Patrick Campbell, CEO of Price Intelligently shares techniques and tactics for pricing your product as you start your business out. He includes a variety of methods you can use.
This document provides information and guidance about building a sustainable online store in Nigeria. It discusses the size and demographics of Nigeria's population and internet/mobile market, which present opportunities for online retailers. The basics of e-commerce are explained, such as how online shopping works, the necessary components to set up an online store, and factors that influence Nigerian consumers' purchasing decisions. The document encourages the reader to take action now to start their online store rather than make excuses, as you don't need extensive experience or learning to get started.
Predictive Analytics #QuickInfo - Myth: We do not have enough dataget4cast
The document discusses common myths about predictive analytics, noting that the amount of data is not as important as its quality, and that predictive analytics can be done with existing data sources rather than requiring a specific number of orders or days of data. It provides tips for getting started with predictive analytics, such as inputting at least 50% of predicted data, using existing groups of data, and focusing on data quality over quantity.
Can real-time analytics give you the edge on Black Friday?GoSquared
This document discusses how real-time analytics can help businesses during fast-paced sales events like Black Friday. Real-time analytics provide actionable information and sales results immediately as they happen, allowing businesses to make critical decisions quickly. With traditional analytics, businesses often have to wait hours or more to access important customer data like where customers are coming from and what they are buying or saying. Real-time analytics put the customer front and center by allowing businesses to respond to them within moments. They also help businesses prepare for traffic spikes before they occur and ensure marketing messages are targeted effectively.
Is Combining Search, Social and Content Impossible for Big Brands? By Andrew ...Search Engine Journal
Event: SEJ Summit London Hosted by Searchmetrics
Todays search, social and content strategies are inextricably linked. You may have multiple agencies or partners working simultaneously (and sometimes bumping heads) on all 3. Your teams need to be agile to compete, but youre held back by bureaucracy and the legacy systems that are part of your Big Brand world.
How do you triumph over these obstacles? Andrew gives us practice advice and examples for managing agencies and partners while swimming upstream at Corporate, and staying true to your marketing goals.
From Search to Store: How SEO Can Empower Your Brands Business Units By Nick...Search Engine Journal
Event: SEJ Summit London Hosted by Searchmetrics
Nick shows us how he uses search analytics to help and influence his Product and Supply Chain colleagues to make better decisions around product demand planning in both online and local stores.
Google Analytics is a tool that provides marketers with real user data from their websites to help direct SEO strategies. It tracks metrics like user traffic, where users come from, which pages they visit, site speed, and social signals. Setting up a Google Analytics account is free and allows users to gain business intelligence and insights from their website data to improve online marketing campaigns.
Data and how you use it is the differentiator in many winning and losing products. More recently, data itself has become an important product itself. This discussion will lay out steps to approach identifying, analyzing, and leveraging data in your organization along with going through have and have not examples of companies leveraging data.
Google Analytics is a tool that provides marketers with real user data from their websites to help direct SEO strategies. It tracks metrics like user traffic, where users come from, which pages they visit, site speed, and social signals. Marketers can use this data to gain business insights and make informed decisions about their online campaigns. The document instructs marketers to create a Google Analytics account at to begin tracking user activity on their site.
Engauge - Big Data Week - Social Media Analytics - Holly MaustEngauge
The document discusses the power of social media analytics. It emphasizes harnessing social media data by clarifying goals and objectives, identifying key performance indicators, understanding available tools and services, identifying metrics to measure goals, benchmarking, and reporting and analysis. It provides examples of metrics and tools like Google Analytics that can measure purchases, downloads, content engagement, and sentiment. The overall message is to focus analytics on business goals and objectives, plan measurement strategies, be insightful with data, and collaborate across teams.
Partnering PR and SEO for Brand Marketing Success by Dave Naylor #SEJSummitSearch Engine Journal
Event: #SEJSummit London Hosted by Searchmetrics
Converging SEO and PR strategies is a hot marketing topic as of late, but many have been using it to great advantage for years. Dave bypasses the buzzwords to break down what it means in practical terms to run a successful digital marketing campaign. Hell be looking at what you need to do to get a good solid infrastructure in place and ways to protect your rankings along with the wins and pitfalls of the long game.
