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Symposium, Workshops, Seminars & Conferences Attended 
Organizers Symposium 
7th Asian Recovery Symposium 
The Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme in collaboration with Drug Free Pakistan Foundation, Young Blood Daska & Ministry of Interior and Narcotics Control Training Workshops 
Training of Addiction Professional Staff on Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation 
Training on the Form Social Behavioral and Transmission Properties associated with Diversity in HIV Epidemics among People Who Inject Drugs and other Populations 
Training on how to take blood sample of IDUs (including use of sanitizers, surgical gloves, DBS card, lancet, bandage etc.) 
Center for Global Public Health (Canada) in collaboration with Phoenix Foundation for Research and Development 
Training on Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation 
UNODC and Narcotics Control Division 
Training of Volunteers in Drug Demand Reduction 
M/o Narcotics Control, Drug Demand Reduction Cell 
Training of Addiction Professionals 
Physiology and Pharmacology & Treatment for Substance Use Disorders The Continuum of Care for Addiction Professionals 
The Colombo Plan Asian Centre for Certification and Education of Addiction Professionals 
Training on Code of Conduct on Child Sensitive Media Reporting 
Children First and CRM Provincial Secretariat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 
AAMET-EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Level 1 and TBT (Trauma Buster Technique) for PTS (Post Traumatic Stress) 
Dost Welfare Foundation in collaboration with AAMET 
UNODC National Workshop on Improved Management of Prisons: Improving Prison Oversight to International Standards 
United Nations Office on Drug and Crime in collaboration with Government of Pakistan Ministry of Interior 
Child Rights Movement (CRM) Planning Workshop 
Children First National Secretariat CRM and Save the Children 
Two-Days Workshop on Para-Counseling 
Groupe Developpement 
One-Day Workshop on Mapping and Assessment of Child Protection System Toolkit 
United Nations Children Fund 
One-Day Workshop on Provincial Responsibilities in Post 18th Amendment Settings 
SPARC (Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child) 
3-Day Training Workshop on Prisons and Human Rights Training for Pakistan 
Response International (RI) in collaboration with Penal Reform International (PRI) 
3 One-day Workshops for juvenile prisoners on Awareness of their Legal Rights i.e. Bail, Probation and Parole 
Regional Directorate of Human Rights, Peshawar. 
1-Day Training Workshop on Report Writing 
Regional Directorate of Human Rights, Peshawar & Save the Children Sweden 
2-Day Training Workshop on Psychological Tests DAP- 
Regional Directorate of Human Rights, Peshawar & Save the
SPED and SIP-A & SIP-C (Self Image Profile for Adolescents and Children) and software SPSS 
Children Sweden 
4-Days Workshop on Teachers Training 
Department of Psychology University of Peshawar in collaboration with UGC (University Grant Commission) Seminars 
Social and Psychological Consequences of Violence in FATA  Issues and Challenges 
FATA Research Centre 
Childrens Right to Participation: Building a Childrens Civil Society 
AGHS (Asma Jahangir, Gul, Hina Gilani & Shehla) 
Mass Media and the Third World 
Department of Psychology University of Peshawar 
Routine Seminars and Public Defense of Ph. Ds 
Department of Psychology University of Peshawar Conferences 
National Conference on Justice System Reform in Pakistan  Developing Alternative to Imprisonment 
Dost Welfare Foundation (Member Organizing Committee) 
The 11th IUCN Conference 
Da Las Gul & Frontier Resource Centre 
The 8th International Psychological Conference 
Pakistan Psychological Association - PPA Coordination/Networking 
Provincial Launching of Survey Report on Drug Use in Pakistan 2013 Highlights for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 
UNODC and Narcotics Control Division Government of Pakistan 
District Coordination Meeting of Referral Partners 
Govt. of KP Child Protection & Welfare Commission, Social Welfare, Special Education and Women Empowerment Department 
District Coordination Meeting for Strengthening Referral Mechanism and Future Cooperation 
Monthly meetings of stakeholders on Child Protection and Welfare Issues 
Coordination Meetings Regarding Welfare of Prisoners 
Prison Management, Prison Authorities and Prison Medical Staff Consultations 
Pre-Budget Consultative Workshop - Linking Policies with Budgeting for Better Service Delivery 
Government of Pakistan Planning and Development Department 
Strengthening Implementation of 18th Amendment 
UNDP and FOF (Forum of Federation) 
Consultation on Draft Borstal Law and Borstal Institution 
Regional Directorate of Human Rights Peshawar & Save the Children. 
