Concours G辿oportail 辿tudiant 2012-2013 - Cartographies du Cimeti竪re du P竪re L...IGNcommunication
1er prix du concours G辿oportail 辿tudiant 2012-2013 : Cartographies du Cimeti竪re du P竪re Lachaise, par Maximilien Locq, sp辿cialis辿 en Environnement et Nicolas Moineau, sp辿cialis辿 en S.I.G. (辿tudiants en Licence professionnelle Environnement et G辿omatique de l'Universit辿 Paris 1 et de l'ENSG).
Proyecto leo gin jeka 1(1) terminado icc aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagingerestefania
Este documento presenta un proyecto de aula sobre la administraci坦n en ventas y mercadotecnia de peque単as empresas. El proyecto analiza conceptos clave como pron坦sticos de ventas, programas publicitarios, y precios. El objetivo es ayudar a los estudiantes a comprender los desaf鱈os que enfrentan las peque単as empresas en estas 叩reas y c坦mo pueden mejorar su administraci坦n.
Este documento presenta la soluci坦n GeoMunicipal de Gesti坦n Integrada para Gobiernos Locales de GACI. La soluci坦n provee sistemas integrales para la gesti坦n de gobiernos locales, incluyendo soluciones para tributaci坦n, tr叩mites, obras p炭blicas, atenci坦n al ciudadano y m叩s. La soluci坦n busca mejorar la eficiencia de los gobiernos y la atenci坦n a los ciudadanos a trav辿s de la automatizaci坦n y digitalizaci坦n de procesos.
El documento resume las normas de auditor鱈a generalmente aceptadas seg炭n el Art鱈culo 7 de la Ley 43 de 1990 de Colombia. Estas normas se refieren a las cualidades profesionales del contador p炭blico, la ejecuci坦n del trabajo de auditor鱈a y la preparaci坦n de informes. El contador p炭blico debe actuar con independencia, diligencia profesional y obtener evidencia v叩lida y suficiente para respaldar su dictamen sobre los estados financieros.
Valubell is a small plastic bell distributed at events to enhance the atmosphere. Its chiming sound brings the audience together and creates strong memories for users. It can be branded by companies to promote their brand to the target 18-35 year old audience. The bell is made of HDPE plastic in three pieces that snap together, with a metal bell and lanyard inserted. At high volumes of 100,000 units, the manufacturing cost per bell is $3.38.
G辿oguichet urbanisme - Actualiser un permis laide de votre g辿oguichet Urba...gimwebgis
Le g辿oguichet Urbanisme vous permet d'actualiser vos permis. Il croise un permis et une s辿lection de parcelles sur base de sa localisation avec les couches de donn辿es g辿ographiques telles que par exemple le plan de secteur afin de mettre jour les informations des fiches descriptives des permis dans Urb@web.
Este texto de Arist坦teles de 360 A.C. enfatiza a import但ncia da felicidade interna e da paz interior ao inv辿s da busca por felicidade nas m達os de outras pessoas. Tamb辿m ressalta a necessidade de trabalhar para conquistar os pr坦prios objetivos ao inv辿s de esperar ou exigir dos outros.
The document outlines the marketing and communication plans for an eSkwela orientation workshop in 2010. It discusses developing marketing materials for external customers to increase awareness of the program and seek support. These include updating the project website, creating sample course modules, and producing multimedia and print materials. Internally, it proposes establishing online communities for participants to share information and experiences. Regular online meetings and reporting are recommended to monitor progress. The portal for the eSkwela program is also mentioned.
Vel叩zquez destac坦 como pintor barroco espa単ol en los siglos XVII. Naci坦 en Sevilla en 1599 y se traslad坦 a Madrid en 1623 para servir como pintor de corte al rey Felipe IV hasta su muerte en 1660. Algunas de sus obras m叩s importantes incluyen Las Meninas, en la que se autorretrata pintando a la familia real, Los Borrachos, que muestra personas embriagadas de forma naturalista, y La Rendici坦n de Breda, un retrato 辿pico de la batalla.
Este documento apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre vestibulandos realizada por um grupo de estudantes. A pesquisa aborda as prefer棚ncias, expectativas e percep巽探es dos vestibulandos sobre o processo seletivo, cursos e institui巽探es de ensino superior. O documento cont辿m refer棚ncias te坦ricas, gr叩ficos com os resultados da pesquisa e uma se巽達o de conclus達o.
