Otwarty dostp do treci publicznych i problemy z tym zwizaneKOED
Prezentacja Tomasza Ganicza (Stowarzyszenie Wikimedia Polska) z konferencji "Otwarta edukacja w Polsce", zorganizowanej 23 kwietnia 2009 roku w Sejmie RP przez Koalicj Otwartej Edukacji (KOED).
Prezentacja do wystpienia Barbary Szczepaskiej (Hogan Lovells) na trzecim og坦lnopolskim kongressie bibliotek publicznych "Biblioteka z wizj", 11-12 pa添dziernika 2012 r
Consciousness-Based education offers students enlightenment through the Transcendental Meditation technique, which enlivens total brain functioning. It connects all areas of knowledge to the unified field of Total Knowledge, leading to higher states of consciousness. Regular practice of TM develops total creative potential and leads to invincibility for students through improved health, social behavior, and academics, and invincibility for nations through reduced conflict and crime. Groups practicing advanced TM techniques like Yogic Flying can generate world peace and invincibility.
The document discusses Scheduly, an online appointment scheduling tool created by Oren Tivony and Clirity Co. in February 2007. Scheduly allows users to easily schedule appointments, track appointments from their own calendar, and increase revenue by reaching new clients. It is a free service that integrates with a user's website through a widget to make their availability always up to date. The tool helps manage busy schedules and obligations in today's fast-paced society.
Lopes presented results from their 2007 conference call. Key highlights included geographic expansion through acquisitions and projects in 9 new states. Contracted sales totaled R$5.2 billion, up 83% from 2006. Net revenues reached R$57 million in 4Q07, up 114% from 4Q06. Adjusted EBITDA for 4Q07 was R$27.9 million, up 111% from 4Q06. Management will propose a dividend of R$35 million, equal to 70% of distributable net income. Lopes and Ita炭 also agreed to a joint venture focused on real estate financing.
This document provides an overview and analysis of a poll conducted in June 2008 on voter opinions and attitudes regarding the 2008 US presidential election between Barack Obama and John McCain. Some key findings from the poll include: Obama has a slight lead over McCain nationally; support for Obama is driven by a desire for change from President Bush, while McCain's support comes from his experience in foreign policy; the economy is the top issue but voters see the candidates as tied on handling it.
This document summarizes a lecture about quaternions and how to represent them in Haskell using algebraic data types and type classes. It introduces quaternions, defines a Quaternion data type, and shows how to use data constructors to create and pattern match quaternion values. It also discusses type classes like Eq and Show that allow quaternions to be compared and printed by making Quaternion an instance of these classes. Finally, it provides homework problems about working with points and angles in 2D space.
The document discusses credibility-based branding and how it can increase sales. It outlines 8 essential criteria for logos to be credibility-based, including symbolizing the business, communicating trustworthiness, and consistency in application. Credibility-based branding applies these principles across all marketing communication to create a consistent system that persuades customers and has a financial return.
This document describes a pistol offense formation called "Pistol/Empty/Double Tight" consisting of a split end, flanker split out 10 yards from the tight end, and two tight ends in 3 1/2 foot splits from each tackle. The quarterback lines up in shotgun 3 1/2 yards behind the center, with an H-back 4 yards behind either tackle depending on the motion call. The tailback and fullback come out and are substituted by the H-back and split end. It also mentions a "Pistol 'H' shuffle Pass" play from this formation.
This document provides an introduction to blogging. It defines what a blog is, discusses different types of blogs, and explains why blogging is important both personally and for business purposes. Specifically, it notes that blogging allows for self-expression, keeps people writing and literate, helps businesses build their brand and relate to consumers, and provides a way for businesses to get feedback from comments. The document also outlines some key considerations for businesses before starting a company blog, such as determining what value or lessons they can offer readers and whether the blog will function as a marketing tool.
1. The document discusses techniques and coaching points for a "Flow Screen" play, including how to sell the play fake, block assignments for each position, and installation procedures.
2. It provides terminology for the play and illustrations of block assignments. Installation is broken into phases, starting with air drills and progressing to bag drills with live blocking.
3. Coaching points emphasize creating flow to one side of the defense before throwing back behind a wall of blockers, with the goal of separating defenders and creating running lanes for the ball carrier.
The document provides an introduction and table of contents for a collection of short stories and essays titled "Best of Pothi.com". It includes the title, author and a brief description of 10 works in the collection that cover a variety of genres including fiction, children's stories, and self-help. The collection also includes an essay on self-publishing and the Indian book market.