Agile Marketing with Cascade, Analytics & SpectateJoel Dixon
This document discusses using analytics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to inform agile marketing strategies. It emphasizes measuring goals and objectives to determine which content and social media channels are most effective. While data is available, context is needed to understand it. Defining measurable goals and tracking trends can help marketing teams focus content and campaigns on what drives the desired outcomes and returns.
Urban Development Institute of Halifax NS - Find Your Fan Factor: 3 Sales and...Meredith Oliver
Presented by Meredith Oliver as the closing keynote at the 2016 Urban Development Institute. Meredith Oliver, a marketing keynote speaker, discusses consumer shopping and buying habits and reveals 3 strategies to market more effectively to the modern consumer. For more information about Meredith Oliver go to
This document discusses how an over-reliance on data is negatively impacting design. It notes that businesses have become too focused on tactical optimizations and metrics, prioritizing efficiency over cultural and human factors. This has led to designs that lack innovation, vision, and empathy. The document argues that designers need to view data as a tool rather than truth, and should balance data with more subjective measures like user research and emotions. It suggests breaking out of "bubbles" to avoid being too conservative or complacent. The conclusion reiterates that design and data should be integrated, not that data should dictate design.
Fighting brains with email - The psychology of buying Kenda Macdonald
Marketing automation hinges around one central concept: Right message. Right person. Right time. This concept allows you to give the personalised experiences consumers demand, and the high conversion rates you crave. But there's one major problem with your marketing automation, and the tools and hacks won't fix it. Join us in this neuroscience based session to uncover how to craft your marketing automation to achieve the results you're looking for.
At the end of this session you'll be able to:
Utilise the purchase formula (neuroscience), with clarity on how it works, and what it means for your marketing automation
Pinpoint the awareness levels that your audience is focused on and what value means to them
Put it into practice with examples of how it works and how to really achieve right message, right person, right time
The document discusses various pricing strategies used by companies, including price discounts, promotional pricing, differentiated pricing, and responding to competitors' price changes. It also covers legal aspects of pricing such as price fixing, price discrimination, predatory pricing, and deceptive advertising. Overall, the document provides an overview of different approaches to setting prices, factors companies consider when adjusting prices, and legal issues related to pricing.
This following presentation defines Pricing Strategy; A Cost-Based Price Strategy, price set up by calculate production cost, promotion cost, and overhead cost, then adding the desired profit to those calculation. A Demand-Based Price Strategy, price set up after analyzing consumer desires and determines the range of prices acceptable to the target market. A Competition-Based Price Strategy, the marketer sets prices in accordance with competitors.
The document discusses various pricing strategies used by companies. It describes strategies for pricing new products, such as market skimming pricing and market penetration pricing. It also discusses strategies for pricing multiple products, adjusting prices based on customers or locations, using promotions, and setting international prices. The goal is to maximize profits by understanding how to effectively set and adjust prices.
The document discusses various pricing strategies and approaches. It covers factors that influence pricing decisions, both internal like costs and objectives, and external like competitors and consumer perceptions. It also describes three main approaches to determining prices: cost-based using costs of production, buyer-based using perceived value, and competition-based by considering competitors' prices. Specific pricing strategies are also outlined, like penetrating the market with low introductory prices or "skimming the cream" with high initial prices.
Price is a key element of the marketing mix that generates revenue. It communicates the value of a product and is determined based on customer perceived value and costs. When setting prices, companies analyze factors like demand, costs, competition and select objectives like profit maximization. Appropriate pricing requires estimating demand curves and price elasticity to understand customer sensitivity.
The document discusses various aspects of pricing strategy and methods. It defines pricing strategy as a plan for setting prices that considers factors like costs, competition, and demand. Some key determinants in setting prices are organizational objectives, costs, competition, and buyers' perceptions. Common pricing methods include cost-based pricing, demand-based pricing, and competition-based pricing. A company's pricing policy guides its overall pricing approach and specific pricing methods are then used to set prices regularly.
The document discusses various pricing strategies that can be used including penetration pricing, market skimming, value pricing, loss leader pricing, psychological pricing, price leadership, tender pricing, price discrimination, predatory pricing, absorption cost pricing, marginal cost pricing, contribution pricing, target pricing, and cost-plus pricing. It provides examples and explanations of when each strategy may be suitable.