The document defines innovation in education as a new approach to teaching or learning that transforms the educational experience for students. Innovation occurs through excellent teaching using methods beyond normal practices and new technologies. The use of innovation can increase student engagement, lead to a deeper understanding of topics, and create lasting changes in perspectives. While a technique may not be new overall, its implementation in a classroom by a teacher can still be considered an innovation and help improve student academic achievement. The author provides an example of innovating their lesson on the functions of management by writing a poem that correlates the functions with aspects of life.
Pr辿sentation PowerPoint, et plus encore; un compte rendu des activit辿s Drummondville (situ辿 au Qu辿bec dans le Canada). L'essentiel y figure par une courte description de toutes les sorties de fin de semaine en les regroupant dans un m棚me ouvrage: m辿t辿o, cin辿ma, conf辿rence, show, spectacle, party, comp辿tition sportive, financement par le loisir, ouverture commerciale, portes ouvertes, soir辿e dansante, liste des bars et calendrier des 辿v竪nements sur la page Facebook.
Drummondville Divertissement sur Facebook
Lessentiel descriptif des sorties de fin de semaine, 18 mai 2012
The document discusses the complex issue of suspending individual rights and freedoms. It argues that while rights are important, their suspension may be necessary to protect life and safety during emergencies. However, there are risks like government overreach if not limited. Examples show governments enacting and updating legislation to suspend rights temporarily during crises while placing restrictions to prevent abuse and ensure rights are restored. The suspension of rights becomes justified when more fundamental rights to life and safety are threatened, as long as limits are kept on how much power governments can take.
Roosevelt asked Congress for broad executive powers to address the economic crisis, marking the beginning of his New Deal program and the evolution of classical liberalism into modern liberalism. Throughout history, governing systems change and adapt to meet the needs of the people, as rejecting systems that no longer provide for needs has led to revolutions and new systems being formed by populations to better suit their needs. Liberalism itself was formed as a system to address needs that previous systems no longer met.
Canada has a representative democracy where citizens elect candidates to represent them in government. This system has worked well for Canada's needs and the people are generally satisfied with it. An authoritarian government would not be suitable for Canada as it goes against Canadian values of restricting single individuals' power. Authoritarian systems also fail to account for diverse public opinions and do not last as societies' needs change over time. As Canadians are currently content with the representative democracy, it remains the best system for meeting Canada's current needs.
Valubell is a small plastic bell distributed at events to enhance the atmosphere. Its chiming sound brings the audience together and creates strong memories for users. It can be branded by companies to promote their brand to the target 18-35 year old audience. The bell is made of HDPE plastic in three pieces that snap together, with a metal bell and lanyard inserted. At high volumes of 100,000 units, the manufacturing cost per bell is $3.38.
G辿oguichet urbanisme - Actualiser un permis laide de votre g辿oguichet Urba...gimwebgis
Le g辿oguichet Urbanisme vous permet d'actualiser vos permis. Il croise un permis et une s辿lection de parcelles sur base de sa localisation avec les couches de donn辿es g辿ographiques telles que par exemple le plan de secteur afin de mettre jour les informations des fiches descriptives des permis dans Urb@web.
Este texto de Arist坦teles de 360 A.C. enfatiza a import但ncia da felicidade interna e da paz interior ao inv辿s da busca por felicidade nas m達os de outras pessoas. Tamb辿m ressalta a necessidade de trabalhar para conquistar os pr坦prios objetivos ao inv辿s de esperar ou exigir dos outros.
The document outlines the marketing and communication plans for an eSkwela orientation workshop in 2010. It discusses developing marketing materials for external customers to increase awareness of the program and seek support. These include updating the project website, creating sample course modules, and producing multimedia and print materials. Internally, it proposes establishing online communities for participants to share information and experiences. Regular online meetings and reporting are recommended to monitor progress. The portal for the eSkwela program is also mentioned.
Vel叩zquez destac坦 como pintor barroco espa単ol en los siglos XVII. Naci坦 en Sevilla en 1599 y se traslad坦 a Madrid en 1623 para servir como pintor de corte al rey Felipe IV hasta su muerte en 1660. Algunas de sus obras m叩s importantes incluyen Las Meninas, en la que se autorretrata pintando a la familia real, Los Borrachos, que muestra personas embriagadas de forma naturalista, y La Rendici坦n de Breda, un retrato 辿pico de la batalla.
