Marketing Automation har snabbt vunnit mark de senaste 奪ren som ett viktigt komplement till Content Marketing i arbetet med att identifiera och v奪rda nya leads och f奪 nya kunder. Det finns ocks奪 stora m旦jligheter att jobba med Marketing Automation mot de som redan 辰r kunder till ditt f旦retag, f旦r att st辰rka lojaliteten och s辰lja mer.
- Om Marketing Automation i onboardingen av nya kunder
- Bygg lojalitet och f旦rdjupa dina kundrelationer
- S辰lj mer p奪 befintliga kunder med riktade kampanjer
Sociala Medier B2B - Sveriges Annons旦rer 130319 | Nauta ConsultingCrescando
Sociala medier B2B - Flipp eller Flopp?
Fem sanningar om B2B f旦rs辰ljning och marknadsf旦ring och hur de p奪verkar utvecklingen inom digitala och sociala medier. Visst finns det case f旦r sociala medier inom B2B, de ser bara lite annorlunda ut mot de sociala medie-case vi 辰r vana att se f旦r B2C-sidan.
Beroende p奪 vilken studie vi f旦rlitar oss till, och vilken bransch vi pratar om, s奪 kostar det mellan 5 och 25 g奪nger s奪 mycket att skaffa en ny kund som att beh奪lla en. Det 辰r d辰rf旦r en mycket god id辿 att jobba f旦r att beh奪lla de kunder vi redan har idag.
P奪 detta webinar f旦r marknadsf旦rare och s辰ljansvariga i B2B-branschen pratar vi just om v辰rdet av att v奪rda och utveckla v奪ra kundrelationer. F旦r det 辰r genom att se p奪 varje ny kundrelation som b旦rjan p奪 en ny resa inte bara som slutet p奪 en framg奪ngsrik s辰ljprocess som vi kan maximera v奪ra aff辰rer! Content Marketing har kraft att maximera kundlojaliteten och d辰rmed ocks奪 aff辰ren. Ta del av konkreta r奪d och tips p奪 hur du kan jobba med Content Marketing och digitala kanaler B2B under hela kundlivscykeln.
Webinar 12 april - Sluta油skjut油fr奪n油h旦ften! M奪linriktad油Content Marketing B2B...Crescando
Det bubblar rej辰lt kring Content Marketing! M奪nga har redan insett att det g辰ller att kommunicera med kunderna utifr奪n deras behov och utmaningar, med m奪let att hj辰lpa dem att k旦pa.
F旦r att du ska lyckas l奪ngsiktigt beh旦vs en tydlig struktur, en klar insikt om vem du vill n奪, vad du vill ha sagt och hur det b辰st paketeras. B旦rjar vi blogga, skriva artiklar och dokumentera kundcase utan prioritering och fokus finns risk att arbetet sv辰ller 旦ver alla gr辰nser. Utan att det n旦dv辰ndigtvis ger n奪gon st旦rre effekt. Med en plan 辰r chansen 5 g奪nger s奪 stor att du lyckas!
Sluta skjuta fr奪n h旦ften! Under detta webinar f奪r du konkreta exempel och tips p奪 hur du skapar m奪linriktad Content Marketing B2B som h奪ller i l辰ngden och dessutom ger resultat.
Microsoft Modern Marketing Day 170913 - Customer Lifecycle Management | Malin...Crescando
Beroende p奪 vilken studie vi f旦rlitar oss till, och vilken bransch vi pratar om, s奪 kostar det mellan 5 och 25 g奪nger s奪 mycket att skaffa en ny kund som att beh奪lla en. Det 辰r d辰rf旦r en mycket god id辿 att jobba f旦r att beh奪lla de kunder vi redan har idag.
Customer Lifecycle Management handlar just om v辰rdet av att v奪rda och utveckla v奪ra kundrelationer. F旦r det 辰r genom att se p奪 varje ny kundrelation som b旦rjan p奪 en ny resa inte bara som slutet p奪 en framg奪ngsrik s辰ljprocess som vi kan maximera v奪ra aff辰rer!
