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Scott Parmenter
Scott Parmenter
I am an expert Systems Engineer/Technical Analyst with significant, demonstrable experience working for
Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 clients in different sectors, including Utilities, Telecoms and Financial Services. I
have extensive experience in developing and testing interfaces, primarily for the utilities industry, using various
software packages such as Constellar Hub, GlobalScape/EFT, Unix and Oracle, and am regarded as the go to
technical authority by clients and peers.
In addition to my technical/domain expertise, I employ a methodical approach to support work and development
projects, and can effectively prioritise workloads to meet business and budgetary requirements. I am capable of
working to tight timescales both individually or as part of a team. I am an effective and capable multi-tasker
with a can do attitude. My excellent verbal and written communication skills have allowed me to build up
significant customer relationships at various levels.
I am currently appointed as a Systems Engineer, and my previous positions include: Senior Service Desk
Operator, Deputy Team Leader, Service Access Administrator and Customer Services Representative.
Key Technical Skills
 Platforms: SunOS, NT
 Software: Constellar Hub, GlobalScape/EFT, Control-M, SQL, Remedy, Primus
 Applications: Interfacing of business to business processes in the Utilities sector.
Professional Highlights
 Provided a dynamic, operational continuity solution for a FTSE100 Utility Companys credit
strategy/repayments system following a 3rd
party supplier failure. This was a live, business critical situation
that was mitigated by my technical knowledge and prompt action.
 Identified and implemented an innovative, complex technical solution to resolve a long standing,
intermittent and undiagnosed client issue which was affecting business processes, at increasing cost and
interruption to the client. The solution delivered more stability and reliability to the client, improving
productivity and reducing cost.
 Following a major server migration project for a global Utilities company, which resulted in severe interface
issues and failures (primarily due to the client implementing changes outside the agreed migration
schedule), I was instrumental in ensuring business/technical continuity, through the application of expert
domain knowledge, strong communication skills and due recognition of risk and change management
priorities. I received an Achievement Award for my dedication and commitment to this project.
 Took on the role of Technical Lead for a 贈1.2million project to migrate all file transfer interfaces from a
software client which was no longer supported over to a new Control-M software application. This was a
highly visible project which lasted 3 years.
Parmenter_Scott.doc Page 1 of 3
Scott Parmenter
Employment History
(TUPE from Accenture/SAIC
IT Specialist
Apr 02 - to present
Interface Support
 Action faults resulting from automated command post alerts or
customer raised calls.
 Rectify problems using systematic and logical approach whilst
keeping the customer informed of progress at all times.
 Take ownership of long term/ongoing issues until problem is
solved and customer satisfied.
 Support and mentor off-shore team members to enable them to
become increasingly independent.
Interface Development/Project Work
 Review Business/Technical specifications to provide cost and
timescales for delivery in line with service level agreements and
 Build interfaces using UNIX, Information Exchange scripts, SQL,
Toad, Constellar HUB, Control-M and GlobalScape/EFT software,
whilst keeping costs within agreed budgetary restraints.
 Create and perform IE unit testing in line with departmental
standards ensuring defects are kept to a minimum, and provide
test plans and results in standard format for the customer to
 Perform User Acceptance Testing/System Testing as required by
the customer and provide reports to customer of any faults arising
during testing and offer advice on best solution for resolution.
 Obtain customer written agreement to allow interface to be passed
for implementation, and implement interface at a time arranged
with customer, ensuring any RFCs/CRQs have been raised and
 Produce supporting auditable documentation in line with QMS,
SOX, Information Exchange and ISO standards.
Outage Co-ordination
 Receive outage notification and investigate affected Interfaces.
 Liaise with other teams  both internal and external  to discuss
outage and agree course of action.
 Obtain written authorisation from the customer to action changes
and/or create additional schedules where required.
 Disable affected outage schedules for outage period. Monitor
progress of outage and ensure all follow-up tasks are completed.
 Inform the customer of any resulting problems and take action to
ensure resolution.
 Ensure all relevant documentation is produced and completed in
line with SOX, Information Exchange, QMS and ISO standards.
Parmenter_Scott.doc Page 2 of 3
Scott Parmenter
Service Access Administrator
Jan 02  Apr 02
 Action Service Access Request forms received for access to
 Set up customer access (where possible) within agreed
 Pass relevant requests to third parties for action and follow
through to resolution.
 Resolve customers queries i.e. incorrect access, invalid password
 Provide advice and guidance to customer on service access
Senior Service Desk Operator
Nov 97  Jan 02
 First point of contact for customers faults, performing first-line
fixes to resolve where possible.
 Ensure customers telephone calls are dealt with efficiently and
within agreed service level agreements/timescales.
 Ensure failure calls are logged correctly and allocated to
appropriate internal or external support team.
 Train and mentor new staff.
 Write and maintain business process to improve working
 Deputise for Service Desk Supervisor to cover for
holidays/sickness etc and become main point of contact for any
Service Desk issues.
 Responsibility for organising team duties and workloads during
major incident
1990  1997: During this period I was employed in various temporary & voluntary positions. From 1992 to
1994 I worked as a voluntary administration assistant for the Victim Support charity. From 1994 to 1996 I
worked in the Chargecard and Direct Debit departments for BT. From late 1996 to the middle of 1997, I
worked as a Customer Service Advisor for Calor Gas.
Education & Qualifications
Bebington High School, Bebington,
GCSE  English, English Literature, Maths, History.
