The document discusses 4 critical factors for reducing volatility and maximizing investment returns:
1. Reduce volatility through strategies that buy markets instead of individual stocks.
2. Optimize portfolio construction to capture upside while managing downside risk.
3. Reduce expenses and fees which can significantly impact long-term returns.
4. Reduce taxes through tax-efficient investing to keep more of the returns.
Metode ini memberikan pedoman untuk perencanaan teknis krib sungai yang aman dan berfungsi dengan baik untuk melindungi bangunan dari erosi dan kerusakan akibat aliran sungai. Dokumen ini membahas kriteria pemilihan jenis krib, lokasi penempatan, perencanaan teknis, uji model, persyaratan pelaksanaan dan pemantauan.
Apport de la communication sensible dans le processus de rconciliation en c?...Michel GOUGOU
Reconciliation in C?te d'Ivoire is a necessity for sustainable development and the emergence of the country. In this dynamic resolution of the psychological and social consequences related to previous conflicts military policies, policies of the State and NGOs seem to face many difficulties concerning the implementation of this project. In this case, a new communication strategy must be associated with the joint action of the State and the structures in charge of the national reconciliation process to address the social divide. In this context, the deployment of sensitive communication project developed at the end of this reflection is an opportunity to achieve reconciliation in C?te d'Ivoire.
La rconciliation en C?te dIvoire est une ncessit pour le dveloppement durable et lmergence de ce pays. Dans cette dynamique de rsolution des squelles psychologiques et sociales lies aux prcdents conflits militaro politiques, les politiques de lEtat et des ONG semblent confrontes de nombreuses difficults mettant mal la ralisation de ce projet. Dans ce cas de figure, une nouvelle stratgie de communication doit tre associe laction conjointe de lEtat et des structures en charge du processus de rconciliation nationale pour faire face la fracture sociale. Dans cette perspective, le dploiement du projet de communication sensible labor lissue de cette rflexion est une opportunit pour russir la rconciliation en C?te dIvoire.
Este documento resume los conceptos clave de direccionamiento IP, incluyendo los campos del encabezado del paquete IPv4, el protocolo ARP para mapear direcciones IP a MAC, la jerarquizacin de direcciones para separar hosts en redes, y el protocolo DNS para convertir direcciones IP numricas en nombres de dominio ms fciles de recordar para las personas.
The document provides information about videos from the U.S. Army News and Information channel, including videos about the Chief of Staff of the Army's 2014 holiday message, the official end of combat mission in Afghanistan, the 2015 U.S. Army All American Bowl, and Medal of Honor recipient 1st Lt. Alonzo H. Cushing. It allows the user to filter videos and provides a search bar to find videos related to a "Best Warrior Competition".
This certificate certifies that Ike Montroy has completed Confined Space Entry Rescue Training as of April 2014, as evidenced by the signature and date at the bottom of the document. The certificate recognizes Montroy's participation in safety training to prepare for rescue scenarios that may occur when working in confined spaces.
This document discusses cervical cancer management challenges in rural India. It summarizes a study of 218 cervical cancer cases that found 44% refused treatment, 29.8% received complete treatment, and some underwent inappropriate simple hysterectomies. There is a lack of trained specialists, screening, and awareness in rural areas. Doctors require more education on proper diagnosis, staging, and treatment referral for cervical cancer patients. A district-level cancer control program based on Kerala's model could help address screening, vaccination, and management of cervical cancer in rural India.
Renee Dominguez is a dental hygienist seeking part-time work with excellent clinical skills including co-diagnosis, thorough cleanings, and gentle hands. She has over 15 years of experience in various dental practices performing tasks such as cleanings, x-rays, sealants, and assisting dentists. Prior to dental hygiene, she worked in accounting and has strong communication, scheduling, and office management abilities.
El documento describe la transformacin de la mente de una perspectiva negativa a una positiva. Explica que una mente positiva se basa en la sabidura de la interdependencia y la compasin hacia los dems, lo que lleva a una mentalidad calmada, motivaciones positivas y consecuencias beneficiosas. Por el contrario, una mente negativa se basa en la ignorancia, el enfoque en s mismo y las emociones destructivas, lo que conduce a sufrimiento.
The document discusses the importance of communication skills for leadership. It states that effective communication is the most important leadership skill, as leaders spend over 80% of their time communicating. It then lists several traits of an effective leader and different types of leadership communication. The summary concludes that poor leadership communication can be very costly, while effective communication allows leaders to transform organizations, connect with others, and inspire employees.
The document discusses the importance of communication for effective leadership, noting that leaders must be able to share knowledge, transmit urgency and enthusiasm to motivate others. It provides tips for leadership communication including beginning with a clear vision and message, listening to gain commitment and trust from followers, and actively seeking feedback to improve leadership skills. Effective communication is fundamental to leadership and learning to communicate better would make one a much stronger leader.
Erik Erikson's psychosocial development theory proposes that social and emotional development occurs through eight stages across the lifespan. Each stage presents a psychosocial crisis that focuses on developing certain virtues. For example, infants work on developing hope by resolving the trust vs mistrust crisis through bonding with caregivers. Subsequent crises center around autonomy, initiative, industry, identity, intimacy, generativity and integrity. Successful completion of each stage helps with a healthy personality and prepares individuals for future stages. The document provides an overview of Erikson's eight stages of psychosocial development.