Cost-based pricing methods include mark-up pricing, absorption cost pricing, target rate of return pricing, and marginal cost pricing. Demand-based pricing methods are determined by what the traffic can bear, skimming pricing, and penetration pricing. Other pricing methods include competition-oriented pricing, product line pricing, tender pricing, affordability-based pricing, and differentiated pricing. Pricing strategies must be appropriate for achieving the desired objectives of the firm.
This document outlines a seven-step process for creating an effective go-to-market plan. It details the key questions that should be addressed at each step and the deliverables that result from completing each step. The seven steps include defining the product or service, target markets, value proposition, marketing and sales channels, sales process, required organizational structure, and supporting business processes. Following the seven steps will result in a comprehensive go-to-market plan that can be actionably implemented.
This presentation helps the beginner to build insight about the 2P's (Price & Product) out of the 4 Marketing P's (which are Product, Price, Place, & Promotion)
The Ultimate Data-Driven Marketing Survival GuideDaniel Robinson
Data is critical to your survival and your ability to thrive in this harsh environment.
Your data strategy is the shelter and warmth that will provide protection and cover during your quest.
Data relating to content is your nourishment, the food and water that feeds your journey.
Your analytics data is your compass and your navigation mechanism, allowing you to know you are on track and enabling you to alter your course if you are being led astray.
You need tools and equipment for your journey and the technology you take with you can make all the difference without a good knife where would we be
And of course your magic key of data activation, it unlocks the value in your kit and lets you develop insight that will lead you to your destination.
So to help you weary travellers along your quest, to arm you with the best advantage and invigorate you with knowledge, ADMA are happy to share with you the DATA SURVIVAL GUIDE; everything you need to succeed. Produced in conjunction with the valiant speakers coming to you at ADMA Data Day in Sydney on the 27th April and Melbourne on the 29th April where more secrets will be revealed
Engauge - Big Data Week - Social Media Analytics - Holly MaustEngauge
The document discusses the power of social media analytics. It emphasizes harnessing social media data by clarifying goals and objectives, identifying key performance indicators, understanding available tools and services, identifying metrics to measure goals, benchmarking, and reporting and analysis. It provides examples of metrics and tools like Google Analytics that can measure purchases, downloads, content engagement, and sentiment. The overall message is to focus analytics on business goals and objectives, plan measurement strategies, be insightful with data, and collaborate across teams.
Partnering PR and SEO for Brand Marketing Success by Dave Naylor #SEJSummitSearch Engine Journal
Event: #SEJSummit London Hosted by Searchmetrics
Converging SEO and PR strategies is a hot marketing topic as of late, but many have been using it to great advantage for years. Dave bypasses the buzzwords to break down what it means in practical terms to run a successful digital marketing campaign. Hell be looking at what you need to do to get a good solid infrastructure in place and ways to protect your rankings along with the wins and pitfalls of the long game.
Agile Marketing with Cascade, Analytics & SpectateJoel Dixon
This document discusses using analytics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to inform agile marketing strategies. It emphasizes measuring goals and objectives to determine which content and social media channels are most effective. While data is available, context is needed to understand it. Defining measurable goals and tracking trends can help marketing teams focus content and campaigns on what drives the desired outcomes and returns.
Urban Development Institute of Halifax NS - Find Your Fan Factor: 3 Sales and...Meredith Oliver
Presented by Meredith Oliver as the closing keynote at the 2016 Urban Development Institute. Meredith Oliver, a marketing keynote speaker, discusses consumer shopping and buying habits and reveals 3 strategies to market more effectively to the modern consumer. For more information about Meredith Oliver go to
This document discusses how an over-reliance on data is negatively impacting design. It notes that businesses have become too focused on tactical optimizations and metrics, prioritizing efficiency over cultural and human factors. This has led to designs that lack innovation, vision, and empathy. The document argues that designers need to view data as a tool rather than truth, and should balance data with more subjective measures like user research and emotions. It suggests breaking out of "bubbles" to avoid being too conservative or complacent. The conclusion reiterates that design and data should be integrated, not that data should dictate design.
Fighting brains with email - The psychology of buying Kenda Macdonald
Marketing automation hinges around one central concept: Right message. Right person. Right time. This concept allows you to give the personalised experiences consumers demand, and the high conversion rates you crave. But there's one major problem with your marketing automation, and the tools and hacks won't fix it. Join us in this neuroscience based session to uncover how to craft your marketing automation to achieve the results you're looking for.