The document discusses 10 key answers to why people do the "wrong" things or fail to change behaviors. It discusses that 1) people don't always know better, 2) logical decision making isn't always logical due to emotional influences, 3) people don't always learn from direct experiences, 4) urgency and immediacy matter more than future consequences, 5) change is a slow process of developing new habits, 6) some decisions are more "fraught" than others, 7) people lack self-efficacy and a growth mindset, 8) willpower is limited and not equal for all, 9) social influences impact behavior, and 10) the environment can enable or discourage certain behaviors. It provides examples and recommendations for
The document provides 10 tips for event planning:
1. Determine the event theme early to guide subsequent planning steps.
2. Carefully track the budget to prevent overspending and keep accurate records.
3. Create a checklist that is easy to navigate, updated as needed, and includes contact details, day-of plans, and step-by-step tasks.
This document discusses how to effectively change human behavior. It explains that behavior is influenced by two systems: the rational "Rider" and the emotional "Elephant". The Rider thinks logically about the future, while the Elephant focuses on immediate rewards and feelings. To motivate behavior change, one must appeal to the Elephant by making rewards more visible, tangible, and immediate. The document provides examples of how to do this for behaviors like exercise, dieting, and work projects. It also discusses using social influences, implementation plans, and success stories to guide the Elephant toward better long-term decisions.
The steel pan originated in Trinidad from bands that used bamboo instruments called tamboo bamboo bands. As bamboo proved too fragile, metal instruments like oil drums and biscuit tins were used instead to create louder, more durable sounds. By the 1940s, the steel pan had evolved into its current form with different pitched notes and Spree Simon and Ellie Mannette pioneered the ping pong lead pan. In the 1950s, the Trinidad All Steel Percussion Orchestra was formed and helped organize the steel pan movement, led today by Pan Trinbago. The annual Panorama competition began in 1946 and showcases large steel bands with talented arrangers. Over time, the steel pan has spread globally while continuing to
Meikeerthi has over 2 years of experience working in call coordination and server support roles for IBM Info Services. She has a B.Tech in IT from Anna University and is proficient in server hardware troubleshooting, RAID configuration, and firmware updates. Her career objective is to develop her skills and abilities in a competitive work environment.
How to deal with the challenges, problems that happen to you when you get back to your office table every morning!!
Try to manage the things as they usually start occurring when you wake up, one should not take it to the nerves :)
Change arise from the inside of the person, if one can't hold the effects then is not able to confront the assignments
Test doubles like stubs and mocks are used to isolate parts of a system under test. Stubs simulate inputs to the system under test, helping to define the "given" part of a test. Mocks are used to verify outputs of the system under test, helping to define the "then" part of a test by setting expectations and verifying interactions. Examples show using stubs to simulate a grades repository input and using mocks to verify that a domotic system closes windows and doors when activating security. It is recommended to test features rather than classes in isolation and to avoid using test doubles for value objects or types not owned.
This document discusses the history and development of music in continental North America over several decades. It covers the origins of genres like work songs, spirituals, blues, and ragtime that were influenced by the transatlantic slave trade. It then outlines major musical styles and innovations from the 1950s onwards, including rock and roll, Motown, disco, and rap. Social, technological, and artistic changes are described as shaping the evolution of form, melody, harmony, and instrumentation in American music over time.
The document provides a history of MOOCs, beginning with the MIT OpenCourseWare project in 2002 and the development of connectivism in 2004. It notes some key early MOOCs from 2008-2011 and the surge in 2012 when Harvard's first MOOC had over 370,000 students registered and Coursera was launched. The document defines MOOCs as massive open online courses open to unlimited participation and available online for free. It also outlines some typical features of MOOCs such as their duration, use of videos, online discussions, and focus on connecting learners globally without restrictions.
This document contains advice for planning and leading large meetings and conferences. It discusses 10 truths for making big meetings impactful. The truths include delegating tasks properly, controlling internal communication, involving attendees, being transparent, adding elements of playfulness, securing an appropriate venue, focusing on process not just content, and acting as a thought leader. The overall message is that meetings require bold, engaging leadership focused more on participation than presentations to inspire change.