Este documento apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre vestibulandos realizada por um grupo de estudantes. A pesquisa aborda as prefer棚ncias, expectativas e percep巽探es dos vestibulandos sobre o processo seletivo, cursos e institui巽探es de ensino superior. O documento cont辿m refer棚ncias te坦ricas, gr叩ficos com os resultados da pesquisa e uma se巽達o de conclus達o.
The document defines innovation in education as a new approach to teaching or learning that transforms the educational experience for students. Innovation occurs through excellent teaching using methods beyond normal practices and new technologies. The use of innovation can increase student engagement, lead to a deeper understanding of topics, and create lasting changes in perspectives. While a technique may not be new overall, its implementation in a classroom by a teacher can still be considered an innovation and help improve student academic achievement. The author provides an example of innovating their lesson on the functions of management by writing a poem that correlates the functions with aspects of life.
Pr辿sentation PowerPoint, et plus encore; un compte rendu des activit辿s Drummondville (situ辿 au Qu辿bec dans le Canada). L'essentiel y figure par une courte description de toutes les sorties de fin de semaine en les regroupant dans un m棚me ouvrage: m辿t辿o, cin辿ma, conf辿rence, show, spectacle, party, comp辿tition sportive, financement par le loisir, ouverture commerciale, portes ouvertes, soir辿e dansante, liste des bars et calendrier des 辿v竪nements sur la page Facebook.
Drummondville Divertissement sur Facebook
Lessentiel descriptif des sorties de fin de semaine, 18 mai 2012
The document discusses the complex issue of suspending individual rights and freedoms. It argues that while rights are important, their suspension may be necessary to protect life and safety during emergencies. However, there are risks like government overreach if not limited. Examples show governments enacting and updating legislation to suspend rights temporarily during crises while placing restrictions to prevent abuse and ensure rights are restored. The suspension of rights becomes justified when more fundamental rights to life and safety are threatened, as long as limits are kept on how much power governments can take.
Roosevelt asked Congress for broad executive powers to address the economic crisis, marking the beginning of his New Deal program and the evolution of classical liberalism into modern liberalism. Throughout history, governing systems change and adapt to meet the needs of the people, as rejecting systems that no longer provide for needs has led to revolutions and new systems being formed by populations to better suit their needs. Liberalism itself was formed as a system to address needs that previous systems no longer met.
Canada has a representative democracy where citizens elect candidates to represent them in government. This system has worked well for Canada's needs and the people are generally satisfied with it. An authoritarian government would not be suitable for Canada as it goes against Canadian values of restricting single individuals' power. Authoritarian systems also fail to account for diverse public opinions and do not last as societies' needs change over time. As Canadians are currently content with the representative democracy, it remains the best system for meeting Canada's current needs.
Depression and desperation increased as liberal policies focused on self-interest and competition without welfare or safety nets, causing the poor to get poorer while the rich got richer and the poor became more desperate.
The document summarizes key aspects of liberalism and rejections of liberalism through history. It discusses the philosophies of classical liberal thinkers like John Locke, John Stuart Mill, and Karl Marx. It then analyzes circumstances in Germany and Russia that made communism and fascism appealing rejections of liberalism, including economic turmoil after WWI and the Russian Revolution. Elements of liberalism present in communism and fascism are noted. Justifications for the rejections of liberalism in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia are provided due to citizens' desperation for stability. Contemporary rejections like the Taliban are also briefly discussed.
The document contains the results of a beliefs and values inventory where the respondent answered questions about their perspectives on various topics. Their overall statement emphasizes that:
1) There is a time and place for everything and people should consider how their actions might affect others before implementing change.
2) Cooperation and teamwork are often better ways to achieve goals and move forward than competition or one person acting alone.
3) Rules are sometimes important for the good of everyone and should be obeyed, but other times regulations can be inconvenient and worth speaking up about changing.
The document discusses different ideologies through examples from Inuit society and perspectives on individualism and liberalism. It summarizes that Inuit society has shifted from a more collectivist approach of sharing resources to embracing individualism and private property. It also analyzes a quote depicting classical liberalism's focus on self-interest and competition. Finally, it notes how contemporary liberalism balances individual interests with collective interests through policies like welfare capitalism.