At the end of this session you'll be able to:
Utilise the purchase formula (neuroscience), with clarity on how it works, and what it means for your marketing automation
Pinpoint the awareness levels that your audience is focused on and what value means to them
Put it into practice with examples of how it works and how to really achieve right message, right person, right time
The document discusses various pricing strategies used by companies, including price discounts, promotional pricing, differentiated pricing, and responding to competitors' price changes. It also covers legal aspects of pricing such as price fixing, price discrimination, predatory pricing, and deceptive advertising. Overall, the document provides an overview of different approaches to setting prices, factors companies consider when adjusting prices, and legal issues related to pricing.
This following presentation defines Pricing Strategy; A Cost-Based Price Strategy, price set up by calculate production cost, promotion cost, and overhead cost, then adding the desired profit to those calculation. A Demand-Based Price Strategy, price set up after analyzing consumer desires and determines the range of prices acceptable to the target market. A Competition-Based Price Strategy, the marketer sets prices in accordance with competitors.
The document discusses various pricing strategies used by companies. It describes strategies for pricing new products, such as market skimming pricing and market penetration pricing. It also discusses strategies for pricing multiple products, adjusting prices based on customers or locations, using promotions, and setting international prices. The goal is to maximize profits by understanding how to effectively set and adjust prices.
The document discusses various pricing strategies and approaches. It covers factors that influence pricing decisions, both internal like costs and objectives, and external like competitors and consumer perceptions. It also describes three main approaches to determining prices: cost-based using costs of production, buyer-based using perceived value, and competition-based by considering competitors' prices. Specific pricing strategies are also outlined, like penetrating the market with low introductory prices or "skimming the cream" with high initial prices.
Price is a key element of the marketing mix that generates revenue. It communicates the value of a product and is determined based on customer perceived value and costs. When setting prices, companies analyze factors like demand, costs, competition and select objectives like profit maximization. Appropriate pricing requires estimating demand curves and price elasticity to understand customer sensitivity.
The document discusses various aspects of pricing strategy and methods. It defines pricing strategy as a plan for setting prices that considers factors like costs, competition, and demand. Some key determinants in setting prices are organizational objectives, costs, competition, and buyers' perceptions. Common pricing methods include cost-based pricing, demand-based pricing, and competition-based pricing. A company's pricing policy guides its overall pricing approach and specific pricing methods are then used to set prices regularly.
The document discusses various pricing strategies that can be used including penetration pricing, market skimming, value pricing, loss leader pricing, psychological pricing, price leadership, tender pricing, price discrimination, predatory pricing, absorption cost pricing, marginal cost pricing, contribution pricing, target pricing, and cost-plus pricing. It provides examples and explanations of when each strategy may be suitable.
Cost-based pricing methods include mark-up pricing, absorption cost pricing, target rate of return pricing, and marginal cost pricing. Demand-based pricing methods are determined by what the traffic can bear, skimming pricing, and penetration pricing. Other pricing methods include competition-oriented pricing, product line pricing, tender pricing, affordability-based pricing, and differentiated pricing. Pricing strategies must be appropriate for achieving the desired objectives of the firm.
This document outlines a seven-step process for creating an effective go-to-market plan. It details the key questions that should be addressed at each step and the deliverables that result from completing each step. The seven steps include defining the product or service, target markets, value proposition, marketing and sales channels, sales process, required organizational structure, and supporting business processes. Following the seven steps will result in a comprehensive go-to-market plan that can be actionably implemented.
This presentation helps the beginner to build insight about the 2P's (Price & Product) out of the 4 Marketing P's (which are Product, Price, Place, & Promotion)
The Ultimate Data-Driven Marketing Survival GuideDaniel Robinson
Data is critical to your survival and your ability to thrive in this harsh environment.
Your data strategy is the shelter and warmth that will provide protection and cover during your quest.
Data relating to content is your nourishment, the food and water that feeds your journey.
Your analytics data is your compass and your navigation mechanism, allowing you to know you are on track and enabling you to alter your course if you are being led astray.
You need tools and equipment for your journey and the technology you take with you can make all the difference without a good knife where would we be
And of course your magic key of data activation, it unlocks the value in your kit and lets you develop insight that will lead you to your destination.
