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Printed by: Amy M Decelle May 1, 2015 3:20:45 PM
Title: Concern Parent : CAB Page 1 of 3
12/8/14 8
Concern Parent
From: paul Ramjohn <paulramjohn@yahoo.com>
"c_ramjohn@yahoo.com" <c_ramjohn@yahoo.com>
"ellenrtolson@browardschools.com" <ellenrtolson@browa
"r_r@browardschools.com" <r_r@browardschools.com>
"laurie.r.levinson@browardschools.com" <laurie.r.levinson
"briang.kingsley@browardschools.com" <briang.kingsley
"desmondk.blackburn@browardschools.com" <desmondk
Amy M. Decelle
Dear Members,
It is my hope that this letter finds you all enjoying a beautiful December day. I am reaching out to you, not
as a concerned parent, but as a proud father. My son Jayden Ramjohn has attended private schools for most of his
life. Within those years we were told many negative things about him and his capabilities, which as hands-on
parents we refused to accept. Jayden recently has joined the Broward County Public School System and he is
currently attending Tropical Elementary. His teachers name is Mrs. DeCelle.
I am writing this letter on behalf of a very special human being, one whom my wife and I feel you all must
be made aware of. I am sure that there are many wonderful teachers, all who encompass traits that simply exceed
the expectations of parents, such as myself. Mrs. DeCelle is not only one of those special teachers; she is a leader
among them. She has been working with our family and has been able to maximize Jaydens potential. From the
beginning of the year until now my son is a completely different little person. His confidence, social skills, as well
as his attention span has skyrocketed. Jayden now loves to read and has become a leader himself, a problem solver,
and a very respectable child.
We knew that Jayden's potential would not be limited by a few negative remarks, made by a few poorly
trained teachers. We also knew that many of those teachers simply do not have the adequate training needed to
Printed by: Amy M Decelle May 1, 2015 3:20:45 PM
Title: Concern Parent : CAB Page 2 of 3
work properly with kids who need that extra bit of attention. We wrongly believed that by keeping Jayden in
private schools for those years, that he was getting the best education. Gratefully, Mrs. DeCelle has proved to us
that the quality of a teacher has nothing to do with their paycheck, or by the name of the reputable school, which
employs them. But, it has everything to do with the content of their hearts, and the amount of energy they are
willing to give to each particular student.
Mrs. DeCelle has transformed her students they are all engaged as leaders, they talk about their
assignments, and during her class their are about eight different assignments going on at the same time. You all
have to see it to believe it. Mrs. DeCelle has worked with us as parents; she has given us advice, researched with
us, and taught us valuable lessons in child psychology. What she has done for Jayden in a
few short months, other paid experts couldn't achieve in years. My wife and I have had the pleasure of observing
her classroom environment when we attend our parent's conferences, and we have been able to witness how she
interacts with the students, and mainly how she handles the situations when those students, and at times my son,
perform below their potential. She amazes us each time, and inspires us to be better parents.
When Jayden started his education at Tropical Elementary he was very anti-social, he had very poor time
management skills, and he found it difficult to make eye contact. Now, Jayden is one of the most amazing
children you will meet. Mrs. DeCelle believes in her students and believes in their parents just the same. Jayden is
excelling daily, and this once anti-social kid now has many friends, he is completing assignments, makes perfect
eye contact, and he is a successful confident student with the potential to be at the top of his class. Mrs.
DeCelle has been able to bring the light out in Jayden, and he is shining. As a matter of fact, it is because of
her that we have discovered that he may even be gifted. When others have misjudged him, and thought the
worst, one teacher did not take the easy way out. She studied him as she does with all of her students, and she has
surely made a difference in all of our lives.
This is not only a letter of praise, or a call for recognition. This is a plea for you all to observe
and examine her techniques. Her strategies should be the model for the Broward County School System, especially
for early child development. Just imagine, if every classroom in Broward County had a teacher
like Mrs. DeCelle, this school system would be one of the best in the nation. It's time we invest in our teachers, and
teach them the best ways to invest in our kids. And, this teacher should be training other teachers. May you all have
a beautiful and blessed Holiday Season.