Orb24 is a secure digital portal that allows users to create a personalized Cyber Home to manage, store, and back up all personal and business media in one centralized location. It aims to provide an intuitive information management system and allows artists to easily convert, upload, and share digital copies of their work for publication or with friends and family. Orb24 helps filmmakers back up and share their work digitally in the web 2.0 era.
This document discusses the concept of transhumanism and explores ways in which human identity and the self are distributed and extended beyond the physical body. It argues that cognition and understanding are networked and depend on relationships with both human and non-human actors. The boundaries between self and other, as well as internal and external, are blurred across time and space. Technological changes should thus be understood as social, not just personal, transformations.
1) Whrrl is a social media application that allows users to share stories consisting of photos, text, and location information. Stories can be collaborative with multiple contributors.
2) The document discusses why users should use Whrrl, including its novel approach of storytelling rather than just sharing photos and updates. Stories are seen as more powerful and durable than individual posts.
3) Instructions are provided on how to get started with Whrrl by creating an account on their website or downloading the iPhone app. Tutorials on the website provide guidance on using Whrrl's various features.
Consciousness-Based education offers students enlightenment through the Transcendental Meditation technique, which enlivens total brain functioning. It connects all areas of knowledge to the unified field of Total Knowledge, leading to higher states of consciousness. Regular practice of TM develops total creative potential and leads to invincibility for students through improved health, social behavior, and academics, and invincibility for nations through reduced conflict and crime. Groups practicing advanced TM techniques like Yogic Flying can generate world peace and invincibility.
The document discusses Scheduly, an online appointment scheduling tool created by Oren Tivony and Clirity Co. in February 2007. Scheduly allows users to easily schedule appointments, track appointments from their own calendar, and increase revenue by reaching new clients. It is a free service that integrates with a user's website through a widget to make their availability always up to date. The tool helps manage busy schedules and obligations in today's fast-paced society.
Lopes presented results from their 2007 conference call. Key highlights included geographic expansion through acquisitions and projects in 9 new states. Contracted sales totaled R$5.2 billion, up 83% from 2006. Net revenues reached R$57 million in 4Q07, up 114% from 4Q06. Adjusted EBITDA for 4Q07 was R$27.9 million, up 111% from 4Q06. Management will propose a dividend of R$35 million, equal to 70% of distributable net income. Lopes and Ita炭 also agreed to a joint venture focused on real estate financing.
This document provides an overview and analysis of a poll conducted in June 2008 on voter opinions and attitudes regarding the 2008 US presidential election between Barack Obama and John McCain. Some key findings from the poll include: Obama has a slight lead over McCain nationally; support for Obama is driven by a desire for change from President Bush, while McCain's support comes from his experience in foreign policy; the economy is the top issue but voters see the candidates as tied on handling it.
This document summarizes a lecture about quaternions and how to represent them in Haskell using algebraic data types and type classes. It introduces quaternions, defines a Quaternion data type, and shows how to use data constructors to create and pattern match quaternion values. It also discusses type classes like Eq and Show that allow quaternions to be compared and printed by making Quaternion an instance of these classes. Finally, it provides homework problems about working with points and angles in 2D space.
The document discusses credibility-based branding and how it can increase sales. It outlines 8 essential criteria for logos to be credibility-based, including symbolizing the business, communicating trustworthiness, and consistency in application. Credibility-based branding applies these principles across all marketing communication to create a consistent system that persuades customers and has a financial return.
This document describes a pistol offense formation called "Pistol/Empty/Double Tight" consisting of a split end, flanker split out 10 yards from the tight end, and two tight ends in 3 1/2 foot splits from each tackle. The quarterback lines up in shotgun 3 1/2 yards behind the center, with an H-back 4 yards behind either tackle depending on the motion call. The tailback and fullback come out and are substituted by the H-back and split end. It also mentions a "Pistol 'H' shuffle Pass" play from this formation.
This document provides an introduction to blogging. It defines what a blog is, discusses different types of blogs, and explains why blogging is important both personally and for business purposes. Specifically, it notes that blogging allows for self-expression, keeps people writing and literate, helps businesses build their brand and relate to consumers, and provides a way for businesses to get feedback from comments. The document also outlines some key considerations for businesses before starting a company blog, such as determining what value or lessons they can offer readers and whether the blog will function as a marketing tool.