This document summarizes malignant brain tumors, including primary and secondary tumors. Primary tumors originate in the brain, while secondary tumors result from metastasis of other cancers. Both appear as hyperdense masses on imaging but primary tumors have uneven borders and secondary tumors have even borders. Common symptoms include headache, seizures, vomiting, and syncope. Treatment options discussed include surgery, radiation, photodynamic therapy, and gamma knife radiation. The most aggressive and common malignant brain tumor is glioblastoma multiforme, which has a median survival of 12-17 months even with aggressive treatment.
This document discusses several image editing effects including Black & White, 3D Button, Oil Paint, and Pixilize effects that can be applied in image editing software to alter the appearance of photos. Negative effects are also listed but no details are provided about what they involve. The document is brief and lists the effect names without descriptions of how each one transforms images.
Este documento proporciona una lista de t坦picos sobre las funciones y herramientas de Excel 2010. Incluye instrucciones sobre c坦mo abrir y guardar archivos en Excel, navegar y formatear celdas, tablas y hojas, y usar funciones como sumas, gr叩ficos y SmartArt.
The document discusses how various media technologies were used at different stages of a project. A blog was used to store and document all work from initial planning through to evaluation. Online research was conducted to find existing similar products and influence design decisions. Digital cameras and video were used to capture footage and photos for ads. Adobe software like Photoshop and Premier Pro allowed for editing of visuals and videos. Social media like Facebook was used to share ads and gather feedback from target audiences. YouTube and SoundCloud hosted finished ads and audio content for feedback.
Mitosis is cell division that produces two daughter cells identical to the parent cell. It occurs in somatic cells and involves the four phases of prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces gametes with half the number of chromosomes, and occurs in germ cells. Meiosis has two rounds of division, Meiosis I and Meiosis II, which separates homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids respectively to generate four haploid daughter cells from one diploid parent cell. Mitosis and meiosis are important for growth, tissue repair, sexual reproduction, and genetic variation.
Customer Lifecycle Management - S奪 maximerar du v辰rdet av dina kundrelationer...Crescando
Frukostseminarium: Beroende p奪 vilken studie vi f旦rlitar oss till, och vilken bransch vi pratar om, s奪 kostar det mellan 5 och 25 g奪nger s奪 mycket att skaffa en ny kund som att beh奪lla en. Det 辰r d辰rf旦r en mycket god id辿 att jobba f旦r att beh奪lla de kunder vi redan har idag.
P奪 h旦stens f旦rsta frukost f旦r marknadsf旦rare och s辰ljansvariga i B2B-branschen pratar vi just om v辰rdet av att v奪rda och utveckla v奪ra kundrelationer. F旦r det 辰r genom att se p奪 varje ny kundrelation som b旦rjan p奪 en ny resa inte bara som slutet p奪 en framg奪ngsrik s辰ljprocess som vi kan maximera v奪ra aff辰rer! Content Marketing har kraft att maximera kundlojaliteten och d辰rmed ocks奪 aff辰ren. Ta del av konkreta r奪d och tips p奪 hur du kan jobba med Content Marketing och digitala kanaler B2B under hela kundlivscykeln.
The document discusses 10 key answers to why people do the "wrong" things or fail to change behaviors. It discusses that 1) people don't always know better, 2) logical decision making isn't always logical due to emotional influences, 3) people don't always learn from direct experiences, 4) urgency and immediacy matter more than future consequences, 5) change is a slow process of developing new habits, 6) some decisions are more "fraught" than others, 7) people lack self-efficacy and a growth mindset, 8) willpower is limited and not equal for all, 9) social influences impact behavior, and 10) the environment can enable or discourage certain behaviors. It provides examples and recommendations for
The document provides 10 tips for event planning:
1. Determine the event theme early to guide subsequent planning steps.
2. Carefully track the budget to prevent overspending and keep accurate records.
3. Create a checklist that is easy to navigate, updated as needed, and includes contact details, day-of plans, and step-by-step tasks.
This document discusses how to effectively change human behavior. It explains that behavior is influenced by two systems: the rational "Rider" and the emotional "Elephant". The Rider thinks logically about the future, while the Elephant focuses on immediate rewards and feelings. To motivate behavior change, one must appeal to the Elephant by making rewards more visible, tangible, and immediate. The document provides examples of how to do this for behaviors like exercise, dieting, and work projects. It also discusses using social influences, implementation plans, and success stories to guide the Elephant toward better long-term decisions.
