This document discusses ideas and how to take ideas from start to finish in two parts. It shares three of the presenter's favorite ideas and provides seven recommendations for how to develop an idea. It discusses recognizing patterns, sharing ideas to get feedback, and leveraging algorithms and third parties to improve products in areas like advertising, job searching, news delivery, and dating. It advocates opening up platforms and algorithms to third party development.
- The document discusses concurrent and parallel programming in Haskell, including the use of threads, MVars, and software transactional memory (STM).
- STM provides atomic execution of blocks of code, allowing failed transactions to automatically retry without race conditions or data corruption.
- Strategies can be used to evaluate expressions in parallel using different evaluation models like head normal form or weak head normal form.
- While functional programs may seem to have inherent parallelism, in practice extracting parallelism can be difficult due to data dependencies and irregular patterns of computation.
Blogs and Web 2.0 tools to open student teachers' eportfoliosGemma Tur
Blogs and Web 2.0 tools to open student teachers’ eportfolios: student teachers’ perceptions on eportfolio openness
Paper presented at
ePortfolio and Identity Conference
Situation Analysis Real Groovy Compatible[1]elysep
Real Groovy is a music and retail store known for its extensive selection. However, it faces threats from digital downloads and competition from large retailers. To adapt, Real Groovy is expanding into new areas like e-commerce and ticket sales to differentiate itself. This strategic change is crucial for the continued growth of the company.
Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Fairfield, Iowa has achieved unprecedented academic, athletic, and artistic successes over the past 20 years. Students score in the top 1% nationally on standardized tests and over 95% are accepted to four-year colleges. The school holds numerous state records and national championships in academics, arts, athletics and more. Studies show students who practice the Transcendental Meditation technique twice daily lower blood pressure and stress levels. The school aims to develop student invincibility through perfect health, ideal social behavior, world peace, and total creative potential.
A Do-It-Yourself Guide toMultichannel Consumer ExperiencesFrom DIY to DIWT (D...Critical Mass
This document provides an agenda for a do-it-yourself guide to multichannel consumer experiences. It discusses the evolution of digital channels and consumer journeys. It then outlines several approaches for Moen to engage consumers through digital channels, including creating instructional videos, virtual design tools, mobile access to product information, and enabling consumer reviews and social sharing. It concludes with lessons around understanding how a brand can add value across the consumer purchase process and channels.
Objetos de aprendizagem do ‘desenho’ ao ‘mercado’... uma trajeto?ria UFPE
O documento discute a trajetória dos objetos de aprendizagem, desde seu desenvolvimento inicial como ferramentas educacionais até sua comercializa??o atual. Ele descreve como os objetos de aprendizagem evoluíram de simples materiais educacionais para ferramentas mais sofisticadas projetadas com base em princípios de design, usabilidade e análise de tarefas. O documento também discute como os objetos de aprendizagem s?o compartilhados e disponibilizados em repositórios online de acesso aberto.
The document recounts a boy's experience falling in love with the 1964 Philadelphia Phillies baseball team as a 7-year-old. It describes how the Phillies got off to a strong start and held a sizable lead late in the season, only to collapse down the stretch and miss the World Series, deeply disappointing the boy. Though the Phillies would not succeed again for over a decade, the memories of that 1964 season have stayed with the boy into adulthood.
This document discusses ideas and how to take ideas from start to finish in two parts. It shares three of the presenter's favorite ideas and provides seven recommendations for how to develop an idea. It discusses recognizing patterns, sharing ideas to get feedback, and leveraging algorithms and third parties to improve products in areas like advertising, job searching, news delivery, and dating. It advocates opening up platforms and algorithms to third party development.
- The document discusses concurrent and parallel programming in Haskell, including the use of threads, MVars, and software transactional memory (STM).
- STM provides atomic execution of blocks of code, allowing failed transactions to automatically retry without race conditions or data corruption.
- Strategies can be used to evaluate expressions in parallel using different evaluation models like head normal form or weak head normal form.
