Une guide complet qui vous donnera des pistes pour financer votre mission de volontariat, ce guide est 辿galement t辿l辿chargeable sur : http://www.projects-abroad.fr/prix-et-services/financement-mission-volontariat-humanitaire/ .
211 slides repr辿sentant le cours de marketing pharmaceutique que j'ai enseign辿 pendant 9 ans aux 辿tudiants du Master de Marketing Pharmaceutique de la Facult辿 de Pharmacie de Chatenay Malabry
Une guide complet qui vous donnera des pistes pour financer votre mission de volontariat, ce guide est 辿galement t辿l辿chargeable sur : http://www.projects-abroad.fr/prix-et-services/financement-mission-volontariat-humanitaire/ .
211 slides repr辿sentant le cours de marketing pharmaceutique que j'ai enseign辿 pendant 9 ans aux 辿tudiants du Master de Marketing Pharmaceutique de la Facult辿 de Pharmacie de Chatenay Malabry
The document summarizes the Youth as Agents of Behavioral Change (YABC) initiative of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. It provides an overview of the initiative's development, including milestones such as consultative meetings, field testing of a draft toolkit, and a pilot test of the toolkit at the 3rd World Youth Meeting in Solferino, Italy, where it reached 250 youth. The YABC aims to empower youth to promote behavioral change in their communities through peer education, games, role plays and other interactive methods focused on principles such as non-discrimination and respect for diversity.
The document is a declaration from youth of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement gathered in Solferino, Italy in 2009. In the declaration, they commit to addressing modern challenges like poverty, conflict, disease, discrimination and climate change. They call on national societies and governments to recognize youth as agents of change, include youth in decision-making, and support youth programs. The youth pledge to use their skills and networks to strengthen communities and carry the Movement forward into the 21st century.
The Youth as Agents of Behavioral Change (YABC) initiative aims to empower youth to inspire positive transformations and build a culture of non-violence through peer education. It uses experiential learning methods to develop interpersonal skills. Over 1,500 youth from 140 Red Cross societies have been trained, producing positive individual changes and community programs in areas like development, health, and disaster response. YABC has been recognized within the Red Cross Movement and externally through UN and other partnerships. Support is needed to expand its toolkit translations, workshops, projects and capacity building.
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1 Part 02 - 05.indd 9/15/2010 11:29:43 PM