The steel pan originated in Trinidad from bands that used bamboo instruments called tamboo bamboo bands. As bamboo proved too fragile, metal instruments like oil drums and biscuit tins were used instead to create louder, more durable sounds. By the 1940s, the steel pan had evolved into its current form with different pitched notes and Spree Simon and Ellie Mannette pioneered the ping pong lead pan. In the 1950s, the Trinidad All Steel Percussion Orchestra was formed and helped organize the steel pan movement, led today by Pan Trinbago. The annual Panorama competition began in 1946 and showcases large steel bands with talented arrangers. Over time, the steel pan has spread globally while continuing to
Meikeerthi has over 2 years of experience working in call coordination and server support roles for IBM Info Services. She has a B.Tech in IT from Anna University and is proficient in server hardware troubleshooting, RAID configuration, and firmware updates. Her career objective is to develop her skills and abilities in a competitive work environment.
How to deal with the challenges, problems that happen to you when you get back to your office table every morning!!
Try to manage the things as they usually start occurring when you wake up, one should not take it to the nerves :)
Change arise from the inside of the person, if one can't hold the effects then is not able to confront the assignments
Test doubles like stubs and mocks are used to isolate parts of a system under test. Stubs simulate inputs to the system under test, helping to define the "given" part of a test. Mocks are used to verify outputs of the system under test, helping to define the "then" part of a test by setting expectations and verifying interactions. Examples show using stubs to simulate a grades repository input and using mocks to verify that a domotic system closes windows and doors when activating security. It is recommended to test features rather than classes in isolation and to avoid using test doubles for value objects or types not owned.
This document discusses the history and development of music in continental North America over several decades. It covers the origins of genres like work songs, spirituals, blues, and ragtime that were influenced by the transatlantic slave trade. It then outlines major musical styles and innovations from the 1950s onwards, including rock and roll, Motown, disco, and rap. Social, technological, and artistic changes are described as shaping the evolution of form, melody, harmony, and instrumentation in American music over time.
The document provides a history of MOOCs, beginning with the MIT OpenCourseWare project in 2002 and the development of connectivism in 2004. It notes some key early MOOCs from 2008-2011 and the surge in 2012 when Harvard's first MOOC had over 370,000 students registered and Coursera was launched. The document defines MOOCs as massive open online courses open to unlimited participation and available online for free. It also outlines some typical features of MOOCs such as their duration, use of videos, online discussions, and focus on connecting learners globally without restrictions.
This document contains advice for planning and leading large meetings and conferences. It discusses 10 truths for making big meetings impactful. The truths include delegating tasks properly, controlling internal communication, involving attendees, being transparent, adding elements of playfulness, securing an appropriate venue, focusing on process not just content, and acting as a thought leader. The overall message is that meetings require bold, engaging leadership focused more on participation than presentations to inspire change.
This document summarizes malignant brain tumors, including primary and secondary tumors. Primary tumors originate in the brain, while secondary tumors result from metastasis of other cancers. Both appear as hyperdense masses on imaging but primary tumors have uneven borders and secondary tumors have even borders. Common symptoms include headache, seizures, vomiting, and syncope. Treatment options discussed include surgery, radiation, photodynamic therapy, and gamma knife radiation. The most aggressive and common malignant brain tumor is glioblastoma multiforme, which has a median survival of 12-17 months even with aggressive treatment.
This document discusses several image editing effects including Black & White, 3D Button, Oil Paint, and Pixilize effects that can be applied in image editing software to alter the appearance of photos. Negative effects are also listed but no details are provided about what they involve. The document is brief and lists the effect names without descriptions of how each one transforms images.
Este documento proporciona una lista de t坦picos sobre las funciones y herramientas de Excel 2010. Incluye instrucciones sobre c坦mo abrir y guardar archivos en Excel, navegar y formatear celdas, tablas y hojas, y usar funciones como sumas, gr叩ficos y SmartArt.
The document discusses how various media technologies were used at different stages of a project. A blog was used to store and document all work from initial planning through to evaluation. Online research was conducted to find existing similar products and influence design decisions. Digital cameras and video were used to capture footage and photos for ads. Adobe software like Photoshop and Premier Pro allowed for editing of visuals and videos. Social media like Facebook was used to share ads and gather feedback from target audiences. YouTube and SoundCloud hosted finished ads and audio content for feedback.