So to help you weary travellers along your quest, to arm you with the best advantage and invigorate you with knowledge, ADMA are happy to share with you the DATA SURVIVAL GUIDE; everything you need to succeed. Produced in conjunction with the valiant speakers coming to you at ADMA Data Day in Sydney on the 27th April and Melbourne on the 29th April where more secrets will be revealed
The Ultimate Data-Driven Marketing Survival GuideDaniel Robinson
Venturing into the thick forests of marketing and advertising can sometimes be daunting, the forest grows ever more complex, the skills needed to navigate your way more rigorous.
The lifeline that leads your way, which shines like the lighthouse beam on a stormy sea; DATA
Data is critical to your survival and your ability to thrive in this harsh environment.
Your data strategy is the shelter and warmth that will provide protection and cover during your quest.
Data relating to content is your nourishment, the food and water that feeds your journey.
Your analytics data is your compass and your navigation mechanism, allowing you to know you are on track and enabling you to alter your course if you are being led astray.
You need tools and equipment for your journey and the technology you take with you can make all the difference without a good knife where would we be
And of course your magic key of data activation, it unlocks the value in your kit and lets you develop insight that will lead you to your destination.
So to help you weary travellers along your quest, to arm you with the best advantage and invigorate you with knowledge, ADMA are happy to share with you the DATA SURVIVAL GUIDE; everything you need to succeed. Produced in conjunction with the valiant speakers coming to you at ADMA Data Day in Sydney on the 27th April and Melbourne on the 29th April where more secrets will be revealed
Forget your feelings: How to actually quantify your buyer personas - SaaSFest...Price Intelligently
As an industry we've been talking about buyer personas for over a decade, yet few of us are actually using them in the proper manner. Instead, we create cute avatars and pretty names to characterize our personas without getting into the nitty gritty of who these people are on a quantified level. In this presentation at Price Intelligently's SaaSFest 2016, Patrick Campbell walks through a step by step process for actually quantifying your buyer personas to accelerate your learnings and growth.
Marketing Measurement Therapy Webcast slides by BECKONAmanda Roberts
The document discusses marketing analytics and the need for marketers to move beyond reporting past performance to using data to drive business decisions in real-time. It presents a marketing analytics maturity model with 5 phases, from disparate reports to integrated, automated reporting to predictive modeling. Most marketers are stuck in the first 2 phases of manual, retrospective reporting. The document outlines symptoms of this, and what is needed to advance - a united, real-time data hub integrating all marketing spend, activity and business/brand metrics data sources. This will allow marketers to analyze data and act on insights more quickly instead of just reporting past performance.
Ten years after the term Big Data infiltrated the world of marketing, why is it still complex to embed it in the decision-making process? In this webinar, we delve into exploiting data and analytics in favor of your business.
This document provides an overview of predictive analytics. It discusses how predictive analytics uses data from the past to predict the future, such as forecasting sales or determining what ad to display. It notes that predictive analytics relies on past data, statistical analysis, and assumptions. It outlines some common types of predictive analytics and discusses challenges such as lack of quality data, invalid statistical models, and assumptions becoming outdated over time, such as when key variables change.
This document discusses marketing attribution and how to develop a single customer view. It covers various attribution models and how to determine the best model for a business based on its goals. Key aspects that attribution can provide insight on include customer journeys, device usage, and attributing success across different touchpoints. The importance of privacy in data usage is also addressed. Developing a single customer view through attribution allows for more personalized experiences and data-driven marketing decisions.
Dan McGaw and Puja Ramani presented on unlocking the value of usage data. They discussed how user analytics can help businesses better understand customer behavior by analyzing data from website visits, apps, billing systems and more. They outlined a four pillar approach to making user analytics actionable: identifying key stakeholders, setting objectives, developing a strategy, and using the right technology. Realizing ROI from user analytics involves blending data sources for new insights, scoring customer health, having a unified view of customers, automating tasks based on usage patterns, and consistently managing customer relationships. Companies have seen reductions in churn rates and increases in renewal and upsell rates by taking action based on insights from user analytics.
Presentation #1: Mark Gustafson, Founder of 900 Kings, Marketing Manager for Strala - Dominate Paid Search Results with Amazon's Help
Mark Gustafson, Founder of 900 Kings and Marketing Manager for Strala, spoke to us on how to deal with Amazons paid ads in SERPs. Other than being obsessed with digital marketing and sharing his knowledge across r/PPC, OnlineGeniuses or #PPCchat, he loves hiking, pickleball, and eating exquisite food.
