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The Parts of Speech
Presented By:
Engr. Anum Arif
The Parts of Speech
 There are mainly eight parts of speech in
English language. That are Nouns,
Pronouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs,
Conjunctions, Interjections, Prepositions.
 Parts of speech are identified by the place
they have in the sentence, not by their
 A noun is a person , place, thing or an
idea. Nouns are the subject of a sentence.
a teacher a lion Ali
Love is a beautiful
Classification of Nouns
 Nouns can be singular or plural.
 Singular nouns name only one person, place,
thing or idea ( an apple, the car, a table).
 Plural nouns name two or more persons,
places, things or ideas ( pencils, chairs,
Proper and Common Nouns
 Proper nouns refer to specific persons,
places, things and ideas. They are always
capitalized ( Holy Quran, Lahore, Minar-e-
 Common nouns are all other nouns. They
are not capitalizes unless they are the first
word in the sentence.
 Examples: cat, pencil, paper etc.
Collective Nouns
 Collective nouns are the nouns that are
grammatically considered singular, but
include more than one person, place, thing
or idea in their meaning. They emphasize
group as one unit.
family herd class
Countable and Un-Countable Nouns
Countable nouns can Un- Countable nouns
be counted. cannot be counted.
bottles water
eggs sand
Abstract and Concrete Nouns
 Concrete nouns are nouns that you can
touch. They are people, places and
something. Person, court, pencil, hand,
paper are concrete nouns.
 Abstract nouns are nouns that you cannot
touch. Things like air, justice, safety,
democracy, faith, religion are abstract
Nouns as Gerunds
 A gerund is an ing form of the verb and
is used as a noun. For example:
Running is good for you.
Running is the noun/gerund and is is the
 My crying upset her.
Crying is the subject and upset is the
 A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun.
They eliminate the need for repetition.
 For Example:
Instead of talking  Hina talked to Hinas
child, we might say  Hina talked to her
Here  her is the pronoun. It renames 
Types of Pronouns
 There are several types of pronouns.
 Personal Pronouns: They refer to specific
persons or things. Personal Pronouns can
act as subjects, objects or possessives.
 Personal Pronouns can be singular or
 Singular: I , me , you, she, her, he, him, it
 Plural: we, us, you, they, them
Possessive and Reflexive Pronouns
 Possessive pronouns indicate ownership or
possession. For example: my, mine, your,
yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.
 Reflexive Pronouns : They are object
pronouns when the subject and object are
same noun.
 For example: my self, yourself, him self,
herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves.
 Ahmad congratulated himself on his good
 The snake hides itself beneath the ground for
Intensive and Reciprocal Pronouns
 Intensive Pronoun emphasize a noun or
another pronoun. For example: myself,
himself, yourself, herself, themselves.
 I saw Imran Khan himself in the ground.
 Sara sewed her dress herself.
 Reciprocal Pronouns express shared
actions or feelings.
 For example: each other, one another
Maria and Saba help each other in their
Indefinite and Demonstrative Pronouns
 Indefinite Pronouns refer to non- specific
persons and things. For example: all,
another, other, anyone, both, each, etc.
 Nobody knows that where is the pencil.
 Somebody ate my sandwich.
 Demonstrative Pronouns : Points
something specific in a sentence. They
represent a thing near or far in distance or
time. ( This, that, these, those, such)
 That woman attends the party.
 This is a wonderful story.
Interrogative and Relative Pronouns
 Interrogative Pronouns introduce
Who is going on vacation?
 Relative pronouns introduce dependent
clauses and refers to a person or thing
already mentioned in a sentence. ( who,
whoever, whom ,that, whose, which,
 The English that we learn in class will help
us pass the exam.
 This is the place where we met.
 An adjective modifies(describes) a noun or
pronoun. Normally in English adjective
comes before noun. For example: The
smart student earned an A.
 They also come after linking
 For Example:
I feel happy.
 Adjectives can be used to make
comparisons(between two things).
 For more adjectives with one or two
syllables, you can add er. For example:
greater, faster, longer.
 For adjectives longer than two syllables,
you should use the word more.
He was more intelligent then his sister.
 Adjectives can also be used as
superlatives(comparing more than two
things). This is usually done by adding 
est to the end of an adjective that has one
or two syllables.( loudest, coolest,
 If the adjective is three or more syllables
long, you must use the word most.
She is the most intelligent girl in the class.
 There are some irregular adjective and
verb forms.
Adjective Adverb Comparing two Comparing three
or more
bad badly worse worst
good well better best
little - less least
much many more most
 Words that Comes at the beigining of noun.