1. The document discusses techniques and coaching points for a "Flow Screen" play, including how to sell the play fake, block assignments for each position, and installation procedures.
2. It provides terminology for the play and illustrations of block assignments. Installation is broken into phases, starting with air drills and progressing to bag drills with live blocking.
3. Coaching points emphasize creating flow to one side of the defense before throwing back behind a wall of blockers, with the goal of separating defenders and creating running lanes for the ball carrier.
The document provides an introduction and table of contents for a collection of short stories and essays titled "Best of Pothi.com". It includes the title, author and a brief description of 10 works in the collection that cover a variety of genres including fiction, children's stories, and self-help. The collection also includes an essay on self-publishing and the Indian book market.
Orb24 is a secure digital portal that allows users to create a personalized Cyber Home to manage, store, and back up all personal and business media in one centralized location. It aims to provide an intuitive information management system and allows artists to easily convert, upload, and share digital copies of their work for publication or with friends and family. Orb24 helps filmmakers back up and share their work digitally in the web 2.0 era.
This document discusses the concept of transhumanism and explores ways in which human identity and the self are distributed and extended beyond the physical body. It argues that cognition and understanding are networked and depend on relationships with both human and non-human actors. The boundaries between self and other, as well as internal and external, are blurred across time and space. Technological changes should thus be understood as social, not just personal, transformations.
1) Whrrl is a social media application that allows users to share stories consisting of photos, text, and location information. Stories can be collaborative with multiple contributors.
2) The document discusses why users should use Whrrl, including its novel approach of storytelling rather than just sharing photos and updates. Stories are seen as more powerful and durable than individual posts.
3) Instructions are provided on how to get started with Whrrl by creating an account on their website or downloading the iPhone app. Tutorials on the website provide guidance on using Whrrl's various features.
Repozytoria dziedzinowe jako narzdzia komunikacji naukowejpantarheih20
Dominik Purchaa
Repozytoria dziedzinowe jako narzdzia komunikacji naukowej. Prezentacja Otwartego Repozytorium Nauk Historycznych Lectorium
Prezentacja do wystpienia wygoszonego podczas sympozjum Panta Rhei Historia 2.0 w dniu 17 wrzenia 2014 w ramach XIX Powszechnego Zjazdu Historyk坦w Polskich, kt坦ry odby si w Szczecinie.
Opublikowano za zgod referenta.
All of us prepare many educational and promotional materials. We share our work and experience with others but rarely we do it in a way that can guarantee that those materials will be accessible, easy and safe to re-use for other educators or to general public. This is why its good to know how open licensing models work and how to use and publish with Creative Commons licenses for our common good. The webinar about CC licensing aims at bringing together basic knowledge about open copyright models with an experience of how easy and useful it is to use CC in higher education.
Cze druga prezentacji towarzyszcej warsztatowi na temat planowania i organizacji remontu oraz prac budowlanych zwizanych z budynkami bibliotek i ich otoczeniem. Warsztat zosta przeprowadzony podczas kongresu Biblioteka: wicej ni甜 mylisz! (13-14 pa添dziernika 2011).
Prezentacja towarzyszca warsztatowi "Sztuka ksztatowania przestrzeni w bibliotece", kt坦ry Dariusz miechowski poprowadzi w czasie pierwszego Og坦lnopolskiego Kongresu Bibliotek Publicznych w 2010 roku.
Celem warsztatu byo przedstawienie dowiadcze i perspektyw prowadzonego wsp坦lnie przez Fundacj Rozwoju Spoeczestwa Informacyjnego i Oddzia Warszawski Stowarzyszenia Architekt坦w Polskich SARP projektu dotyczcego architektury bibliotek.
2. Cele szkolenia
Nabycie wiedzy dotyczcej wiadomego i skutecznego
posugiwania si rodkami i narzdziami TIK.
Rozwijanie kompetencji informatycznych poprzez
poznawanie nowych narzdzi (program坦w) do
tworzenia prezentacji multimedialnych oraz zdobycie
umiejtnoci ich praktycznego wykorzystania.
Rozwijanie kreatywnoci, tworzenie oryginalnych dzie
w celu ich p坦添niejszego prezentowania i publikowania
w internecie.
3. Program szkolenia
Prawo autorskie, licencje Creative Commons,
dostpno w internecie - standard WCAG 2.0.