Mitosis is cell division that produces two daughter cells identical to the parent cell. It occurs in somatic cells and involves the four phases of prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces gametes with half the number of chromosomes, and occurs in germ cells. Meiosis has two rounds of division, Meiosis I and Meiosis II, which separates homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids respectively to generate four haploid daughter cells from one diploid parent cell. Mitosis and meiosis are important for growth, tissue repair, sexual reproduction, and genetic variation.
Customer Lifecycle Management - S奪 maximerar du v辰rdet av dina kundrelationer...Crescando
Frukostseminarium: Beroende p奪 vilken studie vi f旦rlitar oss till, och vilken bransch vi pratar om, s奪 kostar det mellan 5 och 25 g奪nger s奪 mycket att skaffa en ny kund som att beh奪lla en. Det 辰r d辰rf旦r en mycket god id辿 att jobba f旦r att beh奪lla de kunder vi redan har idag.
P奪 h旦stens f旦rsta frukost f旦r marknadsf旦rare och s辰ljansvariga i B2B-branschen pratar vi just om v辰rdet av att v奪rda och utveckla v奪ra kundrelationer. F旦r det 辰r genom att se p奪 varje ny kundrelation som b旦rjan p奪 en ny resa inte bara som slutet p奪 en framg奪ngsrik s辰ljprocess som vi kan maximera v奪ra aff辰rer! Content Marketing har kraft att maximera kundlojaliteten och d辰rmed ocks奪 aff辰ren. Ta del av konkreta r奪d och tips p奪 hur du kan jobba med Content Marketing och digitala kanaler B2B under hela kundlivscykeln.
Frukostseminarium - Content-strategins tre pelare - Crescando 20221110 UPLOAD...Crescando
F旦rsta seminariumet i B2B-byr奪n Crescandos frukostserie: S奪 f奪r du nya leads och kunder med inbound och content marketing.
Tre grundpelare f旦r din content-strategi 2023
S辰lj och marknad tillsammans - Smart Content marketing 2024 - Crescando 23112...Crescando
Webbinarium: Smart content marketing 2024
Beh旦ver samarbetet mellan marknad och s辰lj verkligen vara s奪 komplicerat?
V辰lkommen till ett lunchwebbinarium om hur marknad och s辰lj kan arbeta tillsammans med smart content marketing 2024. Anm辰l dig redan nu s奪 att du inte missar detta:
* Grunda content-strategin i de gemensamma aff辰rsm奪len.
* Synka m奪lgrupper, m奪lkonton och kundinsikt
* En redaktionell plan som st旦ttar s辰ljet och k旦presan.
* Aktivera content med bl.a. social selling.
* Konkreta content marketing-projekt fr奪n andra B2B-f旦retag.
I webbinarieserien S辰lj och marknad tillsammans ger vi konkreta tips p奪 hur de olika rollerna kan komma n辰rmare varandra i marknadsf旦rings- och s辰ljarbetet. Du f奪r med dig tips och exempel p奪 projekt som inspirerar er i verksamheten att skapa aff辰rsdrivande aktiviteter tillsammans.
S奪 skapar du en content marketing-strategi - Malin Sj旦man - Multikanalstrateg...Crescando
Content marketing ses ofta som nyckeln till Inbound marketing, och beskrivs ofta som en metodik f旦r att bygga och bibeh奪lla relationer till en m奪lgrupp, med hj辰lp av v辰rdeskapande inneh奪ll via ex bloggar, whitepaper, nyhetsbrev och poster i sociala medier som publiceras i egna kanaler i ett st辰ndigt p奪g奪ende arbete med syfte ett uppn奪 aff辰rs- eller verksamhets-nytta. I denna seminariepunkt tar vi mer er p奪 k旦parens besslutsresa och ser 旦ver vilka delar som 辰r viktiga f旦r att bygga upp en h奪llbar Content Marketing Strategi.
Gemensam kundsinsikt ger mer aff辰rer | Webbinarium Crescando 240215Crescando
Grunden f旦r all framg奪ngsrik marknadsf旦ring och f旦rs辰ljning 辰r en gedigen f旦rst奪else f旦r m奪lgruppen: vilka typer av f旦retag och individer v辰nder vi oss till? Hur ser deras behov ut?
