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I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis--- broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were invaded by a foreign foe  This quote marks the start of Roosevelts New Deal which is what evolved Classical Liberalism into what it is now, Modern Liberalism.  In any government system the needs of the people are what shape the system. Through the past we have seen many societies reject their form of government when it is no longer adequately meeting their needs.  Through this there is a clear pattern that governing systems are not embraced but created and constantly changing to fit the needs of the people.  .<br />Throughout history governing systems have changed from one thing to another, from monarchies to ____ to classical liberalism and dictatorships to modern liberalism. The idea of embracing these concepts would leave you to  <br />-revolution  nazi, lenin, dirty thirties<br />As such systems cannot be imposed, people need to make them themselves, if there is not enough want for something it will not be accepted/established<br />We dont embrace systems, we make them to suit our needs <br />Liberalism didnt exist, as populations grew and more people began to reject the system new ones were formed with ideas from various people.  French revolutionclassical->modern <br />

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Position paper

  • 1. I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis--- broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were invaded by a foreign foe This quote marks the start of Roosevelts New Deal which is what evolved Classical Liberalism into what it is now, Modern Liberalism. In any government system the needs of the people are what shape the system. Through the past we have seen many societies reject their form of government when it is no longer adequately meeting their needs. Through this there is a clear pattern that governing systems are not embraced but created and constantly changing to fit the needs of the people. .<br />Throughout history governing systems have changed from one thing to another, from monarchies to ____ to classical liberalism and dictatorships to modern liberalism. The idea of embracing these concepts would leave you to <br />-revolution nazi, lenin, dirty thirties<br />As such systems cannot be imposed, people need to make them themselves, if there is not enough want for something it will not be accepted/established<br />We dont embrace systems, we make them to suit our needs <br />Liberalism didnt exist, as populations grew and more people began to reject the system new ones were formed with ideas from various people. French revolutionclassical->modern <br />