Metode ini memberikan pedoman untuk perencanaan teknis krib sungai yang aman dan berfungsi dengan baik untuk melindungi bangunan dari erosi dan kerusakan akibat aliran sungai. Dokumen ini membahas kriteria pemilihan jenis krib, lokasi penempatan, perencanaan teknis, uji model, persyaratan pelaksanaan dan pemantauan.
Apport de la communication sensible dans le processus de rconciliation en c?...Michel GOUGOU
Reconciliation in C?te d'Ivoire is a necessity for sustainable development and the emergence of the country. In this dynamic resolution of the psychological and social consequences related to previous conflicts military policies, policies of the State and NGOs seem to face many difficulties concerning the implementation of this project. In this case, a new communication strategy must be associated with the joint action of the State and the structures in charge of the national reconciliation process to address the social divide. In this context, the deployment of sensitive communication project developed at the end of this reflection is an opportunity to achieve reconciliation in C?te d'Ivoire.
La rconciliation en C?te dIvoire est une ncessit pour le dveloppement durable et lmergence de ce pays. Dans cette dynamique de rsolution des squelles psychologiques et sociales lies aux prcdents conflits militaro politiques, les politiques de lEtat et des ONG semblent confrontes de nombreuses difficults mettant mal la ralisation de ce projet. Dans ce cas de figure, une nouvelle stratgie de communication doit tre associe laction conjointe de lEtat et des structures en charge du processus de rconciliation nationale pour faire face la fracture sociale. Dans cette perspective, le dploiement du projet de communication sensible labor lissue de cette rflexion est une opportunit pour russir la rconciliation en C?te dIvoire.
Este documento resume los conceptos clave de direccionamiento IP, incluyendo los campos del encabezado del paquete IPv4, el protocolo ARP para mapear direcciones IP a MAC, la jerarquizacin de direcciones para separar hosts en redes, y el protocolo DNS para convertir direcciones IP numricas en nombres de dominio ms fciles de recordar para las personas.
The document provides information about videos from the U.S. Army News and Information channel, including videos about the Chief of Staff of the Army's 2014 holiday message, the official end of combat mission in Afghanistan, the 2015 U.S. Army All American Bowl, and Medal of Honor recipient 1st Lt. Alonzo H. Cushing. It allows the user to filter videos and provides a search bar to find videos related to a "Best Warrior Competition".
This certificate certifies that Ike Montroy has completed Confined Space Entry Rescue Training as of April 2014, as evidenced by the signature and date at the bottom of the document. The certificate recognizes Montroy's participation in safety training to prepare for rescue scenarios that may occur when working in confined spaces.
This document discusses cervical cancer management challenges in rural India. It summarizes a study of 218 cervical cancer cases that found 44% refused treatment, 29.8% received complete treatment, and some underwent inappropriate simple hysterectomies. There is a lack of trained specialists, screening, and awareness in rural areas. Doctors require more education on proper diagnosis, staging, and treatment referral for cervical cancer patients. A district-level cancer control program based on Kerala's model could help address screening, vaccination, and management of cervical cancer in rural India.
Renee Dominguez is a dental hygienist seeking part-time work with excellent clinical skills including co-diagnosis, thorough cleanings, and gentle hands. She has over 15 years of experience in various dental practices performing tasks such as cleanings, x-rays, sealants, and assisting dentists. Prior to dental hygiene, she worked in accounting and has strong communication, scheduling, and office management abilities.
El documento describe la transformacin de la mente de una perspectiva negativa a una positiva. Explica que una mente positiva se basa en la sabidura de la interdependencia y la compasin hacia los dems, lo que lleva a una mentalidad calmada, motivaciones positivas y consecuencias beneficiosas. Por el contrario, una mente negativa se basa en la ignorancia, el enfoque en s mismo y las emociones destructivas, lo que conduce a sufrimiento.
The document discusses the importance of communication skills for leadership. It states that effective communication is the most important leadership skill, as leaders spend over 80% of their time communicating. It then lists several traits of an effective leader and different types of leadership communication. The summary concludes that poor leadership communication can be very costly, while effective communication allows leaders to transform organizations, connect with others, and inspire employees.
The document discusses the importance of communication for effective leadership, noting that leaders must be able to share knowledge, transmit urgency and enthusiasm to motivate others. It provides tips for leadership communication including beginning with a clear vision and message, listening to gain commitment and trust from followers, and actively seeking feedback to improve leadership skills. Effective communication is fundamental to leadership and learning to communicate better would make one a much stronger leader.
Erik Erikson's psychosocial development theory proposes that social and emotional development occurs through eight stages across the lifespan. Each stage presents a psychosocial crisis that focuses on developing certain virtues. For example, infants work on developing hope by resolving the trust vs mistrust crisis through bonding with caregivers. Subsequent crises center around autonomy, initiative, industry, identity, intimacy, generativity and integrity. Successful completion of each stage helps with a healthy personality and prepares individuals for future stages. The document provides an overview of Erikson's eight stages of psychosocial development.