Crescandos lunchwebbinarium om hur marknad och s辰lj kan arbeta smart tillsammans med att ta fram en gemensam m奪lbild av segment och kunder.
* V辰rdet av en gemensam kundinsikt f旦r marknad och s辰lj.
* M奪lgruppsarbete inom inbound och ABM.
* Olika s辰tt att segmentera f旦retagsmarknaden.
*S奪 hittar du din ideala kundprofil.
* D辰rf旦r 辰r personas nyckeln till framg奪ng.
Det bubblar rej辰lt kring Content Marketing. M旦jligheterna 辰r m奪nga med att kommunicera med v奪ra kunder utifr奪n deras behov och utmaningar f旦r att hj辰lpa dem k旦pa.
F旦r att du ska lyckas l奪ngsiktigt med din Content Marketing-satsning beh旦vs en tydlig struktur, en klar insikt om vem du vill n奪, vad du vill ha sagt och hur det b辰st paketeras. B旦rjar vi blogga, skriva artiklar och dokumentera kundcase utan prioritering och fokus finns risk att arbetet sv辰ller 旦ver alla gr辰nser. Utan att det n旦dv辰ndigtvis ger n奪gon st旦rre effekt.
Med en plan 辰r chansen 5 g奪nger s奪 stor att du lyckas!
P奪 frukosttr辰ffen bj旦d vi p奪 konkreta tips f旦r hur du kan m奪linrikta din content marketing f旦r att 旦ka effekten och bidra till nya aff辰rer.
Content-shock - S奪 skapar du en 旦verlevnadsplan - Berghs Effektiv marknadskom...Crescando
Vad g旦r du n辰r m辰ngden tillg辰ngligt content bara 旦kar och risken f旦r content-shock lurar runt knuten? Studier visar att f旦retag som har en sund strategi f旦r sitt content marketing-arbete har betydligt st旦rre chanser att lyckas och tr辰nga genom bruset!
Den nya B2B-marknadsf旦ringen | H辰gvall & Sj旦man - Atomer & Bitar 141014Crescando
Inledande presentation p奪 konferensen: Den nya B2B-marknadsf旦ringen
N辰r f旦ruts辰ttningarna f旦r hur dina kunder vill g旦ra aff辰rer f旦r辰ndras m奪ste din marknadsf旦ring ocks奪 g旦ra det!
S奪 hur drar du som B2B-marknadsf旦rare f旦rdel av de nya digitala m旦jligheterna? Vilken roll spelar Content Marketing i den nya tidens marknadsf旦ring? Och vilka krav st辰ller det nya aff辰rsklimatet p奪 din marknadsstrategi?
Inspirationsfrukost 20 april - Sluta油skjut油fr奪n油h旦ften! M奪linriktad油content m...Crescando
Det bubblar rej辰lt kring Content och Inbound Marketing! M奪nga har redan insett att det g辰ller att kommunicera med kunderna utifr奪n deras behov och utmaningar, med m奪let att hj辰lpa dem att k旦pa.
F旦r att du ska lyckas l奪ngsiktigt med din Content eller Inbound Marketing-satsning beh旦vs en tydlig struktur, en klar insikt om vem du vill n奪, vad du vill ha sagt och hur det b辰st paketeras. B旦rjar vi blogga, skriva artiklar och filma kundcase utan prioritering och fokus finns risk att arbetet sv辰ller 旦ver alla gr辰nser. Utan att det n旦dv辰ndigtvis ger n奪gon st旦rre effekt. Med en plan 辰r chansen 5 g奪nger s奪 stor att du lyckas!