Sincerely proud parents,
Paul and Cynthia Ramjohn
Printed by: Amy M Decelle May 1, 2015 3:20:45 PM
Title: Concern Parent : CAB Page 3 of 3

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paul ramjohn letter

  • 1. Printed by: Amy M Decelle May 1, 2015 3:20:45 PM Title: Concern Parent : CAB Page 1 of 3 12/8/14 8 Concern Parent From: paul Ramjohn <paulramjohn@yahoo.com> Subject: To: Cc: r.r@browardschools.com supt_runcie@browardschools.com "c_ramjohn@yahoo.com" <c_ramjohn@yahoo.com> "ellenrtolson@browardschools.com" <ellenrtolson@browa karen.baptiste@browardschools.com "r_r@browardschools.com" <r_r@browardschools.com> rbartleman@browardschools.com patricia.good@browardschools.com "laurie.r.levinson@browardschools.com" <laurie.r.levinson "briang.kingsley@browardschools.com" <briang.kingsley "desmondk.blackburn@browardschools.com" <desmondk Amy M. Decelle Dear Members, It is my hope that this letter finds you all enjoying a beautiful December day. I am reaching out to you, not as a concerned parent, but as a proud father. My son Jayden Ramjohn has attended private schools for most of his life. Within those years we were told many negative things about him and his capabilities, which as hands-on parents we refused to accept. Jayden recently has joined the Broward County Public School System and he is currently attending Tropical Elementary. His teachers name is Mrs. DeCelle. I am writing this letter on behalf of a very special human being, one whom my wife and I feel you all must be made aware of. I am sure that there are many wonderful teachers, all who encompass traits that simply exceed the expectations of parents, such as myself. Mrs. DeCelle is not only one of those special teachers; she is a leader among them. She has been working with our family and has been able to maximize Jaydens potential. From the beginning of the year until now my son is a completely different little person. His confidence, social skills, as well as his attention span has skyrocketed. Jayden now loves to read and has become a leader himself, a problem solver, and a very respectable child. We knew that Jayden's potential would not be limited by a few negative remarks, made by a few poorly trained teachers. We also knew that many of those teachers simply do not have the adequate training needed to
  • 2. Printed by: Amy M Decelle May 1, 2015 3:20:45 PM Title: Concern Parent : CAB Page 2 of 3 work properly with kids who need that extra bit of attention. We wrongly believed that by keeping Jayden in private schools for those years, that he was getting the best education. Gratefully, Mrs. DeCelle has proved to us that the quality of a teacher has nothing to do with their paycheck, or by the name of the reputable school, which employs them. But, it has everything to do with the content of their hearts, and the amount of energy they are willing to give to each particular student. Mrs. DeCelle has transformed her students they are all engaged as leaders, they talk about their assignments, and during her class their are about eight different assignments going on at the same time. You all have to see it to believe it. Mrs. DeCelle has worked with us as parents; she has given us advice, researched with us, and taught us valuable lessons in child psychology. What she has done for Jayden in a few short months, other paid experts couldn't achieve in years. My wife and I have had the pleasure of observing her classroom environment when we attend our parent's conferences, and we have been able to witness how she interacts with the students, and mainly how she handles the situations when those students, and at times my son, perform below their potential. She amazes us each time, and inspires us to be better parents. When Jayden started his education at Tropical Elementary he was very anti-social, he had very poor time management skills, and he found it difficult to make eye contact. Now, Jayden is one of the most amazing children you will meet. Mrs. DeCelle believes in her students and believes in their parents just the same. Jayden is excelling daily, and this once anti-social kid now has many friends, he is completing assignments, makes perfect eye contact, and he is a successful confident student with the potential to be at the top of his class. Mrs. DeCelle has been able to bring the light out in Jayden, and he is shining. As a matter of fact, it is because of her that we have discovered that he may even be gifted. When others have misjudged him, and thought the worst, one teacher did not take the easy way out. She studied him as she does with all of her students, and she has surely made a difference in all of our lives. This is not only a letter of praise, or a call for recognition. This is a plea for you all to observe and examine her techniques. Her strategies should be the model for the Broward County School System, especially for early child development. Just imagine, if every classroom in Broward County had a teacher like Mrs. DeCelle, this school system would be one of the best in the nation. It's time we invest in our teachers, and teach them the best ways to invest in our kids. And, this teacher should be training other teachers. May you all have a beautiful and blessed Holiday Season. Sincerely proud parents, Paul and Cynthia Ramjohn
  • 3. Printed by: Amy M Decelle May 1, 2015 3:20:45 PM Title: Concern Parent : CAB Page 3 of 3