar
Assessments  Paper 1: Understanding the modern world
What's assessed:
In Section A there is a choice of three thematic studies, which look at key developments in
Britain over a long period.
In Section B there is a choice of four British depth studies incorporating the study of a specific
historic environment.
How it's assessed:
 Written exam: 2 hours
 84 marks (including 4 marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar
 50% of GCSE
 Section A  four compulsory questions (40 marks)
 Section B  four compulsory questions (40 marks)
 Plus 4 marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar
Assessments  Paper 2: Shaping the nation
Subject specific FAQs
Q  Are there any revision materials that would be useful?
A  Yes. We recommend the CGP AQA History Revision Guide as a minimum.
There is the option to purchase these, as well as other revision materials,
cheaper through the school.
Q  Is there any coursework?
A  No. Everything is assessed through the 2 examinations.
Q  Are there any trips?
A  There are no trips required as part of the specification.
Examples of History related jobs:
 Academic researcher
 Heritage manager
 Historic buildings inspector/conservation officer
 Museum education officer
 Museum/gallery curator
 Museum/gallery exhibitions officer
 And much more!
 Academic librarian
 Broadcast journalist
 Civil Service administrator
 Editorial assistant
 Human resources officer
 Information officer
 Marketing executive
 Policy officer
 Politician's assistant
 Talent agent
Need more information?
 Book an appointment to speak to a subject teacher
 Visit the AQA website:

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Pakefield - History

  • 2. Why GCSE History? We believe in the importance of learning from history. The AQA specification enables students to study different aspects of the past, so they can engage with key issues such as conflict, understand what drives change and how the past influences the present. AQA have worked with teachers and subject experts to include some exciting new topics for todays world that will resonate with students, helping them gain new insights into the world around them.
  • 3. How to be successful in History: Memory - You need to remember the facts/details. Literacy - You need to be able to effectively write about what you know and directly answer questions. Building on the skills and topics at Key Stage 3, GCSE History will equip students with essential skills and prepare them for further study.
  • 4. Subject content: Paper 1: Understanding the modern world Section A: Period studies AB Germany, 18901945: Democracy and dictatorship This period study focuses on the development of Germany during a turbulent half century of change. It was a period of democracy and dictatorship the development and collapse of democracy and the rise and fall of Nazism. Students will study the political, economic, social and cultural aspects of these two developments and the role ideas played in influencing change. They will also look at the role of key individuals and groups in shaping change and the impact the developments had on them.
  • 5. Subject content: Paper 1: Understanding the modern world Section B: Wider world depth studies BB Conflict and tension: The inter-war years, 19181939 This wider world depth study enables students to understand the complex and diverse interests of different individuals and states including the Great Powers. It looks at concepts such as national self-determination, ideas of internationalism and the challenges of revising the peace settlement. It focuses on the causes of the Second World War and seeks to show how and why conflict occurred and why it proved difficult to resolve the issues which caused it. This study also considers the role of key individuals and groups in shaping change, as well as how they were affected by and influenced international relations.
  • 6. Students will study the importance of the following factors: war superstition and religion chance the role of the individual in encouraging or inhibiting change Students will show an understanding of how factors worked together to bring about particular developments at a particular time, how they were related and their impact upon society. Subject content: Paper 2: Shaping the nation Section A: Thematic studies AA Britain: Health and the people: c1000 to the present day government communication science and technology
  • 7. Subject content: Paper 2: Shaping the nation Section B: British depth studies including the historic environment BC Elizabethan England, c15681603 This option allows students to study in depth a specified period, the last 35 years of Elizabeth I's reign. The study will focus on major events of Elizabeth Is reign considered from economic, religious, political, social and cultural standpoints, and arising contemporary and historical controversies.
  • 8. What's assessed: In Section A there is a choice of four period studies, each with a focus on two key developments in a country's history over at least a 50 year period. In Section B there is a choice of five wider world depth studies. These focus on international conflict and tension. How it's assessed: Written exam: 2 hours 84 marks (including 4 marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar 50% of GCSE Questions: Section A six compulsory questions (40 marks) Section B four compulsory questions (40 marks) Plus 4 marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar Assessments Paper 1: Understanding the modern world
  • 9. What's assessed: In Section A there is a choice of three thematic studies, which look at key developments in Britain over a long period. In Section B there is a choice of four British depth studies incorporating the study of a specific historic environment. How it's assessed: Written exam: 2 hours 84 marks (including 4 marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar 50% of GCSE Questions: Section A four compulsory questions (40 marks) Section B four compulsory questions (40 marks) Plus 4 marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar Assessments Paper 2: Shaping the nation
  • 10. Subject specific FAQs Q Are there any revision materials that would be useful? A Yes. We recommend the CGP AQA History Revision Guide as a minimum. There is the option to purchase these, as well as other revision materials, cheaper through the school. Q Is there any coursework? A No. Everything is assessed through the 2 examinations. Q Are there any trips? A There are no trips required as part of the specification.
  • 11. Examples of History related jobs: Academic researcher Archivist Heritage manager Historic buildings inspector/conservation officer Museum education officer Museum/gallery curator Museum/gallery exhibitions officer Teacher And much more! Academic librarian Archaeologist Broadcast journalist Civil Service administrator Editorial assistant Human resources officer Information officer Marketing executive Policy officer Politician's assistant Solicitor Talent agent
  • 12. Need more information? Book an appointment to speak to a subject teacher Visit the AQA website: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/history/gcse/history-8145