Udostpnianie prezentacji multimedialnych w
Microsoft Power Point:
wstawianie i formatowanie tekst坦w,
wstawianie obiekt坦w graficznych, tabel, film坦w, d添wik坦w,
stosowanie szablon坦w, modyfikacja wzorca,
formatowanie obiekt坦w - ustawienie akcji, animacja,
przygotowanie pokazu slajd坦w,
drukowanie dokument坦w: slajd坦w, konspektu, materia坦w
4. Prezentacja, czyli
Obrazy (zdjcia)
Clipart - grafika
QR Code
6. Podstawowe akty prawne
(dziaania w internecie)
Prawo autorskie
Ustawa z dnia 4 lutego 1994r. o prawie autorskim i prawach
pokrewnych (Dz. U. z 2006 r. Nr 90, poz. 631 z p坦添n. zm.)
Ochrona danych osobowych
Ustawa z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997r. o ochronie danych
osobowych (Dz.U. 1997 nr 133 poz. 883 z p坦添n. zm.)
Dostosowanie (do 30 maja 2015r.) serwis坦w do potrzeb
obywateli niepenosprawnych zgodnie ze standardem
WCAG 2.0
Ustawa z dnia 17 lutego 2005 r. o informatyzacji dziaalnoci
podmiot坦w realizujcych zadania publiczne
Rozporzdzenie Rady Ministr坦w w sprawie Krajowych Ram
Interoperacyjnoci () z 12 kwietnia 2012r.
8. Autorskie prawa osobiste
chroni nieograniczon w czasie
i nie podlegajc zrzeczeniu si
lub zbyciu wi添 tw坦rcy z
Autorskie prawa majtkowe
wyczne prawo do
korzystania z utworu i
rozporzdzania nim na
wszystkich polach eksploatacji
oraz do wynagrodzenia za
korzystanie z utworu
gasn z upywem lat
siedemdziesiciu od mierci
tw坦rcy jeli autorskie prawa
majtkowe przysuguj innej
osobie ni甜 tw坦rca
siedemdziesit lat od
Prawa osobiste i majtkowe
10. Przedmiot prawa autorskiego
Nie stanowi przedmiotu prawa autorskiego:
urzdowe dokumenty, materiay, znaki i symbole,
akty normatywne lub ich urzdowe projekty,
proste informacje prasowe,
elementy utwor坦w pozbawione charakteru tw坦rczego, np.
typowe tabele, rysunki, zestawienia pozbawione oryginalnej
utwory wystawione w publicznie dostpnych zbiorach, takich
jak muzea, galerie lecz tylko w wydawnictwach publikowanych
dla promocji tych utwor坦w, a tak甜e w sprawozdaniach o
aktualnych wydarzeniach w prasie i telewizji (w granicach
uzasadnionych celem informacji).
11. Instytucje naukowe i owiatowe mog korzysta z ju甜
rozpowszechnionych utwor坦w w celach dydaktycznych i do
prowadzenia wasnych bada.
Biblioteki, archiwa i szkoy w ramach dozwolonego u甜ytku
publicznego - nieodpatnie udostpnia egzemplarze
rozpowszechnionych, chronionych utwor坦w. Maj prawo
wykonywa r坦wnie甜 kopie egzemplarzy utwor坦w ju甜
rozpowszechnionych, jeli celem jest uzupenienie czy
ochrona wasnych zbior坦w.
Muzea i galerie maj prawo do rozpowszechniania fotografii,
reprodukcji obiekt坦w w ramach katalog坦w czy publikacji
(folder坦w, ulotek, plakat坦w) promocyjnych oraz w mediach w
celach informacyjnych.
Dozwolony u甜ytek publiczny
12. Cytat musi by rozpoznawalny.
Cytat musi by wyra添nie oznaczony co do autorstwa i 添r坦da,
i to w ka甜dym przypadku, w kt坦rym si pojawia.
Zamieszczenie cytatu musi by uzasadnione celem ma
su甜y wyjanianiu lub nauczaniu, krytycznej analizie lub
prawom gatunku tw坦rczoci.
Cytat peni funkcj pomocnicz ma su甜y uzupenieniu i
wzbogaceniu dziea, nie mo甜e go natomiast zastpowa, ani
tworzy jego zasadniczej konstrukcji.
Nie jest jednoznacznie okrelona dopuszczalna wielko
cytatu. Musi on jednak pozostawa w takiej relacji do caoci
dziea, aby przy realizowanych przez cytat celach
zachowana bya pomocnicza rola cytatu.