P奪 frukostseminariet f奪r du konkreta exempel och tips p奪 hur du skapar m奪linriktad Content Marketing B2B som h奪ller i l辰ngden och ger resultat:
- L辰r k辰nna din m奪lgrupp b辰ttre genom personas
- F旦rst奪 hur dina kunders k旦presa ser ut
- Bygg en ber辰ttelse som hj辰lper kunderna att k旦pa
Digital Management dag 1 - 2014 Berghs School of Communication
Om k旦pcykeln, inneh奪llsmarknadsf旦ring och kanalstrategier:
Customer Experience Journey
R辰tt budskap och inneh奪ll
Content marketing
Context is queen
De digitala kanalerna
Sveriges Annons旦rer B2B-n辰tverket - LinkedIn f旦r B2B-marknadsf旦ring och socia...Crescando
Enligt Content Marketing Institute anv辰nder idag 97% av alla B2B-marknadsf旦rare LinkedIn som en del i content marketingarbetet. Men hur aktiverar vi v奪rt content p奪 b辰sta s辰tt i kanalen och hur f奪r vi v奪ra medarbetare med p奪 t奪get?
Med oss p奪 denna tr辰ff har vi Malin Sj旦man, B2B-expert fr奪n Crescando, som guidar oss i diskussionerna d辰r vi delar med oss av v奪ra b辰sta och 辰ven mindre bra erfarenheter av marknadsf旦ring p奪 LinkedIn.
The document discusses trends and scenarios that may impact regional development in S旦dert旦rn, Sweden. It highlights the need for regional leadership and identity to facilitate collaboration between different sectors. Effective regional development requires moving beyond just public-private partnerships (triple helix model) to include non-profits and citizens (penta helix model). Leaders must build platforms to create attractiveness, growth, and sustainable development through social entrepreneurs. Mobility and infrastructure connecting urban and rural areas are also important. The future of regions lies in the "in-between spaces" where bridges can be built across different domains.
This document contains details for an event being held at Berghs School of Communication in Stockholm on November 17, 2014. It includes an agenda for the day's lesson that covers case studies, project phases, and practical production. There are also documents for a case on maximizing the experience of fashion journalists in Stockholm, including creative solutions, documentation, and brief details. The document outlines various phases of a project including concept and budget, production, follow up and evaluation. It provides information on practical production elements such as budget, production plan, permits, venue, decor, technology, food and drink, entertainment, graphics, and safety.
This document provides information about an upcoming sailing event being held on June 27th. It outlines the schedule which includes departing by bus at 8:30am, assembling at the jetty in Nacka Strand at 9am, the first sailing activity from 9:15-11:30, lunch from 11:30-14:00, and the second sail race from 14:00-17:30. It also lists the crew group names and packing list. Safety procedures and responsibilities are defined, along with the weather forecast and meeting location. Activities include sailing, quizzes, equipment testing, and following coordinates on charts. The day will conclude with a dinner, conclusions, and prize awards from 17:
14. Tre viktiga insikter
≒ Vi blir bara medvetna om det som just vi f旦rst奪r
≒ Vi blir bara medvetna om det som 辰r angel辰get f旦r
just oss i en viss situation
≒ Den som vill n奪 fram med sin kommunikation m奪ste
allts奪 framst辰lla den s奪 att olika m辰nniskor f旦rst奪r
och s奪 att deras d旦rrvakt anser att informationen
辰r angel辰gen.
17. M奪lgrupper
Formell m奪lgrupp
De vi riktar oss till
≒VD och marknadsdirekt旦rer p奪 revisionsbyr奪er i norra Sk奪ne
≒Kvinnor mellan 25 och 30 奪r med akademisk utbildning i M辰lardalen
≒Volvo辰gare med en bil som 辰r mellan 2,5 och 2,8 奪r gammal
41. Skilja p奪 m奪l, orsaker, avsikt och
Vad exakt vill vi slutligen ska ha skett?
Varf旦r sker inte detta idag?
Vad beh旦ver 奪stadkommas f旦r att det ska ske?
Vilken eller vilka l旦sningar matchar orsakerna och g旦r att vi n奪r
42. Blajradar
Den h辰r kampanjen ska mest
st辰rka v奪r image
Vi vill locka s奪 m奪nga kunder
som m旦jligt med en roadshow
56. Dr旦mbild av vad man letar efter. Po辰ngen vi m奪ste f奪 reda p奪
prioriteringarna av kunden, Snygg, smart, kan s辰lja. Vad 辰r
viktigast i just det h辰r eventet. En tydlig prioritering 旦ver
egenskaperna tack.
Vad l辰gger vi i orden n辰r vi best辰ller? Vad 辰r charmig?
