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Pavel Katunin
+ 7 9626827214
skype: katuninpavel
github: https://github.com/PavelKatunin
Software developer and research professional with five years' experience in a
development position. Successful in complex and non-trivial researches. I
understand the importance of creating highly readable and easily-maintained
source code. I am constantly striving to learn new technologies and look for ways
to improve myself in this rapidly-changing industry. I like to work on complex
tasks that require deep knowledge of objective-c runtime and reverse
engineering, interactions with C++ code.
Technical skills
Languages: Objective-C, C++, Swift, Java
Development software: Xcode, eclipse, Git, TFS
Technologies: Core Data, AFNetworking, RestKit, UIKit, Foundation, Cocoa
Touch, Core Location, Map Kit, Core Audio
Work experience
Senior iOS Developer, Grid Dynamics.
Dates employed: 09/2015  present
Working with voice recognition services, leading a team of iOS Developers.
Interviewing new developers. Driving new projects and skills improvement of
the team. Daily communications with customers from California USA.
iOS Developer, Touchtech Ltd.
Dates employed: 03/2015  09/2015
iOS applications development.
Quiz and learning application for hair stylists.
Developing of application from scratch to release. Also, in this project was
included my other project: Download Button.
- Core Data, storing video files
- Networking
- Quizzes (offline/ online)
- Video player
link: https://itunes.apple.com/nz/app/hito-vue/id1024853613?mt=8
iOS Developer, Kaspersky lab.
Dates employed: 03/2013  06/2015
Kaspersky Fraud Prevention SDK.
This was a really interesting project. The project was a source of non-trivial tasks
such as:
- creating a virtual keyboard that can be used with UIWebView and text
- self-defense technologies, that require reverse engineering skills,
knowledge of objective-c runtime and mach-o files structure
- working on C++code and development complex build system
- researching of Clang source code
technologies: Objective-C, C++, Xcode, UIKit, Open SSL, Foundation, GCD
link: http://media.kaspersky.com/pdf/kaspersky-fraud-prevention-sdk.pdf
Kaspersky Safe Kids
- UI development
- Map Kit and location services integration
- C++ internal components development and integration
- Data model development and architecting
technologies: Objective-c, C++, Core Data, Xcode, UIKit, Map Kit
link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kaspersky-safe-kids/id922437078
Kaspersky Safe Browser.
This project required using UIWebView, and writing Objective-C  JavaScript
interactions source code, for hooking some browsers events. Working with open
SSL, using multithreading.
technologies: Objective-C, C++, Xcode, UIKit, Open SSL, Foundation, GCD
link: https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/kaspersky-safe-browser/id723879672
there are two another projects that are not in the production stage yet.
Personal projects.
Download button.
This is a cocoa pod component. An App Store style control for presenting
downloading operation.
Link: https://github.com/PavelKatunin/DownloadButton
Cannot provide names of the following projects because of NDA.
Secure messenger:
Working over XMPP C++ library and secure messenger.
Development of Architecture, UI, Models, Fixing C++ lib.
Objective-C selectors obfuscator
Creating a tool over Clang frontend. Patching Mach-o files. Founder and driver of
the project.
iOS Developer, MobileUp inc.
Dates employed: 03/2012  02/2013
Koles kz.
This is a client application for web site Kolesa.kz, the app used to be on the top of
Kazakhstans Appstore. The project required a lot of network interactions with
Rest API and storing data with Core Data framework.
Technologies: Objective-C, Core Data, AFNetworking, UIKit, Foundation
link: https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/kolesa.kz/id563291345
MTS Locator.
There were a lot of bugs in the legacy code of the project, so I would fix them.
Also, I transferred project from one map tiles source to another.
Technologies: Objective-C, MapKit, Core Location, UIKit, Foundation
link: https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/mts-lokator/id467069500
Kinder Surprise.
This is just a typical advertising application, which required some networking
and working with camera API.
Technologies: Objective-C, UIKit, Foundation
link: https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/kinder-surpriz.-mir-
iOS Developer, Mercury Development Russia LLC.
Date employed: 09/2011  02/2012
Mobile reception of Samara administration.
An application for submitting suggestions about improvements for the city
environment to reception of Samara administration. Supports sending of text
and voice messages with locations.
Technologies: Objective-C, UIKit, Foundation, Core Location, Cocoa Touch, Core
link: https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/mobil-naa-priemnaa-
This was my first commercial project for iOS, I developed some parts of UI and
some network operations.
Technologies: Objective-C, UIKit, Foundation, Cocoa Touch
link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/aisle411-shopping-
Java junior developer. Universal Billing System.
Date employed: 09/2010  05/2011
Developed Java backend for the Universal Billing System.
Technologies: Java, Hibernate, AndroMDA, Spring, JavaEE
2007  2012 Togliatty State University, Institute of Mathematics, Physics and
Information Technologies, mathematician-programmer.
2012  2014 Togliatty State University, Masters degree, Mathematics and
Computer Science.
All publications written in Russian.