 Introduces the noun
 Determines wether the noun is specific or general
Types of Determiners
(A, An, The)
(That, those,these)
(my, yours, his, her,
your, their)
A book is mans best friend. (indefinite article)
The Holy Quran is the book for all muslims. (definite article)
I want to go to that movie. (Demonstrative)
He wanted those boys to go away.
Where is your Bike (possessives)
Its our secret recipe.
He took some books of mine. (Quantifiers)
He has few apples in the refrigerator.
 If three or more adjectives come in a
sentence, the arrangement of them will be
Opinion Size Age Color Origin Material Noun
The, This Pretty Big New Blue Blochi Leather bag
My Precious Small Ancient Black Chinese Silk Scarf
 An adverb is a word that modifies an
action verb, an adjective or another
The teacher carefully graded the
 You need an adjective after linking verbs,
not an adverb.
Types of Adverbs
 Adverbs of Manner tell us that in which
manner the action occurs or how the
action occurs or will occur.
She speaks loudly.
He was driving slowly.
 Adverbs of time tell us about the time of
the action.
I will buy a computer tomorrow.
Do it now.
 Adverbs of Place tell us about the place of
the action.
He will come here.
She went upstairs.
 Adverbs of Frequency tell us how many
times the action occur.
He goes to school daily.
He is always late for school.
 These are the scotch tape of the
grammatical world. They join together
words and phrases.
 There are three types of conjunctions:
 Coordinating Conjunctions
 Correlative Conjunctions
 Subordinating Conjunctions
 There are seven Coordinating
Conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
Fahad likes to eat but Zohaib likes to play.
 You can remember these conjunctions by
 Correlative Conjunctions also join ideas,
but they work in pairs.
(Bothand, neithernor, whetheror,
eitheror, not onlybut also)
Not only I am happy about the grades, but
I am also excited that you are learning.
 Subordinating conjunctions join an
independent clause with a subordinate
clause. That is, they join a clause that can
stand alone with the clause that cannot
stand alone.
(after, although, as, as if, because, before,
even if, even before, if, since, unless) etc.
Although the students were tired, they still
come in the class.
 Interjections are words used to express
emotional states.
 Oh! Wow! Ouch! Oops! Hey!
 They are usually found in spoken English.
 Prepositions are words that, like
conjunctions, join a noun or pronoun to
another word in a sentence.
 Some prepositions are: About, before,
down, into through, above, behind, during,
like, to, across, below, except, toward,
after, beneath, of, for, off, under, among,
beside, from, on, up, around, between etc.
 Verbs generally express action or a state
of being. There are several classification
for verbs- action verbs/ linking verbs/ main
verbs/ auxiliary verbs, transitive/
intransitive verbs and phrasal verbs.
 Action verbs show action.
He runs.
He plays.
 Linking verbs (is ,am,are,was,were,be,being,
 link a subject to an adjective, noun or
pronoun.They do not show what subject is
doing but rather describes a state or condition.
Other common linking verbs:
become, seem, appear, feel, look, smell, sound,
taste, remain, grow, stay, etc.
Butterfly is beautiful.
They seem happy.
The cake tastes sweet.
How to Identify Linking Verbs:
Substitute with "to be": If you can replace the verb with a
form of "to be" (am, is, are, was, were) and the sentence still
makes sense, its probably a linking verb.
Example: The soup smells delicious.  The soup is delicious
Main verbs can stand alone.
Run, eat, work
Auxiliary verbs, also called helping verbs,
serve as support to the main verbs( Have, has, had, do,
does, did, be, am, is, are, was, were, been, being, should,
could, would, will, might, can, may, must ,ought(to), shall).
Auxiliary Verbs
Used with a main verb to form different tenses, moods, voices
aor aspects in a sentence.
There are three primary auxiliary verbs in English:
To be: am, is, are, was, were, being, been
Example: She is running (helps to form the present
continuous tense).
To have: has, have, had
Example: They have finished (helps to form the present
perfect tense).
To do: do, does, did
Example: Did you call her? (helps to form questions or
negative sentences in the past tense).
Modal Auxiliary Verbs:
Modal auxiliary verbs express necessity,
possibility, permission, ability, or
obligation. Common modal auxiliaries
can, could, may, might, must, shall,
should, will, would
Example: She can swim (expresses
Example: You must study (expresses
 Transitive verbs need a direct object in
order to make sense.
Shaheer takes medicine for his headache.
 Intransitive verbs do not need direct
objects to make them meaningful.
Hanzala swims.
Dogs bark
 Phrasal verbs are made up of a verb and a
preposition. The preposition gives the verb
a different meaning.
 For example verb look has a different
meaning from the phrasal verb look up.