Presentation #2: Gil Hong, Director of Paid Media, NextLeft - Competitive PPC Intel. and Tools
Next, we were able to hear from Gil Hong, who visited us from San Diego, California. Gil is the Director Paid Media at NextLeft. Gil is a very experienced marketer, who has helped countless businesses, including Fortune 15 companies, get the best out of their digital marketing. Mark also shares his knowledge through speaking to other professionals at marketing conferences and helping on #PPCchat.
View the full recap here:
How do you make sense of content? By focusing on the research before the creation. Content creation is not a strategy. Creating a content strategy should be a data driven exercise robust in data.
The document outlines a 5-step process for defining a digital content strategy: 1) Conduct keyword and competitive research, 2) Analyze content needs and gaps, 3) Take inventory of existing content, 4) Create new content tailored to different user need states, 5) Promote content through outreach to target audiences. It emphasizes doing thorough keyword and competitive research, analyzing user needs beyond just informational content, considering different content types beyond blog posts, and promoting content individually rather than through automation. The overall process is presented as a way to develop a solid strategic foundation and framework for creating and promoting useful digital content.
The Art & Science of Standing Out in a Saturated MarketOptimizely
At a time when its easier and cheaper to start a business, standing out in the sea of competition has never been more difficult. So, what can you do to differentiate? Apart from the products you sell, the customer experience you provide is a major lever to distinguish your brand.
View these slides to learn:
- How to leverage data to discover your brands differentiators
- Methods for promoting your brands unique value proposition
- Strategies for putting customers at the center of the experience
How GetNinjas uses data to make smarter product decisionsBernardo Srulzon
GetNinjas is a platform that connects customers needing services with professional service providers. Business intelligence plays a key role in optimizing the customer experience by measuring metrics at each step of the customer lifecycle. GetNinjas implemented Snowplow, an open source product analytics platform, to gain more granular insights from their data compared to limitations of Google Analytics. They structure their data team within cross-functional squads and aim to empower other teams to create and validate hypotheses for smarter decision making.
Monetizing Social Media: Social Media as the Vehicle... not the DestinationChase Sagum
The document discusses monetizing social media through four key opportunities: brand development, social proof, media buying, and SEO. It provides examples of how pursuing these opportunities can provide high ROI through increased sales, improved conversion rates, and decreased marketing costs over time. The document emphasizes focusing on authentic engagement, automation, analytics, and small wins to successfully monetize social media efforts.
The document summarizes an online marketing meetup event held in Manchester on June 12, 2019. It provides details on the event agenda, hosts, and speakers. The agenda included presentations on delivering data-driven marketing within a global organization by Pierre Hun, smashing presentations with PowerPoint hacks by Liz Booth, managing freelance resources by Jonny Swindlehurst, and using PPC to drive store visits by Alex Hogan. The event concluded with a networking session over pizza and refreshments.
The Vital Metrics Every Sales Team Should Be MeasuringChartio
The document discusses key metrics that sales teams should measure and how to leverage data insights. It recommends establishing leading and lagging metrics, developing a theory based on buyer personas, interviewing top performers, and adjusting metrics over time based on business changes. Common metrics include activities, connections, meetings, opportunities, pipeline, and revenue. Data insights should be actionable and accessible to decision makers to allow adjustments in real time.
How Companies Turn Data Into Business ValueJamie Hribal
This document discusses how businesses can capture, combine, and turn data into actionable insights. It summarizes Umbric Data Services, a company that provides data solutions to help businesses harness data to improve strategies, operations, and revenue. The document outlines common misconceptions about big data, how to ask the right questions to examine customer value, and ways companies are using data analytics, including to find new customers, increase retention, improve service, manage marketing, and track social media.
7 ways small businesses can use data to boost their business growthAtheethBelagode
Data For Business Growth
Hello all. In this article, I will be explaining to you all about how small businesses can use data to boost their business growth. I hope to give you a lot of insights and get all your queries solved.
Analytics and data play an important role in all businesses. I have never been a fan of metrics since childhood and always loved reading subjects that did not involve numbers. However, with time as I got into marketing and advertising, I realized the importance that data and analysis hold in every aspect of our lives.