Prawo cytatu
13. Dostpno online nie oznacza
dostpnoci prawnej
14. Udostpnienie tw坦rczoci na wolnych licencjach
oznacza, 甜e ka甜dy ma prawo j wykorzystywa,
poprawia, dostosowywa, powiela, rozprowadza za
darmo lub za opat, oraz upowszechnia swoje
udoskonalenia, aby moga z nich korzysta caa
Wolna licencja to rodzaj umowy, kt坦r autor utworu,
waciciel praw autorskich, zawiera z ca reszt
ludzkoci. W ramach tej umowy tw坦rca pozostaje
wacicielem praw autorskich ale jednoczenie, jako ich
waciciel, pod pewnymi, stosunkowo atwymi do
speniania warunkami, zezwala wszystkim na:
Czym s wolne licencje?
15. Creative Commons oferuje licencje, kt坦re pozwalaj
tw坦rcom zachowa wasne prawa i jednoczenie dzieli
si swoj tw坦rczoci z innymi.
Cel: stworzenie alternatywy w ramach istniejcego
systemu prawa autorskiego, kt坦ry ogranicza mo甜liwo
tworzenia i korzystania z d坦br kultury.
Licencje Creative Commons dziaaj na zasadzie
pewne prawa zastrze甜one granice dozwolonego
u甜ytku s szersze i wyra添niejsze ni甜 te wytyczone na
zasadzie wszelkie prawa zastrze甜one.
Creative Commons
16. Creative Commons
Uznanie autorstwa
(ang. Attribution)
Wolno kopiowa, rozprowadza,
przedstawia i wykonywa objty
prawem autorskim utw坦r oraz
opracowane na jego podstawie
utwory zale甜ne pod warunkiem,
甜e zostanie przywoane nazwisko
autora pierwowzoru.
U甜ycie niekomercyjne
(ang. Noncommercial)
Wolno kopiowa, rozprowadza,
przedstawia i wykonywa objty
prawem autorskim utw坦r oraz
opracowane na jego podstawie
utwory zale甜ne jedynie dla cel坦w
Na tych samych warunkach
(ang. Share Alike)
Wolno rozprowadza utwory
zale甜ne jedynie na licencji
identycznej do tej, na jakiej
udostpniono utw坦r oryginalny.
Bez utwor坦w zale甜nych
(ang. No derivative works)
Wolno kopiowa, rozprowadza,
przedstawia i wykonywa utw坦r
jedynie w jego oryginalnej
postaci tworzenie utwor坦w
zale甜nych nie jest dozwolone.
19. Zasady dostpnoci
Dla kogo?
Osoby z dysfunkcj wzroku
Osoby z dysfunkcj suchu
Osoby niepenosprawne
Osoby starsze
tekst zrozumiay,
czytelny, kontrastowy,
wyr坦wnany do lewej
odpowiedniki tekstowe
(tekst alternatywny) dla
WCAG 2.0
22. Czym si kierowa?
z identyfikacj wizualn
dla kogo?
w jakim celu?
23. Czego unika?
Du甜a ilo tekstu na stronie, bez podziau na akapity.
Zbyt du甜o:
typ坦w czcionek, w tym szeryfowe (Times New Roman),
element坦w graficznych niezwizanych z treci,
Tekst z bdami:
brak polskich znak坦w,
bdy ortograficzne, gramatyczne,
spacje wstawiane przed (brak po) znakami przestankowymi.
24. Typy prezentacji
Coachingowe/prezentacja firmy, produktu
zdanie, cytat wsp坦grajcy z grafik (zdjcie, grafika
wektorowa, clipart).
Prelekcja/wykad du甜y rozmiar czcionki (min 18- 20
pkt), listy wypunktowane, kr坦tkie teksty, r坦wnowa甜niki
zda, dane w postaci infografiki, grafika jako
uzupenienie treci.
Informacyjne/publikacje, broszury du甜a ilo
informacji, peniejsze opisy w tym dane liczbowe,
grafika uzupeniajca tre, dopuszcza si czcionk o
mniejszym rozmiarze.
26. Zapisywanie prezentacji
R坦甜ne wersje pakietu Ms Office
Wybrane typy plik坦w
ppt (97-2003), pptx,
pps (97-2003), ppsx
jpg, gif, png
27. Udostpnianie prezentacji
Przygotowanie do udostpniania:
Miejsca publikowania:
Issuu, 際際滷share, Scribd, Youtube
wasna strona www, blog
Miejsca udostpniania:
media spoecznociowe (np. FB)
wasna strona www, blog