Adiabatic quantum computations
link: http://window.edu.ru/resource/481/79481/files/science-confenence.pdf
Objective-C blocks and C++ lambdas
link: http://habrahabr.ru/post/204356/
TED talks translations

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Pavel Katunin Resume032016

  • 1. Pavel Katunin wk.katunin@gmail.com + 7 9626827214 skype: katuninpavel github: https://github.com/PavelKatunin Summary Software developer and research professional with five years' experience in a development position. Successful in complex and non-trivial researches. I understand the importance of creating highly readable and easily-maintained source code. I am constantly striving to learn new technologies and look for ways to improve myself in this rapidly-changing industry. I like to work on complex tasks that require deep knowledge of objective-c runtime and reverse engineering, interactions with C++ code. Technical skills Languages: Objective-C, C++, Swift, Java Development software: Xcode, eclipse, Git, TFS Technologies: Core Data, AFNetworking, RestKit, UIKit, Foundation, Cocoa Touch, Core Location, Map Kit, Core Audio Work experience Senior iOS Developer, Grid Dynamics. Dates employed: 09/2015 present Working with voice recognition services, leading a team of iOS Developers. Interviewing new developers. Driving new projects and skills improvement of the team. Daily communications with customers from California USA. iOS Developer, Touchtech Ltd. Dates employed: 03/2015 09/2015 iOS applications development. Project: HITO Vue Quiz and learning application for hair stylists. Developing of application from scratch to release. Also, in this project was included my other project: Download Button. - Core Data, storing video files - Networking - Quizzes (offline/ online) - Video player link: https://itunes.apple.com/nz/app/hito-vue/id1024853613?mt=8 iOS Developer, Kaspersky lab. Dates employed: 03/2013 06/2015 Projects:
  • 2. Kaspersky Fraud Prevention SDK. This was a really interesting project. The project was a source of non-trivial tasks such as: - creating a virtual keyboard that can be used with UIWebView and text inputs - self-defense technologies, that require reverse engineering skills, knowledge of objective-c runtime and mach-o files structure - working on C++code and development complex build system - researching of Clang source code technologies: Objective-C, C++, Xcode, UIKit, Open SSL, Foundation, GCD link: http://media.kaspersky.com/pdf/kaspersky-fraud-prevention-sdk.pdf Kaspersky Safe Kids - UI development - Map Kit and location services integration - C++ internal components development and integration - Data model development and architecting technologies: Objective-c, C++, Core Data, Xcode, UIKit, Map Kit link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kaspersky-safe-kids/id922437078 Kaspersky Safe Browser. This project required using UIWebView, and writing Objective-C JavaScript interactions source code, for hooking some browsers events. Working with open SSL, using multithreading. technologies: Objective-C, C++, Xcode, UIKit, Open SSL, Foundation, GCD link: https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/kaspersky-safe-browser/id723879672 there are two another projects that are not in the production stage yet. Personal projects. Download button. This is a cocoa pod component. An App Store style control for presenting downloading operation. Link: https://github.com/PavelKatunin/DownloadButton Cannot provide names of the following projects because of NDA. Secure messenger: Working over XMPP C++ library and secure messenger. Development of Architecture, UI, Models, Fixing C++ lib. Objective-C selectors obfuscator Creating a tool over Clang frontend. Patching Mach-o files. Founder and driver of the project.
  • 3. iOS Developer, MobileUp inc. Dates employed: 03/2012 02/2013 Projects: Koles kz. This is a client application for web site Kolesa.kz, the app used to be on the top of Kazakhstans Appstore. The project required a lot of network interactions with Rest API and storing data with Core Data framework. Technologies: Objective-C, Core Data, AFNetworking, UIKit, Foundation link: https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/kolesa.kz/id563291345 MTS Locator. There were a lot of bugs in the legacy code of the project, so I would fix them. Also, I transferred project from one map tiles source to another. Technologies: Objective-C, MapKit, Core Location, UIKit, Foundation link: https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/mts-lokator/id467069500 Kinder Surprise. This is just a typical advertising application, which required some networking and working with camera API. Technologies: Objective-C, UIKit, Foundation link: https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/kinder-surpriz.-mir- igrusek./id575942792 iOS Developer, Mercury Development Russia LLC. Date employed: 09/2011 02/2012 Projects: Mobile reception of Samara administration. An application for submitting suggestions about improvements for the city environment to reception of Samara administration. Supports sending of text and voice messages with locations. Technologies: Objective-C, UIKit, Foundation, Core Location, Cocoa Touch, Core Audio link: https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/mobil-naa-priemnaa- administracii/id514884262 Aisle411. This was my first commercial project for iOS, I developed some parts of UI and some network operations. Technologies: Objective-C, UIKit, Foundation, Cocoa Touch link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/aisle411-shopping- companion/id394218369 Java junior developer. Universal Billing System. Date employed: 09/2010 05/2011
  • 4. Developed Java backend for the Universal Billing System. Technologies: Java, Hibernate, AndroMDA, Spring, JavaEE Education 2007 2012 Togliatty State University, Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technologies, mathematician-programmer. 2012 2014 Togliatty State University, Masters degree, Mathematics and Computer Science. Publications All publications written in Russian. Adiabatic quantum computations link: http://window.edu.ru/resource/481/79481/files/science-confenence.pdf Objective-C blocks and C++ lambdas link: http://habrahabr.ru/post/204356/ Voluntary TED talks translations