The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Pakistan 
The State of Childrens Rights in Pakistan 
Save the Children & SPARC (Speaker Mr. Wajahat) 
Gaps in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Child Protection and Welfare Act-2010 
SPARC Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child 
Annual Progress Review Meeting of various NGOs and CPUs funded by UNICEF working for children 
Child Protection & Welfare Commission, Social Welfare, Special Education and Women Empowerment Department 
Annual Consultation Sessions Aimed at Assessing Impact of the Rehabilitation of Juvenile Prisoners Project 
Save the Children Sweden Miscellaneous Academic Activities 
Postcard Campaign against Inhuman Sentences for Child Offenders 
NJJN National Juvenile Justice Network 
Delivered a radio broadcast under the title of 
HDO (Human Development Organization)
Survivors of Torture and Causes of Juvenile Delinquency 
Organized annual events such as International Child Rights Day, International Human Rights Day, Annual Events etc. for convicted juveniles (students) at Central Prison Haripur. 
Regional Directorate of Human Rights, Peshawar 
Designed an awareness campaign on Preservation of the Hubara Bustard 
ORDR Organization for Rural Development and Research 
Delivered a lecture on Depression on FM frequency 
Campus Radio Station Surveys/Research Conducted 
Part of the research team on Social Behavioral and Transmission Properties Associated with Diversity In HIV Epidemics Among People Who Inject Drugs and Other Populations 
Center for Global Public Health (Canada) in collaboration with Phoenix Foundation for Research and Development 
In order to find out the proportion of various risk factors of juvenile delinquency among the juvenile prisoners a questionnaire was designed and administered on juveniles prisoners. 
The said questionnaire was based on a Bulletin which is part of (U.S. Department of Justice; OJJDPs) Child Delinquency Series. 
Ministry of Human Rights, Regional Directorate of Human Rights Training /Orientation / Awareness Sessions Conducted 
Health and Hygiene, HIV/AIDS, STIs, Hepatitis B/C, Drug Abuse, International Standards of Human Rights (UDHR, UN-CAT, CRC, Prison Rules, etc.) and Unprotected and Forced Sex 
Dost Welfare Foundation (IP) and Response International (Funding Agency) 
HIV/AIDS, STIs, Hepatitis B/C, Drug Abuse 
Organized Workshops for juveniles / youth of local community 
Stress Identification and Stress Management 
International Organization for Migration 
Psychology and its Scope 
International Organization for Migration 
Co-author of a workshop with the title To Improve Life-Skills of Teachers and Students of Islahi School 
Peoples Education Advisory & Consultancy Enterprise NWFP in collaboration with Regional Directorate of Human Rights Peshawar 
Co-author of a workshop with the title To improve Teaching Skills of Teachers of Islahi School 
Peoples Education Advisory & Consultancy Enterprise NWFP in collaboration with Regional Directorate of Human Rights Peshawar

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  • 1. Symposium, Workshops, Seminars & Conferences Attended Title Organizers Symposium 7th Asian Recovery Symposium The Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme in collaboration with Drug Free Pakistan Foundation, Young Blood Daska & Ministry of Interior and Narcotics Control Training Workshops Training of Addiction Professional Staff on Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation UNODC Training on the Form Social Behavioral and Transmission Properties associated with Diversity in HIV Epidemics among People Who Inject Drugs and other Populations Training on how to take blood sample of IDUs (including use of sanitizers, surgical gloves, DBS card, lancet, bandage etc.) Mapping Center for Global Public Health (Canada) in collaboration with Phoenix Foundation for Research and Development Training on Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation UNODC and Narcotics Control Division Training of Volunteers in Drug Demand Reduction M/o Narcotics Control, Drug Demand Reduction Cell Training of Addiction Professionals Physiology and Pharmacology & Treatment for Substance Use Disorders The Continuum of Care for Addiction Professionals The Colombo Plan Asian Centre for Certification and Education of Addiction Professionals Training on Code of Conduct on Child Sensitive Media Reporting Children First and CRM Provincial Secretariat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa AAMET-EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Level 1 and TBT (Trauma Buster Technique) for PTS (Post Traumatic Stress) Dost Welfare Foundation in collaboration with AAMET UNODC National Workshop on Improved Management of Prisons: Improving Prison Oversight to International Standards United Nations Office on Drug and Crime in collaboration with Government of Pakistan Ministry of Interior Child Rights Movement (CRM) Planning Workshop Children First National Secretariat CRM and Save the Children Two-Days Workshop on Para-Counseling Groupe Developpement One-Day Workshop on Mapping and Assessment of Child Protection System Toolkit United Nations Children Fund One-Day Workshop on Provincial Responsibilities in Post 18th Amendment Settings SPARC (Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child) 3-Day Training Workshop on Prisons and Human Rights Training for Pakistan Response International (RI) in collaboration with Penal Reform International (PRI) 3 One-day Workshops for juvenile prisoners on Awareness of their Legal Rights i.e. Bail, Probation and Parole Regional Directorate of Human Rights, Peshawar. 1-Day Training Workshop on Report Writing Regional Directorate of Human Rights, Peshawar & Save the Children Sweden 2-Day Training Workshop on Psychological Tests DAP- Regional Directorate of Human Rights, Peshawar & Save the