 Some examples are:
Thanks for your Consideration

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Parts of speech lecture 2.pptx ,8 parts of speech

  • 1. The Parts of Speech Presented By: Engr. Anum Arif
  • 2. The Parts of Speech There are mainly eight parts of speech in English language. That are Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Conjunctions, Interjections, Prepositions. Parts of speech are identified by the place they have in the sentence, not by their meanings.
  • 3. Nouns A noun is a person , place, thing or an idea. Nouns are the subject of a sentence. a teacher a lion Ali Love is a beautiful thing.
  • 4. Classification of Nouns Nouns can be singular or plural. Singular nouns name only one person, place, thing or idea ( an apple, the car, a table). Plural nouns name two or more persons, places, things or ideas ( pencils, chairs, tables).
  • 5. Proper and Common Nouns Proper nouns refer to specific persons, places, things and ideas. They are always capitalized ( Holy Quran, Lahore, Minar-e- Pakistan). Common nouns are all other nouns. They are not capitalizes unless they are the first word in the sentence. Examples: cat, pencil, paper etc.
  • 6. Collective Nouns Collective nouns are the nouns that are grammatically considered singular, but include more than one person, place, thing or idea in their meaning. They emphasize group as one unit. family herd class
  • 7. Countable and Un-Countable Nouns Countable nouns can Un- Countable nouns be counted. cannot be counted. bottles water eggs sand
  • 8. Abstract and Concrete Nouns Concrete nouns are nouns that you can touch. They are people, places and something. Person, court, pencil, hand, paper are concrete nouns. Abstract nouns are nouns that you cannot touch. Things like air, justice, safety, democracy, faith, religion are abstract nouns.
  • 9. Nouns as Gerunds A gerund is an ing form of the verb and is used as a noun. For example: Running is good for you. Running is the noun/gerund and is is the verb. My crying upset her. Crying is the subject and upset is the verb.
  • 10. Pronouns A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun. They eliminate the need for repetition. For Example: Instead of talking Hina talked to Hinas child, we might say Hina talked to her child. Here her is the pronoun. It renames Hina.
  • 11. Types of Pronouns There are several types of pronouns. Personal Pronouns: They refer to specific persons or things. Personal Pronouns can act as subjects, objects or possessives. Personal Pronouns can be singular or plural. Singular: I , me , you, she, her, he, him, it Plural: we, us, you, they, them
  • 12. Possessive and Reflexive Pronouns Possessive pronouns indicate ownership or possession. For example: my, mine, your, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs. Reflexive Pronouns : They are object pronouns when the subject and object are same noun. For example: my self, yourself, him self, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves. Ahmad congratulated himself on his good grades. The snake hides itself beneath the ground for safety.
  • 13. Intensive and Reciprocal Pronouns Intensive Pronoun emphasize a noun or another pronoun. For example: myself, himself, yourself, herself, themselves. I saw Imran Khan himself in the ground. Sara sewed her dress herself. Reciprocal Pronouns express shared actions or feelings. For example: each other, one another Maria and Saba help each other in their homework.
  • 14. Indefinite and Demonstrative Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns refer to non- specific persons and things. For example: all, another, other, anyone, both, each, etc. Nobody knows that where is the pencil. Somebody ate my sandwich. Demonstrative Pronouns : Points something specific in a sentence. They represent a thing near or far in distance or time. ( This, that, these, those, such) That woman attends the party. This is a wonderful story.
  • 15. Interrogative and Relative Pronouns Interrogative Pronouns introduce questions. Who is going on vacation? Relative pronouns introduce dependent clauses and refers to a person or thing already mentioned in a sentence. ( who, whoever, whom ,that, whose, which, where) The English that we learn in class will help us pass the exam. This is the place where we met.
  • 16. Adjectives An adjective modifies(describes) a noun or pronoun. Normally in English adjective comes before noun. For example: The smart student earned an A. They also come after linking verbs. For Example: I feel happy.
  • 17. Cont Adjectives can be used to make comparisons(between two things). For more adjectives with one or two syllables, you can add er. For example: greater, faster, longer. For adjectives longer than two syllables, you should use the word more. He was more intelligent then his sister.
  • 18. Cont Adjectives can also be used as superlatives(comparing more than two things). This is usually done by adding est to the end of an adjective that has one or two syllables.( loudest, coolest, smartest) If the adjective is three or more syllables long, you must use the word most. She is the most intelligent girl in the class.