The document appears to be an inventory of beliefs and values where the respondent has indicated their level of agreement with various statements on a scale of Often, Sometimes, or No. Some key beliefs that received Often agreement include: things run better if planned by a team rather than one person; when people agree they can accomplish anything; we are only as strong as our weakest link. Statements receiving Sometimes agreement relate to taking care of others, being responsible for one's actions, personal fulfillment coming from accomplishments or helping others. The respondent expresses that there is a time and place for everything and people should consider effects on all before implementing change.
The document discusses different ideologies through examples from Inuit society and perspectives on individualism and liberalism. It summarizes that Inuit society has shifted from a more collectivist approach of sharing resources to embracing individualism and private property. It also analyzes a quote depicting classical liberalism's focus on self-interest and competition. Finally, it notes that contemporary liberalism balances individual interests with the interests of the whole through policies like welfare capitalism.
Modern Liberalism evolved in response to the failures of Classical Liberalism during the Great Depression. Classical Liberalism failed to meet the needs of the masses, risking revolt and systemic collapse. Franklin Roosevelt introduced the New Deal, expanding executive power to intervene in the economy. This marked the beginning of Modern Liberalism in the United States. Modern Liberalism, influenced by the ideas of Keynes, takes from economic surpluses to provide assistance during downturns. This evens out booms and busts, preventing the accumulation of desperate populations that could destabilize the system. Canada provides an example of the stability and popularity of the Modern Liberal system, with an economy that has not drastically declined under its established form of governance.
This document defines various literary terminology used to analyze and discuss works of literature. It provides definitions for over 100 terms related to literary devices, genres, structures, and techniques including metaphor, simile, plot elements, rhyme schemes, and more. The definitions cover a wide range of concepts used for literary criticism and analysis.
This document defines over 100 literary terms used to analyze and describe various elements of literature such as genres, structures, devices, and techniques. It includes definitions for terms like allegory, metaphor, rhyme, plot elements, characters archetypes, and fallacies. The definitions provide context to understand and interpret works of literature in a critical manner.
The document summarizes the author's experiences playing hockey over the past year. It discusses playing midget hockey and getting injured, playing a few games with the Central Alberta Juniors, and playing spring AAA hockey. It also mentions participating in track and field, winning a bronze medal in discus at provincials, and volunteering with MADD.
The document discusses three sources that take different positions on classical liberalism and modern liberalism. The first source supports modern liberalism and the idea of a welfare state that reduces fear and insecurity. The second and third sources support classical liberalism and are critical of socialism and policies that redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor. They view economic success as stemming from self-interest and competition rather than assistance for those who are less fortunate. Overall, the document analyzes the different stances the three sources take regarding theories of liberalism and their implications for economic systems and wealth distribution.
Any governing system must adequately meet the needs of its people or it will fail. Forcibly imposing a system on people will not have positive results, as humans naturally protect what they view as theirs. A governing system can only be supported if it is put in place and accepted by the people it governs. While intervention may seem helpful from the outside perspective, freedom can only be attained by those who want it, so foreign powers should not try to impose democratic systems but rather allow people to choose their own path.
Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge rose to power in Cambodia by exploiting dissatisfaction with the corrupt and oppressive previous government. Pol Pot aimed to establish a communist system to address poverty, but he and the Khmer Rouge were misguided and unprepared for governance. Their harsh rule and brutal policies led to the deaths of about one in seven Cambodians. While Pol Pot maintained loyalty from his inner circle through charismatic leadership, the Cambodian people grew discontent with the Khmer Rouge due to war, famine, and lack of improvement. The Khmer Rouge eventually turned on itself and Pol Pot was exiled, dying before facing trial for his crimes against humanity. Governments that ignore the will of the people they represent
1) The document discusses how facing uncertainty and problems in life can overwhelm us or restrict our thinking, making it hard to find solutions.
2) It argues that escaping our normal environment and thoughts by retreating into unrelated activities can provide new perspective and allow us to see problems in a new light.
3) The author finds that playing hockey provides an escape where they don't have to worry about responsibilities or who they are, allowing new thoughts and answers to surface.
Depression and desperation increased as liberal policies focused on self-interest and competition without welfare or safety nets, causing the poor to get poorer while the rich got richer and the poor became more desperate.
This document contains a bibliography listing 17 sources used for a humanities research paper. The sources are from various news organizations like the BBC, CBC, and CNN, educational institutions like Capital Community College and Drexel University, government agencies like Statistics Canada, and subject specific sites on history, literature criticism, and Alberta education. The bibliography provides the full citations for each source used in Mica Pettibone's humanities research paper.