  • 2. SPED and SIP-A & SIP-C (Self Image Profile for Adolescents and Children) and software SPSS Children Sweden 4-Days Workshop on Teachers Training Department of Psychology University of Peshawar in collaboration with UGC (University Grant Commission) Seminars Social and Psychological Consequences of Violence in FATA Issues and Challenges FATA Research Centre Childrens Right to Participation: Building a Childrens Civil Society AGHS (Asma Jahangir, Gul, Hina Gilani & Shehla) Mass Media and the Third World Department of Psychology University of Peshawar Routine Seminars and Public Defense of Ph. Ds Department of Psychology University of Peshawar Conferences National Conference on Justice System Reform in Pakistan Developing Alternative to Imprisonment Dost Welfare Foundation (Member Organizing Committee) The 11th IUCN Conference Da Las Gul & Frontier Resource Centre The 8th International Psychological Conference Pakistan Psychological Association - PPA Coordination/Networking Provincial Launching of Survey Report on Drug Use in Pakistan 2013 Highlights for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa UNODC and Narcotics Control Division Government of Pakistan District Coordination Meeting of Referral Partners Govt. of KP Child Protection & Welfare Commission, Social Welfare, Special Education and Women Empowerment Department District Coordination Meeting for Strengthening Referral Mechanism and Future Cooperation Monthly meetings of stakeholders on Child Protection and Welfare Issues Coordination Meetings Regarding Welfare of Prisoners Prison Management, Prison Authorities and Prison Medical Staff Consultations Pre-Budget Consultative Workshop - Linking Policies with Budgeting for Better Service Delivery Government of Pakistan Planning and Development Department Strengthening Implementation of 18th Amendment UNDP and FOF (Forum of Federation) Consultation on Draft Borstal Law and Borstal Institution Regional Directorate of Human Rights Peshawar & Save the Children. The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Pakistan The State of Childrens Rights in Pakistan Save the Children & SPARC (Speaker Mr. Wajahat) Gaps in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Child Protection and Welfare Act-2010 SPARC Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child Annual Progress Review Meeting of various NGOs and CPUs funded by UNICEF working for children Child Protection & Welfare Commission, Social Welfare, Special Education and Women Empowerment Department Annual Consultation Sessions Aimed at Assessing Impact of the Rehabilitation of Juvenile Prisoners Project Save the Children Sweden Miscellaneous Academic Activities Postcard Campaign against Inhuman Sentences for Child Offenders NJJN National Juvenile Justice Network Delivered a radio broadcast under the title of HDO (Human Development Organization)
  • 3. Survivors of Torture and Causes of Juvenile Delinquency Organized annual events such as International Child Rights Day, International Human Rights Day, Annual Events etc. for convicted juveniles (students) at Central Prison Haripur. Regional Directorate of Human Rights, Peshawar Designed an awareness campaign on Preservation of the Hubara Bustard ORDR Organization for Rural Development and Research Delivered a lecture on Depression on FM frequency Campus Radio Station Surveys/Research Conducted Part of the research team on Social Behavioral and Transmission Properties Associated with Diversity In HIV Epidemics Among People Who Inject Drugs and Other Populations Center for Global Public Health (Canada) in collaboration with Phoenix Foundation for Research and Development In order to find out the proportion of various risk factors of juvenile delinquency among the juvenile prisoners a questionnaire was designed and administered on juveniles prisoners. The said questionnaire was based on a Bulletin which is part of (U.S. Department of Justice; OJJDPs) Child Delinquency Series. Ministry of Human Rights, Regional Directorate of Human Rights Training /Orientation / Awareness Sessions Conducted Health and Hygiene, HIV/AIDS, STIs, Hepatitis B/C, Drug Abuse, International Standards of Human Rights (UDHR, UN-CAT, CRC, Prison Rules, etc.) and Unprotected and Forced Sex Dost Welfare Foundation (IP) and Response International (Funding Agency) HIV/AIDS, STIs, Hepatitis B/C, Drug Abuse Organized Workshops for juveniles / youth of local community Stress Identification and Stress Management International Organization for Migration Psychology and its Scope International Organization for Migration Co-author of a workshop with the title To Improve Life-Skills of Teachers and Students of Islahi School Peoples Education Advisory & Consultancy Enterprise NWFP in collaboration with Regional Directorate of Human Rights Peshawar Co-author of a workshop with the title To improve Teaching Skills of Teachers of Islahi School Peoples Education Advisory & Consultancy Enterprise NWFP in collaboration with Regional Directorate of Human Rights Peshawar