  • 19. Cont There are some irregular adjective and verb forms. Adjective Adverb Comparing two Comparing three or more bad badly worse worst good well better best little - less least much many more most
  • 20. Determiners Words that Comes at the beigining of noun. Introduces the noun Determines wether the noun is specific or general Types of Determiners Determiners Article (A, An, The) Demonstratives (That, those,these) Quantifiers (some,few,little, many,much,any) Possessives (my, yours, his, her, your, their)
  • 21. Examples A book is mans best friend. (indefinite article) The Holy Quran is the book for all muslims. (definite article) I want to go to that movie. (Demonstrative) He wanted those boys to go away. Where is your Bike (possessives) Its our secret recipe. He took some books of mine. (Quantifiers) He has few apples in the refrigerator.
  • 22. Cont If three or more adjectives come in a sentence, the arrangement of them will be like: Determi- ner Opinion Size Age Color Origin Material Noun The, This Pretty Big New Blue Blochi Leather bag My Precious Small Ancient Black Chinese Silk Scarf
  • 23. Adverbs An adverb is a word that modifies an action verb, an adjective or another adverb. The teacher carefully graded the homework. You need an adjective after linking verbs, not an adverb.
  • 24. Types of Adverbs Adverbs of Manner tell us that in which manner the action occurs or how the action occurs or will occur. She speaks loudly. He was driving slowly. Adverbs of time tell us about the time of the action. I will buy a computer tomorrow. Do it now.
  • 25. Cont Adverbs of Place tell us about the place of the action. He will come here. She went upstairs. Adverbs of Frequency tell us how many times the action occur. He goes to school daily. He is always late for school.
  • 26. Conjunctions These are the scotch tape of the grammatical world. They join together words and phrases. There are three types of conjunctions: Coordinating Conjunctions Correlative Conjunctions Subordinating Conjunctions
  • 27. There are seven Coordinating Conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Fahad likes to eat but Zohaib likes to play. You can remember these conjunctions by FANBOYS
  • 28. Cont Correlative Conjunctions also join ideas, but they work in pairs. (Bothand, neithernor, whetheror, eitheror, not onlybut also) Not only I am happy about the grades, but I am also excited that you are learning.
  • 29. Cont Subordinating conjunctions join an independent clause with a subordinate clause. That is, they join a clause that can stand alone with the clause that cannot stand alone. (after, although, as, as if, because, before, even if, even before, if, since, unless) etc. Although the students were tired, they still come in the class.
  • 30. Interjections Interjections are words used to express emotional states. Oh! Wow! Ouch! Oops! Hey! They are usually found in spoken English.
  • 31. Prepositions Prepositions are words that, like conjunctions, join a noun or pronoun to another word in a sentence. Some prepositions are: About, before, down, into through, above, behind, during, like, to, across, below, except, toward, after, beneath, of, for, off, under, among, beside, from, on, up, around, between etc.
  • 32. Verbs Verbs generally express action or a state of being. There are several classification for verbs- action verbs/ linking verbs/ main verbs/ auxiliary verbs, transitive/ intransitive verbs and phrasal verbs. Action verbs show action. He runs. He plays.
  • 33. Cont Linking verbs (is ,am,are,was,were,be,being, been) link a subject to an adjective, noun or pronoun.They do not show what subject is doing but rather describes a state or condition. Other common linking verbs: become, seem, appear, feel, look, smell, sound, taste, remain, grow, stay, etc. Examples: Butterfly is beautiful.
  • 34. Verbs They seem happy. The cake tastes sweet. How to Identify Linking Verbs: Substitute with "to be": If you can replace the verb with a form of "to be" (am, is, are, was, were) and the sentence still makes sense, its probably a linking verb. Example: The soup smells delicious. The soup is delicious Main verbs can stand alone. Run, eat, work Auxiliary verbs, also called helping verbs, serve as support to the main verbs( Have, has, had, do, does, did, be, am, is, are, was, were, been, being, should, could, would, will, might, can, may, must ,ought(to), shall).
  • 35. Auxiliary Verbs Used with a main verb to form different tenses, moods, voices aor aspects in a sentence. There are three primary auxiliary verbs in English: To be: am, is, are, was, were, being, been Example: She is running (helps to form the present continuous tense). To have: has, have, had Example: They have finished (helps to form the present perfect tense). To do: do, does, did Example: Did you call her? (helps to form questions or negative sentences in the past tense).
  • 36. Modal Auxiliary Verbs: Modal auxiliary verbs express necessity, possibility, permission, ability, or obligation. Common modal auxiliaries include: can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would Example: She can swim (expresses ability). Example: You must study (expresses obligation).
  • 37. Cont Transitive verbs need a direct object in order to make sense. Shaheer takes medicine for his headache. Intransitive verbs do not need direct objects to make them meaningful. Hanzala swims. Dogs bark Phrasal verbs are made up of a verb and a preposition. The preposition gives the verb a different meaning.
  • 38. Cont For example verb look has a different meaning from the phrasal verb look up. Some examples are:
  • 39. Thanks for your Consideration