CUSTOMER CENTRIC ENTERPRISE - Big Data Part 1. Aligning IT and MarketingPetri Pekkarinen
Big Data is key for building corporate culture placing customer at the center of processes and strategy.
But its not easy.
This presentations is first part in a serious of presentations covering big data benefits for marketing from management, storage and software perspective.
This document discusses the use of big data across several industries, including BFSI (banking, financial services, and insurance), healthcare, retail, energy, education, manufacturing, ecommerce, technology, and telecom. For each industry, it describes how big data is used for applications such as customer segmentation, risk analysis, fraud detection, predictive maintenance, personalized marketing, demand forecasting, and more. Overall, the document outlines how big data analytics provides benefits to many industries by generating insights from large and diverse data sources.
Jonathan Kay - How to launch your product and build buzz for your businessRamenCamp
Jonathan Kay, Cofounder of mobile app marketplace, Apptopia, shares his learnings from building Apptopia including getting TechCrunch coverage *before* he launched a website.
This document discusses branding, marketing, and public relations. It emphasizes that branding comes from both what you say as well as what you do, and is influenced by what you believe and how you are perceived. Marketing involves determining your audience, message, and method of communication. Public relations helps with marketing efforts.
This document provides steps for early sales for a new product or startup:
1. The founder needs to sell their own product as nobody knows it better. Early sales provide validation, market fit, pricing information and revenue.
2. Set up tools like Salesforce, Google Apps, and Grasshopper to track customers and sales. Build credibility on your website by featuring your team and validation.
3. Seed the market by building an email list during pre-availability and using a beta program to generate buzz. Offer free or discounted early access.
4. Exhibit at events to network, refine your pitch with practice, and set up meetings. Do research beforehand to engage effectively.
This document provides guidance on starting a food-related startup business. It discusses validating business ideas, translating ideas into business and sales models, and targeting needs rather than wants. It emphasizes solving problems in large, established markets and finding scalable models, especially those leveraging technology. Customer interviews, team culture, and making timely decisions are also addressed. The overall message is to focus on feasibility and growth potential over competition.
Noah Kagan started AppSumo in 2011 as a way to promote and sell discounted digital products and services to entrepreneurs on a limited-time basis. It has grown significantly over the years from initially operating out of Kagan's one-bedroom apartment to now employing over 30 people and generating millions in annual revenue. AppSumo focuses on curating quality deals for entrepreneurs and small business owners while maintaining an informal culture that values learning and growth.
The document contains the agenda for a bootstrapping conference including sessions on building a company for less than the cost of ramen noodles, validating ideas and business models, bootstrapping sales, marketing, legal issues, customer development, and a fireside chat with the CEO of FitnessKeeper. Speakers include Noah Kagan, Seth Lieberman, Glenn Gaudet, Caroline Beaulieu, Nick Warren, Paul Sweeney, Hiten Shah, and Jason Jacobs.
This document provides a summary of common legal pitfalls for startups presented by Paul Sweeney, a corporate lawyer. It warns against waiting too long to form a business entity, failing to establish clear relationships among co-founders regarding control, equity, and succession, and casually distributing equity without proper documentation. It also notes the importance of protecting intellectual property, avoiding violations of agreements with former employers, and using reverse vesting for founders' shares.
David Hauser - Culture: Entrepreneurs Can Change the WorldRamenCamp
The document discusses the importance of culture and core values for building a great company as an entrepreneur. It notes that the entrepreneur has started 5+ ventures over 8 years in business, currently employs 50 people, and has served over 100,000 other entrepreneurs. The entrepreneur emphasizes that an organization's culture and core values that transcend products or services are most important, and that authenticity is more valuable than "selling".
Fan Bi - No Budget for PR? How we got half a million visitors with no marketi...RamenCamp
The document discusses strategies for gaining website traffic and press coverage with no marketing budget. It recommends focusing on launch traffic, researching influential publications and blogs, analyzing site analytics, regularly releasing new content, targeting niche publications, and leveraging influencers. The key is gaining early traction through launch traffic, then maintaining momentum by continuously optimizing efforts.
