In the research and planning stages, the document's author used Blogger to organize their work online and YouTube to research other artists' music videos. During production of the music video, they used DSLR cameras to capture high quality footage and an iPod Touch to view shot lists on location. For post-production, they used Premiere Elements to edit clips and sync the video to music, and Photoshop to design promotional materials like posters and CD covers.
In the research and planning stages, the document's author used Blogger to organize their work online and YouTube to research other artists' music videos. During production of the music video, they used DSLR cameras to capture high quality footage and an iPod Touch to view shot lists on location. For post-production, they used Premiere Elements to edit clips and sync the video to music, and Photoshop to design promotional materials like posters and CD covers.
This document compares original images to color graded versions of the same images. The original images are labeled "Original" while the color adjusted versions are labeled "Colour Graded". The document contains 6 pairs of images where the original is shown alongside a color graded version for comparison purposes.
Secondary research showed that male audiences were more interested in superhero films like Spiderman and Batman, receiving over 100,000 more votes and rating the films higher. However, female audiences still showed substantial interest and rated the films positively as well.
Primary research through questionnaires found that younger people under age 20 enjoyed and could name more superhero films they had seen, while older audiences only listed one or two. This suggests a younger target audience would enjoy a new superhero film more.
Considering this information and traits of typical superhero film audiences, the researchers concluded the target audience for their new superhero film product would be both male and female from ages up to mid-20s/early-30s, as
Intro to strategic forecasting by stephen shellman presentationStephen Shellman
Strategic forecasting refers to predicting future scenarios using quantitative analysis, judgment, and game theory. Forecasting should inform effective plans rather than plans dictating forecasts, as seen when weather forecasts are used to adapt family picnic plans rather than ignore forecasts. The author, Stephen Shellman, heads a research laboratory studying political conflict and terrorism, serving clients like the Department of Defense.
The document describes the steps taken to create a Digi Pak cover in Photoshop. It involved adding a radial gradient background, blending lightning and fire textures using filters and brushes. An image was cut out using the magnetic lasso tool and converted to black and white to blend into the background. Text was added in grey color along with a logo, and links to online profiles were included.
The document describes the steps taken to create a Digi Pak cover in Photoshop. It involves using the magnetic lasso tool to cut out images, feathering edges, converting images to black and white, creating layered text using red and black layers and merging parts with the rubber tool, adding cut out logos, and combining it all to complete the cover.
This document contains a list of 124 shots planned for a music video. It describes each shot number, the shot type (close-up, mid-shot, long shot, etc.), any camera movements (pan, tilt, track, etc.), and usually which band member or prop would be the subject of the shot. The variety of shots includes different angles, compositions, focal lengths, subjects, and camera movements to capture the performance from multiple perspectives.
Secondary research showed that male audiences were more interested in superhero films like Spiderman and Batman, receiving over 100,000 more votes and rating the films higher. However, female audiences still showed substantial interest and rated the films positively as well.
Primary research through questionnaires found that younger people under age 20 enjoyed and could name more superhero films they had seen, while older audiences only listed one or two. This suggests a younger target audience would enjoy a new superhero film more.
Considering this information and traits of the genre's typical audiences, the proposed product seems aimed at a wide audience of both genders up to their mid-20s or early 30s, as this age group is already fans of the
This film questionnaire asks respondents for their gender and age group, and asks questions to gauge what superhero films they have enjoyed in the past, what would appeal to them in a new superhero film, what characteristics they want the superhero to have, whether they prefer a male or female lead character, what super powers they want the character to have, and what they would like to see in an opening scene of the film - action or introduction of characters.
The document introduces three women - Scarlett, Autumn, and Flo - who each receive mysterious texts summoning them to meet at their usual place. Scarlett and Autumn walk through a park to the meeting spot, uneasy about what's to come. Flo demonstrates her power to instantly fill an empty glass of water. When the three women meet, they are annoyed and unwilling to talk, stuck in the past. Flo pushes them to make amends and "fix what happened", wanting to reunite their former notorious group.
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