- While functional programs may seem to have inherent parallelism, in practice extracting parallelism can be difficult due to data dependencies and irregular patterns of computation.
Blogs and Web 2.0 tools to open student teachers' eportfoliosGemma Tur
Blogs and Web 2.0 tools to open student teachers’ eportfolios: student teachers’ perceptions on eportfolio openness
Paper presented at
ePortfolio and Identity Conference
Situation Analysis Real Groovy Compatible[1]elysep
Real Groovy is a music and retail store known for its extensive selection. However, it faces threats from digital downloads and competition from large retailers. To adapt, Real Groovy is expanding into new areas like e-commerce and ticket sales to differentiate itself. This strategic change is crucial for the continued growth of the company.
Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Fairfield, Iowa has achieved unprecedented academic, athletic, and artistic successes over the past 20 years. Students score in the top 1% nationally on standardized tests and over 95% are accepted to four-year colleges. The school holds numerous state records and national championships in academics, arts, athletics and more. Studies show students who practice the Transcendental Meditation technique twice daily lower blood pressure and stress levels. The school aims to develop student invincibility through perfect health, ideal social behavior, world peace, and total creative potential.
A Do-It-Yourself Guide toMultichannel Consumer ExperiencesFrom DIY to DIWT (D...Critical Mass
This document provides an agenda for a do-it-yourself guide to multichannel consumer experiences. It discusses the evolution of digital channels and consumer journeys. It then outlines several approaches for Moen to engage consumers through digital channels, including creating instructional videos, virtual design tools, mobile access to product information, and enabling consumer reviews and social sharing. It concludes with lessons around understanding how a brand can add value across the consumer purchase process and channels.
Objetos de aprendizagem do ‘desenho’ ao ‘mercado’... uma trajeto?ria UFPE
O documento discute a trajetória dos objetos de aprendizagem, desde seu desenvolvimento inicial como ferramentas educacionais até sua comercializa??o atual. Ele descreve como os objetos de aprendizagem evoluíram de simples materiais educacionais para ferramentas mais sofisticadas projetadas com base em princípios de design, usabilidade e análise de tarefas. O documento também discute como os objetos de aprendizagem s?o compartilhados e disponibilizados em repositórios online de acesso aberto.
The document recounts a boy's experience falling in love with the 1964 Philadelphia Phillies baseball team as a 7-year-old. It describes how the Phillies got off to a strong start and held a sizable lead late in the season, only to collapse down the stretch and miss the World Series, deeply disappointing the boy. Though the Phillies would not succeed again for over a decade, the memories of that 1964 season have stayed with the boy into adulthood.
6. Polska Cyfrowa Równych Szans
? To najwi?ksze przedsi?wzi?cie dotycz?ce
edukacji cyfrowej Polaków 50+ w historii Polski.
? To oddolna inicjatywa, która ma na celu
wspieranie dzia?ań na rzecz podnoszenia
kompetencji cyfrowych doros?ych Polaków w ich
lokalnych ?rodowiskach.
? Realizatorami projektu s?:
– Ministerstwo Administracji i Cyfryzacji,
– Stowarzyszenie "Miasta w Internecie".
Ewa Bia?ek, 6
7. Latarnicy Polski Cyfrowej
? Dlaczego Latarnicy?
Przyj?to metafor? latarni morskich i opiekuj?cych si?
nimi latarników:
?Tak, jak ka?dy ?eglarz powinien potrafi?
korzysta? z sygna?ów latarni morskiej,
tak ka?dy Polak powinien potrafi? korzysta? z Internetu,
sprz?tu komputerowego, telefonów komórkowych
oraz innych urz?dzeń cyfrowych.”
? Latarnik to animator spo?eczny, z nowymi
kompetencjami, dziedzicz?cy pozytywne elementy
dzia?ań z przesz?o?ci spo?ecznej i historii
lokalnej, dzia?aj?cy na rzecz w??czenia doros?ych w
cyfrowy ?wiat.
Ewa Bia?ek, 7