Elizabeth Yin - Start it Up: Cheap and free tools to build your companyRamenCamp
This document provides an overview of 10 free or freemium online tools that can help build a web business on a budget. The tools allow entrepreneurs to conduct customer interviews via Skype, test landing pages with Unbounce, tweak messaging with FiveSecondTest, streamline visitor interactions with ClickTest, create forms with Google Forms, understand customer wants with Google Custom Search, set up smoke tests with Fake Buttons, track web analytics with Google Analytics, watch visitor interactions with ClickTale, and poll customers with KISSinsights. The presentation also provides contact information for the company LaunchBit, which helps new entrepreneurs launch their ideas.
Chris Savage: Bootstrapping Sales: Getting those first customersRamenCamp
Chris Savage provides advice for bootstrapping sales at early stage startups. He recommends talking to potential customers to build real relationships, finding the right audience segment to target, and testing different pricing strategies. Savage also stresses the importance of focusing marketing efforts and targeting customers that understand the value of buying from startups.
Seth Lieberman - Customer Development: Targeting the right verticalRamenCamp
This document provides tips for selecting a market and ensuring success. It recommends starting with defined, growing markets that have money and real problems. Rules include not forcing entry into a market and conducting customer interviews to understand problems, goals, and satisfaction. Tools like Salesforce, LinkedIn and Twitter can help with organization, information and social aspects. Measurement is also important for testing initial market hypotheses.
David Hauser - Entrepreneurs Can Change The WorldRamenCamp
The document discusses the importance of culture and core values for entrepreneurs. It notes that the entrepreneur has started 5+ ventures, has been in their current business for 8 years, and has 50 employees. The entrepreneur believes that culture is the building block of a great company and that core values, which are never changing guiding principles that transcend products or services, are more important than aspirations or rules. Authenticity is more important than selling and entrepreneurs stand out from the crowd by not joining it.
2. @Patticus
Provide you a quick, analytical process to approach
pricing and sales in the early stages of a business.
Tuesday, June 11, 13
3. @Patticus
Key Milestones:
May 2012: Founded in Boston
Nov. 2012: 50+ Customers
International Expansion to UK, Canada & Australia
Jan. 2013: Expanded Team to 7
April 2013: Completed Over 100,000 Pricing Strategies
May 2013: $1M Run Rate
CEO/Co-Founder: Patrick Campbell
Technologist/Co-Founder: Christopher ODonnell
Technologist/Co-Founder: Aaron White
About Us
Tuesday, June 11, 13
4. @Patticus
"The Price Intelligently team removed the guesswork from our pricing
strategy, providing us with hard data from real people that 鍖t our personas.
Pricing is something we have to get right; our business depends on it.Thanks
to Price Intelligently's work, I sleep better at night."
CEO - Help Scout
The more data that you have available to make decisions, the better those
decisions are. The fact that Price Intelligently was able to compile a panel of
respondents that matched our target personas and collect more
information than we ever could have. Price Intelligently helped us quickly
understand the perceived customer value of our product and its individual
features, which was data that we couldnt get anywhere else.
Senior Director of Product Management
"We were incredibly pleased with Price Intelligently process and results. I
would recommend them to anyone who wants real data on the value
customers and prospective customers place on your products, services, and
even features.We will de鍖nitely be making changes to our pricing based on
their work."
CEO - Wistia
"To me, pricing is the one area that I believe
marketers need to consider 鍖rst and foremost.
Price Intelligently makes the product pricing
process painless and remarkably powerful with
its extraordinary 鍖ndings and in-depth analysis."
CMO - SmartBear Software
Whos been talking about us?
Tuesday, June 11, 13
5. @Patticus
The Importance of Pricing
Value Metric
Pricing (getting the number)
Your 鍖rst sale(s)!
Our Agenda
Tuesday, June 11, 13
14. @Patticus
A value metric is what you charge for, and should:
1. align to your customers needs.
2. grow with your customer.
3. be easy to understand.
Value Metric
Tuesday, June 11, 13
26. @Patticus
...Hustle is shoe leather and elbow grease
and sweat and missing lunch...Hustle is the
sheer joy of winning. Hustle is heaven if
you're a hustler; hustle is hell if you're not.
Tuesday, June 11, 13
29. @Patticus
Main Takeaway #4
Set up a scalable funnel as if youll have 30 sales folks
tomorrow.Then, just 鍖ll in the pieces with the right people.
Tuesday, June 11, 13