Vilket 辰r det verkliga m奪let, var det s辰lj eller bygga varum辰rke
eller vad 辰r verkligen viktigast.
57. V辰rlden beh旦ver fler relation辰rer
Informera om sj辰lvklarheter, man kan inte vara nog tydlig
B奪de h旦gt och l奪gt.
Short list USPAR f旦r produkten.
Vid m旦te peppa kring produkten. F奪 det att verka kul. Strunta i att g奪
igenom ledningsgruppen, 辰garstruktur. Fousera p奪 det som 辰r
viktigt f旦r konsumenterna. Det som de kommer att fr奪ga om.
Ha en leverant旦r av eventpersonalleverant旦r. Det blir mindre jobb p奪
Du f奪r tillbaka sm奪saker, betald lunch, kaffe, toalettbreak.
58. Rapportering och dokumentation
Rapportering under eventet.
Vilka m奪l sattes innan? Hur ligger vi till i antal nya medlemmar,
produkter, utdelade smakprover, antal t辰vlande?
Webbverktyg d辰r personalen rapporterar dagligen.
Foto och film
Ett exempel p奪 hur kul det kan vara att spela in eventet p奪 film.
82. Genom upplevelser och aktivt deltagande 旦kar f旦rst奪elsen
M旦jlighet till dialog
M旦jlighet till att skapa engagemang
M旦jlighet att l旦sa komplexa utmaningar
M旦jlighet till 旦kat kom ih奪g
M旦jlighet till att smaka, dofta, k辰nna, prova, se och h旦ra
Sammanfattning varf旦r evenemang
84. Analys och research
Arkitektur - rumsdisponering
M旦tesmetodik och teknik f旦r interaktivitet
Digitala visuella media
Event Design och dekor
Event-In-A-Box (paketl旦sningar)
Grafisk design och presentationer
Ljud- och ljusdesign
M辰ss och monterproduktion
Vad g旦r en 艶厩艶稼岳恢霞姻奪?
85. Strategiarbete
TV och Videoproduktion
V辰rdskap och bem旦tande
Vad g旦r en 艶厩艶稼岳恢霞姻奪?
93. Du 辰r en del av Arlanda
nov 09 oktdec jan 10 marsfeb april maj juni juli aug sep
M旦te 1 Storm旦te
M旦te 2 M旦te 3
Implementering Storm旦te
Niv奪 1
Workshop Storm旦te
Workshop 2terkoppling
Medverkan personalm旦ten
95. Vilket budskap tyckte du var
viktigast fr奪n den dagen?
≒ Samarbete
≒ Samverkan
≒ Att vi skall arbeta gemensamt
≒ Kunden i fokus
≒ Milj旦n
≒ Att vi skall l辰ra k辰nna varandra
Att belysa att Arlanda
辰r v奪r gemensamma
arbetsplats och
kunderna gemensamma
Att det 辰r vi tillsammans
som m奪ste hj辰lpas 奪t, att vi
f奪r f旦rst奪else och 旦kar
respekten f旦r varandras
Att framg奪ng endast kan
n奪s via samarbete.All
enheter utg旦r en del i
helheten och m奪ste
samverka f旦r ett bra
96. Majoriteten anser att evenemanget uppmuntrar till
samarbete mellan f旦retagen i mycket eller ganska h旦g
114. M奪lgrupper och olika m奪l
≒ Formell m奪lgrupp
≒ Kommunikativa m奪lgrupper
≒ Informationsm奪l
≒ Sluteffektm奪l
115. M奪lgrupper
Formell m奪lgrupp
De vi riktar oss till
≒VD och marknadsidrekt旦rer p奪 revisionsbyr奪er i norra Sk奪ne
≒Kvinnor mellan 25 och 30 奪r med akademisk utbildning i M辰lardalen
≒Volvo辰gare med en bil som 辰r mellan 2,5 ochh 2,8 奪r gammal
138. Skilja p奪 m奪l, orsaker, avsikt och
Vad exakt vill vi slutligen ska ha skett?
Varf旦r sker inte detta idag?
Vad beh旦ver 奪stadkommas f旦r att det ska ske?
Vilken eller vilka l旦sningar matchar orsakerna och g旦r att vi n奪r