Novell 4 Course  Certified Novell Administrator
NEBSM  Supervisory and Management Course
ITIL Service Management Foundation Course
Parmenter_Scott.doc Page 3 of 3

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  • 1. Scott Parmenter Scott Parmenter Overview I am an expert Systems Engineer/Technical Analyst with significant, demonstrable experience working for Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 clients in different sectors, including Utilities, Telecoms and Financial Services. I have extensive experience in developing and testing interfaces, primarily for the utilities industry, using various software packages such as Constellar Hub, GlobalScape/EFT, Unix and Oracle, and am regarded as the go to technical authority by clients and peers. In addition to my technical/domain expertise, I employ a methodical approach to support work and development projects, and can effectively prioritise workloads to meet business and budgetary requirements. I am capable of working to tight timescales both individually or as part of a team. I am an effective and capable multi-tasker with a can do attitude. My excellent verbal and written communication skills have allowed me to build up significant customer relationships at various levels. I am currently appointed as a Systems Engineer, and my previous positions include: Senior Service Desk Operator, Deputy Team Leader, Service Access Administrator and Customer Services Representative. Key Technical Skills Platforms: SunOS, NT Software: Constellar Hub, GlobalScape/EFT, Control-M, SQL, Remedy, Primus Applications: Interfacing of business to business processes in the Utilities sector. Professional Highlights Provided a dynamic, operational continuity solution for a FTSE100 Utility Companys credit strategy/repayments system following a 3rd party supplier failure. This was a live, business critical situation that was mitigated by my technical knowledge and prompt action. Identified and implemented an innovative, complex technical solution to resolve a long standing, intermittent and undiagnosed client issue which was affecting business processes, at increasing cost and interruption to the client. The solution delivered more stability and reliability to the client, improving productivity and reducing cost. Following a major server migration project for a global Utilities company, which resulted in severe interface issues and failures (primarily due to the client implementing changes outside the agreed migration schedule), I was instrumental in ensuring business/technical continuity, through the application of expert domain knowledge, strong communication skills and due recognition of risk and change management priorities. I received an Achievement Award for my dedication and commitment to this project. Took on the role of Technical Lead for a 贈1.2million project to migrate all file transfer interfaces from a software client which was no longer supported over to a new Control-M software application. This was a highly visible project which lasted 3 years. Parmenter_Scott.doc Page 1 of 3
  • 2. Scott Parmenter Employment History IBM (UK) (TUPE from Accenture/SAIC Ltd) IT Specialist Apr 02 - to present Interface Support Action faults resulting from automated command post alerts or customer raised calls. Rectify problems using systematic and logical approach whilst keeping the customer informed of progress at all times. Take ownership of long term/ongoing issues until problem is solved and customer satisfied. Support and mentor off-shore team members to enable them to become increasingly independent. Interface Development/Project Work Review Business/Technical specifications to provide cost and timescales for delivery in line with service level agreements and budgets. Build interfaces using UNIX, Information Exchange scripts, SQL, Toad, Constellar HUB, Control-M and GlobalScape/EFT software, whilst keeping costs within agreed budgetary restraints. Create and perform IE unit testing in line with departmental standards ensuring defects are kept to a minimum, and provide test plans and results in standard format for the customer to review. Perform User Acceptance Testing/System Testing as required by the customer and provide reports to customer of any faults arising during testing and offer advice on best solution for resolution. Obtain customer written agreement to allow interface to be passed for implementation, and implement interface at a time arranged with customer, ensuring any RFCs/CRQs have been raised and approved. Produce supporting auditable documentation in line with QMS, SOX, Information Exchange and ISO standards. Outage Co-ordination Receive outage notification and investigate affected Interfaces. Liaise with other teams both internal and external to discuss outage and agree course of action. Obtain written authorisation from the customer to action changes and/or create additional schedules where required. Disable affected outage schedules for outage period. Monitor progress of outage and ensure all follow-up tasks are completed. Inform the customer of any resulting problems and take action to ensure resolution. Ensure all relevant documentation is produced and completed in line with SOX, Information Exchange, QMS and ISO standards. Parmenter_Scott.doc Page 2 of 3
  • 3. Scott Parmenter SAIC Ltd Service Access Administrator Jan 02 Apr 02 Action Service Access Request forms received for access to systems. Set up customer access (where possible) within agreed timescales. Pass relevant requests to third parties for action and follow through to resolution. Resolve customers queries i.e. incorrect access, invalid password etc. Provide advice and guidance to customer on service access procedures. SAIC Ltd Senior Service Desk Operator Nov 97 Jan 02 First point of contact for customers faults, performing first-line fixes to resolve where possible. Ensure customers telephone calls are dealt with efficiently and within agreed service level agreements/timescales. Ensure failure calls are logged correctly and allocated to appropriate internal or external support team. Train and mentor new staff. Write and maintain business process to improve working practices. Deputise for Service Desk Supervisor to cover for holidays/sickness etc and become main point of contact for any Service Desk issues. Responsibility for organising team duties and workloads during major incident 1990 1997: During this period I was employed in various temporary & voluntary positions. From 1992 to 1994 I worked as a voluntary administration assistant for the Victim Support charity. From 1994 to 1996 I worked in the Chargecard and Direct Debit departments for BT. From late 1996 to the middle of 1997, I worked as a Customer Service Advisor for Calor Gas. Education & Qualifications Bebington High School, Bebington, Wirral 1985-1990 GCSE English, English Literature, Maths, History. SAIC Ltd 1998 2000-2001 2008 Novell 4 Course Certified Novell Administrator NEBSM Supervisory and Management Course ITIL Service Management Foundation Course Parmenter_Scott.doc Page 3 of 3